PC 66-102RESOLUTTOt~~ fJO~ PC66-1Q2 A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLAIJI~ING COh1A4ISS?OiJ OF T:iE CITY OF P.;~Ai!PIhS RECOt~1MEPiDING TO THE CITY COUtJCIL Ofi 7'HE CITY CF AIJAHFIA1 'I'1iAI' PETITION FOR RECLA:iSIFICATI01~' IJO~ 06-67-?~, ESTF~LISHI^;G A R:SOLUT101d OF I~JTE~lT T~) REC!.A.SSI~Y C~RTr;11J F~R;!0!'; OF LA;~D 1N THF BLUE GUM-OOROIVADO ANh!LXATIOi~I, LOCAT~iJ EAST OF THE RIVFRSIDE FRE~NAY AND tiORTH OF LA PkLhiA AVFNUE FROA1 THE R-A, AGRICULTURAL ZO~~E TO T}3E M-iv LIG}{T INDUSTRIAL ZOI~E, TH~RETO ~ b WHEREAS~ ihe City Planninr Corn;nission o? tf•:e City of Anaheim did iniliate a verified petition f'or reclassification of properties des:ribed.s Lots ; and 4, in B1ocL: 10, and Lots 2, 3, 5y 69 Ry and 9 in Block ii9 of ti~e Golden State Trar_~, in tne City o; A~~aiieim, County of Oranye, State of Californid, ss si~o•~vn on ~ map re~orded in Book 49 pages 66 and 67 of Miscellaneous hiaps, xecords c1 sai;i Couniy. Excep~ing !;;erefrom the IJortherly one- half of Lots 2 ar.d 3 in BlecE: il or -:ai:1 Tracto P.iso exceptirg tiierefrom tho:,a portions of' sa.id lots included within Califcrnia S~a~e Higi:vray, Route ORA 9i (142 `eet wide), .`ormerly known as Route ORA 1'75-R~ Lots i ti:rouyi; 5, inclusive of ti:e Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shcxm on a msp recorded in Beo>: 5~ pages 29 and 30 of t~liscellaneous btaps, records ', of said coun±y, and the norther:y one-hali of Lots ?_ and 3, ir Block 11 of the Go;den State Tra-t, as shown cn a mao recc:ded in Bco}: ~ls eages 66 and 6'i ot said t~tiscell~neous ASaps~ E;ceplin~3 *_herefrom tne ne.therly 20 !'eet included wit}~in Aliraloma Nvenue9 fo:merly kno~vn a~ Anaheirn Ron:i. WHEREAS, tlie City Council o: :he C;t~ oi Anai~eirn did estauiisi; ir.terim zoninq ir. Ordinance No~ 2316, dated August 30, 19b~ ~o: the properties in the Btue G~nn-Coronado Anne~<ation as descri~ed in Ordinance Noo 2309 reccrded Aug~.;~;t. ~~~, 1G~o; and VJNEREAS, tl:e City Piannir.y Corr.in:ssior, ln Resolution !Je„ PC6o-IOQ, d~ted Srpte~nbe~ ~o, i966, did recommend to tt~e Citv Co~.mci: uermanen_ ~unir,g for ti:ose e:op~ttie; in 't~e aro:e• mencioned anne~a~ion; and * WHEREAS, ti~e City Plannina Comrrission did i~ol~ a public i~earing ,-a~ ~fie C:t~y~ iiai? = the City nf Anai~eim en September ?6; 7966v at tl:e `.ou: ci ':•OC 0'clocF: P~h!~, ro,;:~ ~,= s~:~ pub::c hearir.y iiaving been au:y qiven as requi:ed by i~w .~~;d _,. „~_~~19arce ~::i'i~ t~:e r:J':isior.s o£ t~ie Anaheim hiunicipal Code, `o near and consider ev:den~e :or~•nd 3qair,~t said p:opused rec'.assificaticn and to ir,vestigate and mai:e fir,dings and recommE,~d~tions in connectior ti:ere- ~.vi?h• an:l WHEREAS, said Comirissior, aPter due inspectior,, inves;,ioat:on, ar.~ study ;nade by itsel~ ard in its behalf, and aiter ~iue considerat.ion of al] evidence =r,d reports cifered at. said nearing, does .°ind and dete:mine ti:e tiollo~r;ing iacts: la That the R-A, Agricultural, Zone was establ;shed ror sub7ect u;ope:ty on ~:n interim basis for a ma~.;mum perior.: of cne year as requ.re~' by lavr, 2. That subject proparty is pzesent,ly br_=iny u=_?d for an::c•,~?tu: ~; cu:~~,~s~~ ;~;•r, 3. That suo;ect prope:ty is iocated ;n ar. ac•ea }:norm as tha !do:,`,e7;t Indu_;~r~;i Ar?a, and is depicted on !i~e General Plan ior g~ne:al :;~,li:s;:.al ~ievelopr,~ent., 4, That tt~e Plannirg Cornmission deeirs it r,PCess;;ry ±n-:t sul;ect crope~ty pre~;ic.isly recomrienoeo to be established in the R-A, An:icu;t.ural, Zone ie :eclassi*ieu to the M-19 Light Industrial, Zone subject to ti~e compieticr. ;;i' ~:onditic;:s in :: resoluiien o}' intent., wh~cr: ace necessar}~ te insu:e. ::ope: ~ieve;~,on,e;':, a~;;i ~~:o•,,,,~z ptri~lic streets ior circuia;i~n of ~ny industrial ,:~::'ic, 5a That the City of Anaheirn in previous ccnsideraticns ci :nJusr.:ai :ieveiopr.:ent ;n th~ ~doitheast Indust:ia] Area nad established a resolut:on oP intent ;o rezone [o the M-1, Ligfit Industrlal, Zone ce: t~in prope: ties upon the corr:p:etio;;s found necessary for the proper deve:oE-ment and use of undeveioped properties. tJOW, THEREI-UREy BE IT RESOLVED, f!iat ti~e City Pianning Commission of ti;e Cit~~ nf kraheim does hereby recommend to the City Council oF t;~e City cf An~heim tnat Petition for Reclassi- fication Noo 66-67-•25 establishiny a resoluticn of intent ±o :ezone r':orn ti~e R-A, Agricultural, Zone to the M-1, Light Industrial, Zone the previously described p:operties sui~ject tc the followino conditions which a:e hereby found te be a necessary prerequisite to tf;e p=oposed use oF the subject proparty in order to preserve the safet:y and gene:z] wel:'are o: che Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~ S r, -~ Parcel One~ Reclassification to M•i ti~:ith a ceaolution o* intent only to be passed pending comple'tion and finalization cf plans :or ti~e Orange Freeway and t.t:e fo?lowingc ao That dedication sha_? be made to the City of Anaheii*i on all streets ~.vitf:in the area, according te the Ciiculat:on Element o: ilie General Plan~ b. That all engineering requirements e!' !~e Cit/ oi Anaheim, sucii as cu:bsv , 9utte~s, sidewalksy street g_adin~ ar.ci oaving, drair,age facilities, or ott:ez~ , appurtenant work siiall be ;nn;piied ~~riii~, as ~requi~.~e;i by tt~:e C,ty tngineer and in arcordance with stand~r~ pians and suecifications on f:le in t'~e o!'f;ce ot the City Enyineer at the tin~e tne p:oper~y is deveioped. f F ~ c. That a preliminary title reocrt s;:a:! ue :uznis}ied pricr to tt;e adoptic:: of the c:dinance iezor.ing the propFr[y, sno:~riny leqal vestinq of title, legal desc_~iption9 and containing a r.~~p of U~e ~~ {, , : ;•;. :. y. '. d, That all plar.s 'ror deve~opment of ihe property snall he subr.;it'ted ±o and appro/ed by ihe A:chitect~,:al Contro; Corr:n~itcce on ihe uasis oi compatibility of development; bclh structurally and arch:ite::tu:ally~ 2„ Parcel Foui; Rec?assiiication to ~d- ~~.~iti~ a resolut:or~ of in*,er~t, oniy tp LA p~sscci, with zcnina tc be cor.ditioned upon ti~e ioilcr,~ing: a~ That dedications st;a;l be m7de to tt:e City of A;13hE`.m on ali ~treet; •,~.i±i:in the area, according te the Circulation elerr.ent cf the Gene*~1 Pian Hici;v:ay Righr of Way, prior to tt~e adoption oi t~e ordinance rezonira tl;e propertye b„ That all engineerinq °equirerr:ents of the Clty oi Anaheim, suc;: as :urbs, yu?ters, sidewalks9 st:eet graaing and paving, drainaqe ;ecilitiesy or cther aopurtenznt K•ork shali be compliecr with as required by the City Enginee7 ~nd in ~ccordance •Nith ~tar,dard p:ans aud specifications on fi'.e in the office o.•' the City Enpineer at the iime ti~e pi•operty is deve;cped. c. That a preliminary title report shall oe fu:nisF,ed prior to ti~e ~dopt.ion of tt;e ordinance rezoning tne prooerty, s!~:oKina iey~i vesting of title, leua] descriF• tion, and cont3ining a map of the preperty„ ci. That all p;ans *or deveiopment of tne property shall i:e subir:itten to ar~d apnroved by tne Arcnitectural Control Corranittee o~ tne basis o' r_ompatibi;it; o~ develoome,~t~ both structuraily and architectural:y~ 3. Tnat aii site developrnent starniards ~f the ~i-;y Zane, as appiicab:e, si,ali be co•;.- plied ~.vith, in accordance witt, tiie tirie '.in~it.a',.ion establisi~ed ry s~id Zcne. THE fURF~OING RESOLUTION is s,gned ~nci ~pproved ~y n;e tius 6t!~;;;a~~ jOctol,er, : a;6~ -~= ~ ~~'-~--~ ~ ~~~-,_-~'~-- ,G~NAIRMAN AIdAHEIM CITY LA[JP p~ING~CpN,h1ISSI0~~1 .4TTEST: ~L ,,-~ ~ ~'_ =~2~,~" , SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ~MMISSIOIJ STATE OF CALIFURNIk ) ~U~dTY OF ORANGE ) ssa CITY OF ANAHEIN~ ) T, Ann Krebs, Secretary of tiie CiLy Planr.ing Cnmmission of tt,e City of Anaf:eirry do hereby certify tha'~ the :oregoing reso:ution was passed and adopted at a meeting of tl~e City Pianning Commission of tlie Cit}• of Anaheirn, neld on Septeinber ?_6, 19or,, at GtOO G' c~och PoA1„Y by ti~e following vote oP Li~e n~embers thei~eof: A'i'ES COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Faranc, Gauer, Mun9a11, Rowland. Canip, NOES: COMMISSIO(~eRS: None, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Herbsto IN 7JITNESS WHERBJF, I have he:eunto set my hand this 6t}~ day of October, ;966. ~~~~_~ ~t . ScCRETARY ANAHEIM CI'iY PLAfJh'II~!G ~h1MISSION F:j ~ ~ ~~ ~ Res~ fJo. 102 k ~ "AY ~ ~ ~