PC 66-17RFSOLUTION NO. p~~' 66-17 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLA?iNIIVG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 1R 11 gE GRANTED ~~ i. I . ; ~ ~ ~i ,I ~ ' _ i: ~ ~ I 'i ~. WHEREA,;, the City Plenning Commtaaion of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petition for Variance from LEE 0. WFBB :~ND FLORENCE L. WEBB, % LEONARD SMITH 125-D-S~uth Claudina, Anaheim, California, C~wners; LEONARD SMITH, 125-D-South Claudina, Anaheim, California, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as tiiough set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the Clty Pl~nnin~ Commir~ioa did hold • public hearing et the City Hall In the City of Aneheim on Ju ly 1R, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly givm as required by lew end in acrnrdance with the provi~loos ot the Maheim Municip~l Code, Chopter 18.68, to hear end coneider evidmce for and ageinet said propoted v~d~nce end to investi~ote and mrke findings end recommendations in connec- tton therewith; end WHEREAS, a~id Commi~~lrm, after due in~pection, inveutig~tIon, aad atudy made by itself and in its behelf, end after due consideration of all evidence ~nd reporta oHemd at seid headng, does find end detecmine the following fecta: 1. That the petltioner requesta a vrri~nce Erom the Anoheim Municipal Code: SECTION 18.40.020 - Per~nitted Uses, to establish a dry-~leaning operation in the C-1, GENERAL COMt~IERCIAL, ZONE, on suh- iect property. 2. Thet there are exceptionel or extroordin~ry circumstancea or conditiona appliceble to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generelly to the propecty or cless of use in the seme vicinity end :one. 3. That the requested varionce is neceasary for the pre~ervation and enjoymmt of e substentiel property right poasessed by other property in the some vicinity end zone, and denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested vuriance will not be materially detrimentel to the public welfare or injurious to the pmp- erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. ~. That no one a~peared in opposition to subject petition. V 1-G -1- ~ ~ Vcstec: v ,' ~. ' LEE 0. 1tLA8 and FLORENCIi L. 1~78BB~ l~usband an1 wifo, , as joint tonants. ~~ Exa:ptions: ' ~, --~_r:~..t~...'_~ _' _. `~,'~,~ i. Gencral and special taxes for thc fiscal year 196G-1967, not dclinqu~nt. 2, An casenent £or road, railroads nnd ditches as rescrved in ~hc de~d recorded June 2, 18)2 in book G3 pagc 292 of Deeds, over tho Soutli 30 fcet of said land. 3. An casei~ent alon~ tlic tiaestcrly 30 fcet of. Parccls 1 and 2 ;or Lc~aon Strcet. as uscd and tr~vclcd by thc publie. 4, P. ucccl of trust to securc ~n indebtedness of $33,000.0(l ;,nd a~y o~her anounts Payablc undcr tl•~e tcrris thercof, re- corcic~ FoUruary 17, 1~GG in book 7844 pagc 4~ Officiul ;tccorc:s, covcrinh tliis and ot}~cr land. P; teci: Fcbruary 3, 19G6. ?F?~ s~or: Lec 0. 1'leUh and Florcneo L. itichb, }iusUand 621 ^ 3~,~ and ~aifc. ~,°j~ ~, .rus'~, c: The Pirst Natior.al Lank of Orangc County, a ~;,~.~ ~ ~a ~;, national vankint association. ~ ~ j, c~ j ._ ~,:,^,~ef inry: Orangc Savin~s and Loan Assocation, a eorporation. r'. ~ ~Go~' ~ '- `o, ` N~, ;.~~ tirnc of thc cxecution of said dccd of trust, thc trustor s~a~ 'r,ad~~KO rccord interest in Paxcel Ivo. 3 st~own Yhercon nor havc ~~`~«w~ '' y since acquired any. VARIANCE ~~• lg 1 ~ , ; __ . ~ LESCRTPTION: ' ;~AItCI:L 1: ~i}~at ~:ortion of Lot 2G uf "A~~;.l':cim Extcnsion", in tl;c city of :,nahcir,i, coi;i~ty of Orangc, statr of California, as shot~n on a ,:ap of surve~ i:iadc by liilli~m il:-aol and filed for record in tho ozi'ica of tlio eounty recorder of Los An~eles Courity, cles- c:ibcd ns follows: ~ ~ ;; ~-• - ~f ~ ! ~ ~x . " I r 'i Degira~in;; a~ tl~e sot~thwest earner of suid Lot ~i, saicl ~,oint bci.n~? :.lic intersectiun of the centerlinc of Lemon SC~•Qet i.it h ;ac ccntcr2irn ~f ~a11 ~.+r.l, aN ~hJ\~`N c+u +i~ld N~~~'Val~+ ti1M~~bt~ i;ort}- 39° 55' 15" ~ast 2RO.U0 fcet alo~iF tlic 5outh linc of said Lo~ 2G to thc southwcstcrl./ corner of thc land cunvcyccl t~ ;;~r::`. Rennett, ~ widow, by dewci rccorded F~ebruary IG, 1953, in book'2454 raEc 57. Ufficial Reeords; tlicnec northcrly along ti~c ~~res2erly linc of saic. lard to a Iisic rarnllcl lrith and 120 fcez soutiicastcrly of tl~c ?;orth liiic oi ti,c lanu eonvcycd to P.. L. hei~h and wifc bj~ decci :ccordcu ;~ovc~~ibcr lE, 194G in l~ooi: 1G56 pa~c 555, Official itccorc;s; tlicncc Soutii 74° 20' 15" 1'lcst 277.3Z fcct alon~ said parallcl lino to a point in thc i';c~t linc of snid I,ot 2G. bcinn tl~c eenterlinc o£ Lcrion Street ~}icnce Soutl: 15° 23' 45" Eflst 211.89 fect along said l~lcst line ~o t: c point of bo~;i.nninv. EXC,EPT t's~e northeusterly 115.50 fcet theYOOf, ncasured along zne nortliwesterly line of snici ~and. ALSO EXCEPT tho remaindcr tl~ereof thc northwesterly 20.00 feet ~iic: cof . ~ - -. .~ ~ ~• ~dOW, 'fHEREFORE, HE IT RBSOLVED th~t t6e An~heim City Planning Commission does hereby grent subject PeE:t~a+: €c~t Variance, upoo the folloaing eondlHons wh1cL ~te heteby [ound to be ~ necesaery prorequisIte to the peo- posed use of the subject property fn ordet to preserve the sefety end general welfere oE the Citizens of the City of Ane:~eim. 1, That the owne:s of subject property shal~ pay to the City oi Anaheim the sum of $2.C0 per front foot alor.g Ba~l Road and Lemon Street, for street lighting purposes. 2. That the ownrrs of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15a oe: front foot aiong Ball Road and Lemon Street, for tree planting purposes. 3. That trash storage areas shall be pr~vided in accordance with approved plans o~ file with the ~ffice of the Director of Public Works. 4. That t}:e sidewalks shall be install.ad along Ball Road and Lemon Street, as re- ~uirel };y t:;e C'ty Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on rii~ ir, the office of the City Engineer. .-.~ 5. ;ha~ Condition IJos. 1 and 2, above mentic~ed, shall be complied with prior to the t:mG tF,+. thc• Building Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, whic::eve~• occurs first, or such further time as the Commission ox Cit~ Council may grant. ,~ C~. 7nat any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shielded from I I ~, ie,v fron 3;;utting stree':s. ; 7• 1'i~at Condition Nos. 3, 4, and 6, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior t: fi~ia: building inspection. ~o 'that this ~ariance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. ! 65-66-61. 9. That subject property shall be developed substantiall}~ in accordance v~ith plans ~ ~ and soecifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. N I ' ATTEST: 'i i ' - l!Qi~!/(/J~C/ ' SECRETARY ANAHEIIM C TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ' COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretrry of the City Pl~nninr Commisoion ot the Clty ot An~heim, do hereby certity that the fore- going renolution wra peneed ~nd ~doptrd at ~ meetin~ o[ the Clty Pl~nnln6 Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on i ~ July 1R, 1966, •t 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membern thereot: AYES: COASNISSiONERS: ALLRED, GAUER, HERPST, MlJ1~GALL, ROV~LAND, CAtdP. ~ i j i NOES: COMYISSIONERS: tJOVE. , ABSENT: COM6IISSIONERS: PERRY. I ~ IIV WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunta set my h~ad thit ~'~th day of July, 1966. i ' `~/~ ~Y ~~J SECi2ETARY ANAHEIM CI'CY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ RESOLUTION NO. 66-17 V2-G _Z. i i ~'i '. * ,alx , i ` 4 ^i / ~ p ..~ t' ~ ~ . .. ~ _ f . TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTfON ii ~tpi~d ~ad ~pprovacl by me thi• th day of July, 1966. -C.-sLC,.--~~~l-,--. ~ AIRYAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS I~ $ O