PC 67-76RESOLUTION PIO. PC67-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAi~NIP1G COMMISSIOtd OF THE CITY OF ANAuEIM RECO!+~4^.~NDII~G TO THE CI?1' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AhAHEIM THAT RESO:_ui i0N OF I:'9Tt:~: h.0„ 7353, CONDITI0~1 N0. 4- ACCESS POItJTS, A~2D ^:0. 7- SIGI~S, APPP.OVING RECLASSIFICATi~N P~:'S. c0-61-9~ aid '01-62-3G Bc AM~NDFD THERE+V 6'JHEREAS9 the City Council at ~.blic hearing on November '-:, 1901, in Resolution of Intent ~o. 7353 aoproved Reclassi*ication i~os. 60-61-96 ano 61-02-30, sLbject to conditions; ~ ..~-~~ and WHEREAS, Condition i4o~ 4 0, said resolution require= deoication oi access rights to ~!f ~ lJnderhill Avenue and State Colleqe Bouleverd; and WHEREAS~ Cor.dit~on :^lo., -' oi' s;id re~o:ution ;~•:~its t'r~e size ~~` any siyn o^ sub_ect property to o maximum Of e1QI1t (8i s'~~.a: e* eat; ar.o WHeREAS, tne City Coun~il referred a r~que=_: i,om the prc-~e:ty ot:r,,~z o:' Lot f~os. 9 and 10 for tne amendm?nt o; Con7itior ^+os. -. an~ %, `_n the ?i;r,ninc Cornmission f'or full public hearing on the propo=_ed r2yues~; ard P~HEREAS, the City Plonniny Commissi.on did hoi9 ,r,util;:. :.ea~ir;q= a~ the Cit•~~ Y,a11 in the City oi Anaheim on P~1a*cn ~7 and Fpril 24, i96%, at 2:00 0'clock P.UI., r~tice oz sai~ public hearing having been duly given as r_qvirec by '_aw and in ac ,r-~-.c~e v:itn tf: provisions o` tne Anaheim ~V~unicipai Cooe, Cha~•ter 18,72, to hear ano _~nsider evidence for and against said prooosed amendment to cor.dition=_ o; aoorov~3~ ~nd io investigate and make findinos ar.d recommendations in connection there,vith; ano WHEREAS, said Commission, a=ter due insoection, investioation, anc stuoy r:zde by itsel: and in its behalC, and after due ::o~sider=tia~ oi all evioen~e anc *eoort=_ o;;er2d at said hearing~ does ~ind and determine t^e iollowinc Ea~t~~ 1. That deed restri~tior.=_ limiting the use o~ subject property to bu=_iness ar,o profes=ional ofii~e uses was amended to eermit full ranye C-1, General Commercial, Zone uses provided t~a~ the existing stru•:~~.:: es are removed ar.d reolact•d :^:ith reoular commerciai =_tru~tures. 2. ?hat the oetitioner r.o~~•: reque=_ts a:sess to Underhill Ave~ue ror t~e 2astarly 4G :eet of Lot !lo. 9, ano 30-ioot ..--ess ori~e cnto State Colleqe Boulcvarc, startiny 20 =eet r.ort~ o,` tn~ s•outh o*or:rty ~~ne o` Lot .'!o. 10. F~.~rthermore, sionino in coni~ormance ;vitn the G? Zor~-~ is aisr, reque~ted. 3, T.hat the I.nterdeportmental Committee re~o~nmc.ided t':a;: acce~s to inderhill Avenu~, if ~^oroved, be ]imited to tne easteri~ 40 ieet o: Lot !:o. 9 only, ~nd tna~ one access~,r~ay ~o State Go11~~e Boulevard miof~~t ~: = considered : ovoi abiy i: t:~e Comm`.ssion ~ e~t it ne::essary to separ~~, ~ommer: ia' tr~.ii ic irom the a11ey aiono the souther!y bourdary of the oro:;~ +.y ,~h:c^ wi11 ~e used 'oy re=_idents to the east. 4, That sian provisions inciuoed in Condition !do. 7 0' Resolu'.icn :ioa ?353 are ~overed adequately under the Sion and Bi?:'board Ordinar:~s wni~; were adopted ,:bsequcn~ to t!-,is original zoning actior. on th~se oro~ert; e, .,r J ,.~,,,re;or~ may be ~elet.u,. 5~ Ihat no one apoeared in opposition to subje t aeti+ion. NOW, TY.cREFORES 5E IT RESOLVED that the City Pianninq Commission ,~oe= .~ere'ty rec~~rr,;nen~ to tne City Coun:i; o: the City of AnaFeim tha~ Resolution of Intent :~o. -95~, annro~ir~~~ Reclassifi:.ation iJos. b0-6]-9o ano 61-62-3C be amended as follon~s: ~~'~ ~ ~ ~ r Condition No~ 4: ' "Dedication of 53 feet e-om t~,r m~numented center line of State College Boulevard for LoLs i r.. rt„ inclu~i~/e, and Parcel 10. Recordation of pr~va±~ ten (.l~'I .`oo';. :., __ -~ss drives between Lots 3 and 4, and Lots 5 ar,d o, i.•om St~t~ ~o~.,aa>~r.oulevard to the existinca alley to the rear of subject Lots ~~o ti ..r.ciusi~r-. Dedication or accass :iahts to State Cr,l:eoa 9~:1_•~ard for Lots 1 to f3 inclus;.ve, with the exception of the two ten-ioor. ,~iJe drives menti~~ned, zn~ for Loi 10, except of t•~e southerly riity (~C~ ;eet of said lot, and dedi~_ation of access rights ~ ±o Underhill Avenue o:~. Parcel 10 and the westF'r'., 22e50 ieet of Parce'_ 9. Further subject tn th~ dedication by the own.rs ~+ access riq:ts '.b '~ ~ drawn up by the pr:~vate parties to run in favor of Lots 1 to 8';,,lu~._~,~, as to a~ress to ', ~. ~~~~o dedicated dri~.•eways, so that the lot=_ o, v'.~icn the ~iri•/h~~a~s ore located will not h;eve comole~e control ar,~ ;3~nct ;hut of` :hE~ sccess ~.o ail except themse7~~es~" Condition .Vo. 7 sha11 be deleted to o~=~:it. signiny in a~:cordance witt che Sian Grdinance governing C-1. Gener-31 C:ommercial, ~oned c~ropert~y~ ~n tte event the ex.stina s*.ruc;ures . are removed. THE FORE;uID'G RFSOLUTION is sicned a~:l approved py m? this ~th oay of A4ay, 1967. ~ 4~17f' t a,.,/ ° 'S y ~ C?-IAIRNiAN ,aNAi-IEIM CITY PLF,NNII~'G MMISSION ATTEST: /_C ; , ; C.- ''~ ~. ` ~"';~ G<<.}% SECRETARY ANAHEIM ~ItY PLAN'dIRG COh9MISSION ;~; STATE OF CALIFG. '~iq ) ' ~•OUfd?Y OF QD4.'JGE ~ ~-. ~~' CI~1'.' OF E,NhH~'.N , .__ I, Ann '~:rebs, Secretary of the City ~ianninq Commission of the City of Anaheim, do ~ereby certi`y that tne `o*egoing resolution ~,vas oassF.~ ar.o adopted ~* a meetino o:` th= City Planninq Commission of the City of Ar.3i~ei~, neld on P.pri1 ~4, tq~?, at 2:00 0'cloc; ?.tvi., uy the iollo~n•ina vote of the members thereof: n`~ES: CCMM1IISSIOidERS: A11red, Farano, Gauer, biu^~all, Rowlar7, Herbs~, Camp,. ~iOES: COMMISSIO~IERS: f~one. ABSEt~T: C'APdMISSIONERS: ,•ione. 1~~1 WIT`:[SS NlF164ECF, I hdve h~reunto set my han:i 'hir ~~:;°. d~y ~.` A1ay, 1~3c"~. 1~~:"'-` ~ ~a2.L (~:> ~['.~RETr~RY A?JAF!EiM CI'iY PLP.1Ji~'I~G COtJ~i~11S5I0~ i C:, I•do. ?G ~,! ~ ~.t ~a ~,__-_:..... .. ,._ _ _ ._ . . ~-T ~ "-------~-_.--__.-...~.~ . --- - ~~::.~.~. -~~ ~.T "~.."`. .. .. ' '~wv£.~ - ~!'\:1}~' a g