PC 1965-1966-2088RESOLUTION N0, ',?UR~~, Ser i es 196`~--6G A RESQLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE C1TY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0, 17y~~ eB GRAN'CE~ I ~~ ~ _, ~I ~ ~ ; : i ~ .al~t WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission of thn City of Anahelm did receive a veritled Petltion Ear VAriance (rom PARK VILf.AGE HOMES, Box 3236, Anaheim, Californla, uwners; FREDRICKS pEVELOPti1ENT COh1FAl~Y, 524 West Cornrnonwealth, Fullerton, California, Agent oF certain re~l property siluated in ti~e Cit.y of Anaheim, County oF Orange, State of Cal~fornia, desGribed as Parcel 1. Lots 94 throtigh 1G:~ oE' Tract No. 277~-,~ as per map recorded in boak 120 pa9es 32 to 34 inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps, in the ofCire of lhe county recorder oti said ceunty~ Parcel ~. A portion of the southwest quarter of the southeast_ quarter of section 1?., township n south, ran9e 11 west, in Ran~:ho Los Coyotes, a~ per ,nap recorded in B~,ok 51, paqF 11 of Miscellaneous Mans ir the office of the County Recorder. Reginn:ng at a polnl on the north line of the south boundary of tract 2775, 330.00 feFt east. of the center line of Dale Street, thence South 0°12'15" E, 320.66 feet; thence N~~9°40'43" E, ~~3n,~3 feet; thence N 0°1:3'03" ~'V~ ;3^U„hE~ feet to Lhe south boundary of tract 2775, thence sout;hwesl. alon~ the Soutl~ bound~ir~ of t;ract ;'77r, to the point of beginning ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion did hold e public heAring nt the City Hall in the City of Anaf~elm on June 20, 19G6, At 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said publlc hearing heving been duly given as required by law end in eccorciance with the provisions of the An~heim Municipal Code, Chepter 18,68, to hec~r and consider evidence tor and egainst said proposed varience and to investtgate and make Eindings and recommendettons in connectton therewith; a~d WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due ~nspection, investigation, and study mede by itsplE end in its behalE, end efter due consideretion of all evidence end teports otferUd as said hevring, does Eind end detertnine the fol~owing facts: 1. That the petitioner roquests a veriance from the Anaheim Munir,ipel Code: tc~ establish a t~vo-story ,3part- rnent developrnents SECTION 1f;o2f~~050(5-b) whicf; requires one-story r,~nSfTUCf i0~1 within 1`~0 f'eet of a sinc3le fam.ily zone to perrrit two-story construction on the nosthwest purkicn of Parcel No. 1. SECfION 1~ti~2~.U50(6-~a-.'i) which requires a landscaped building setback of 15 feet on a lor,al street (~ feet proE~osed for a portion of two buildings c~n a cul-de-sac.) S~G?ION 1r~o2R.050 6-b-1) which governs the distance bet.ween rrain buildinqs 6-~b-2 (~? feet required - 20 :eet proF~osed); and distance between main and accessory b~~ilding (1R, 20, and 21 feet required - 10 feet proposed), ~ECTION 1ge2~.050(9-b) which requires that every living t~nit be located within ~00 feet of a standard street ~20 units located farther thar. ?00 feet from a standard street). 2. That t~:ere are ex.ceptior~al or extraordinary circuilistances or conditions applicable to the ~ro~erty involved or to the intended use of the property tha` do not eNpl~ c~enerally to the property or class of use in tf~e same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessary for ±he preservation and enjoyrnent ef a substantial pro~erty right possessed by other pr•operty in thP s~~me vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in yuestion. 4. That t'r~e requested variance will not be materially detrimentui to the public v:elfare or injuriot~s to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 5. That the development p]ans ~ndicate a building setback of 25 feet on the proposed local street, and the encroachment at one point would constitute only a~ninor deviation. o. That only a corner uf the two story 3partment. construction woul~ be within 135 feet of the one single family dwelli;,y, and this two story construction would be bordered by a 4-unit single story apartrient building. 7. That one person appeared representing R persons present in the Co~mcil Cha~nber~ and ~~ne letter was receivecl in opposition. _1_ ~ i~ , { .=- ~;a~' ;, ~ ,~ i I ~ J ,.. 1 ; I ~ ~~ , ..~ . ~ w ~X' ~ ,/ `~ R ~~~~ :,';. ~,:1'i~ ' ,~.;:.. :~A ;:;: ~; ,.;; ~7. .i NOW, THERErORE, HE 1T :cSQLVED thqt the An~heim City Planning Commlesion doea hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Varlanco, upon the tollow~ng condltioe. which ere hereby found to be a neceaeary protequlslte to the pro• poaed uae of the eubJact property in order to proserve the ~afety ond ~eneral welface oE the Citizena ot the Clty of Aneheim. 1, That tfris variance is granted sub,ject to tl~e completion of Reciassif ication No~ 65-6G-117. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance w;th approved plans an file ~vith the office of the Directo: of Public Works. 3. That fire hydrants ahall be installed as required and deter.mined to be neressary by the Chief of the Fire Dpeartment. 4. That Condition Nos. ~ 3nd 3, above mentioned, s}~all be cornplied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. 5. ihat sub~ect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sig~ed and epproved by me this 30th day of June, 1966. 'f / '"/ , l -L-~.. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C:TY PLAN NG COMMISSION ATTEST; P~~ !'M SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, , Secretary of the C~ty Planning Commisaion of the City of Annheim, do hereby certify thet the fore- going resolution was passed end edopted et a meeting of the ~Ity Planning Commisaion of the Ctty of Anaheim, held on June 20, 1966 ~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oE the membera thertof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Herb^t, Mungall, Perry, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Gauer. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ~amp. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand ~this 3Gth day of June, 1966. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NQ. 208~ V2-G _2_ r . ~~.r%w: ,P•-~'~.~w~ f n