PC 68-155.
RESOLUTIOh N0, P~~8-155
A RLlOi.U1'10[f OT '~11E QTY PLAIfItHi(i COIMpS9i0N 0!- TNt ~7TY O!' AlIA~i6~l
TNAT PE31T10N ~OR ap~pnq~~-(, USi Pt~tlllTr 1~32 ~ GRA!JCED
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~l7EREAt, !ie Cir~~ Pl~l~i Ce~aiWea~ ot t!s Ciq~ ot Asal~l~ H~ noelM a rt18M Pettt~aa tor Con-
ditioaal Uw P~nr1t (roa REV. H,. A. MC PHEETERS, 1048 West Broadway, Anaheim, California 92802,
~H~ner, CHRIST CHURCH TRUTH OF ORAAIG~E COUNTY, 1648 West Broadway, Anaheim, California 92802,
Ag~nt of certain real property situated in the City of Anahaim, Caunty of Or ge, State of
~alifornia, described as that portion of the west half of the Northeast quarter o° the South-
west quarter of the Northwest quarter of ~ection Sixteen, Township Four South, Range Ten West,
S• B• B• g M. in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana and being the West half of Lot Eleven
of Helen and Lynch's Subdivision of the West hal'f of Section 5ixteen,. Townshio Foui• South,
kange Ten West, S. B. B, 8. M,, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 442, page 158 of Deeds,
Records of Los Angeles County, the East line of above described land being the same as the
N~est line of the tract of land convey~d by Charl.es Schindler and wife to N~~ttie Eyyabroad by
deed recorded March 15th, 1909 in Book 163, page 387 of Deeds. Beginning at the Northeast
corner thereof and thence !Nest along the North line thereof 8U feet; thence South 250 feet;
thence West 90 feet, thence South 100 feet; thence East 170 feet to the 4Vest line of the tract
of land conveyed to Nettie Evqabroad; thence North 350 feet to the coint of b~ainnina.
EXCEPTI~!G therefrom that portion occupied by IIroaciway on the north
; ~ed
~~~'w C~tiAa~~~~~M+~ W~~ P~N~~ 6Nrhs ~+t tlte CltyNeil In the Clty of Anaheim
o~ Jun e 3, 1968, - ::!~ ~t 2:0~ e'ebck P.tl., ~otioe of sald pY~l~C ~yn~ bn,~~ ~ dul
~+ e~q~dnd by l~w ~s! ls ~ooo~lrq w!N !~ Y[iven
~~e~ ~~~ ~~ 7~b+M al t!e Maheim Maalciaal cod~, (~apter 18.64, to heer
~~t e~i~ PrqoMd oo~llfe~al wt ~ed 1o hw~ttph rd w~k~ tiadinp wd
^~e~/~tia~s L oo~MCt~an ti~a1W; rd
wlIE~E/Lt, s~ld Coorl~aio~. dNr du~ Lo~sct;o~, Lvwtirtlow, W st~ eo/e -y ltroii ao~ la !ts b~-
6ollowi~ toctr.~ o~Waatla~a at W wii~oe~ a~d e~ok~ otfswi st s~ M~y, ~ Aa~ rd d~tanlna th~
L'l7s~t tlM ~ea,o~.d uo. i. ppPrlr une hr wiic~ . Coodtcsontl Uw P.rolc l^ ~atAodsM by Cod ~~
Section 18.64.020(2-a) to wit: establish an existing church facility zs a conforming
use with waiver of:
SECTION 18.04 090(2-a) - Reouired buildina sethacksfor churches. (A minimum o; 1:.
feet required; `_ ,`eet existing and pronosed adjac_~nt to
the west property line of subject property and ~= feet
existing and proposed adjacent to the southerly boundary
line of subject property. Code iurther ~,rovides that the
requirecJ 15-`oot setbac~;s ad.jacent to side and rear property
lines shall not be used `or narking ourposes; the ;~etitioner
is prooosing to have parking areas within the side and rear
15-foot setback areas).
2. That the proposed use will not adversely affect t.~e adjoining land uses and the
growth and development of the area in which it is propose~l to be located.
3. 7hat the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the
full development of the oroposed use in a manner not detri,^enta'. to the particular area nor
to the peace, health, safety, and aeneral welfare of the citi~ens of the City of Anaheim.
4. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if
any, will not be detrim~ntal to the oear~, health, safety, and generai welfare of the
citizens of the City of Anaheim.
5. That one oerson appeared in conditional ooposition to the location o: the parking
~on, ~rxcRSro~, ~L Cf RL~SOLVED th~t tb~ Aaabriai Cttr ~,.+,~ a~..~..~a. r.o w~.s
P~tltioa for Coadltf~w~l !~ p~rolt, spo~ the (olbwi~g oondltioss w~cl~ M Y I~t subject
bo tl~e PropoNd we ot the w~ct ~~~ ~ M M s R~aqs~ry precequisite
~ ProPaKY R~ ordx tc ~erw ti~e s~hilr p+ p~q~ ~+ ~~~ Citiaens of the
City oi An~etw:
1. That the owner of subject property shail pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15Q per
front foot along Broadway, for tree planting purposes.
2. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00
per front foot along Bror~dway, for street lighting pusposes.
3. That trash stora~~e areas shall be prov~ded in accordance with approved plans on tile
with the office of the Lirector of Public Works.
4. That fire hydrants sha71 be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the
Chief of the Fire Department.
,~„i~ R 5. That the sidewalks shall be installed along Broadway, as required by the City Engineer
, i and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City
, ~4 Engineer.
.'S 6. That any air-conditioning fac:lities proposed shall be properly shielded from view.
\~ and the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes.
' 7. That all exterior lighting shall. be directed dowrnvard and away from abutting parcels.
l 8. That Condition idos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, above mentioned, shall be comolied with
. I f' orior to the tfine that the Building Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date
~ _ hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Com:nission or City Counc_1 may grarrt.
~. I 9. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordar.ce Nrith plans and
I. specifications on :ile with the City of Anaheim; provided, however, that the proposed parking
shall be relocated toward the easterly property line and that the parking area shall be re-
~.~i strip~~ and bumoer guaros placed along the east boundary in front of each parF:ing space.
:, I
, '~1E FOREGO[NG RE~O('vTip~ 1~ °!~d "d "-P'°~~d by ~s• tl~l~ 13th day of June, 1968,
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,: i ATTEST:
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! STATE pP' C~,(,jFpi~lt[A )
~ ' ` ` COUNTY O!' ORAIIdE ) u,
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~• I, Ann Krebs, l~cr~t~y o( th• Cily Plr~~:in~ Comnisaim of y-~ G a( Aa~Y
th~ fon~oin~ r~lution ww ~' ~. ~ hereby certify that
' held on June 3, 1968 ~~~ ~Rd ~t°d at ~ meeti e u s of t! K Ci t y P 1aeR1a~ Co~~~~n ~E the City of Anehein~,
~ ~t 2:00 o'clock P.AI., by the tollowi~~ vo;~ o[ b~ o~nbon thereof:
' ~ AYES: COMh1ESi(kIERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Camp.
I ~'
i~ ~ ,~ NOES: CU~iMISTK?PiERS: None.
~ ~ ~
~ ' ~BSENT: COIB~f[SSIONERS: Rowland.
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j IN MI'I'NESS MIIl.R~OF, I h~w k~r.,:ato s~t ey q~nd ehi~ 13th day of June, 1968,
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