PC 66-94RESOLUTION N0. P~~o•94 l1 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE C1TY COUNCIL OF TH£_CIT~' OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITlON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. °F-r' `' BE APPROVED WHER~EAS, the Clty Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did recefve a verified Petition for Reclasaiflca- WnEiom EL?E FILIP, l'2 South Bu>;~ :;tr?et, Anaheim, Calito:nia, Owner; RICHARD N~krHER, 201R Ncrth Ross Stree~, Santa Ana, C,:1!c:niaY Ageni of cEtt.ain :eal property situateo :n the City ot Wnaheim, County of OrangeY State oE Colifc,:nia, desc:ibed as Lot 3t's in Block B o{ ~;,~ Lorelei Tract, as Fer m~p ihereof' reco~ded in Book ^9 page 24 of hiiscellaneeus Records of Los Angeles County, Ca?iforn;a ; end NHEREAS, the City Planning Commissiort did hold a public hearing et the C3ty Hell in the Clty o[ Anahetm on ' Septernber 20, 19G6, ut 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing having been duly given os required by ; lar and in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipa! Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consldec evldenca __ for ~nd ~`aineR said propoaed reclassification ~nd to investigete and m eke findings and recommend~tion~ !n connectlon therexith; aad 1PHEREAS, sold Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itsel( and in lte b~h~l(, and ofter due consideretion of all evidence end reports offered at said hearing, does (ind and determine the followiaQ (~cts; 1. 'I~at the petitioner proposes a redassificntion of the ebove described property from the R- 1, OnF Fa:~ii ly RESidential, Zone to tha R-3, hS~ltipie Fami;y ~i::;idAntial, Zcne to ustdb;ish an exi_tiaa non- conrorminq muit~pie family developrrient in ti~e rr~ost ~pp:opriate zcn~, " 2. Tha[ the proposed re~.iassi{'i~ation is in ronformar.ce n~Lti~ t.;,~ General Plan. 3• Thot the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessery and/or desirable (or the orderly and pro- per developarent of the community. 4• That the proposed reclessificetion of subject property does properly relatr to the zones end thelr p~rinltt~d we~ loc~lly estahlished in close proximity to subject property and to the zones end their permitted uses gen~rolly ~s{~~ liahed thron6hout the commur,ity. 5. That the prooosed reclassiiic:aticn :~f sut;jFr_~~ ~ropErty doc-s no~ require tn~ dedication oT' improvement of abutting street~ in acco:oance witn ;he Cicr.u;ation F.ernent ct ti~e Gene:al Plan. 6. That no ona appr-~red in opE,;,sitior, to subject petition. ,~ - , * ' { ~ ~ R-A -1- ~ • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 3SOLVED thet the Anaheim City Pinnnii.,, i,ommission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Aneheim that subject Petition for Reclessificetion be epproved end, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipel Code be emended to exclude the above described property from the R-1, One Family Residential, Zcre ar~d to incorporate said described prope:ty into tfie R-3, Muitiple Family Residential, Zor.e, upen tF:e fcl:ov,ing conditions wt~ich are !~ereby found to be a necessary prereo,uisite to t.he proposed use ef subject property in order to preser•re the ~ safety and general welfare of the citi.zens or tne City of Anaheim. le That any air-conditioning faciiities pzoocsed shail be properly shieidad from vie~v from abutting streets•, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed snd approved by me this 6t~~ day o: Octo~er, ;966„ .'.~-/ '~G~.-~ii' CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLA NING C MMISSION ATTEST: _ ~2 ~il2-~~L.G4:/ S$CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, f'.nn Krebs, Secretery of the City Plenning Commission o[ the City oE Anaheim, do Si~reby certify that the Eore- going resolution wes pessed and edopted et e meeting of the City Planning Commission of the Clty of Anehelm, luld on September 26, 1966, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membere tbereof: AYES: COP.IMISSIONERS: A:ired, Farar.o, G~uer, Herbst, Munyall, Rowland, Camo~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMiSSIONERS: U~ne~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto Aet my hand thia bti; day of Octobe: , 1906. RESOLUTION N0. 9~ R2-A _ L~~~ ~ ~ ~,,G=~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIhfG COMMISSION -Z- ~ 5 e