PC 67-74~- ; ~ RESOLUTIOV N0. PC67-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANfdIIJG COMNISSIOI~J OF THE CITY OF AiJAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 1809 BE GRANTED IN PART WHEREAS9 the City Planning Commission of the City of Ar,aheim did receive a verified Fetition for `/ariznce from GRAND MARtJIER INVESTh1ENT COMPANY, 415 West 4th Street, Suite n, Tustin, Cal?fornia 92680, Owners; COVINGTON BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIOtv COMPAtdY, 841 ~dorth Harbor Boul=vard, Anah~im~ Cali:ornia 92805, Agents oi certain real property situated in the City o; Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as tne north half of the west hali of the soutn halr of t~e Southwest yuarter of the Northwest quarter of S ection 16, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, being Lot ls of Helen and Lynch's Subdivision of the we=_t half of Section lo, Towr.ship a, South, Range 10 West of tt~e San Bernardino Meridian, as per map recorded in Bool; 4~2, page 158 of Deeds, in the oiiice of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County. EXCEPT therefrom tne WEStP.Tly 234 fp2t ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Ap:~il 10, 1967, at 2:00 0'clock P.M., notice o: said oublic hearing havino b~er: d~,:iy given as reyuired by law and in accordance vrith the orovisions of the Anaheim Municipai Code, Crapter 18.08, to h~ar and consider evidence ror and against said propo=_ed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~vitn; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investi9ation, and study maoe by itse_= and in its behalf, and diter due consider~tion o: ali evidence and reoorts offered at said hearing, does iind and determine the following iacts: i. That the cetitioner requests a va=iance f'rom the Ananeim Muni:ipal Cooe, to oermit 2he construction of a 9%-unit apartm2nt complex with waiv2rs oi: SECCION 18~28.05G(5-b) - Maximum buildina heiaht within 150 `eet o` a residential (R=A zone. (1 storv pe:mitted; 2 storv proposed). SECfION 1~_28.050(3-a) - Minimum ow~eilinca unit floor area. (700 ;eet reouireo; 500 ieet on some units oroposed). SECTION 18.28.Oo0(6-c) - Yard and 'ouildino setback reouired, Accessory buildings (aaraqe) oermitted to abut the side oroperty ]ine only v,~ithin t'ie rear 25% o: the =_ite; garaq?s proposed in front %5% of tne site. 2. Tnat tnere ;re ->,ceptional or extraordin:~ry ircumstances or con~itions apolieable to the property invo;~:e: or to the int~~na~o use oi tne proo:=rty t'r~at de not aooly qenera!ly to the property or class ot u=_e in the same vicinity and zone_ ~. Tnat the reyuested variance is ne~~assary for tne preservation and en~~nym_nt oi a substdntiai property riyht possas=_ed by other prooerty in ~;,~~ same vicinity and zone, and denied to tne property in question, 4, That the requested variance r~ili not be mcteri.ally letrimental ~o the nublic :velfare or i~jurious io ti~e oroperty or improvements in such vicinity anti ~one in w'r,ich tne prooerty is locaied. 5~ Tnat the ~maiver o* thr maximum euildinq hei4ht within iF,O feet of c resider.~ial zonc is .onsidered a tPChnical :-raiver on!y, in view o:' the probable development o: th~ adjzcent R-A prooerty and is hereby granted. o. That Reclassification P;o, 05-06-50 pending on tne property must be completed., '. 7~hat the waiver of yard and building setbacks is also considered a technical waiver since the division of the oriyinal parcel into commercial and apartment portions precludes the need for rest*ictinq garayes to the rear of the oarcel only, and is therefore nrantec'. B. That thc• ayent :'or the oetitioner stipulated to setting the cabanas back 3~ feet from the curb line of ihe proposed qrivate street. 9. ~~,yt t!-.e v;aiver o; the minimum d.velling unit iioor area be denied. i0. TI-,ar t~vo persons ap;;eored in opposition to subject petition. i ~ '_ VOWy THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anah~im City Planning ~ommission does hereby qrant in part subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of tne subject property ir, o*der to oreserve the safety and yeneral welfare of' the Citizens o: the City of Anaheim. io That this Variance is qranieo subject to the completion of RECtassificatien ~do. 05-66-50. 2o That a dedicated street, to be named Teomar F.venue, be provideo irom the subject property to Euclid Street as shown on Exhibit !~o> 1. 3. That street improvement oian=_ si~al~ be prepar2o and a?1 engineering re:uirements of tne City o; Anaheim along~ Tadmar Aver.ue, such as curbs and nutters, sidewaiks, street crading and oaving9 drainage :acilities, or other appu*tenant iro~ork shall be ;omoleted as required by tne City Enginee* and ~n accordance with standard pians and epeci`ications on file in ih~ o*fice oF tne City Engineer; or that a bond in an amount and form satis.actory to the City of Ar.sheim shall be po=ted ~.v?th the City to guarantea the installation of said engineering requirements. 4~ That the owners o'r subject orooerty shall pay to the City of Fnah~im the sum o: $2.00 per r:ont foot aiong Tedmar P.venu.5 r'or street liqhting auroo=es~ 5, That the o~Nners of subject orooert/ shall pay to the City of Ananeim th~ sum of 15Q oer `ront ioot alony Tedmar Avenue, =or tree alantinn purooses. o. That a Parcei Mao to record the approved diviszon or' =_ubject pronert~ oe =_ubmitteo ~o the Cicy oi Anaheim ;`or aoprovai and tnen be recorded in ±nc pFfif.E o;' t^e Orano= County R~coroero '. That trash storaye are2=_ shall ce provided :n accordznce ;:~ith approveo oiatis o^ *i.?e wit~, tn~ off'ice of tne Director o: ?ubi:c ~9or~=_~ 8e Tnat zire hydrants =_hail be instaileo as requized -ond oeterm~ned to be ne`essary by the Chie; o'r the Fire Dep2rtment. V 9. That any ~ir-conditior.ing facilities prooosed shall be prooe*ly s:^.ielded °rom view ;rom abutting streets. 10: That Condition Dlos. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, above mentioned, snali be complied witn prior to tne tQme that the`3uildina Permit is i=sueo or ~n~ithin a perioo o: lE0 days from date nereo`, wnich_ver occur= .irsts or such ~urtner time as tne Commis=_ion or City Counci! may grant~ 11. Tnat Condition ."Ios, 7, 8, and 9, above mentioned, =_hall be comolied wit': prior to :inal buiiding and zoning ir.soections. i2, That the o;vner=, of subject oroperty shal'. ozy to tn~ ~~ty of Ananeim the =_um of $25.00 Pr: owelling unit, to be used for oari: and recreation ouroos~=; sai.d amount to be oa~d at the time the buildina permit is issued~ ;3. That ~he cabanas in~icated on the p'.ans oe reiocated a minimum o: 3'rr :eet :rom t`~~ curb 'ine of the private streeto 1-^•_ That =ubject property ~!-:al] be oevelooed substdntial]y in accordance ;;ith o?an=_ ano spe:irications on file witn th~ City o` Anaheim, mar~ed cxnibit 'los. 1, 2, and ?~ THE FORcGOI:'G RcSOLU"rIOPd i=_ sianed ano approveo b me t:•~is i0tf: oay o° A{~.ri., ]06?_ ~ i ~. .z._e~, ~ ~- , AIRAIA': A:JAHEIM CITY PLA?:;~I';G COh' ~ IO:: ATTEST: ~ r' ~ ~' ~ /~~c~,z~n ScCRcTARY AI1A~iE h7 CIT`f PLA~;?'I';G COMMISSIO;i i~ STATE OF CAiIFOR:;IA i COUNTY OF ORA::GE ) ss ~ CITY OF AtIAHEI~~ ) I, A. Burys=_s, Secretary o: t~:e City Plar.nina Comm?s=_ior, or t~e City o.` An~~,eim, o0 7ereby certi.`y that the roreyoinq r~soiution was nass~d and adopt~d at a meetin: o.` t!~a City Planninn Commissior. o'r tne City oi Anar:eim, neld on Apri; !0, l~~c,, at 2:OJ 0'cloc-: P.M,, bv tne ;ol:owina vote ot the memters thereo=: AYES: COMMISSIO`;ERS: Ailr~~d, Gauer, Herbst, Alunqa!1, Rowland, Camp. 'dOES: COh1MISSIOidERS: ?ione. ABSE':T: COMh1IS5I0P~ERS: F;: ar,a, ?'; :~IT':ESS VJHEREOF, I nave nereunto =et my hand this 20th day of Aprii, '?i~?, i i ~~-1 /.Zi Y ') /2.LJ~% SECRETARY A?dAHEIM,~CIT'f PLANt~dl'dG COMMISSIO^: (.~ ~' i C?~ f' ~ €~ * i ~ Res, ':o. 74 . ---r-••------~. --- ----- -------- . - ,.~.....w . ._, ' ` ~ - -rv,^ ~tv; . :~'c._. ~'