WHEREAS, in order to provide for and encourage the development of retai] businesses
_ directly related to the business of entertaining, housing o.r supplying services to the
~.__,-ii5~ tourists, as well as to provide for certain multi-story headquarters type business and
professional office buildings, it was determined that a new chapter to Title 1~ of the
~i~ ' Anaheim Municipal Code was necessary; and
WHER~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold public hearingsat the City Hall in
the City of Anaheim on November 7, December 5, 1966, January 4, and January 16, 1967,
at 2:00 0'clock P.M., notice of said public hearings having been duly given as required by
law and in accordance with the provisior.s of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said F~roposed amendment and to investigate and make findings and
' recommendations in cor,nection therewith; and
WHFREAS, said Commission, after due inspe~tion, inv2~tigation, and study made by
itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered
at said hearing, does find and determine tne following factss
1. That an area described by resolutions of the Planning Commission and City
Council as the Commercial-Recreation Area has been developed through the
filing and approval of conditional use permits and/or variances.
2. Tfiat certain primary uses are deeined acceptable to be permitted by riyht
in the proposed zone.
3. That numerous accessory uses are deemed acceptable to be permitted in
the proposed zor.e if they are incidental to and integrated within the
primary uses.
! 4. That the Commercial-Recreation Area Height Stanuard Guideline referred
- to as Map 1124, applies to both within ar,~ without the Disneyland Park,
and that a conditional use permit would be necessary if structures
proposed in the perimeter of the Disneyland Park were in excess of 75
feet in height.
5. That interested property owners in the Commercial-Recrearion Area were
present to expre<s ~.ews rega*ding tne height standards, ano landscaped
setbacks and parking areas, and offered no objecti.ons.
6. That representatives o: Walt Disney Productions were present and expressed
a general approval of the proposed C-R Zone.
NON, TH~FREFORE, BE IT R,ESOLV~D, that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission does hereby
recommend to thF: Citv Council of the City of Anaheim that an amendment be made to the Anaheim
Municipal Code, Tit -.R Zoning, by the addition of Chapter 18.37, C-R, Commerciai-Recreation,
Zone as depicted oi~ .ibit "A" attached h~:eto and referred to he:ein as though set :orth
in full.
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THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved b me this 26th day of January, 1967.
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I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoinq resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning
Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on January 16, 1967, at 2s00 0'clock P.M., by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set my hand tl~is 26th day of Januzry, 1967.
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January 16, 1967
Section 1
That Title 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code be, and the same is
hereby amended by adding a new chapter to be numbered 18.37, reading
as follows:
18.37.010 DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE. This zone is intended to pro-
vide for and encourage the development of retail businesses di.rectly
related ~~ the business of entertaining, housing or supplying services
to the tourist, as well as to provide for certain multi-story head-
quarters type business and professional office buildings.
18.37,020 PERMITTED USES. Subject to the provisions of this zone the
following uses either singly or in combination are permitted in this
zone~ All uses except service stations and as otherwise noted here-
in shall be conducted wholly within a building. Uses shall not be
objectionable by reason of noise, odor, dust, smoke, vibrations or
other similar causes.
A. Primarv Uses
1. Hotels
2. Motels
3. Enclosed restaurants
4. Skating rinks
5. Bowling alleys
6a Art galieries
~ ~
- 2 -
7, Service stations limited to intersections of arterial
highways. No structure designed or intended for resi-
:~il'i~ dential use may be us~d for commercial purposes within
. ~
~ ' this zone.
1~ ~
A. A~cessorv Uses. The following accessory uses may be con-
'j ducted where clearly incidental to and integrated within a
i _ primary use complex:
„I, 1~ Banks
.I 2. Drug stores
~'~ 3. Florai shops
~ 4. Souvenier shops
5. ?hoto supply shops
I 6. Clothing stores
7. Day nurseries
~I 8. Barber shop
'j 9. fieauty shop
i -
~ 10. Ticket agency
:j lla ?ravel agency
:~ 12. On-sale of alcholic beverages limited to enclosed
~ restaurants
i 13. Off-sale o; l:quor
.~ i
5. ~ la. Candy store
15. Jewelry store
• 16. Custom print shop
_ i
17. Concession stands or shops
i~. ~
~ 18. Auto rental agency
19. Radio and television studio
i . ; ,
20. Dog kennels
E' ''~ 21. Sicns as permitted ir Section 18.37.040.
C. Condi±ional Uses. The following uses may be permitted by
:.: ~ ~
Conditional Use Permit subject to the Site DeveloNment
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Standards of this zone and the conditions and required
showings of Chapter 18~64 (Conditional Uses).
1. Theme type amusement parks or complexes inciuding:
a~ Displays and exhibits for the primary purpose of
advertising specific products and the incidental
sale of those products on the site.
b. Administrative, processing, maintenance and storage
facilities necessary to support the operation of
the park complex.
co 'I'he keeping of animals or birds used in the operation
of the parn provided that such animals or birds shall
be maintained in physical confinement sufficient to
restrain the movement of said animals or birds upon
any real property not owned or under the law:ul
possession or control of the person or entirely own-
ing or controlling said animals or birds. Further
no birds or animals shall be allowed to be confined
closer than forty (40 ft.) feet from any building
used for human habitation no closer than twenty
(20 ft:) feet from any property line.
2. Theatres, excepting drive-in.
3. Exhibition halls or auditoriums including museumsa
4. Heliports and transportation terminals.
5n High-rise business and professional office buildings
provided that:
a. The site has frontage on a freeway or arterial
street or highwaya
b. The building will be a minimum of three (3)
stories in height~
6. Semi-enclosed restaurants~
7. On-sale of alcholic beverages in:
a. Notels
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b. Motels
co Skating rinks
d. Bowling alleys
e. Semi-enclosed restaurants
8. Car wash
9. Golf course
10. Minature golf course
11~ Driving range
12. Heights in excess of seventy-fiv2 (75 ft.) feet not to
exceed the heights defined by Map 1124 entitled Anaheim
Commercial Recreation Area Heights Standard Guideline.
A. Minimum site reouirem nts - None
B. Minimum setbacks and tandscaoina.
There shall be provided setbacks and landscaping as follows;
for every building herea:ter erected in this zc~e or when
any existiny buildin9 or building site is added to by twenty-
five (25%) percent or more of tl~e gross area of said existing
building or building site.
1, Street Setbacks. An open setback shall be provided for
tne full width of tne property abutting any street o:~
highway. Said setback shall be measured from the
planned highvaay right-of-way line designated by the
General Plan as follows:
(See Chapter 18,85 for setbacks on Katella Avenue,
Harbor Boulevard and P~est Street).
a. Arterial Streets, setback ten (10 ft.) feet all
landscaped except as otherwise noted by ordinance.
b. Local Streets setback five (5 ft.) feet, all
- 5 -
co Parkin4 Area Setbacks, When a vehicular parking
area abuts a public stre?t excepting Harbor 6oule-
vard, Katella Avenue or West Street, the required
landscaping area may be reduced to three ~3 fta)
feet in depth. The required iandscaping shall con-
sist of thirty (30 in~) inch '~igh screen type shrubs
or bushes.
2o Interior Setbacks~ None required except that w:~'r,in
one hundred fifty (150 ft.) feet of any single family
residential zone (excepting R-A Zones, which have a
Resolution of Inter,t to rezone to zones other than R-1),
an open setback area equal to two (2) times the height
of any proposed structure shall be previded. Said set-
back areas may be used as part of ar, automobile parking
area, provided that moderate to rapid growing evergreen,
broad headed heavy textured trees are planted adjacent
to the residential ;one boundary o~ maximum twenty
(20 ft.) foot ~ente::s~ Where the property under con-
sideration abu:s a dedicated alley, the entire width
of the alley, may be apalied in measurino a required
3. Landscapino. Landscaping shall consist of la~~, trees,
shrubs, etc. except as required above. All landscaped
areas shall be permanentiy maintained in a neat and
orderly manner as a condition of use and shall be pro-
vided with hose bibbs, sprinklers or similar permanent
irriga~ion facilities.
a. Landscaoe Plan Reviewa The 1 ~ion of all peri-
' pheral and interior la~..:n,:apir,_ =.na11 be shown on
a plot plan and shall be subject to review by the
Development Services Department.
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b. Front Setback Area. The following r~rchitectural feat-
ures, structures, and accessways may be permitted in
. the required setback area:
.~~ , (1) Fountains, ponds, sculpture, planters and walkways
'~j' (open or covered) v~here they are an integral part
~'~ of a landscaping scheme comprised primarily of
~ plant material=.
( (2) Decorative screen type walls, not exceeding tiiirty
c (30 in.) inches in height, where located no closer
~,' ;:han ten (10 ft.) feet from the front property line.
(3) Signs as permitted in Section 18.37.040 herein.
,~ - (4) Flag poles for the display of a national, state
~I or company ensi~n only.
r (5) Entrance and exit drives and walks into parking
~. ; '
,i areas.
-~ (6) Decorative screen walls for the purpose of screen-
;:~ ing utility devices or facilities.
, I c. Trees. The interior portions of all vehicular parking
,j ~
areas shall be planted and maintained with trees at a
;i ratio of at least one {1) tree per each ten thousand
(1Q,OOJ sq. ft.) square feet of parking area. Each
tree shall be protected either by means of a minimum
[' four ~~ in.) incr, hi gh PCC curb or ade quat e bu m p e r
~ ,
i Co B_uildino and Structural Heioht Limitations.
~ ~
~ ~.. 1. I'he maxim:un height of all buildings or structures shall
; be sevent five 75 ft.) ieet exce t as
y- ~ p provided in Sub-
~ section 3.
2. The height of structures within one hundred fifty (150 ft.i
feet of any single family residential zone boundary (except-
,~ ~
ing the R-A Zone), shall not exceed one-half the distance
~j ~ from said building or sti.,ctures to the .:.ne boundary.
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Dedicated streets and alleys may be included in calcula-
ting distance.
3. Heights in excess of seventy-five (75 ft.) feet not to
exceed the heights defined by Map 1124 entitled Anaheim
Commercial Recreation Area Height Standard Guideline may
be permitted by conditional use permit.
D. Roof ~nounted eaui~ment shall be constructed so that it is
not visible from any public street or residence.
E. Off-Street Parkin4
1. The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces
shall be provided and where a combination of uses are pro-
posed, the parking requi_eTents shall be the sum of the
requirements of the individual types of uses.
a. Hot s: One (1) space per two (2) guest rooms olus
one (1) space per each employee for the maximum number
of employees on the largest shift.
b. Motels: One (1) space per each guest unit.
c. Restaurants ~exceotina drive-in or walk-uo), Cafes.
Niaht Clubs. Bars and Corrtail Loun4es: One (lj
space for each five (5) fixed s~ats plus one (1)
space :or each thirty-five (35 sq. ft.) square
feet of seating area where there are no fixed
seats, plus one (1) space per each employee for
the maximum number of employees on the largest
shift. A minimum of ten (10) parking spaces
shall be provided regardless of seating area or
the number of employees.
d. Theatres. Auditoriums. Exhibition Halls, h1useums.
Art Galleries: One (1) space per each five (5)
fixed seats plus one (1) space p=r each thirty-five
(35 sa. ft.) square feet of seating or viewing area
where there are no fixed seats, plus one (1) space
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per each employee for the maximum number of
employees on the largest shifta
eo Bowlina Allev: Three (3; spaces per alley, plus one
(1) space .`or each thirty-five (35 sq. ft~i square
feet of building area used for public assembly, plus
.`ive (5) spaces per one thousand (1000 sq. ft~) square
feet of gross building floor area used for other corn-
mercial purposes~
f. Skatinca Rinks. Ice or Roiler: Ona (1) space per each
five (5) seats or thirty-five (35 so. fto) square feet
of seating area where there are no fixed seats plus
one (1) space per each two hundred fifty (250 sq~ fto)
square feet oi floor area not used for seating, plus
one (1) space per each employee for the maximum
number of employees on the largest shifto
ge Auto Rental Aqencv: One (1) space per each rental
vehicle to be kept on the premises, plus one (1)
space per each employee for the maximum number of
employees on the largest shift.
h. Heliports and Transoortation Terminals: Because o`
the un'que problems connected with this use, the park-
ing requirements shall be determined at the time of
application by tne Planning Cummission.
i. Golf Course: Ten (10) spaces per hole plus one (1)
space for each thirty-five (35 sq. fta) square feet
of building floor area used for public assenbly plus
five (5) spaces per one thousand (1000 sqa ft.) square
feet of gross building floor area us~d for other com-
mercial purposes.
j. Golf Drivinq Ranae: One (1) space per teee
ka M:niature Golf: Twenty (20) suaces plus one (1)
space per each employee for the maximum number of
employees on the largest shiit.
ii ~
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1. Theme 'rvqe Park: Parking requirements to be deter-
mined by the Planning Commission usir.g the requirements
as set fcrth in this Chapter as a guide.
mo Other Retail Stores and/or Service Businasses• Five
(5) spaces per one thousand (1000 sq. ft.) square feet
of g~oss floor area or frzction thereof.
n. Hiqh Rise Business and Professiona] Office Buildinos
~3 stories and over in H iqht)o Four (4) spaces per
one thousand (1000 sq. ft.) square feet of seventy-
five (75%) per.cent of the gross area exclusive of any
portion of the building devoted to vehicle parking or
other commercial uses. Where uses other than business
and professional offices or parking are included in tlie
building, their individual parking requirements shall
be added to the sum of the requirements for the rest
of the building.
o. For other uses as provided in tiiis Chapter, parking
shall be provided in accordance with the p°ovisions
of Chapter 18,04.
p. Where exceptional and extraordinary circumstances
applicable to the site of the use to be sarved are
involved, parkir,g may be provided adjacent to, or
within four hundred (400 ft.) feet of said site.
All property used for such off-site parking shall
be under ihe same ownership as the use intended to
be served, under joint ownership, or under aoreement
approved as to form by the City Attorney. A recorded
document stipulating the reservation of the property
ior parking purposes shall be filed with the Develop-
ment Services Department prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
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2. All off-street parking shall be designed and improved in
accordance with the requirements of the Minimum Dimensions
for Off-Street Parking as approved by the City Councilo
3a The above provisions sh~ll take precedence over any con-
flicting provisions of Section 180040030.
F. External Liohtinq. Parking areas sha11 be lighted by dovm
light type light standards. All external lighting shall be
directed into or. on the site and away f:om the prope:ty :i.^.es.
G, Vehicular Accessa The size and location(s) of all venicular
access and vehicular circulation for public use shall be re-
viewed by the Traffic Engineer prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
H, Wa11s~ Where an interior site boundary line abuts a resi-
dential zone, a six (6 fta) foot masonry wall shall be
provided. Said wall shall be measured from the highest
finished grade level of the subject property or adjacent
properties, whichever is the hi9hesto
I. Standard Refuse Storage Areaso Refuse storage areas are re-
quired in this zone and they shail be constructed in con;ormance
with the standards ertitled "Trash Storage Areas" on file in the
o.°fice of the Director o` Public Works~
18>37.040 SIGNS
Aa AQqreaate Area of Siqns Permitted. ?he aggregate area oi all
siqns facing each three hundrad (300 lino ft.) lineai feet of
street frontage shall be limited •;~ two (2 sqo ft.) square
feet for each lineal foot of street or highway frontage,
plus an area equal to any wall sign permitted.
Bo Free-Standina Siqns
1. Mumber of Free-Standinca Sipns Permitted: One (1)
multi-faced free-standing sign, designating the princi-
pal uses of the premises, shall be permitted on ary one
parcel of rroperty. An addi.tional free-standing sign shall
- 11 -
be ~~rmitted fo* each additional three hundred (300 lin~ ft.!
lineal feet of street or highway frontage in excess of the
first three hundred (300 ft~) feet of frontage~ When more
than one (1) free-standing sign is permittedq it shall be at
least three hundred (300 fi:~) feet from any other free-
standing or roof sign located on the same parcel ef property;,
2o Heioht of Free-Standi~q Sionso
a~ Maximum Heioht of any free-standing sign shall be
seventy (70 ft<) .`eet or the distance from the
base of the sign to the centerline of the adjacent
street whichever is the lesser, except
b~ Maximum Heiaht Within 300 feet of a Residen'iai Use
shall be Lwenty-five (25 ft~) feet. Subject to para-
graph 2a the height of a sign may be incr~ased one
(1 ft~) foot for each additienal ten (10 ft~) feet
within which there is no residential use.
c. h~inimum Heioht of any portion of the sign itself
shall be eight (8 rt.) fee~~
3o Area of Free-Standina S_~ns
a~ The area of eac:~ iace o: a double-faced free-
stand: .g sign shail not exceec' three iiundred
fifty (350 sq. ft.) square feet or two (2 sqo fto)
squai•e feet for each lineal feet ur street or high-
way frontage of the parcel of property on which said
si9n is located, whichever is the lesser; except,
that each face of any multi-iaced free-standing
sign shall not exceed two (2 sqe ft.) square feet
for each lineal foot of street or highway frontage,
and further the combined area of all of the faces of
a multi-faced free-standing sign shall not exceed seven
hundred (700 sq. ft.) square feet>
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- 12 -
b~ Wf~en prope: iy has frontage on more than on~~ (1)
street, the p*op~rty r~~ay have che n~~~nber of multi-
faced free-standing si9ns pern:itted by Section 18,3i,040 }31
for each such street frontage~ In establishir~ ~-.~, size
of each ~u:l, sign, only the lineal fret of the str~=t
u,r,on whicl-~ each ef said signs faces may he cor.~i9=re~:,
c• Ti1° nwner of a~~y lot o-• ;~ar:e] of proper':y fron;ir; on
more *_~~an one (:) sc eet or highway i^ay elect to con-
bine the total strezt frontage of said p_operty i.,
~stablishing the maximum ~er~u~ted size of any ;ree-
standing sign, however, ir. ~,ie event all st aet or
highway frontage is so combined, only one (1) sucr~
sign ~hall be permitted to be constructed on the
premises and such single sign shall not excec~ the
maximum area permitted b~• Section 18a37,040 B,3,aa
d. Two (2) or more o~n~ier~ ef separate adjacent parcels o*
real propert~, may elect t~ combine the street or hig,`,-
w,.y frocr.age of tF.eir respective adjacAni properties,
ii` such properties are s~ combined, ont (lj ;r~z-
standiny sign shall ~e p~rmitted to be constru~,tzd
or ere,.ted in ac_crdance with the provi;;ic~~~ ui thi=_
Chaptere Eac~. face of any such doub?e-faced iree-
standing sign m~y be pErmittcd a max~rtium sign area
of three hundre:; f?fty (350 so. fta) sGuare Feet
per face or two (2 sq~ ft~) square feet for eacii
lineal foot of combined street or highway frontage
whichever is the lesser, anc' furthci each :ace .,i
any multi-faced free-stan~.iny siy„ permittad shall
not exceed two (2 sqo fi.) square fe>t :•~r eac!~
lineal foot of combined street or highway fro~~taye
and the combined area of all faces of a multi-faced
free-standing sign shall not exceed seven hundred
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(700 sqa ft<) square feeto The aforementi~ned E1~~-
t~on to ceabine sxreet or highway :ro:,tages o: ad,7acent
properties ,}.all not be permitted if there exists on
any portion of said properti~= a:~~~ `r~e-st::~rino signs
unless such :ree-standir.; ;,iy^ is remo~ed~
e~ ~?egardless of thc• amount of lineal s;reet or hiohway
frontage of said parcel of ..eal property, all double-
faced free-st~nding signs shall be r~ermitted to ~ave
at least thir'c~• (30 ;y, ft.) square feet per face,
~3nd all muit:-fa~;ed free-standing signs shall be pEr-
riitted to have at least a combined area oi all of the
'.'aces of said multi-iac?d sign of ~~ixty (50 sq. _°io)
r,;uare feet.
4. Locat'~an .~f Free-Star.d:~o,S_ions, ihe .`ree-standino sigr.
sha:l be located in the cer.cer twe~r.ty (20%) percent of
the p~operty with relation to abutting parcels of proper~ya
No sign need be located more than one hundred twenty ~1<<~ ft.)
feet from an abut~:ing oarcel p-roparty iine.
Vr'all Sions. One ( 1) ~vall sign relritir.g to the principal
busine;s of or use of t'~e premises is permitted per each
ovaier, lessee or tenant of a b~ilding. The area of ?ach
wall sign permitted sh~:'. r,ot ~x~eed ~wrnr,y (20%/ percent
of that por~ion of tliE race of the t:~ilding ov,~ed, leased
or rented.
Roof Sions. One (1) roof sign of a msximum a*ea of two f:~.:;~d:ec
fifty (250 sq. ft.) square f.t or, twc l2 sq. f~.) square feet
per lineal foot of street frontage whichever is the ]esser.
Dlo i:luminated roof sion shal! be permitted that exceeds
twenty-five (25 ft.) feet in height from the ground when
within a radius of three hundred ('s00 ft.) feet from any
residentially used structure. The sign may be increased
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one (1 ft.) foot in height for each ten (1Q ft~) feet in
radius within which there is no residential structurf; how-
ever, in ~o event shall the highest portion of any roof sign
exc~ed twenty-five (25 ft.) feet from the roof or, which it
is placed~
In addition, the location of roof signs in relation to
abutting parcels of oroperty shall be governed by the dis-
tance requirements of Section 18037~040 B,4, IJo reoi sion
sha11 be nlaced closer than three hundred i300 it~) feet
from ar.~• other roof sign or free-standing sign located on
the san~e parcel of real property.
The ovmer of any lot or parce? of real p~operty ;ronting
on more than one (1) street or highway may elect to ccmbine
the total street frontage of said property in estabiishing
tne ~naximum permitted size of any roof signa 'r.owe~~er, in tne
event all street or hig}.way frontage is so combined, only or.e
~1) such sign e:~.all be permitted to be cnnstructed on the
~r~mises and such single roof sign based on such combined
~~:reet or highway shall not exceed in area t~e maximum per-
mitted :~y the :;r ii~ior,=_ of this section.
e^tranc or F.xi~,Si3n:. One (1) 'Exit' or one (1) ~Entrance'
sign sha:l be permitted a•.; each driveway entering or leaving
the premisee. Such s:^ns shall not exceed three (3 sqo ft.)
sGuare feet in area ncr '.e more than four (4 ft.) feet in
height from the ground.
GuidP Sians, One (1) guide sign (as defined in Section
18.62.020(b) Sign Ordinance, not exceeding twenty-four
(24 sq. ft.) square feet in area the largest dimension
of which shall no+, exceed six (6 ft.) feet. Said sign may
ba located anywhere on the premises beliind the prope*ty line.
:i ,
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G, For Sale or Lease Sipns. One (1) unlighted sign o` a maximum
of ten (lU sqo Fto) square feet, offeriny the premises ior
sal:• or laase or open to the inspection of the public; pro-
vided, that a totai of tnree (3) s.ch signs may be p.aced or.
the real property if the total aggregate area of all ti;ree
(31 such signs does not exceed ten (10 sqo ftoi square reet~
H„ Marauee ~ChanaFable CoRy) Sicanso Any o: tne types oi sigrs
perm:t;ed 'ny Section 18~62aC80(B) may be permitted as marquee
si9ns as def:ned in Section 18.62~030(ej, subject te a:i oi
the iimitations, conditions and restr:ct:ons cor.tained ir,
ti,is sectiono
I, Name Piates„ One (1) unlighted name olate of a maximum o:
two (2 sq~ ft~) souare ieet in area~
ti~at changes wiil occur in the area due to the increase ir.
veiiicular traffic, ti•.e °ollowing dedications and :moro:~emen±s
are ~eemed to he nec~.ssary to p.event congestion and +_ne ot'.:er
hazards related to ti~e intensified use o: the land and to !-e
necessary fo: the preservation or the puriic hFalth, safet;~ ar.d
general welfareo ...ese requ'~ements s~all be me`•. or comp:ied
with before any complex or building sha11 oe giver ;inai appravai
ard accepted for use and occupancy.
A.. All r~quired arterial streets and 'nighways, local streets,
and alleys, which abut the subject property, shall be dedi-
cated to the full width designated by the General Plan or
other official plans or standares adopted by the City Councilo
Bo A11 street, highway~ and alley improvements shall have beer,
instailed and in good repair or street improvement plans
shall be prepared to City oi Anaheirn standards and said
improvements constructed. A faithiul performance 'rond
in a form appro•:~ad by the City Attorney may be posted to
F .._ ~~
t. ; : '
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~ '
~' a
Ei ~
- 16 -
assure the construction of the streets, wF~ich may include
but not necessarily be limit2d to excavation, curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, pavement, drainage facilities or any other engineer-
ing requirement~
Co Street lightinq facilities shall be installed in accordance
with the official street lighting plan approved by the
Utilities Diractor, or street lighting fees in that amount
specified by the City Council for any abutting street or
highway, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim.
D. Public utility easements necessary to se*ve the sub~ect
property and%or area in which the subject property is
situated shall be placed underground in accordance with
Chapter 17,08 entitled "Subdivisions" and dedicated to the
City of Anaheim in accordance with the requirements of the
Utilities Director.
Eo Necessary fire protection facilities shall be provided :or
;n accordance with the requirements of the Fire Chiei of
the City of Ana'.:eimo
F. Street tree fees in the a~iount specified by the City Co~ncil
for any abutting street or highway shall be paid to the City
of Anaheim fo_ the furn?shinq and planting of said trees.
Where fully concreted parkways are developed, tree weils
s~,all be installed as reGuired by official parkway develop-
ment standards.
G. The Building Inspector shall not grant final release or
issue a final certificate of occupancy to any building
constructed upon any property covered by this ordinance
until the City Engineer has indicated compliance with
Section 18.37.050, paragraphs A and B, the Utilities
Director has indicated compliance with Section 18.37.050
para9raphs C and D, the Fire Chief has indicated compli-
ance with Section 1B.37.050, paragraph C, and the Director
of Public Wroks has indicated compliance with Section
18.370050, paragraph F.
. , .j
. _ _._a._,_, _ -- __~.._.. ,., ..
- 17 -
18.37.060 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW. In order to promote the continued
quality development characteristic of Anaheim's Commercial Recrea-
~~'~ tion Area and to safeguard and enhance both potential and established
`i~ community value through the encouragement of compatible developments
,~ j :
, botn structurally and architecturally, all development olans shall
'! be subject to review by the Development Services Departmento Vd'nere
~ -. a question arises as to the administratier. of specific sections of
' I.
~ the Anaheim h1unicipa'_ Code, appeal snall be in writing to tne
~,I Anaheim Planning Commission who wil; hear the matter at its r.ext
i. l
j regular meeting. Appeal from the decision of the ~'lanning Commission
I shall be in written form,stating the reasons for said appeal, to the
City Council. The City Council may, on its own motion, elect to re-
j view the action of the Planning Commission.
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