PC 67-114~:rsci.:_nv r~o, ~e,~-_~a ~ RL-SOi.UTiUf~l Or `HF. CiTY FL_4NNING COhih1ISSI0~ OF TF-c CITY OF AlvANEI~~1 FcCG!A,b1E?:DINv TQ T~E C?TY COUNCIL. OF T!'F CITY QF ANAN~IM TN4'I FETITION FOR RL-CL4SSIFICATION N0. 66-67-64 AE P.PPP,OV"ED EST.4BLi.SNI~G PREZONIhG FOR PROFE;~TY K'~OVJN .4S T-r 'NqRNER-LAIv1BER? ANNEXATION INITH A RESOL.UTICN OF INTENT TO M-1, LIGNT IDIDi1STRI.4L, ZONE TNERETO ~ ~~R ~i~ 1 'NHERE4S, tne Citv P;anning Commisszon in Resolution No. °C57-i?3 :ecom~*.er.ded p: ezor.ing for prope: ty oroposed to be 3nnexed into the Ci.ty knowr, as the W;rr,e: - Lambe:t Annexatio;: ~nd VJYEREA.S, s~id prcpezty is generally :ocateo in t~? ar~=. k;~owr. ~s t^e ~~:ortheast ir,dustr?a? Area; and WiEREAS, tne City Pianr~ng Corrunissior. of the City of .4~aheim, 204 cast 1`_ncoin 5venue, 4naheim, Caiifornia, did initiate a vertified Petition for _ Rec~assification of certair. real property situated in th= Ci`v o` Ananeim, County of 0==.r.oe, State of Caiifornia, described in Exhibit ~'ti" ar.d referred to 3s thoug~~ set foith ir. fui?; ~nd Pd'rERcAS, Lhe City Pianning Commiss'_on did hold a pub:ic he3ring st the City Y.a:.i ia tne City of .4nahe?_m on h~ay 22, i957, at 2:00 o c;ock ~~M:,, notice of sa~d cubli~ hea*_i.nq r.avi.ng been duiy given as re~uired bv ~aw and in accord- ance witF: the p~ovzsions of the 4nahezm M~~ricipai Code, Cnapte: 18,'2, to i~ear 3r.d consider evidence for and against said prooosed rec!assi:ication ;nd to i.rvesti.g~te and make findinos snd recorrm;endations =n cennectior. therewith~ _,nd W^'rRc.AS said CoTmission, 3fter due ?nsoecticn, investig~tior., .3rd study rr.ade by ;tse~* .~nd in its behalf, ~nd .=.fter due consideratien of ali evidence ynd reGC~ts c~fe:ed at saio he~ring, does fi.nd and deter~rine th>_ `o'~:owirq facts: _~ :hat the Com~risszon proposes a:eciassification of the ,,bove described prope:ty from the R-Ai AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the M-i, :IGNT iNLUSTRI41; ZO~~;E at such time .3s the property is annexed to the Citv o` Fnaheirr.~. 2. That the proposed _•eciassificaticn is in conformance with the uenerai Fian. 3 That venicuiar eccess wiil be p:ovided by the extens:cn ef Is P3?ma A•~renue, e3sterly from L.akeview (Tayior) StreEL to Imoeria~ Highway, s•~id extension to be completed aporoximatelv August 15, ~967. 4: Thai ded?catior. for street purposes for I.a Pa1ma ovenue nas oe~n ~c^.u?red from Farcei Nose i and 2 by tne County of Oranae, ~. Ti:~±. if ac~ess to Orchard Urive is :eauired by subseouent deveiop- ments, those iand owners h3vino access to said =_treet wi:! be :er,uireo tc p:jy costs o` the curb ano gutters ,`or the ieng;h oi their proper:y~ ~. Ti:at an industrial olant fronting or. Ia Pa?ma Avenue is prooosed (W~r';__ -~^:bert Ph3rn7ceuticai CoR,p~ny) for ?arcei ivo.: „ ~ ?i:j` no one appeaied in oopositior to subject petiticn. i~ ~ r~i FI ~ ~: ':~'P;. ':!rR.~FORE, BE IT RESOLUEJ that the City Fiarr.ing Comr.issicn does ne_ai-•y :eco.^..:rer•d rt+t Petition for Rec:assification No_ 66-67-64 he ~oproved, .3nd tv se ~oi:..; t~~;t 'iit_e 18 - Zoning, of the Anaheim Municipai Cooe b~ a;~endec to ezciude '.'.e ~::eve cesc::ted pzcoerty frorr. the R•-A, 4GRICUL.TliRA1~, ZG~NE and to ircorporaie ~'d ~i_ crihed prooerty into the M-i, iIGrT INDUSTRI.41., ZUNE suhiect to the Foliow•- :~; :or:ditions w;vci; a:e hereo;~ iound to be ~ necessary prerequisite to th.e proposed ,:se c~ =uk,ject property in ozder to p:es?*ve the safety ~nd gener~:. we:fare o: the "iti_:_ns of ?he City of Anaheim: f~ ~ I 1 . {~ . ~. ~:T ~~e~ ~ April 28, 1967 P~RCEL E: tne proposed VJarner-Lamber~ Annexation,to. All tha~ real property situated innthe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ Cali~ornia, described as rollows: 3eginning at the Southeast corner of the land conveyed to Geoeg3071ofrtus Coii~:~an et ux by deed recorded May 22, 1951 in Book 2191, p'S O~~icial Records of said County; ther_ce South 76° 30' East, 1316 feet, nore or less, to the Southeast corner of the land conveyed to Fe 2~9 of said Camp~ell et u:t by deed recorded June 27, 1957 in Book 3955, pag Of~icial ~ecords; thence North 0~ bell`~eand itsONortherlyrprolongationltog tne East lir.e of said land of Camp > a point in tne Southerly line of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail- road Conpany's right of way, 50 feet wide, as shown on a Map filed in Book 37~ pzge 25 ~ Record of Surveys, in the office of the County Recorder of said Countv; thence South 78° 00' 36" East, to the Northwest corner of ~,:ne lanc conveyed to Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutice1252mofnsaid Officiallon, i~y deefl :ecorded June 21, 1965 i~he°Westerl~ line of said land b the South- Records; thence Southerly along Y east corner o~ the land convayed405 of said OfficialnRecordsedthencedNorth :,;arch 3, 1939 in Boo;c 982, p g gl~ 2g~ 45~~ ~~est along the Southerly line of said land of Boisseranc and i~s 1ti'esterlv prolongation, 1164.04 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner o~ the land described in the decree of distribution to the Heirs of Savina N. Peralta,recordeci August 1, 1966 in Book 8006, pages 115 et seq o~ suid O~~icial Records; thence along the Southerly line of said land, Sou~h 83° 33' 23" West, 72.41 feet to a point in the Easterly line of the lana described in Parcel Three in the deed recorded May 22, 1962 in Book 6116, page 845 of said O£-ficial Records, thence South 0° 25' 00" East along sa~d 'c'aste~ly line, 230.10 feet to the Southeast corner of said land; tnence \or~n 75° 21' 00" West along the Southerly line of said land, and ics ~4esteriy prolongation, 1252.25 feet to the Southeast corner of that cer~ain parcel of land described in a~uitclaim Deed recorded March 19, 1956 in Book :;441, page 302 of said Official Records; thence North 75°14'48" Clest along t7~= Southerly line of said land, and its Westerly prolongation, 1165.12 zeet, :noze or less, t~~ the Soutnwest corner e£548eofasaide0£ficial in a ceed recorded October 5, 1953 in Book 2587, pa5 Records; thence along the Westerly line of said last-mentioned land, North p° 27' GO" West, 439.13 feet to a point in the Westerly prolongation of the So~.~herly line o= said land conveyed to George Alber~usrolonmation nd ~a ~irst above-mentioned deed; thence along said Westerly p B along said Southerly line the following oourses and distances: South gp° 5g' 47" East, ].057.64 feet; South 76 29 49' East, 52.24 feet to the point o~ beginning. ` ^,r~a?='~:,~,9 ~ ~. L ~~ ; ,~ APR 1907 ~N ~' j ~ ~E'~EIy~D ~ „~ '~`~; Z:,ri~r:~ ~n °~ ~ ~~vis,o v ~ I \`~',. ,''`~e ~ ~ ~ RFC~;~.SS. ~'tt~. ~6~,~' ~ ~ ~ P . ,::pril 28, 1967 PARCEL A: (Warner - Lambert Property): tne proposed 69arner Lambert Anneast3on to All that real property situated in/the City of Anaheim, County of OranGe, State of California, being all that portion of the third alass land allotted to William McKee and the third class land allotted to ::aria Jesus de Shorb, as described in the Final Decree of Partition o~ the Ranchn Canon de Santa Ana, a certified copy of which was recorded F~'.~:.~y 8, 1874 in Book 28, page 158 of Deeds, records of Los Angeles County, California, conveyed to Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, a corporation, by deeds recorded June 21, 1965 in Book 7563, ~age 252, and in Book 7563, page 262 of Official Records of said Orange County. '~ r ^ 1 ~ ` ,.~~ ~~?Q3p\ ,~ ~; ~ o~~ 19o I ~~ n" ~~ J~1`i %`! n ~;C v ~^ ~~.4, ' (O ~`i ~~•.~= ~/ ~\Q'. \:~\~c_~:~~/ -, r n C °•:i + (O ~!C! L~_~ / : / ~.,~.~.~~. t.~• ~ ~:'i_ ' 'I,~. •IR~i C,1{ ' ~~ ~ iA / ai tI i i i .~ Th~t dedications shai; be m3oe to the City oi Hnaheim on ail streets w`_ihir. t.he ares, according to t~e Circuiation Element o: the Gen?ra: ~~an "Highw=y Rights-of-Way", prior to the 3dopticr, of .an ordinance :ezon_r.g the propertya 2. Tn:t ;.f access to Orchard Drive is reou~red by sunseauent deveiopments, tnose i.ar.d owr~ers having access to s3id street shai~ be reauired to pay cost of the c~rb and gutters, pius norm~~ =.tzeet iiahtino fees fos the frontace of t}:eir propertyo 3~ Th.at the owners of the property aiong La Pa~ma Avenue snali cay to the City of An=.heia ,he sum oi $2~00 pe: front foot for street iighting puiposes, sa:d e~ount to be p3id ;t the tzme the prooerty is deveioped. 4., Tnat a are!iminary title repo:t s}-,aii be furnishe9 prior to the adootior. o° an ordinar.ce rezoring tne prope:ty, showing ieoai v?sting of title, iegai description, and cor.tainina s mao of t1e property. 5. T'r~at ord'znance-s reclassifying the oroaerty shall be 3dopted at such time as each F~arcei nas compiied witn the sbove cor.ditions as tney eertain to sur.h parcel FROVIDED, NOWEVER, that the word °oarce:" shail Re3n presenti~~ existing parceis of :ecord, and/or anv iot crested by the recordation of ~ F3rce1 ~~.30. rE ?T F~!RTFER 4ESOLVED that the Flanning Comm? ssion recomrr.ends t.".at ar. Grdin3nce be :ead on F.;rce~ No.. ;, .=.ince conditions have been co~rpleted, said erdir..~nce to become effective ~t the time the prooerty is anrexed :.nto the C_ty of AnaneiR, :'!-~E FOREvOI~iG P.ESOIUTION is signed .~r.d appro•r d by me t'r,is ist d~y of June. ~96~. , ~ --~ = ~.~ti~ ~ ;~ CFfAIRMAN .ANAYrIM CITY PLAIVNI?;G COMIJ:IS ?Oti 'vTTEST: (_~Z.7 c .~.%2~'.c4,i SEC~u'.TNRY AD!AF+tL'~~ C?TY PIANNID!G COMMISSION STATE OF CAIIFORNIA ) COIiNTY OF ORANGE ) ss.. ~~iTY 0~ A1J.4i~+EIM ) ;, An^ Krebs, Secretary of the Ci2y Plarnino Commission u` the City of ~,na:;eiT, do fBLEtY ceztify that the foregoing resoiution w=.s o+ssed aad adopted at ~ T~eting o:` the C.tV Planning Ccmmission o~ the City of Ar~;;eiT, heid or. ~~>>y 22, :96~, st 2:OU o cioc4 p.M., by the foil.owing vote cz the membeis thezeo;: :,1'ES: CUA'u"+1ISS10IJERS: H11RED, FA.R.4N0, GAUER, uERSST, MUNGALL, ROW14~~~J, CA~dP~ ?;OES: CCNNISSIONERS: NONE. N~SEtiT: CUh/Iv,ISSIGNERS: "JGDIE.. IP~'VJITNcSS W~'EREC'F, I have he:eunto set my ha^d this :st day of June~ i9o~~ ~!%/ ;C,; ~ , ~ SECRETF~RY ANAFEiM CITY F1.4f~NI;JG C06"MISSION ,; ~ , 1 ~ ~ ~. Rc~O? UTIOh! td0. 114 ~~-T~,,.~ ~ c