PC 67-264RESOLUTIUIv N0, PC67-264 - ~ A RESOLUTION OF 'Il11E CITY PLANNING COMilISS1pN ~DF 17lE CITY OF ANAHEQY THAT PETiTION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEi2MIT y81 BE DENIED N~HEREAS, the City Pl~nninP Co~al~~ton o[ the City o( Mahela did receive ~ ver!(i~d Petltion for Con- ditior,al Use Perrnit from ANN H~ G ECKLERy i92i3 West Broad~vay Stree't, Anaheim, Caiifornia 9?.804, Owner of certain real property situate~ in the City of Anai~eim; County of Orange,, State of California, described as Loi 91 of Tract Vo„ 2501, as sho'n'n on a map thereof recorded in Book 86, pages 23 to 25 inclusive, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County~ ~ ; ~nd WHEREAS, the City Pl~nniaQ Com~isdm d!d lald a publle h~~rin~ at tM City H~11 in the City of Maheim on DFcember 4 i9o7, ~t :00 o'elock P.Y., eotice of said public 6~uie~ havin~ been duly 4iven 08 ~M~~rcd by low ~nd ia ~ccord~ncs wltl~ th~ provl~loe~ ot W M~hele Muaictp~l code, Ch~pter 1@.6~, to hear and consider evidence for and ~~fn~t ~dd peopowd oonditiowt uw ~nd to inv~~ti~~ta and m~ice findinss ond recommendations in conaection then~vith; ~nd WHEREAS, •aid Cosmission, ofter dw in~pecdoo, Inve~dption, ~nd ~tudy m~de by it~elf and in its be- halE, ~nd after due coaaideration ot ~11 evldmp ~pd erpoR~ oft~nd tt pid heuin~, do~~ flnd ~nd determine the folloalnQ facts: ~ 1• Thrt the proposed uee !e peoperly one fot whicA ~ CoudlNoad Uw P~re~it ls authorized by this Code, ~ectior !8.b4,0~G(;-f i to xit: estab~ish a t~~:r.pora^y day sc'~oot for rataroed cniidren in d sinu! e i amiiy :esidence. 2. That the proposed use w~il adversely a;;ect the adjoininc land uses and t`;e a:o',~th and development of tiw area in which it i> proposed to be iocate~., 3. That the oroposed usF mould ~e± =_n unoesirab:e precedent f'or similar ;ommercial uses in an area comorised enti:e~y or io,v aensity residential uses„ -~. ihat 4 persons appeared : epreser,tinq ~~ oersons present in the Council CnambAr, and a pPt~'tion signed 'oy i~ oroperty o~u•ners nas receiveo -~:1 in opposition to subject petition. CI-D -1- - --------T---- ---.-.=~5.:r , . , , _ .• - - - . _.. ,,,,~~~ ~.,.-.a.., ~ -- . ~.nY... ~C1fit; ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 1~tF~ day of DecemberY 1907. / ~ G- / ~ `~~- , ~iL.L =~-~', - ~ / CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY rPLANN:NG OMMISSION ATTEST: // /~/~~, /i /L~2%. 1.2, i .7 ~C-.-G'-~ SECRETARY ANAHEItd CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution wes pessed and edopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on December ~, 1967~ , et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the [ollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Alungall, Camp. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Plone. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Ro:v~ z~a, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 14t~i day of December~ 1967. ~L-2G...1~L~ ~2( ~G_~/'. SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COA1MISSION RESOLUTION N0. 264 C2-D -2- )~ ~ li ~x 5 e