PC 67-71RESOLUTION N0. FC67-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION UF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL llSE PERMIT 934 BE GRANTED ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim did receive e verified Petition for Conditionel UsePermitfrom DELBERT CLUFF APiD flDWARD'AILLiAhiS, '21 Em2rald Vlay, Pla::entia, Ca;irornia 92670, ~t~m.ars; E~VJARD WILLIAMS, 7?_ £merald ~Vay, ?]acentia, California 9267U, Fgent of certain rea] oroperty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o` Cali:ornia, de=_cribed as Lot 1~ oi Tract No. '7~7, as oe= ma,r, record=d in booh 24 page 9 of h;isce] ]aneous f~Saps, in the ofii,:= - of tha countv recorder o.` said cour.ty. That ,~ortion o` Lot i in Block A o~ Tract 'do. ?~?, as oer F._i~S~ map recorded~in beo~ 24 :-aoe 9 0: ~~;isc;>1?an=ou= Ntaps, in thz o:~ice o:° tne .ounty re,order o: °;! soid county, lying bettseen the Nlester':y extensions of the ':orth and Soutn lines o; Lot ln of ~ ~ ' Trac~ ;,Io. 7R7, ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on ~ori 1 10, 1967, at 2:00 o'=1ock P.M., notice oE said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repoRs ofiered at said hearing, does find and determine the following fects: '.- T~:=~t the orooosed u=e i= nrope-ly one ior wnir~~ a Conditiona? Uee F~rmit is ~utnorizer' oy tni= Cocr, to ~`: Se 'ion ~N ?.~"0, ~o o~~rnit <:~;-~n`.t o;~:nn::~: r ,n~ ~ o;~_~t. s:it~ :~.aiv-r o': S~CTIO:: 15.~~9 J5~(`i-~~ - N,~,.im~~ ~~rmitt>c ~1;na ~,n t ~~ :-ro~~ ~ stand~rd _tz_,t. ~~u~ reet o~rmi ea; ?_~u .- ~roooseo/. 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses end the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the perticular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfere cE the Citizens of the City of Maheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditior.s imposed, if any, ~y~~~ not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare oE the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5o That tne oetltionar ~tipuiated to r~~vi=ion oi p'an=_ indi~~tina ~.,,::~im~;~r, :ooL on~ ~:vav ;ar:vewav. ~.vitn no r;rdu~tion in setba-:, or r~-ciu ti~n ;n ~;nit .. _. . i...., r.n on•_ :p;,_ar•_. ;~ op:;o~. ion to ,.. , n_ .~:on. Cl-G -1- ~!x ~.~~ ~' ~, ~ , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tnat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does her2by grant subjGct Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditior.=_ ~vhich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve tne safety and general welfare of thz Citizens of the City of Anaheim~ 1~ That this Conditional Us2 Permit is grant2d subject to the completion of Reclassi`icat- ion No. 63-64-6?_. 2o That the owners o"r subject property shall deed to the City o` An~;eim a strip o: land 32 feet in width, f*om the cFnterline of the street, alona VJebst2r Street, for straet widenino purooseso 3, 'I'hat the owners of subject property shall pay to tne City o: Anaheim tne sum oi g2.00 per front ioot alonq Webster Street, ,`or street liqhting purposes. 4~ That the sidetvalks shall be in=_talied alono Webster Street, as reaui=ed 'oy the City Engir.ee* and in accordance witn standard plans and soecificatior.s on :ile in tne of;ice o:° the City Enginezr~ 5. That trash storage areas sn~ ll be provided in accordance witn aoproved p1an= on `i1F t:itn the office of the Director of Public Works. o., That *ire hydrants snall be install eo as :~quized snr' determineo to be nesessary by tha Chier" of the Fire Dep~rtment. 7, That any air-conditionina facilitie= propoeed shal: be proQerl~, shieloed .`rom viEV: and tne sound bu`ierFd rrom ad;a:,er.t residential homes. 8, That the owners of su~ject property snall pay to the City of Anane;m tne sum of ~25,00 per dwellinq unit, to be ueed ;or park and recreation purposes, said amount to be oaid at the time the building permit is issued. 9o That Condition iJoc, 2 and 3, above rnentioned, shal] be comolieo with prior to the time tnat the buildiny permit is issueo or within a period of l80 dzy=_ irom :iate nereo:, whicnever o~curs first, ox sucn "rurtner time as the Commission or City Council may arant. 10. That Condition i4os, 4, 5, 6, ano 7, above mentioned, shal] be complieo wita oricr to tinal building and zonino insoections. llo Tnat subject prooerty =ha11 be developed substan~ially in accordance ~.vitn olans and specification=_ on file with tne City of Anaheim, mar}~ed Exhibit :dos. 1, 2, ~, q, ~,, ~~,~ -; 12. That tne oetitioner =_hall submit revised o!ans indicatinc~ a minimum l~` .°oot on~ ~~~ ir;~~eway, wit.n no redu~tior. in _~t:bac~: or r~du::tion in uni't si~e. T7c FOREGOI~~G RESOLUTIO?: is sioneo ~nd aporoved 'oy m~ti:is :Otn day or ~,qri' / i o,~'%. r~Ci~~_-C l~G~ •~ .~ ~-t ~ ~~HiKmN..~: ~,:~,ntiEIM cITY PLAi~;<;~I~1G COMMP SS~IO'. AT'I'EST: ~ -- ~ ~ ' . ~ ,t2. <1i SECRETARY AfJAHE1MiCITY PLAid?!1':G COM~viISSIO': 1 STATC OF CALIFOR:!IA ) C01,':::~Y' OF ORA::GE ) s~. C1TY OF A:;P.HElId ; I, A 3i:rqes=; Sa~~rctary o"r ti~~~ Cit, =:anninq Comm;~sion o: ~^~e Cit;: o: An~':,:im, do :^.creoy arti;y tn~:i th~ :or~in~ z~asolution vras pas=_ed and aaoc~ted o meetiny o.` theCity ?!annino Commissior. oi t.~,e City o~ .".~cheirn, ~:al^ on Aoril 1~~, i°~ ;', atr~:0~ n~, ;o . P.M., fo] lowinc~ ~~ote o: tne mr-mbers thereo; : b': ti:r AYES: COMMI5SIO:;cHS: P.]lreo, Gzuer, iierbst, Munnall, Rovrland, Camp, f~:OES: COMMIS5IOPIERS: ~lone. Ai:Sci:T: COAIMISSIOi,'ERS: Farano. Ih; ~N1I °.ESS 'NHEREOF, I tiove h~reunto set rny nand tnis : Otn doy oc Aori'. S;, -, ~ ~ / ~~~~C 't ~A.I7.J / SECRETARY A[dAiiEIM C;IT1' PLAD!';1;1~ COA9MISSIO:: / / ~~ R~sa ';o. 7; i ~~~ ~ ~ i - R j ~ i ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ :~ . ` .:... . ... . . _ ..._ ___~ . S r