PC 67-23RESOLUTION NO, PC67-23 A RESOLUTION VF THE CITY PLANNING COhh~4ISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 917 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Maheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditionel Use Permitfrom TED CORNELL AND DORIS CORNrLL, 13122 Rosalind Drive, Santa Ana, Cali`ornin, Owners: HANS NIETER, 17509 Chatsworth S~reet, Granada Hills, Californiz, Agent o: ce:tain real proper~~~ situated in the City or Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described ae. The Nortn- ?i-ly 270 feei of tne West 307 feet o: Lot 14 of Orange~NOOd Tract, as shown or. a map ieeo:ded in Book 7, p;ye 42 0: hSiscellaneous Maps, records o.` Orange Co~n~y. Excea!ing ti~er~i:orn t;~at ._._~`a~ portion of Loi 14 of said Oranne~vood Tract, described as beginni.ng at tt~a Nor~i~ti~est ,=oiner of ~'° said Lo~ 14; thence South along tneSVest line of said lot, 27C ;eet; thence cast parallel ~ i f ' •,vith the ~:ortn line of said lot, ~12 feet; thence Nort}~ parallei v~ith tP~e'~~est ?ine o: :_:ii ,~; , lot9 270 ; eet to the Uo: th line of =aid lot; thence V~est elony said i~7ortn 1ine, 212 : ert to F~ the ooint oi oeginning ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did huld .~ public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on Januai-y 30, 1967, at 2:00 o'c:ock P.M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Maheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissien, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all eviuence and reports offered at said i~earing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditionel .Use Permit is authorized by this Code, to wit:Sect'on 1R.6d.020(1-c) to establish a church and related facili'ies with ~,v~iver o;: SECTION 1~,62.090(B-2) - A9inimui~ permitt.ed 'neignt of a sign disolay surfaca. 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate ~.o allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfnre of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That 4 p'ersons cpoear~d, o.e o: whor, presented a oetition sioned by 16 oer~on=, in oooos`,.tion to sut;ject oetition. Cl-G _1_ ~ ' -~.,a~~ NObY, THEREFORE, BF. IT RFSOLV~D tnat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does r~e~eby grant subject Petit.ion .`or Conditional Use Permit, uHon the Pollowing conditions v:hich are hereby found to be a neces:;ary prerequisite to +.he proposed use of the sunject p:ope:ty in order '.~ preserve the sarety ano general welfare of the Citizer.s of the City o: Anai:eim: lo That the owners of subject property shall deed to the City of An~iieim z_:iriu o` lar,d ^..~ feet in width, from the center line of the street, along Orangevaood Avenue, :or street widenino puroo~es. 2o Thai strect improvement plans snall be prepared and all enoineerino requi:ements o: the City of Ananeim along Orangawood Avenue, such as curbs and gutters, =idFwalks, street grading and paving, drainage faciiities, or other appurtenant work shall oe completed as required by tne City Engineer and in accordance with stan9ard plans and =oeci`ications on iile in the office of the City Engineer; or that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to ti~e City of Anahe:n. shall be posted ~;~ith the City to guarantee the installation of said engin2ering *equirements. 3. That the owners of subject property shall pay to tne City of Anail~im the surr~ of 52.00 per front foot alor.g Orangewood Avenue9 for street lighting purooses. 4, That the o~,a~ners oi subjec~ propezty shall pay to the Cit, of Anahtim t7e sum oi 1~# per f_ont fi~ot along Orangewood Avenue, for tree planting purposes. 5~ ihat trasn storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approveo p1~ns on .`ile v~ith the o:fice of the Director of Public Works. o, That the iinal parking plon be approved by Development Review. 7. Tnat any liqhting pioposed for the parking area sha11 be of a"down ligntino" type and be no greater tnan six ieet in height. ~. ?nat ~ny landscaped areas in the parking area shall be orotected with =ir, inch iiig; concrete cuzbs, and that concrete wheel stops shall be provided for all parking ~paces. 9. Tnat Condition ;4os. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall b2 comolied witi~ prior to the t:me that the Building Permit is issued or witnin a period o.` 1R0 dzys :rom date hereo:, tvnicnever occurs .`irst, or sucn fu:ther timz a= the Commis=_ion or City Council may g:art. i0, Ti~at Condi*_ion Nos. 5, 6, 7, and R, above mentioned, s:1a11 be comolieo ~r~i`.^. p: ioi to ,`inal buildir,g and zoning inspections. 11~ That s,ubject property shall be developed subsiantially in accordcnce ~,vitn plan~ z:nd specification=_ on file witn ti~e City oi Ananeim, markeo Exnibit ~vo=> 1, 2, ind ~_ TH~ FORL~OI^]G RESOLUTION is =igred and apor ~ eo oy me this 9th day o< tebruary, 1967. ~_L~ T. (.u=l.<., LCi ~~~L~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEINi CITY PLA[~iI~ING CONh1ISSI~O;~ ATTEST: _ ~/-~.. .f:-; ~ ~~y2C.~. / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~;IIJG COLt.~ISSION STA7E OF CALIFORiJIA ) ~UNTY OF ORANG£ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Seciet=ry of the City ~lanning Commission of the City o: Anahe;m, do nE:eb•; -ertiiy that ihe `oregoing resolution tivas oassed and adooted at a meeting o: ~ne City~ ?lar.n!nc Commiss:on of the City of Ananeim, neld on January 30, 196%, at 2:00 0'cloc4 P.t~;., by the foliowing vote oi the members tiiereof: AYES: COhiMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Nerost, A'ungall, Rowland. Camp. NUES: CONiMI5SI0NERS: None. ABSciJT: NNIMISSiONERS: None. IN 'NITI~ESS '.YH~.RL~ca I f~~~ve iiereunto =_et my hand this 9th day of rebruary, 1967. (. ~/ T) ? < , ~~~ SECREIARY ANAHEIAI CITY ?LANNING COMAIISSION A Res. i~o. 23 ~