PC 67-249RESOLUTION NO Cb7- 2-+9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING'1'O THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. °~~bi~-3~- BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition for Reclassifica- ticnfrom RCLA~D AND JON9tiNA KRO~rR, ~0; F_.as: C~:,car.sn Avanuc, ru_le.:ton~ C;~1ico:ci~ ;~_~c~.; OwnF}s, AN,''d T„ MADISO[d, .,. Sou`.h rarbcr F.o,i':_,ard~ 4r.anaim, :,a:i~orni~, 4~,;~n~. ot' procert, sit,i~te., ir. the C=!y o:~ Ar~ane:;n, ~o.;r.ty cf O::~na=: 3` ;'~ o;' fcrni~.. __s,.:b-i E.nibit "a,~ ..~t~ n~~ !;=:•e~c .~.~, . _ .~. _, ~c n~r-~in a~ tnough 5=`.H:eTt,~'ir. ...._ .. , and WHEREAS, the City Planr.ing Comrt~ission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the C..~ ~f Anaheim on '~o~~mDe_ r, i9^'7; at 2:00 o'dock P.1t. notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by lew and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim hlunicipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for and against seid proposed reclassification end to investiga:e and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid C~mmission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aEter due cons:deration of all etidence end reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the follou~ing facts: 1. That the pe[itioner proposes a redassification of the above described property from Ihe A.- _, ~-;~ar. . Ac3ric~.;itur~i Dis*_.:ict ::o,:r.ty; to -:~~ R-:, Or,e rari!y R~Siaentia;~ Zor.a ~o ae*a:l,~ .,. ..-.o~ cU':,71J15i0f; O^ 5'Ju'.a:i CSOPFr~.~, ~. ::~at t!~e p.ooos-a re~.!3ssi:.~..at.or ~s ?n _on`:~orm?^c~ ~.vit~~: t`.e Grnera: ?'.~:n. T!.~t t~.< crocos~~ j_s .o ons[_tut~ a"prezonin^" ~pc!i:ation _o _._ _. o'~ Anai~.irn zo~inq, p_r.9in:. ~r,..~.~tio~, _~ -...~~~.or:ze7 cy~ St~.e L~w_ ~ That the oroposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and pro- per develop~sent of the community. ~ Thet the proposed reclessification of subject property does properiy relate to the zones and their parmitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. Tiat ?~:e propo=_a~ rec:;assi:::atior. o; scbje~t orocerty r?quires ti:e i:•:i"ation ..~.. ?(I;Crov_-m_n2 Oi St:°6t5 C:~OUOScj~ nfl~J dDuL21~i: jt:•?ct5 :Il 3:.COZ':1d~1C@ N:l.t~~l thc C1:~~U1d~10~^.•L ~ H;1~ of _r.e 3eneral Plan, ~~:e to tiie anti~ipate~ in.::ease in tra`ri: whi:-!; wi?i be qen2rate: bv.t _ int=r.si' lcation oi ~.,n:i ~:se . - ~ x R-A " _• ' • i -1- ~ c ___ .a~.~,~ € f ~ ,f'. _3 v ~._._ ..~ ~.-_ ._...__.._.__..._.._.._.._._.~~.__..__.r__.__.._.._.~.._~._._..~._~...__.....~_~.....,~.%~:.C~...~._ '.::- .,.;_.: l0.rp a~~;~ ci' t;e i~~cst ~'1.6G ac.rs o: tY,e ~outhti•re:~ ,;ua;te: 0~ ,,:.v' SCliLf;itC::.~ C,:,11a,^C@: O.' B@Ji,101'1 i~, :'pV;:;S~l~p •- $O:]t1:~ }j;::~;J° 1.'} '.;e;,~, in Lne i;:sn^;:o 5an Juan Ca1or. de ~ . ~ S~nta :.n~, ccL~t~ o: 0:•_r.~e, st<:;,~ of ~alit'o:n±a, sa per nr,p .~ec~~•de~ it: LOOn •;: p~~e 10 ~' ,.~.,~ei.- _'-a~vuy ~'~-As, ln tiie Gf':1ce o: r.t,e c~ tf ;e:o: _d ~ ~ C~Ci Oi `3:i COL'.^.::~ . :.~.C~~ 1:~'1::t '~O:'~10t7 LIl@:@Oi 1;,/~f:~, ~73~ t:i ~.'7G i0110'rt„~;_ CC~:::`~:.C(: ti -i,. : i:; ... ~-••:. ~.nnir~ aL tz point 011 L:;C: 301:Lf1 Z~riO O.~ '.~11C1 SOU;:I~E:c:i` (',L'u. ~~: ~ .ws~ 6?".7^~ z'cet _ran t:~e sout,in;eut cornor thoreof; t;~ence ncrt'r: p~i•allel ~~=~:~ t:!: titiesc, 11no of said sout;oaat euarter to t?:e ,^or~l; l~r.c o: ~~.:id ~:~ast ~1.00 sc.~~. p~::(il:i ~. ~+^.:_.`. [.`O. L10i1 02~ t:^.E 30Utl;k@JT. C43I'i@:^ O: L:iC 80L';.::C2ST. C;U':I'tC^ Oi °.:c~~o: ~j, :OW:79t:ip ti:;cut::, i~ar~;e 10 t.~est, Sn t::e ;:~ - ~ ~ ::U :~._l: „'1 _:, C::.~Dr: CC .J: Ili.;l Ari1~ • •. _ ry , ~.OI;I"i~~' CI~ 'J:1T.~c:~ SL?i.C Oi ~Li~~.°O:.^..i:~ 8a F'iv: .::.~~ :;ord~c . n ooon 51 p~ge 1J of ~;i~r.c:ller.eou~ ' ~ ~ a~1:pc, _n t„c o::icc Lne count•,; reccrdor o: said eount;;, dcec:•i'oed a, lollo•,r~: y~ '~ _r.r.in~ at a point on tiie ~:est _'~ne c2' s~.d scLLnea~t r~ ,O,.:iJ :~c:t i':or.. e 3r ~ . , ~ r•~e: :ort': ~ T~l~ ~lli.::ifEBC ~:OifiIC: 7,:C.':CG?~~ i.::Q.':7C~' ~.1.1L~C^~~j~r,7~~ ~e:.` 7:_.'~:IiCi '~::.L.'1 i::@ :30L:~^ 1.'.:,C O~ 3i1,'.C: :iOU~:l~:5~ GU:i:` ' V ~. ,L':tU 1.'.71G~ aescribeti ~c:' ~O L::'' •;C3i: LiT:C? ~ in ~~e de~d to Jo::c- ~, aid e ~ pn Q: e~ .r , ~ ~::, : eco;•d: c -:+ ~OJr: Ul~ jJ,~~{C ~bl J:' U°2'lCial Ii8C02`C:~~ i,!i011C~ i1J:`L:~ y,'JQ ~~;, Lip~~ :'~a~C S+vS~ 1~17~. LO tne ri02'l.l ,Li:iC OL' L:1@ SOUL:1 I1.OV ~~:`@3 OryLCC t~i;~~ i'1.0`J c.:.:~3 Oi i.:1@ 90Ui..:'.'.G'.°.T. (:L'Y: Lf3i' O: ~2~yd souti:e;:8i: i~ll:l:Z:~.°.:'~ ty:C':1CE.' ~ni~St Oj7,70 iF@t :tlp:l~y S:-i4' 21P; L!1 I1P.@ LO tt~@ W@3t :.~:lr? ~ O_~ :Sd~(a 30L' ~."1- oe.st quarter; tnance Soutr, y.JG feeL to the point of' be~;~tu~_nu. ,c :~ A ! ~ i ' NOW, '~~p~E, BE I? ,.,oOLVED thae the Anahaim Citq Plawleti ..omminioa doea henby recommend to the City Caaad! of tho City of !-~~belm th~t ~nbJect Petltion for Reelaai$c~tion be ~ppiovad ~nd, by w doing, tb~t Title 18-Zoaiu~ of tL~ Ae~h~ia Mariclpal Coi~ M eeaed~d b~elod~ tl+e ~Love descrlb~d ~oywey froo th~ P.-15 General Agricultural DistrSet (County) and to incorporate said descriced proper`ty irto t~e R-1, Une Family Resioenti2l, Zone, u?on the following conditions w:~~ich are !:ereuy round to be a necessary prerequisite t.o t`:e proposed use oT ~ubject prooerty in order to preserve *_:.e • safety and general wel:are oi the citizens of ti~e City of Anaheim., 1. Tiiat a Final Tract h9ap of subject property be zpproved by t:.e City Counci! cno recorded in tf~e office o; t`:e Orange County Recorder, E ,~- ~~ ~'~~ , ~i ( ~, I THE 1~OREGOING RESOLUTION ia si~e~d ~ed approv~d by me thia .otn day oi' iJoven;ber~ ':96?„ _ ~./ ~ /~__~ ~~CLGri ' ~ ~ l~ ~. r,i~ CHAIRHAN ANAHEDd CITY PLANNIIi~G CONYLSSION ATTEST: ~. ; _ ~~lt1t ~ ,fl?,~~~. SE~RETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSWN STATE OF C:ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Iy A^,n K: ebs, Secretary of the City Planning Cowmiscion of the Clty of Meheim, do hereby ceRiEy that the Eoregoine cesolution was passed and adopted et a meeting of tfie City Planning Comm'sssion ot the City ot Maheim, held on Piov emo e: 6, i9b7, at 2;00 o'dodc P.M., by the folloving vote o[ the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A:i:~~, Fa:r~no, Gaue:, :?erosts Rowiano, Camc~~ NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: '`1one.. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: N~unq a i 1 ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hnnd this lbth day of I4ovembz , 14670 .~ ~. . ~ ~1 ~ C~ l~ i~-7~i. / '_~~l` G-v-~' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION ij ~ c,~ * t•I :I ~ RESOLUTION NO. ~4~ R2-A -2- .. ._ . . _~._. _ _. -- .-. . - _ . . ,e, - - • i , _ •,:.rt• ~,.~_ - - - ~