PC 67-129RESOLUTION N0~ FC67w129 a RESOL'uTION OF THE CI?Y PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH~IM RECOMMENDiNG TO TYE CI?Y COUNCI~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT AN AMENDMENT 'IO THE GENERAL PLAN9 CIRCULATION ELE~vLNT, HIGhwAf RIGHTS-OF-WAY9 KNCNN AS GEf~EP,:1L PLAN AMENDMENT N0, 94~ BE APPROVED W~?EREASs Convention Way is desiqnated on th~ Circuiation Elernent Highway Rights-• o:•Way o: the General Plan as a standard secondary a*teria: street, with a half-•width _ o; ~~ !e=t; and W~iFaEAS, studies na~.•e indicated tnat the hal~-••,cidth snould be increased to 55 , eNty in c:d~~: to provi~e ior a z•aSsed median; and Wf=EREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a pubii-~ hearing at the City Hall in the ~ity of Anaheim on June 5, i967, at 2:00 0`ciock P,.M,, notice of said public neazing haviny been ~u1y given as required by law ar,d in accordance with the provisions oi tr,e A;~aheim Municipal Code, io hear and consider evidence .or and against said propos~d reclassi.*'ic:~tion and to investigate and make rindings and :ecommendations in connection th~rAwith; and 'NNF.RF_aS, said Com~nission, after due inspeciior., investigation, and study made by itsel!' and ~.n its beha!i, ar.d aiter due consideration o! all evidence and reports o1'ered at said h=ariny, does find and determine ihe following ractse ~„ 7hat tne sireet wi11 provide circulation ioz the Convention Center and a0 ar_res to its south within the Commercial-Recreation Areao 2. That ir. or~er to assist in the control of vehicular trai:ic, and enhance the Convention Center landscapiny, a raised mPdian is beina incorporated in the 9esign of said street, making a nalf-width o~ 55 ieet necessary instesd of the presently designated 45 teet, :s, That ihe establishment of a 55•foot haif-width *or Conveniion Way, bet•n~een West Street and Harbor Boulevard, will assist prooerty owners fronting on said street to properly plan for the development oi their - property~ DiGWy THEREFORF.9 BE IT R~SOLVED that the City Plar,niry Commission does herety recommend to the City Council of the City ot Anaheim that Genera: Piar Amenortient No~ 94 be approved, estabiish~ny Convention Way, between West Str~et and Harbor Bouievard, as a 55-foot half•• ~~idth S Fcor;,ia-y Hiyhway, ond iisting it on the Tabie oi Ex.:eptions of the Circ.ulation Eiement• Hignr,ay Riyhts •oi-Way of the General Pian. ''~F_ FOR~GOING R~SOLUTION is siyned and approved b me this 15th~ay oy-3~une, 1?~7, // / ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ``~ v ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ CH.A?RMAf~ANAHEIM CITY F'LAN~dING O~MMISSION A:~~S!, ~./ ~ ~7 L % r_ `"~2 c_ ~~~~ ~ SECRF~ AR'! AP~AHEIM CI'IY pLANNING COMMISSION ~''ATE 0~ CALIFOR'J1A) OJU?1"'Y OF CRAPJGF ) ss~ CI~Y' Or' .aN4nF_Ii~i ) I, An^ Kretss Secretary of the City Planning ~'ommission oi the City of Anaheim, do hereby .e:ti;'y th~t the for~oing resolution was passed and adooted at a neetir,g oi the City Planninc Comn;=s:or: of the City of Anaheim9 held on June 5, 19b7, at 2~00 0`clock PoM., by tn~ fo~lui;ir~y VOtP. o+ the members th?reof`: AY~S~ COh'.'hf5~10t~lERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowiand, Camp, NOES COMM1SSi0I:ERSs None. A?SEN?: Comrnissioners: l~one. IN WITIJESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this i5th day of June, 1967~ L ~2L•'c ~~L~ /~ SECFi.=IARY ANAHEIM CI?Y PLANNIhG OJNiMISSIOh ~ ~