PC 1965-1966-2082i ... ~.~~ ;~
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RESOLUTION N0. `'~~~+ Series 1965-c~r';
WHEREAS, the Clty PlAnninR Commiasion of the City ot Anaheim dld recelve e verifled Petition for Condltional
Use Permit from RICHARD 0'NEILI,, R%6 5outh Harbor Boulevard. Anaheim. Cal ii'orni,a, Owner; DEZ~ G„
A~ SALN~SS, GUU Soutf~i Harboi~ Boulevard, Anaheim, Callfor;iia, Agent of cel~ iii, re~,l propei.l.y
sltualed iri the City of Anaheirn, County oP Orange, State ~~f C,~) zf'ornl~, ~iescrib~~cl ~~s t.f~~~t porkinn
of Lot 9, ~~f a repJ.at of kf;e "Orchard Park Tr~act", as shown on <i !~~~ip thereof'~ rec~rded iri book "~
page E~ of hliscell~neous Maps, records of s~,id Orange Cour~ty. Beyinninc~ ,;t t1-,e nort.hwest c:nrner of
sairi Lot 9, satd point neinq in the monurr~ented cent:er line of P,~1in 5treet, and rtir~r~iri~ tf~eni;e
eas~.crly alor q thca norLl~~c~rly 1lne of said lot. 179,7~) feet; thr~nce ,outherly par~llel with said
~tntrr lin~ oF Palm Street, 12U Feet; thence Westerly parallel wiY.t~ said norLherly line~ 1'79.7:;
feet. r.o said center ]ine; thence nc~rtherly alonq said center line 1?~ feet to thc~ poini of ber~-
innine,. FXCEFT t.herefroui th.r: North 6G feet; ALSO EXCEPT that. portion ]yinc~ witf~in P,~lr~ Str~et un
~ he 6"Jes t..
; end
W1iEFEAS, the Clty Flanning Commission did hold c~ public liearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on
June 20~ 1~~6(.,, et 2~00 o'clock P,M., nattce of sald public hearing having been duly given as required by
lew and in accordance with the proyleions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 1$.64, to hear and cansider evidence
for and ageinst seid proposed condltionnl use and ta investigate and meke findings and rer,ommendations in connection
therewith; and
IVHEREAS, said CommissIon, after du~ lnspectlon, investigntion, And study madi* by itself and in its behalf,
and after due considecation of all evidence and reports offered et said hearing, does find and determine the following f~cts:
1. Thet the proposed use is prape~ly one for which a CondItior.al Use Pe~mit is authorized by this Code, to wit:
to perrnit the eslablishment of a~hysician's office in an ex:stinn residt~ntial stru~ture t~~ith
waiver ofs ~
SECTION 1~i.3~.U50 1-a - minirrn~m 2U,000 square foot site area
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SECIIOV 1~a38,050 6 - six foot masonry wall where C-0 Zone abuts
upon any residential zone
?... That under the authority of Code: Secticn 1R.64.070, v,ai.ver of the minin,u;r ?O,c~00
square Foot site area is hereby nranted.
3. That the request for avaiver oF the six foot masonry wall adjacent to tf~e east property
line :s hereby denied un the basis that a physical barrier is considered necessary between
ccn;rnerci al ar~d residential uses.
n. That the propesed use u~ill not adversely affect the adioininra l~nd uses ar.d the gro~,vth
and development of t},e area in which it is proposed to be located,
5. That the size and shape of the site ~,roposed for the use is adequa±e t.o al.low the full
development oF the proposed use in a ~;~anner not detrimental to the particulaz• area nor to the
peace, health, safety, and general ~~elfaie of the Citizens o:' the City of Anaheir-~.
6. That the grantiny of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any,
~ill not be detrimental to the pe~ce, health, safety, and genera] weltare of the Citizens of the
City of Ananeiin.
7. That one person appeared in conditional opposition ±c~ subiect peti:ion.
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~JOW, TliF:EtFI=ORE, L~E 1'1' R F50LV~D l h~_~ t t.he An~~lie i ~~~ C i t P1 <inn i u~~ Cnicr.i i ss i~~ ! es f,c~rek>y
~)r'~u~t <~•uL,.it'cf Pelit~iori f~r ~:nn~litir~r~nl Use F'~i~mf~ty iiF,nn Ih~ f~vl;owin~~ ~on~iilii>~~s :•~'il~.h ;.ir4 lic~r~.~by
f'~,t,n~) l" be ~~~ ner,ess,~r~~ prar~~~~:~uislte t~~ tt~~e E~r~~~,oceil use of t_~~E~ sub_lect properf~, iii ~.,r~ier ~r,
~.~reserve the safE~t,y ,3nd qenaral 4velf~~re r>f ll~e Citizen~ of the Cil~- ~~f An~~hc~l~~t
1. Th:,f f hir~ c~~,vrier of' sub ject prr~pert~, sh~711 deed to t}i~ City of Anahe.i•- ~:! ri >~,i
','ee! in wic~t.f~, fr~.7~n t.l~e cenler l ine of t.he stre~t, alor~c~ Harl,nr B~~~ilev~,rcl, i~~cl,, ,;i;,~ ,,~ I`~-:.~,>t`~ ~l`.>
t•r i iu s c•orneT• return, I'c~r street Wid~.~n~nq purposE~;,
:`. Th,~t Llie owiier ol' subject. pr.operLy shall provicle 1~:~ th~~ Cit~• or' An,,I,.N'. ~,;, irrev~,cable
;~r'f~ar ~~f' cleciir,.~t.i~:~n for a st.rlp of ]and ~0 Peet in ~ti~i~itf~~, beinr.7 1!ie weslrrly '~'U :'e?1 ~,f lf;e e~~ster-
1y .~~ fac~t, for alley ~.)UT~O$@5,
:~4 Th,~l al l?y irnF,rovement. ~~l ~~ns shal l be F)TN~,~~TNC~ and ~+11 ei~~a inc~ering rc {u` i e~:;enLs ~,f the
C:ity of An~~hei~~~ for the el.ley, such ~~s pavin9, gutter ~~nd ~~ra~iinq or oth~r app~n ;e~n,:;.t. work shall
bN ~c,n;pl~~le~.i as re~~uired by ,'.~~ City Fngineer ~nd in accorc.-lanr..e tvitn st,~;~dard ;,I,~r-,s ancl sE,ecific~l.-
ions nn f i le in the of('ice of Che Cit:y En~~ineert and t.h~~l a~ond ;n ar~ au;ount ,~~~~_i I.,7~~;: s,~t is~actory
t~ li;~ City ~~f Anal~eim, sh~~li b~ posted with Lhe City t.o quai•ant.ce t.he install~~ti~~,~ of s;;i~~~
~~r+~iir,ee7 irici r~~quireinents.
. T~;,~t. ~he vehicul~~r access rlghts, t~~ HarU~r Boule~~ar~i sh~~ll be dcdic~~~~~~~i ~~ 1.h~~ Cit~~ ~l'
A~~,;I~e i ~n.
`~. Th;~f. Conciitior~ ~Jos. 1, ;?, 3, arid ~1, ~~bove ment.]oned. sf~~ll be con;F,l;~~~~ ~ti~;th F,i•ioi• Lo f1~e
!. i~ne t.f~,~t t i~e Sui lclincr PF~rn~i t is is~ueci or wi thin a period ;:~;' 1}?~1 ~i~ys t ror., <ia+e ,.c~rrn; .;,,rf~ici~e,.,~r.
-.>c;curs f ir:~f., or suc:h f't.irther li;ne as t.he Corur,is~ ion or City Cai.~nc i.l r•~;,y r~ran' .
6. That trash s!or~~~~c~ areas shall be provideci in accorci,~~nr.e with ~~F,F:~rc,ve~i pl,~ns r~n fi]e
4vit:l~i t.he of£ice of the D_ir~cior fn Public Works.
7. That any air conditi~?r~irc~ P~cilities prorosed shall be E.~r~?pei•ly shielrieci fron. ~~i~~w Fror
a~u}tinc~ street.s, ~
t~. That this Concfitional Use Pereii t,s nranted subject ?o tl~e c~_;r,~:E~let ion ~~f Recl~~ssif icat_-
ion ~~lo. 1~~~-6r:-63.
~?. That subject propci•ty sh~ll be developed sub~~f~ntialiy in arcordance ~rrif.}~ plc,r~s an~i
spe~:if;cal.ir,ns on file tivith the ~'ty u;' Anahein~, r:arF:ed Ex!;ik~il :;~~s. 1. ;:, a~~ci ;
JU. That. a C~-foot: i;iasonry wal ], as rneasurecl t ron~~ t.he h i~ahe, t f! n isheci rarade 1 ~ave i of' subjer t~
~T d~Uf:~_lflQ propert'ies, whi~::hever is the h:c~f~esl. s}~all be r:.n.r~s~r~,r.ted alc>nq t.}~,e east ~,roper`y linF,
e;:cE~~t it shall be r~du~~ed to 30 inrhes w.}ierc~ ~~but.'. ir.a the froni set.b~cE; aT•ea oE lf~~c~ pr-,perty to
the east.
11~ Tr~iat a 3-foo~t la~~~~iscapzd str~~r,~ planteci witf~~ i~,rees, shall be pr~,vic.'ec' ii•:r.;~~~iiatei~~ ~~rest
of i:he require~l i'~-fon~ ;:;~sonry ~,vall a.~~nq tne east propert~,~ line.
l:'. Tf~~at Cc~nditio~; iJos. 6, 7~ 1U~ ar~d 11, above r~:eniioned, si.all be co;~,;F~l~ie~.i r;iti~ pr'.~or t~~
final buil~Jinq ins~ect~ion.
iF{C FOREGOI.idG RESOLUTIOI~ i~ siqned and approved by n,e t; is 3U;f; ~i~y oi Jw~ ,--1-~6~~
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COU~~IT`! OF ORAfvGE ) Ss.
I, Ann Krebs~ Secretary of `he City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheir~„ do hereby
C@I't1Py that the foregoing resoluti-~n ~.vas passed and adopteci ar: a;~eetinq of t}~e City Plannir.q
Comrnission ot t}ie City of AnahPim, held on June ~Q, 1966, at 2:00 0'clock F.h?., by the followinn
vo~e of the me~nbers tt~ereof:
AYES: COh1h;ISSIO~ERS: Alired, C~?;p, Gauer, Herbst, l~lungall, Parry, Rowland.
IU WITIvESS VJHEREGF, I have hei•eunto set r~y hand this 30th day of June, 196~.
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Res.tJo. 20~i2