~ ~~
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional
Use Permit from HUIdTINGTON PARK FIRST SAVIf~GS AtdD LOAl~ ASSOCIATIO:d~ 2650 Zoe Avenue, Huntington
Park, California, Owner; JAIdES H. AND DORIS SAULS JR., 710 tdorth Euclid, Suite 207, Anaheir.:,
California 92801, Agents of certain real pro~~erty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of Californiz, described in Erhibit "A" a{;tached hereto and referred to herein
~s though set forth in fuli
; end
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on
August 28, 190', at 2:00 dclock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by
law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence
for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigete and make findings and recommendations in connection
therewith; and
WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf,
and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered et said hearing, does find and determine the following fads:
1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by this Code,
SECTIO:; 1~i.64.0,0(1-g) to establisn a private club ano recreational facility with on-sale
liquor in a restaurant witn waiver of:
S8CTI0:: 18~40.070(?-a-1) - Setbacks i10-foot open front setback required; masonry
wall in the setback proposed on both Anaheim Boulevard and
Lemon Strec:t frontaaes)
2. That the prooosed use :vi]] not adversely aFfect the adjoininq land uses and the ara:;~~
and development oi tne area in wnich it is proposed to be loc=ted.
3. Thzt the size and snape of the site propo=_ed for the use is adequate to allow the
fuli development o; tne proposeo use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to
the peace, nealtn, safety, and genera'. ~,vel.'are of the Citizens o.` the C.ty of Ananeim.
4. Tnat tne grantina o.` the Cocii~iona] Use Permit under tne conditions imposeo, if an;,
wil! not be detrimenta~ to the peace, hea:th, sz`ety, and general welfare o` the Citizens of
the City of Anaheim.
5. That under tne authority of Section 18.64.0'0, ~vaiver of the reyuired 10-foot open
`ront setback to permit masonry v;a11s in said setback on both street frontuges is nereby
granied, since tne wall along Anaheim Boulevard i=_ already con~truc~ted ano the wall a:ong
Lemon Stre~t °rontage ~aaould he:o to sen~.rate the ; ommercia'. use from the residential home=
across the stre~t.
6. Tnat t:vo persons appeared to express tneir concern relative to noises, debris, ard
comrnercial access to L~::r.on Street and street improvem~nts, and a!etter was received also
requesti~g ti~at =_treet imorovements for Lemon Street be recuireti.
CL -1-
~ - FIRST CINANCIAL ~RPOWITION OF TfiG ti1'GST, a_~rporation, as
~_,,iP'~ for whose benefit and protection dus Guarantee is issued, in n sum not to exceed
~{ , ~5400,000.0~------------- - - ,----- - -
at, ns nppears rom an examinntion of tl~e pubtic records in re~ation to t~ie recor~ Utle
.'~ to the laad berein described, said tide is vested in
TAMASFIA TOIVN AND COUNTRY CLUB~ a corporation, formerly known
as Alfrancis, Inc., a corporation.
That portion of Lot 26 of Anaiieim Gxtension, in the city of Ana)~eitn~
county of. Oran~e, state o[ California~ as sliolvn o~t a map of survey
made by h'illiam Ilamel, a copy of which is filed in the office of the
county recorder o£ said Orange County, in book 3 pa~e 1G3 et seq.~
entitled "Los Mp,eles County h1aps," described as follo~as:
Be~inning at a point on tlie easterly line of saici Lot 26, nortlicrly
503.19 feet from the southeast corner of said lot, said soutlicast
corner being for the purpose of this description at the intersection
of the center line of 13a11 Road with the center line oE Los Mfieles
Street; thence northerly 84 feet along said easterly line; thence
tivestcrly to a point on tlie westerly line of said lot bein~ on the
center line of Lemon Street, northerly 415.89 feet t>>ercon [rom tiie
southerly line of said lot; thence southerly 84 feet alon~ said
ivesterly line to a point which is northerly 331.89 feet thcreon.irom
the southerly line of said lot; thence easterly G12.49 £ect ~o'tiic.~~;~
point of beginning. ,~..
~.; " _' ~`
EXCEPT all oil, gas and other hydrocarbon suUstances and m~irerals'c~~~ 1~
in and under said land below 500 feet from tlie surface tiier.eof~;~Nut, ~!
without the right to enter upon any part of. said land for tlie •
~ ~ ``'c `:. ~
C~}i1D, t1SE PER~~JlIT ~ ~JV _•~ ~ ~
N0. 9~ ~~ G
i purpose of recovering said substances, as reserved by llessa I.
' 1Vagner~ a widow, in deed dated April 1~ 1960 and recorded Atay 4,
196U in book 5226 page 211 of Official Records.
; That portion of Lot 26 of rlnaheim Extension in the city of Anahcim,
~ county of Orange, state of Calif:ornia, as per map of survey made by
l~'illiam Flamel, a copy of which is filed in the office oE the county
rcce.rder of said Orange Cou~ity, in book 3, pagc 163, et seq,~
entitled "Los Angeles County Dfaps," described as follotivs:
~ I I3eginning at a point on the easterly line o[ said Lot 26, northcrly
587.19 feet from tlie southeast corner of said lot, said soutlicast
corner being for the purpose oF this description at the intersection
- of. the center line of 13a11 Road with ti~e center line of Los Angeles
~ Street; thencc northerly 284.GG feet along said easterly line;
„~, ~ tlience westerly to a point an the westerly line of saicl lot~ Ucing
on the center l~ne of Lemon Street, nortlierly 700.55 feet tiierco~i
from the southerly line oI said lot; t}ience soutlierly 284.GG fcct
along said tivesterly line to a point which is northerly 415~89 fcet
tliereon from the soutlierly line of said lot; thence casterly 61Z,49
feet to the point of beginning. .
_ _ _ --. _ .. . .
_ . _. ...- -
~ ; -
~ ---'~~o
IJOVJ, T'rIEREI-URE, BH I; RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
~rant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions t~~hich are
hereby found to be a r,ecessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in
order io preserve the sa:ety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of P.naheim:
lo That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of
tne City of Anaheim along Lemon Street, such as curbs and gutters, sidev:alks, street gradino
and pavino, drainage facilities, or other apourtenant wor~: snall oe completed as required oy
tne City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and sper.ifications on file in the o*fice
o"r the City Engineer; or that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim
snall be poste~ tivitn the C~ty to guarantee tne instzllation of soid enaineering requirement=.
_. Cn:;t the owner oi subject property shal: pay to the City of Anaheim tne sum of $2.00
per front foot a:ong Lemon Street and Anaheim Boulevard, for street lighting purposes.
3. That the ownex~ of subject property shal! pay to the City of Anaheim the surr of 15~ oer
front foot alony Lemon Streec, for tree plantir.a purposes.
4. Tnat tne sidewal'r:s shal~ be installed along Ananeim Bou!cr~arri,as required by the City
Enaineer and in accor~ance with standzrd plans and specifications on file in the of`ice o: ~he
City Enyineer_
5. Th~t the d:iva~vay depressions whicn are not. to be used alona Anaheim 3oule~~ard snall
ce removed and replaced ~aith curo as r2quired by the City Engir.eer and in accordance vaith
standard pians and soecifications on file in the ofrice of tne City Enaineer.
6. Tna~ tile se•~ver conne~tion fee in the amount of $1,71G.80 sha17 be paid to the City
Enyine~r's office.
7. That trash s~orage areas shal] be provided in accordance v~ith ap;,soved o!ans on `ile
r~ith tne offica of the Di*ector of Public VJorks.
B. Thot fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be nec2sszry by
the Chi~:f of ti~e Fire Deeartment.
9_ Tnat ail air-c:onditioning iacilities shall Ue prooerly shielded from vier~.
10. Tnat al! accass ria!~ts to Ler,:on Street snall ue dedicateo to tne City of Ar.aneim.
l1~ That an B`oot masonry ~n;a!1 snal! be construc:ted alono tne entire Lenon S~reet front-
age at the rignt-o:`-way Iine.
12. Tiiat Conditiur, ~los. 1, ;, 3, 4, 5, c, and 10, above mentioned, shall be cor.,plied ~;~iti~.
prior to tne time that tn~ 3uilding Permit is issued or ~.;iti-~in a period oi 1fi0 days .`rom date
nereo'y ,;~~icnev~r oc~urs .`irst, or such furtner tir~e as tne Com~~.ission or City Cour.cil r~~;~
13. T'r.at Condition ::os. 7, R, 9, and 11, abo~~e mention~d, snai] oa complied ~.~it:^. prior to
~ina] building ano zonir.o insoe;tions.
1^-. Tnat suoject proper.y shail b? developed substantial!y ia ac._ordance~nitn nlrr,s ano
sp?~i:`ications on ; il~ U:ith ine C,ty o`' Ananeim, mar::ed Exnibit iios. 1, '~, 3, ~, ar.d 5_
TRE FOREGOI:IG RESOLUTIO:: is =igned and aoproved oy.'me this 7`n dav o` ,. ,ember. !~o'.
~~i-~1r~~~ -~'" ~
, CHAIRhi '~ A';~HEIM CITY PLA'7':1::G ~N SISSIO':
~~~ ~ ~' ~
~UCJ7'Y OF ORA^]G6 ) <s.
I, Ann Krebs, Secretary o: the City Planning Commission o.` tne City of' Ananeim, do i~ereoy
certi`y that the roregoir.g resolution vaas paseed and adopted at a meeting o:' the City Flar.~.i;.c
Com;.^.ission of the City or P.naneim, neld on Auoust 28, 190?, at ~-CO O c!ock P.M., 'oy the
folio~~•;ino •,~o~e of tne memuers tner~of:
P.YFS: C0:1h;ISS10ti~RS: Gau~:~, i~er•o=_t, i~lungal i, Roivland, Camo.
>;06S: C0~'~hISSIO:!ERS: 91onA,
ABSEi;T: ~f~Vv1ISSI0~lERS: Alired, rarano.
1'; WIT':ESS VJHEREOF, I i~ave nereur.to set my nand tnis 7tn day o.` September, 19e7.
/ -
%~ ~_ ' ~ 7; A~~~,~ ;~~
`~i I
~ Res. iJo~ 168
: ~