PC 67-49RESOLUTION !~0. PC57-49 P. RESOLUTIO;J OF THE CITY PLAiJf`IIJG COMh1ISSI0;J OF Ti;E C:?':' OF A.P:AHEIhS THAT PET1TIOi9 FOR CO^IDITIO."dAL USc PERloiIT 923 BP Gi?;=.'dTC^..D WHEREAS, the City Planninq Commission of the City of Ananeim oid ce~eive a;~ e~i~i2d P2tition for Conditional Use Fzrmit ;rom 1',0'?JARD R. POLZI'!, 1~05 Connec?.ic~;t F.n~tic im Cali`orr,ia, Owner of cer , t:ain real proper~y situated in the City o; P.nahaim, Count•; , oF vranqe S±a~e of California, des cribed as that por±ion of Section ':7, in Township •~ ~o~±n, , 4ance i0 VJe=t, San Bernardino Bas e and h;=ridian. The :?~rther:y 121 f 2et of tne Souin ;r'. ," •, ~ ee; o; ~ ihat portion of Section h 17 in To~~mship 4 South, Ranqe i0 'Nest as said oortior: : •,.o:;r. on o ,- map t 2reo: recorded in EooF: 51, Page ]0, ASi.scellaneous ~S;p~, records o: said G: ,~. ~~: ~ounty. ~ ~ Be9inning at a point 40. 39~ chains Soutn and 30 .°eet 4Yest of the `:o*theast cornrr o: : aid ~~ ~ Section ]%; thenee Ydest 9.505 chains; thencs South 6.27 chains; then::e Eas~ °.`.;~_ c r,~~,ris; ~i ~ tnence '!orth 6.2' chair.s to tne ooint oP beginnino. Exc2nting there;'rom that ?ort ion lying ~ ~ Westerly o~ a line tnat ` is paral;el ~r~iih ano 203.00 ieet 'dJest~r'_y mea=ured at . n~ t anoie= rom the East 1ir.e oc sa io Section i~ _, ; and 1'JHEREAS, ±he City Flanning Cor~miseion did hold -o pubii~ n~arina at the C =+~'~ in th~ City of F.naheir^ on February 2?, 196%, at ~:UO 0' !o:=: P.G:., notice o: =_aid :_`.c'sic haarinc havina beer. duly civ2n as .eyuirad br la~+~ and i~ ac ordan~e ~n~i": ,'-.e ^rovisior.s o: t~.e Anahzim Munie:i,r,a'. Code, Cha~ter 1~.'c~, to ~ear and consioer eviden: a ior an.i ,cr: :.~t =aid propo=ed conditional use ar.d to invest:nate and ma=:e .°inoino= ano recomner.oat:or.e onr.e:tion the: ewith; and "' PJHEREF,S, said Commi=_sion, after due in=pection, :n~~a=_~io~tion, and stud~r ^~- • itsel: and in its behal:. and a`ter due onsideration of a'1 evioen e and reports o::er~'H. said hear'.~a, does find and determine the follo•~vino °act=: 1. T'~at the ^*onoeed u=_e i= oronerly one :or tvhicn a Conditior.al 'Use ?er: ;~ :__ ;,.:t~orized by this Code, to :~~it: Section !R,~O.OcO(3) to esta~lisn a raa1=:-up restourant :^.~.. ..~_•.~ar= o:: SECTIO!d 1R.62.090(3-5) - Sion location (4R ieet :equired :ror t~:e ;;orth oror,ar;•: :ine; 10 .°eet ~rooo~ed). ~ SECTIO:! 1~~r:~.090(S-1) - Distance be~tween sions (300 :`'eat ::uirad betuveer ro~! and free-standino sion; -0 ~oet o;ono=_edi. 2. That thc oronosed ~.~__~ :~~z11 not adversely a:`er_~ the ad;oinino i~nd u=_es ano arowth and development o.` tne arez in :~rhicn it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape o: the site propos~ :oi t~e use is ad2quate to allo:a -- full developmer.t o.` the pro:~os~o u=_= in a manner nct detri~:enta; to the pa:tieular ~rF~ r.or to the paace, hezl~n, =_afe~y, and qeneral ~raelfare of ?he Citizens o` tha City of F.na':eim. 4. That the oranting oi tne Conditionz] i1=E P~rcit under the conditions imoosed, i.` ar.;. ti~~ill not be detrimental to the peace, health, =_a.`ety, ~no oene:al ;;e?<are of the Citizen= o.° tne City o: Anaheim. 5. That under the authority o: Section lR.~`~~.070, l~~ai~-ar o: the r?quireo sicr. location GR .`eet from tne ~o=th property line, to permit de~~elooment 1G :ee: from tne north propert~~~ iin= is h~reby oranted. o. That unaer the authority o.° Section ]~.c-.~ • ~'0, ~:~aiver or' t~e raquireo aS~~ar~e o: 300 ieet bet:veen the roor szgn and iree-star.dina sians to p~rmi' ~ oistance o.` ~0 :eet ~_ n2reby qrar.ted. - ' 7. 1'~zt one 7erson appear~d repre=en±in^ t:~o other nersons a~l in o;po=ition to =ub'act oetition. - .~~ ~ ~, ;~ ~~ * :! ~ ~f j '~ ~ .i ~ ~~ ~ , ., :. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the M~helm City Planning Commiaalon does hereby ~t~ett tubj~ct Petition for Cond+tionel Uae Permlt, upon the (ollowing conditloea whieh are hereby tound to be a necess~ry pnreqaisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to pt~~~rve the aefety and genenl welfa:e of the Citisens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner of suoject property shall pay to th~ Cit, of Anaheim the surr. oi ]5~ per front foot along Euclid Street, for tree plantir.g purpose=_. 2. That trash storage areas sha?1 be provided i.n accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public 'Plorks, prior to :inal cui':dina i~e?ection. 3. That Condition No. 1, above mentioned, shall be complied ~•~ith nrior to :a tir:e tnat the Building Permit is issued or within a period of I~0 days from oate heran=, r~hichever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may qrant. 4, That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordanc_~,~ ian= znd specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marke~ Exhibit ';os. 1, 2, ;i, =, .'„ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sip~sd M~ ~qpioved by me this 9th day of ASarch, 1;~6~. " .~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ KAIR1(AN ANAHEIM CITY PLP.NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ , r -~^ i ; ~ -~ Z 7? .'",,Y 1(. G{?', SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF GRANGE ) ss. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, ~Met ' ary of the Ciry Pl~nin~ Coa~isaion of the City of Anaheim, do hercby certify that the foregoing resolution ~es pasaod r~d ~dopt~d ~t ~ m~etia~ of the City Pl~nnine Commiasion of the City of Anahdm, held on February 27, 196~, K 2:00 o'clodc ".:L, by the followin~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: A1?red, Farano, Gauar, Herbst, Rowlar.d, C~mn. NOES: COMMT.SSIONERS: ~~one. ABSENT: COMUISSIONERS: ~~ungal ] . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~t my h~nd thi^ 9th day of C',arch. 1907. i L ~'; z ~ C 'i;~2c_ c~.` SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMIISSlON ~?~ RESOLUTION NO. 49 ~ ~ C2G . ~. d ~ a ~