PC 67-133~ - Re,olut:or. N.o: PCE:7_;33 A RESOLUI'ION OF T~E CI:Y FLANTiIfJG COMMISSIOt; OF T'r~E C1TY OF AtiAFiEIN Alvic~4DI1JG RESOL~:IOtd NO., i8?7, SER;~S :965-66 GRAP!TIi:G COI~DIT:Oi~AL USE PERMIT NC.. 79i TO IIdCLUDE A SUPERSLIDE AS A PERMIT?cD US~ AS i'h'RT OF A RECREATIONAL FACIiITY T.;cRETO WNEREASS ±7z Ananeim City ~'iann~ng Ccmmissien on Decembe, 20~ '965, did grant :.cnditior.al !~s•~ Permit Dlc~ ?9i for tne esiab~~shrrer,t oi a ori~ate re~~eatio~,ai faciiity ior a ska`.eUOaro ;;oorse ar.d :oilez s:cating area l..:luding an a~:~esse:y c_~L~ouse; and WHEREASy a ~~GU~S? r:as been re~eiveti :~orr tr.= de~eicpe.s oi sub'e~:c prope~ty aski~? `c. p~rr~iss:cr :o operatF a Sup=~s~iide as a.e=.ea-:onai a:t,~~.~Y, and W:iEREP.Sy thz Piann~ng C;~Tm;ssior, does d=tetm.r._ tha~, a Sure:slide ~s ~onside7ad wi±n~n the uses cf a re~reatioral fac:iity, and tnerefore, wo~id be substar.tia;iy in a..cordancs wit^ liSE6 granted _n ?r.e aror~rr.rnt:on:a peti?.or~; and _ W'ric'P.EAS~ de:e;.cpmani p'_ans ~r.cii•~a~_ ti:at carRir.g ~cac_s a*e io b2 pzc~:ded on the ,b-ioot ~Nida par:ei cY prope_ty iR,m>oiataiy east o' p_orert~; a~•r2rt:sed fo: use under Ccr.ditiuia~i Use Peimit :~o~ 79~, wnicn w~~.::h r.e:-s_itat= t%:e .-.~u_:en~~e~~_ ui a re.:o:dad do.umer.t st:p~'_a*.ir.g ~o t:~e res~r•"st=on o: said p*o~er*..y for ca:k:rg pcrpc~esg acd WFiEREAS, a~tr,cugi: tne new qa:k'_ng area .s st._: z.~:a~ R•A, Ay~;;:~:t~;ai9Zcne as is subie~-t pr;.~e~ty, :antis:ap:r.g shcu:d 'ce in a^coc•~ar~.~. wi~:: tcc ~ 1, Gene_al Corrme:::i~1, . Zcra S:te De ~elcpn:~_r.t Stanca.os .. _ tt~, origina'. Fa_~ _': ar.d ...~e r.er: pa:::2i or. wtri;.^ pair..ng is ~r~ccsed.. tiOW, ?H'cRcFORE, Bc IT RESOL'JED tnaL t~;r A; ;r.e;;n ~::-y Planr.:na Ccm~.:ssion does h~tery omand Fir,d:'r.a I~!~. _ or R~;c:~tien I~.o~ ~_8??, Sacits :965 06 as iolior~:~: -- Ti:at t~ie prcccsad use is c_oF~,:y c,n_ rci w:~i_:: ~:,or.o=*_ioca: Us? rern;it is autc:,riz=o ry '.r~is ~ode. tc v:it: -s'ao:~st~ a p.~i~•a?= -ec:eatio^a? ~'I ;a:i:~*.y ;ensisii~g of a s;tiateooa.d c;~:ise and :o_--~ sr.a`in~ a*ea to- gFthe: with ac•.zssor}' CiUD~L'US'e a.^,d a Suce~s~~de.' BE I~ FLEi~~rR RESOi'vED on tt:e basis ci t::e a:oiem-~tiuned iir~dings, _ecardi:~:a t%:~ oarxing aiea, suc~er•c p~oeerty sna:i comciy wit~~ the to'_~icvnr.g aoditior.ai .ond~tiors: "9. T:•~at th_ exis'ti;~a parking lot ianns,:apino appro~~ed ^noer tne origiral -or.sid2:atior. oi Cond:tic;r,ai Use F'ermit PJc_ ,9': ano t:~e new park~r.g a_ea, si~a'_: ue de~~aioped vriti: iandscaping ir. a~~.or~ar.~2 wit^ tt~e C-i- Ge~e_.~; Comn;erciai, Zone Site De~eio~mer.t Sta~;da.ds. "i0~ Tnat a re;,orded dotument stipu".at~ng ?o tha *ese-~.at:or. or' tr.e p;opszty to tn> ea~t fcc par~ing piirposes, snaii ~e f:!ed ~saitn `_ne Bt:i:d~rg and F~;nning Divisior.s or tne D?~~elocman't Ser~i~es DFra=~mer,? piior to *ne iss;:an;e cr ~ h,;;:ding ;.ermrt~ Said do;:~.:m:rr.t sha:i o~_ acc.o~•~ed as to :crn~ by th= City A'ttorney~" ~~~ Jx* ~ ~i~.~b' ;;! 1~ ' ~1- ~ ~ -. I ' ' * . ~ .~ ~ THE FOREGO:NG RESOiUl'ION is signed and approved 'y me tn;s i5tn day o* June, i967. ~~'-! _ ~---L= ~ - CHrI IRh1AA? ANA~.E IM C ITY FLAN~ ING COPNvt IOIJ AT?EST: 2,~ ~~c.-E~~/ //f~v~ / ~. SECRETARY ANAHE IM C ITY PL;P1N ID;G COMMISS IOId STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COliNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, C ITY OF ANAHE iM ) Iy Ar.r. Krebsy Sscretar~r.of the City Planning Cccur.issior. or the City of Anaheim do hereby certify that *_he fcregoing resnl~tion was.~asszd and adcpted at a meetir,g of the Ciiy Planning Commission of tne City of P.naheim, neid ur..~une 5, i96~, at 2:00 0'ciock P•M,,, by the follow:ng vote oi the members thereof: AYES: COMtV1ISSI0NERS: A11red, Farano, Gau~r, ?ernst, hlungaliY Rowiand, Campo NUES: ,=ONN:SS~ONERS: None~ ABSENI': COINMISSIOtJERS: None. IN WITtJESS WiiEREOF, I nave hereunto set my nand ti:is i5th day oi June~ i96~. /-~ ~~Z - SE~RETARY ANAHE IM CITY PI~,h:;~ I;~G COMM ISS ION Res~ Nc~ 133 ~~ •+.n. 5 e