PC 66-84RESOLUTIOPJ N0~ PC66-R4 A RESOLUTION QF "i;: '':ITy PLANNING QIMMISSIOIJ OF 7HE CITY OF ANAHe'IM REODMMEIdDING TO THE CT ~ f~U:,~IL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIN, THAT GENERAL PLAN AMENDNE,n' N0. R6 BE F,PPROVED RELOCATI~'G THE FIRE STATIOt7 SYh1BOL FRON ITS DCISTING LOCATION NEAR fi11CLID STREEI AND CRESCEIJT AVE"dUE TO T'rIE EAST SIDE OF LOARA STREEf APPROXIA'~ATELY N~IDWkY BET'J~'EEN NORTH STREEi At~'D CATALPp AVEt!UE, THERETO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of AnahEirr did adopt a::aneral Plan By Resolut.on Ido~ 63R-R69y showing tne generai description and extent of land i:~es and t}ie Circulation Element- Highway Riqi~ts-of-Way within L'ne City, and indicatir.g ti.e present belief of the Council as to possible future developn:ent and r•e-development of tiie lanC within the Ci;y; and WHEREAS, the City Pianning Ccrnmission did 'nold a pub;ic ._arin~ at the City Hall in the City of Anaheirn on Septe~r.ber 12, 1966, at 2:OU 0~ cloc;: ~„h'., notice of said public ~~earinq havin9 been ouiy given as required oy !aw and in -, ~rdance wiLi~ ~!ie provisions of the Ananeim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence ';r and anainst said ArT;endment to ti~e General Plan, proposing to relocate t.f:N Fire Stat9 nesignation presently locatad r.ear Euclid Street and Crescent Avenue to the east side -; i~ara Street, approa:imately rnidway bet~•;een )Jortn Street and Caralpa Rvenue, and to investinate ar.d nal:e findinos and recor.°~ ~ndations in connection there~Nitii; ard - WHEREAS, said Commission after d~e inspection, ir,vestiqation, ,:nd stud~~ c,~de by itself and in its L'eh~if, and afi,er due tonsideration of ,ill evid~~nce and reoorts offe:ed at saici hearing, DO'eS HcRIIY FL':D 1. Tiiat the City Council e~:presseo ?he City's intenf:ion to abandon tlie efistinc, locatio:~ of a fire station site at the sou;i~west corner of Euclid Street ,ind Vlest.mont Drive due to e:{treme 'rarfic pi•obler..s i^ close proxin,ity to ti~e site th~i cn~ld hinder fire figt~tinq ~E~erations. ?. That when the Crescent Avenue overcro=sinq of t.i~e S~~nta An,~ Frr.e~.vay is cnropleted the:e w•:11 be a larqA overlap of t:~, fi:e sta;ion service areas, ~. That there is a critica] need ~cr ridequate ::re fini,'in~ facilit.:es in .3nd around the hiqh value cor;mercial concentrat;^n at ?i.~ intersecti^n ~f euclid Street and Crescent. Avenue. ~:. That an analysis by the C';ief o: tf~e rire DA:~art~:en• anci ti;a A~1;,inis:t~ative o`fice indir,a±es that, the e,ide on 'i~e east ~ide of Loara Strnet .~pproxiir,ate:•; midv;ay between ;dorth Street and Ca~_..;pa ~voul~i he ~,,, ~idequat~ ]o~ ' ior ;~or the Facility. .• That ~ City Iveiqhborhood P,::F; i;~ locr~teci in close uroxi~~.;ry ~o ti~e proE,~sed ~ire _,tation site, said pai•~.:nr, i:~~~~inn ~~n1y ene access t~ the pat';~:, th,:~ beinn ;'ror,~ ;:orth Stre~t, and every e`Fort sf~ould be made by the City t~~ prcvide some forr.~ o; .;~ldltinnc;l acress to ?'r~e exis!:r;n pa:k si;u. b. That Uec~use ti~e proposed rire station ~.~iil] Le located ir a resi.iential ,+rea, the surrounding~ of the f:re ..`ation s:~nuld be r;;ainta:ne~: in a par4:-li~e app~arance. 7. T}~at one person appeared er.pressinn concern :f~at ti~r_ ex.istinn oar~: site tisill be further isolated fror:; ti,e c~enera] public u:e, o~rause of its inexcessir,ility, and t.hat }.i.r- f'ic~z <_t;,tion . i;e r:ir~i,t destro~ ti~e appe-,rr:nce o, ~he area. / ;~~rk iike ~ 'I~ `l , •• ~ ~ ~ ~x t ~ - ~ ' ~4 „ 1 NOW, THEREFOREy BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim does hereby recommend to the City Council that General Pian Amendment No. R6 be approved, relocating the fire station symbol which is near Euclid Street and Cre=~ent Avenue to the east side oF Loara Street appror.imately midway between North Street a~d Catalpa Avenue. BE IT FURTHc'R RESOLVcD that the City Council make every effort to provide additional access to the existing park site, and that the fire station site be maintained in a park- like atmosphere. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTiON is signed and approved by me tnis 22nd day of September, • 1966. ~ , C~ CH IRMAN AfJAHEIM CITY PLAN NG ~ iSSION ATTEST: i ~~ "~ . -, / ,.~~-r %~2a~v~F~ SF_CRETARY ANAHEIh1 CITY PLP.NNIiJG ~MNISSION STATE OF CALIF~R~IIA ) ~UN7Y OF ORANGE ) sso CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plannino Commission o: the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution vaas passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, neld on September 12, 1966, at 2:00 0`cloch P.N~, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIO;;ERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Camo. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ~~!one. ~ ABSENT: OJMMISSIOIdERS: iJone. _ IN WITNESS WHEREO:, I have iiereunto set my hand this 22nd day of September, 1966. L/~, . , C. !)'?.~~` _~ SECRFI'ARY ANAHEIM CITY PLkNNING ~MNiISSION Res. No. R4 'i * ~ ~ ~