PC 67-271RESOLUTION NO. pC6~'2~~i A RESOLUTION OF THE CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. i92b gE nFFROVED I.'! PAR? ~ ~1~ ~~,I f WHEREAS, the City Planning Comn ission of the City of Anaheim did receive a veriEied Petition for Variance from EMPIRE FINANCIAL CORPORA?IO\', P,.O. Box 3095, Uan Nuys, Caiifornia 9i1u75 0~,,~nez o.+ ce_ real property situated in tr= City of Anaheim Cour.ty of O~arye, S}atF of G~• described as the , 'tair. East na':c o. tne VJes~ naif of the A'ortheast ~a;•t~,. a~iforni~, quarter of Sec}ion i~-, ir. 'o~,e•~sh~; ~ South, Range 1: ;yFa~ ~ ~ of the Nprt:;~;~~ as shown o~ a inao tF,eZ•~; recorded in booi: ~1 i,, + ir. t'r,r Rar:.ho Los Coyot,s9 saio Oranqe Countyd EXCEP"IIPJG TE?ER[FROM i' ~JyE '' ~'~isce'_laneous Map=, rQ~o,~, o~- Stote ot Cal',•' tne :~orth o6 rA~t thereof, as con•.~=y2~ to tt~~= i ornia, by d~.~d r,~;;orded April o, 19509 in booF: :ia, ~ayF 1~0 of Recoros. ~:. 0. _ ici~~i WNEREAS, the City Plannin : end December 1H, 1907, at 2:00 o cl ck~ P1Mn, d~otice of aidlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Ansj~eim on public hearing having been duly gi~m as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Minicipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connoction therewith; and afterHdue~consideration of1a11oevidenecedand3reportsootfered Stgsaid hearng[udoes f nd and determine facts: Y itself and in its behalf, the following 1. That the petitioner reques~s a variance from [he Anaheim Municipal Code as fol ~o:~;; a o0-lot, mu:tipie-f~mi'y S~~~j~,ision on subje.:t ~ i~: or::ar to es?aclis~ SECTI061 i8~28~05pj;- F=operty, ?~ - Minimum hui:dina siie araa ~-,,~~ ~ ~ ~~.J s~;:ua: e s_~uare :~ee± oroposedJe -----`-_--~=-t ' eq~,ired: 3'7_~;; SECTIO:J lA ' -----1~~~~Cl:-bi - 17inSmum :o - -_~ t ti~idtt; (70 ;'eei C_JUl:e~; {~~ ocos _:;; o a;r,inl;num o: _ I ~,,+ SeC?IOid :8~2~.0~0(5-i,`, - Ma._ _~ in;um ba~__:iinc neiaht limitations ; ; 'a~itt:in .~0 : - :imited o sinciF_si:ory ~.a o: th= •;~este; iy prooert :onstruc [ion~r_opose Y ~ine; ~~r~o-storv o, ~ I ~ SECTIGtv 79.~8 ^5n1~~~ _ , - iards and buii;:inc setbac:; r,;_ ~ to dev~~oc ea~h lot ~~,~ith or.ecooen~s~nts t,r,ctitioner oro,r,osas the struct•~re ~^ )'ard on =ach io~; z;it;: abuttinc the othe:• prope_t commor. ~n;ai: vaitn ~,;, '' Y ;ina ;nd havir.c "' That .vaiver of the minimur~ c:ui:dino 5; Ptne bui_..,r,o on the ad;oinir.a ;o~j, ~ oniy aFter a subdivisior, ,~~i~~ 7p_. F -t- ar''3 an~ ~nir,imum iot wi:th shdt; ~E ,,_ar.t=d and fOU^-nlex dweliina units constr~~ted7on each~ saidr~ .~oot~~ide,.7~~pp squ=re ° surh ti~e as the above -G-" J Oz~~ ~~zu ano recorc9ed mentioned r,onstruction has been accompiis;= ~cot io~< r'.t site area and minimurr. lot ~Nidth ma~ be approved ` ~~d+ 'n~aivers of minimuT ouiirinc ;vhich parce] map may ind:cate . Provided hat a parcel mao shall b°' ine di~~ision o~' each 70- e~ ~•~ d'~~ the division o` ~a~h r0 , foot +a~ide iot into ~1~_=00~ ~~ ur-p,cx ~~nit into two c two ~yici~ p~;~~ls tne ouildinq site ar2a ior ontiouuvs duelexe=, and "rurtner nrov'~~a -~,~~ lot v:idtn si~aii ce a mir.' ~a"~ °uniex s;,aii ce a minimuir, o* 3955 sauare 1"`" `. imum of '~=; :r~t. ~~~~ and the minimum 3. That tne a-tion approving rarc~i maos to be b° ~onstrued as orantin r ` r"iled sub;equent to development is not to ing a pr2cec?nt of ~' a~''aiver oa tne lot ~;~idth requirements o:' the R-? Zo~e or as astab:isi~- Zone~ The present actmontofQ l0~` o: smal'er width or si~e t!:an tne minimum reouire ~- into t:vo ? P=rmittino an approval of a p;rcel ma d in t:e R-3 ~) 2-unit ouildinas after construction has been completed o~ aPstandardUR-?nit euildino justified on the tneory that ss.1:535~1 0; the Business ~nd ?rofe to subdi•~~ide air spacz b F c•~• ~ lot is ssions Code allows a =_ubdivicar disa Y t•'e lllra o, ar eis space subdiv.s_on maq and prohibits ~he city '-'ror; pproving or other•,vise reoulatine: such air soace subdivision, Ihr pr?sent a::ti only a slig;,t ex,tensicn r,f the air space suboivision cor.ce i and b parcel mao to s lit the ~~ zP~'roves P ~-~nit buiidines until ~fter complePion o; construbtion~o°nsuchlbiio ras ~'~e ~iannir.a Comrr:ission ar._i City Cour. ii wi:l i-tair. the oo~rer to :~~late location of buiidir.os on tne ;ar.d, ~ - tht :icsion and -----~ _. . _ _ --~-'---.~.___._ __ ._1.~_ -:___-_._._. _ __ _ . .. • . ~ . . ~ +:l_- ~ That it has b~~n j~';,~rn:in=i inat ~a.h dupie~: unlt shouli be cz•o~;~~, nith ~~p~-j=~,- metesiny zacilities co~~rriny a;: pub:i;; ~~i:iti<s, a-:~i s2r~rar.= sem~r conr.e.tions, ths in+_en+ of ± o ~~~ • _- ~. ~_ is h, d_v_ opc° to se.~ ea~h .iup:e:t separat.,.y, ~, ,.. 5~ ~hat Haiv_r o: ~n= m~xirt~Lm bU;. j:n~ hei- ht _imi± :s ~ y_ar.`~. cas=~ ::r_o~ :r~~ ~ss.rr.~-lon that th~ R-A pa'r~e_ immed:ate~ :rest oi sub >c* • . Y J- p:op~:t~ r,1_: dev-,o~ io_ rriowe tnt-i.s~ :~e; r_i:an sing:e•fami~r residentia~~ 6~ l~l8t tfl? SP_~UESL°~ 'Jd^18(;,'E5~ 35 3D~1'OV?~y ~,y:i. 1":0~ ba (f132P°1:-l,.i 7~'Cilfflo~«8. t0 Lliu pubiic weifare o•r injurious io th~ p.operty ar imp-ovem~n±s ir sucr, vi.:ir.ity ar.~ ~or.a :n ,~ni;n the property is io~ated 7, rha± 3 persor.; app=-a_e~ ir: o osi•~_ion to 'tne r~~;ue; PP L=d .v~lv4c G` ,O` o.-~ bull~lna site area; an~ tho r~aiv-r of the or.c~ s~o:•y F~e;gh'_ :imit~t.cr. " NCYN, THE'RF..FO~?F..; BF.. 1`• RESOL1;g,D r~~j tF.a Acahr_m ~'y F:anr._nu :;omrcis~~Un yoes ar:: ~.'J in part suF ~ ~~_t Poti+ ~or f'or 'd j: i jr :rcr h= .. .-~ ~ _ O.O/. f C. ']? ~1Uild nhl _~ ~'' f:~i bY '0.'~ 1 LO be a rte~=ssa~y ~, ~~a +s1.= to L'hG ,,ro~ca ~ ;~ p~ ~r.~ ,~.. .. r ~-•'.pF-'! .*1 G:'.i<c. •0 C1•o;,-.,c rr:. the sa:e±Y an~i ~ r.=r:~1 ., .•ar~ o• rti~ ^,ti~~ s o~ •f:•= ^:ty o• .5.ar... :,, Tt~at tnis v~:•:~~ < 1; ti,.ent~: ~s~.^.~- ;~.o t'r~ on~c.=tio~ o: 2 i;~at ~~~r a a_~ y* ~o ;o- ~-~..s-t , -'a . MdP O~ ~~`.- ~1'G~_~.:L~ b~ :.F,C.^G~?7 by ;.fF ~1'~ ..G,:~ ~nj [.: 0"` in the o i i~:e of th-~ 0: a' Cour'..y ~~ o, ;_7 . ' •• ~ 3, ~fhat a P~r i Map .~t:a:. t~ su~n~~ ~e~ ~o r., = C1 ; F,y;,~e7 :o.. ~F,~,..o,,~. a-~ r-: o: :>, ir thN pf~} ,_.~ p. th= O; a ~c~- ~o~r, a, ` . ;~•hi:,h rrust airea:i :,~• y o.~, . a 7 ~ - ~s ~,,.~1 .:]o-, o. ,~,_ ,_ ;ooc .,. - :o~s y ~:. oc< .eve.op-~ :th ... . ir,. .-,1r,~ ~'~oos . , o ,- io F-:-m=''- subdivi~ion inrp 3~ •oot .c. :,1tr !v:o ~:n, ii'c ~~1!.,. •`, ,'~ That sepa:-a`~ m=t=,:n.; ~'a~i;.'.1~, co~-c.r , , i:onnectiors f'or 2a:~~ r.~f•. .. ,,, ~ '- -. _ F lr,::. ~,t~ ,iti=~, _ . .,:o,:; ~~ ~ ;,,,,~.:: ~ ~ ni.. s. ~:: o~ c;ro•;i ~. ~J 5, That tce mi~~imu ~ ~b„i lr~.: ai'.=. ~_ ~a ~r~c ,- ~-~~5 s~u--e • 'o• e~n =uot .o* having two .inei~:ina ur:t~ y~ ' ` - ?HE rOR.fL~O;~dG ~ESC?. ,. :G:: ~,r, ~s?~: i'/ ~ ~ 1_.3c~z.:z_k__! 1 L:; ~ _.- -- - -- ~ -- ------- SECF.E"ARY AiVAHE:M ~_.;'."~ FL.q?;.`•;:V[; ,;Uh1~ii~~i0'; S~~AiE OF CA~:iORi~IA '. CJUP?' Y 0:' ORAiJGE ; 55 Ci;'Y OF AidAN~Ih; 1 Anr: K:ebs, S<,,;:r~~.yo u~ tte ~:t, P:srr,r.g Coir:~c:ss_or o~ tn~ Cit~ or an:t~Nim, ~io Ct?:L1rY•ti?Bt i,fl° rO~i?~O1'?y :..-,O_~~lU(' 1h~- L955~.7 ~ ".~, ar, ~io ..~ rr~~t..ry oi th•~ ` Pi~ r.r,.: ~on:;~_se;on o"r tne Cit~ o, ar:a;. im, ~'. .., or !~:=Rbr_ ;t- .~b?,yc~~~ Gi: .,..o ~. i-~h1,,. t,:~ ~ ~G.. io~io~•;ir,g ~~0'.- p~' rt,a m~rr:~rs tt~~~_ ' . A'rES: ~~0",1::1SSI0:;E3S: •"J~ES CO'~~.ISS:O';ER:S: A-5SF"d f: C01Ju~:I5310~IF~S: IP~! 'l~I7?;ESS 71}~F.AL-0F~, ' t; ~~__ -,i ar_ a: :•o. _., c, r~! ir._> ~bt~ ,, %a'Y :k,:': , : ~~ . '~ ~`~~-'LG_~-GL_,~_ ~ - _ ar vyL /~.~~a.T~M6- a~a~~.~M ..- r ~_F. ..~:c ~ti, ti~~.ss:o~ - :a~- , •~s+, i?~~nyai_, ho~v~ac.~, Camp.. ":oc „ A;:r-~, r....ano, ov= ~:r::-~nto s~i my h~n~ thj=_ 2E2.h ~sv o~ D~~.=mb~r~ 1?;; , ~ _L' L~ '.L 1, ~~~, / SECRE'"RY Ad.A'-?F.,S; C!'Y'pLA ::i:~:G C~~:4'-;iSSIOF; ~ ~es~ ilo~ 27? .I `., ` ~ 1 i ~ . •I * ' ' ~ 1 S1 ~ 0 ; ~ ~ ~ ~ - . - ;-, ~, - - a k