PC 67-245RESGLUTIO~. .,Oa ~'~67-?45 A RESOWTIOH OF THE CITY PLANNING (.'OIOQSS[ON dF THE QTY OF AIiAHF.i61 1HAT PE'i1TION FOR CONL~I'ftOtiAL USE PERlQ'f °~~ BE DENIED N'FIEREAS, the City Plamine Commission o[ the Cit, of M~heia did nceive ~ veeiU~d Patitlon Wr Coa ditionolUsePermittrom RAYA^OND N„ ROUGH, 20^-4 P~est Greenlea; Avenue, .4naneim, Caiifornia 92~Q;. ~vuner of certairi real oropez~y situated in tne City of Anaheim; Couniy ot" Orange, Stzte o` California, described as Lots :2, 13 and 1? o;' Tract Vo. 2517, as pEr map recorded in book 13~ pages 40 to 42 inclusive of Aliscellaneous hlaps, in tne office oi th~ county :ecoroer o: s~id county .__ ~ ; ~od •FIEREAS, tbe Ciry Plr+nln~ Comaiuioa did 6old ~ puWic 6e~rin~ at tbe City H~Il in tb~ Citp ot Aeaheio oa °Jov emb e: o, 19b~, ~t ~:00 o'clock P.l[., noHos ot taid pa6lie bwrfn~ havln~ bMa duly ~iv~n ~s c+qnfnd by l~w ~ed !n aoeord~ncc with t6e provision~ o[ tM Ma6N~ llaalcip~l cod~, CA~qt~c le.W, to 6Nr ~nd coa~idar ~vidence for wd Kainst said p~opoNd cooditiowl nw rad to levt~tl~s ~ed ak~ tiedinp ~nd recommendation~ in conneetion thsrewith; pid 9~'FiEREAS, a~id Commissioa~ ~ft~r dw laspeetion, lewstiptia~~ ~ad ~tadr aadt by ib~1t ~ed ie lt~ ba half, and aRer d~e condderatloo af ~11 evldence ~ad report~ oH~s~d ~t ~ald ber.L~~, de,e~ Had ~ed determin~ the following fects: 1. Thet the propos~d uae l~ pmQ~rly oa~ tor w6i~ ~ Coodltlmal U~e P~emit is aut~Orfs~d by thl~ Cade, 3~_ .. io,~ '_`3, e~ ~~; '(5i -o •,~~it: :_ta~. ___!~~. . -~+ ~~ . - or'r'r -:~.-~....~ .:tn,=r. -~ot.~: ~.,~i't . .ca::rr, o: S~~T_0:_-----__5_~_1 ~Li:dirn:.si'e :ua oer d~Nal:inc unit 11::~0 _ -... `_., r~,ui:_,. =0< _?ua:_ ~a~t p:oros~d). j ='-~~~' ~~ .uc.il. ~ - S'=C~ :0': : ~. ~ ~ ( ` ~, ) S~CTIO'; _~..:~.,1~0'~- ~:i ~~ '-= _ P,;ini~,u~,~ `~oo~ ~,a o~r ~iv~=~'ina uni~ ('OJ _ ar~ . _ _~, ri:quirec; ';`0 =.~uare . _.t nropo=_~o%. 3ui!dinc ~nd tur~1 i:~i:ht !imit~tton (:-=to:~, c.,,;,.,,itt~.r..... . to ~?-.S. ~•,.~ .. . •i,...c:~ . .:~o:~~s , ~iU4 :OOi 3LI~U~ LUIr , ~I::I1LL-... . ~E{Or]BS n:'ODOE~-:~ Buildinc sett:~,-;t:c (P. rr~inic,ur~ .5-ioo` =_etba~:; ._- q~irec aiono a io~~ai =treet: 1C ~eet eropoee~~ ~ro~r._ ~.... Tou2itV ;1n"r. LO ~~hZ Jc.:.(1!1C` ft=UCtl::e ..;.... i~ fe_t prorosed from tt:e pronerty :ine to le o= ;~e 3-=tory structure: and a:,-.°oot ~n:nirr.um. =atba: ~, .equired a:onc _.., E~st property !ine: 3 feet :roposed). ~ ScCTIO:' i~..^^ 0-,0 ~` r_<~,- +~ -~-.~~ ~r_ -eet r,ar'r:iao reouire^~2r.ts (00 s~:cas :ec,uirad~ ; , ~ , ~ ~ ; o o~ ~~:i; T!~;1 tn~ re;ae=te:i varian e: o. ,i ~ry :o* t'~e ore~ervation ~nd n~oy;r:en` of ~ sui>sta~tiai p:ocerty riont oossesse: ~y~ oi~er eronerty in t~e eame vi-inity ~nc zone, and no ?videncF was =u~mitted orovi~~a a ha:osi:io exi,ted to warrant fzvorable :onsiderat.or. b~~ ?he Commiasion. ~ ;~. That t~~e size o; the p~opo=ed units ~oui : c,iace *_'r,em in ti~2 cateqory of a mo:e1 rathie* tl:a^ ,partmen2s, ,~nr9 t`~i_ type oi u=; woulc oe more ;ppronriately :o:ated ad~acent to arter,ai .:ic~'r,ways. , ~ ~~~~at t%~e size o: ti~e prooosed units and t:.e resultar~t iiving environment ~.vould =et ~n t;ndes:rab;e pr.acHd~n± ''o: simi'.ar r~quast=_ `or =;;;stan7~r.ei 'r~inq yua:tersy Nhiie ~t ±:.- ~ _ ~~ sam~- ti~n2 the city ha= been attemciinc to uoaraae tiie :ivinn environment wiLi;in tt~r multipie ~ `ac~i:y residentia] ceam~nt o' the community i 5 That the paiitioner i= p7•opo=_inu a:l;-n~.~ty o* over 8~ un:~s par nN± a~:rc= ~r,c t:,= R-:'; Zon= ozrrnits a ir~•:imtim or~ or,1y 3%• units Ger ~~__. ;n; that ti~~e r~aue~t -.-or.=titute= ; approxim:tely a :~~:r ,~:.:r~a~=~_ in an=ity over +.,~i~at _. :rmitte_i. ' - . _ ~ --~_---.-----_-__--r.~~~ _ .._ - . _.. . - .~. ~ :~,.~a... i ' - ~i ;'~ ri NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commissiun does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditionel Use Permit on the basis of the aforementioned Eiadings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this bt~t oay of :doveTber, '=•~~"i ~ _.!_ ' r; : t ~_- ~ ~~/( ~"r SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CCJNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I> Ann Krebs., Sectetary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was passed end adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission ofthe City of pnaheim, held on P.ov~moer c, t co7, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: j AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A!1re~S Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowlan~, C;~nn~ i ~ NOES: C~IMMISSIONERS: ~~One. I ~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: h'unn=! ! „ i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this ;6t!~ oay of ~dovemb2s, 1457. [ ~ i ~ ~ ;> . !: ~ ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I RESOLUTION N0. ~~5 C2-D _z_ s• C F.~~ ~ "~ -- , ~ ~ / -~ ' -C ~~-Gt~ ~~_~ //~ ~ (CHAIRb1AN ANAHEIA1 CITY PLANNING COMMIS ON ATTEST: ,:~ * ' ~!x