PC 67-52RESOLUTIOPi W0. PC 67-5~ A RESOLUTIO?; OF THE CITY PLAN~';^;G ODNNiISSIOPJ OF THE CiP'~ OF AP!AHE.IN: AMENDIiIG USFS GRAM'ED IN ~NDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 565 TO Ii:CLUDE ON-SRLE • V~INE THEREI'0 INriEREAS, the City Planning Commission at public nearinq on Apri: :'?, 1954 did grant Conditional Use Permit :Jo. 565 oermitting "on-sale beer" in =onjunction with a naw restaurant; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has requesied an interaretation as to the "on-sale o: mine" in con.:nction with the previous grantiny of "o^-sale beer" witn the servinq o; ~ood; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission .`inc~ that wine i=_ considered "liqnt" or ~~-idiively ZOW alcohol content, and therefore similar be_r vahen serveo with ;ood; WHEREAS, the ?lanning Cummission upon review of the request, ;inds tne request to be compatible with the oriainal request for "on-salc beer." 'rJOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tne City Planning Commis=_ion of the City o.` Anaheim doe~ h2reby amend Resolution No. 1~41, Series 1963-54, Condition :yo. 1, ~rant:na _ Condi'ionai Use Permit :;o. 565 to read as follows: "That tne prooosed use is properly one for ~,vhicn a Conditional Use Permit i= autho:ized by this Codz, to wit: establish a re=taurant with on-scle beer and wine, on subject oroperty." THE EOREGOI?:G RtSOLUTIOD: is signed and aporoved y me thi=_ 9tn day o:° PAarc~~, 195"'. ~ /' /~ C. ,t~ C.~9AIRASAN ANAHEIN; CITY PLP.i;i;ING OJt~4A4I SIO': ATT EST : ~;% _ ( - J ~' ~ ;)'~ C. SECRETARY A;dAHEIh1 ClTY PLA:d?III~;G ~MA~iISSIO:'. ~~/!I'E OF CAiIFOR'JIA ) OJUNTY OF ORAP;GE ) s=, _ CITY OF ANAHEIh^, ) I, Ann KreSs, Secretary oc th~ City Planning Corurission of the ~ity o; Anaheim, do hereby certiry tnat the ioregoing r~solution ;ti~as pas=ed and adopted at a meetino of the City Planning Commission of the City o; Anaheim, held on February ~7, 196?, at 2:00 0 clock P.N~., by the following vote o; tne members 'hereo:: AYES: COA1tv1ISSI0:;ERS: Al:red, Farano, Gau2r, Herb=_t, Ro:~~land, Camo. ^'OE~: COh~s~",ISSIO`]ERS: 'done. ABSE;dT: ~Mh1ISSI0f1ERS: Mungall. ~ I?1 V~ITb!ESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto set ir.y hand this 9th day of 1~Sarch, 196"7. i ~ '~~ ~; --< ~ SECR£TARY Ai;AHEIh1 CITY PLk:"d:dI2~G OJhih1I5S10''. ~