~ --.~°-~
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional
UsePermitfrom HAROLD S. LEFDY, ~16 East Cnestnu~, Sant~ Ana, Cali:orr.ia 92701, Ovrner; MARK
FIRESTOtiE, ' 123 'Nest Carson St: eet, Torrance. Cali.`ornia 9G5G2, Fge:~t of certair. real prooerty
situated in tne City of knaheim, County of Grange, St~~e of Cali:ornia, descri:ed zs Pa*cel 1:
Lot 4 in ?ract No. 403, a= pe: map recorded in oook lo, p~ae 11 of A4isce1laneou= 1Saos, records
of Oranae County,Caliiornia. ?ar:e: ::. Lot 5 0: Tz~ci No. ~C3, G=_ snowr on a map recorded in
book 16, pa e 11 of Misceilaneous Maps. r~CCrPTING THERErROfoi the Northerly 3o.OC *eei. Lot b oi
Tract tio. 4~3, as snown on a map recoided in boo}: 16, page 11 0; A1iscallzneous t4aPs, Teco*ds o:
Orange County. cXCEPTIyG THERcFRObi the i:ortne:ly 36.U0 feet. ALSO r.~~~'TIIdG THEkEFRO~', t^e
following described land: Beginr,ing at a ooir.t in the South linz o° t'r,e :~o*tn 36 : eet o* sa~o
Lot 5 distant easterly 40 feet `rom tne'Nest line of said Lot 6; ~nence 7~este:ly a?ono said
South line 40.00 feet to saio ~Nest line; tnence Soutn2rly alono =aid 'Nest iine ;u :eet, to a
line that is paraliel w:~h and ~i=_tcn~ Southerly 2C feet, measu!ad at rigi:~ angies "rom said
Southerly lire: thence c=~terly along s~id oor~llel line 20 .`eet; tnence i!ori~,ea=terly to 't:e
poir.t of beginning ; and
L4HEF.EAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on
F2bruary 15, 1967, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by
law end in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence
for and ageinsE said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection
therewith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf,
and after due consideretion of all evidence end reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following fads:
1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by this Code, ;o wit:
Section 1R,40.060(e) to aermit tt;e estaolienment o.° c v:~lb:-up restaurant on ?arcel ';os. 1 a,,,
2 with waivers oi:
ScCTIO'1 1R.40.070(3-a-~ )- hSaximum permitted bui!din^ :^eic'r.t. (P. ~0-foot bui?rinc
setbac:: wouid b? requirec alona t:~~e soutn orooerty line -
a 36-.°oot building setbac; ._ oroaosec.)
SECTIOIu Ift,4U.070(:-a-4) - Reauired 6-`~ot masonry wall. (A C-~-~oot masonry v:~ll
required be^ind the reGuired :an6=capino acije~ent to
re=idential street - H~rdinc .4venue - a 30-inc~ "useo
bric:~:" ~va! 1 i=, proposed. )
S'tCTIO'd 1~.02.090(5-D) - Rooi sion loca~ion. (Required to be located 5c feat ~rom
t".~ ea=t property 1ine; oropo~ed to oe located 36 `eet
from tne east prooerty lir.e.)
.. "ihat the prooosed use ~~vill not adversely a:`fe!t ti~e ad=oinin~ land us~= ar.o tne
orotvth ano deve!ooment of the area in w^i=f: it is ~?iOqOScC to oe locateoa
3. That th= =_ize a~d shape o,` ...; =ite propo=ed ,"or the use i= acequate to allova t~e
*u]' tieveloom.•~nY. of ,..~ ~roposeo usN in a manner not detr?menta! to ~he no~ticuiar zre~ nor
io the neacc, hea]t~, =_a:ety ano oeneral wel;are o: tl~~a Citizens of tne City oi Anaheim.
4. Tnat `he qrantino o; tne ~onr'itiona? Us= ?ermit uno;-r the conoition= imuo=eo i`
any, ~~~il'. not ~~ detrimcntal to th= pea~ c, h~zlt, , sa: ety and oenera'. welfare o: the Citizens
oi t~e City or Hnai~eim.
5. T!~at tne under the aut:^.ority of Se~-tion 1'~.r,~.~"'~, waiver o.` ~ne required 'ouiidina
5@t.tJoCF: `rom ~'lE SOUt~7 DI'O~c. ~'~ ':1~2 Or 4~ :,_ ,',,0 D~3:Tli~ 2~11f11filUl- ;~5-i0~i. .. 3i.bacb: is
nereby granted.
6. That unoer tne autnority of Section iti.64.0%0, v:~iver o~ the required !:-:oot ma=onry
•~vall along a]ocal etr?et primarily oevelopeci ;nr residentiai oL.po=_e=_, to oermit construction
of a 30-~ncn brick wcll is hereby qrznter..
7. That unoer t:^.a autnority of Sec'tion .~.~;4.070, waiver o; t~~e re,:uireo iocztion o` a
roo; ~9gn 55 ,`eet *rom tne east oroperty !ine, to oermit the location of saio ~oof =icn 30
feet from the east and =_outn property '.ines is `~ereby qrantzd.
R. That no one appezrFd in opposition to =ubiect petition.
C1-D -1-
IIOr, ~RE, BE IT RESOLV~.D IMR w A~A~ C1q Plwia~ Commi~sioe do~s h~reby grant subJect
P~tltlon 1or C~~~l i~ Pamit, upoR tht bliwi~{ w~lW~s ~ieA ~es Aareby Eound to be a aecesa~ry prerequislte
W the p~ope~~ ~M ~[ fM wbject property !~ e~ M~e~et~ tM ~afety ~nd `erteral welf~re oE the Citizens of the
City of AnaWe:
1. T~.:t the own~.: of _ubject propert, sha?i deec to t`~e City of F,naheim n=trip oi lano
3:' .`eet in width, from tne centerline o: t~e street, a'.ona Hardir:n Avenue, ~or str:et
rvioening ourposes.
Thzt =_treet imorovement oians snall be orepored and a ll er.oineerinn requiremen~s o;
t`~a City of Anoneim aion~ Hardino Avenue, sucn a= curos ar.o autters, side~r~elks, str2et arad:ng
~nd pav:nn, drzinaae faci:ities or othcr aonurtenant .vQri: s~;a'.l La complet~_c a<_ required by
tne Ci~v cnaineer and in a~.cordanca ~vith =~ar,r.ard oiar,= anc saa:~. _raiions or :~ile in t~~e
oificc o: tne City enaine2*; or t:^at a bond :n or. amoun~ ::r.ci .=orT <atis.`acto:~ +o t;:e ~i!;~ o`
! .~~.~ P•nahe.m ~i~~ll be po<teo vaiti~ t!;a City to auarcnte:: t..~ in~tal'ction oi saic enc:n_e*:no
y ~ requirements_
° i ~ 3. That tne o~aner o; =uojert orooerty =:~a11 pay'to ti~e Gty o. 'r.nai-:eim t't;e sum o; S~;.JO
~~~ oer front aoo~ alona Haroino and Lincoln Avanua= :or street iontina ouroosas
f~~` 4. Tna't the o+.~ner of .=.uujert ~rooertv shal] pay to ti:e City o: Ananeim ti~:a sum oi !~~
k per front foot alona Haroinc? and Lincoln F+venues, .`or t*ae o'antino ;~uraoses.
5. That trash storaqe ereas snal] be provided in ac!oro~nce :vitn ooo:ove? olans or. r`1-
"j •.vitn tne office o= tne Directo: of °ub?ic 'Nor%=.
s ,
G< 6. Tnat tne final ozrr:iny plan be approveo by D~velopm2nt Rev:ew; ano any 'ands:.ao_c
~~ _ areas in the odrkina arez snall be orotected witn six incn ~~inh concrete curb=_, con'.rete ~•ane~•?
stops shall be orovioed ior all oar~ir.g spaces, and tnat a'.? outside !iqntino proposeo oz
gj dirzcted away :.rom tne oroperty lines to orote:t tne resioential area to tne soutn.
!" ~. Ihat Condition `vos. 1, ~, 3, and G, aoove mention~o, shall be complieo with witnin r
't~ ~eriod o: 1R0 day< .`rom tne date hereo:, or such :urther ~ima z= the City Council may crant.
1~ R. That Condition :Jos. 5 and 6, above mentior,eo, s'r.a'.; be comol:eo witn prior to iinal
~:'I build~ng ano zoninc inspection=_.
~~~I 9. Tha~ subject property sho!1 be oevelop2d =_ubs~zntizi'.y in accoroance ~;:iti: p!~ne an::
~i speci`ications on file wit:~ tne Ci~y o` P.naheim, mar}:ad Exhibit ':o=_. 1, :?, zno 3; nrovideo,
~ ~owever, that the 35-foot bui~dino setbac:: establi~heo ~or Lincoln Avenue by Ci~~,~ Cocn~i'.
~i; oolicy is maintained.
T7iE FatLCiOQIG RE90LUTtON is ~e/ ~wl ~ruved by me thi• 23: o o-~: oi Fe'crt:ar} :96-.
! ,~ r;, ;;
~II ~~~~~r, ~~ /'-~-~rc~.i'x
Dro ~e'^
I, P.r~~ Kr ebs, ~n~ ~~y~ ~~,'Ptami~` Co~els~io~ ot the City of An~heim, do heieby certify th~t
the foregoine naoirtiw w rsNd ~nd ~dort~d ~t o ewtin~ oE fM City Pl~nnin~ Coo~iuion of the City ot Aneheim,
held on Feuruar~ 15, i96', ~ Z;pp o'clodc P.M., -y the followin6 wte of the membera theroof:
AYES: OCIMIIS3iOHERS• F•Ilreo, czrano, Gzuer, ~:~r.cal'., Rov:land.
NOES: CO~t1iflSS10NERS: ~~one.
IN 1-I'INESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereuato Nt ey hrd tl~la : 3rd da; oi r'ebruar;, ! c:c'.
a C2.G
~' ,/ ~ ~r-'
`/` - J i . ~ 11.: ~' J
. 4.