PC 68-168PC68-•168
RES~l.UT10N NO. -
A RESOI.~UTIOti 0!' 'I'HE ClTY PLANNIIIG COlIYI4nJti 0~ 77I~ C1'1'Y Of AlfANtS1
PC7'1'IION E'~R RtCLASEf*ICA1'!O!( !10. ~7"68-9~~, P.°PROVED
~11EREA5, t6e City Plernis~, Camniesion ot th~ City of An~heim did i n i t i a t e a v er i i i ed P e ~~ t i on f or
reclassification on certain real property s?.tuated in the City of Anaheirn, County o: Orange,
State of California, described as Lot Nos. 1, 2, 80 thru 83 of Tr.act Noo 1808, Lot :!os. 1, ,^..,
81 thru 87 of Tract No. 1931, and Lot Nos. 1 and 2 of Tract lJo. 2689.
\ ~.
Property owners
Alfred Melin
345 Dania Avenue
Buellton, Calif. 93427
Howard Vaughn
603 E. Jefferson Avenue
Orange, Calif. 92666
Robert Stoddard
2159 W. Katella Avenue
Anaheim, Ca1if. 92804
William Vidt P.lan E. ?rice ArihurSer.ton
1766 William Miller Drive 2119 l7. Katella Avenue 32056 Coast
Anaheim, Calif. ~~804 Anaheim, Calif. 92804 H;vy.
David ClarF:
2831 Colorado Lane
Orange, Calif. 92804
Lloyd A. W?lls
1767 S, G~rden Drive
Anaheim, Calif. 92804
Richard Calvert William Schwenn
1771 NJiliiam h1iller Drive 1771 S. Garden Drive
Anaheim, Calif. 92804 P.naheim, Calif. 92804
S, Laguna
Jack Doquette 92677
1770 S. Gz*den Drive
Anaheim, Calif. 92804 ~b~'t'N~ner
PJilliam Roberts
1816 Hac;:ett Ave.
Long Beach, Calif
2105 W.
Katella Ave
Pnaheim, Cal.
90815 9~804
James Wood
.iohn Lead;ord ~olt Jr.
14715 C}~ err y
806 S. Cinda St. Hill.s Dr.
Anaheim, Calif. 92805 Dallas, Tex.
_ ~3~
INHEREAS, the City Ptenein~ Con~i~sioe dld leold ~ public hwdn~ ~t ths City Hdl in tye City o( Mehein
on June 3, 1968, +it 7:30o'eloc~ P.M. aoUc~ of e~id puhlk he~rin~ bwia` bew ~uly pvsn ~s required by
law ~nd in ~ccoedaoce with the provisiqos of t1K An~Aeim Mtmlcipa! Code, (~~pter 1i.72, to Ywr and coasider
evidenee for u~d q~inst said p~opo~sd recl~rsiticotioa ~nd to fnveetf`~te ~dayu (l~dinp ~ndncommendation~
1R COfll1lCtl0(1 ~Ilf(QMII}I: tild
NHEREAS, a~id Commi~don, ~fbr 8u~ iasp~ction, inve~tiption, ~nd stody n~~ bp iWlt wd tn its be-
h~lf, ~a~ ~fter due coesidtntioa o( ~Il ~vid~ec~ in9 nporta o(t~red at aa~id l~in~, doM Eis~ ~ed d~t~rsjae th~
Eo1loMin~ [~cta:
1. Tl~atthe Planning Commission prooosas a:~_:.~s;iiication of tne aoo~:e aesr.:ibe.~.
oroperty from the R-1, One Family Residential, Zone to the C-0, Commercir: Oiii~e, ~one.
2. That General Piar Amendment No. 103 was consid2red in canjunctior.~r;ith subject
reclassification oetition.
3. That the prooosed reclassification of subject oroperty is necessary and;~or
desirable for the orderly and proper uevelooment of the community.
4. That the pronosed reclassificat'.on o,` sub;ect nrop2rty ooes orooerly relate to
the zones and their permitted uses local]y established in close oroximity to subject
property and to the zones and their oermitted u=_es generally established throuqhout the
community. -
5. That subject nroperty was on2 of the conversion areas in "A Study of the Problem
of Residential Homes Frontir~ on Arterial Highways" recently adopted by b~th ?r.e Pianninq
Commission and City Council. -
6. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication
and improv ement of aoutting streets in accordance with the Circulation clement of the
~eneral Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the
intensification of land use.
7. That seven persons appeared representinq 40 oersons present in the Coun;il Chamber
and a petition signed by 161 oersons ~vas received in opposition, and that two oersons
appeared in favnr of subject oetition.
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NOW, 'j'HEREFORE, HE IT ~. ~OLVED that the An~heim City Plu~nin~ ,~mmission does hereby recommend
to the City Council of the City of Anahetm th~t a_bject Petition for RecloesiHe~tion be ~pproved ~nd, by ao doing,
that Title 1&ZoninQ of the Msheim Municlp~! Code be ~mended to e:clude the ~bove descrtbed property from the
R-1, One Family Residential, Zone and to ir~corporate said described property into the C-0
Commercial Office, Zone, upon the follolvir.g conditions whir.h are hereby found to be a necessary
prerequisite to the proposed use of sub'ect property in order to preserve the sa,`ety and 9eneral
welfare of the citizens of the City of ~naheim.
1. That the owner of subject property s!~all deeo to the City of Anaheim a strip of land '00
feet in width from the centerline of the street, incl.uding a 15-foot radius corner :eturn, alonc
Katella Avenue, for street widening purposes.
2. That the vehicular access rights, exceot at street and/or a11ey openinas to Katella
Avenue shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim.
3. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anahein the sum of 5~.00
per front foot along Katella Avenue, William Miller Drive, Garden Drive and Dallas Drive, ror
street lighting purposes.
4. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15¢ per
front foot along Katella P.venue, William Miller Drive, Garden Drive and Dallas Drive, for tre~
planting ourposes.
5. That secondary circulation sha11 be provided in accordance with Area Developr~~rt P1an
No. 92.
6. That the sidewalE~s shall be installed along Katella Avenue, and William Miller Drive.
as required by the City Eng ineer and in accordance with standard plans and soecifications on
file in the office of the City Engineer.
7. That trash storage areas shall be orovided in accordznce with ao~roved olans on ~ile
with the office of the Direc:or of Public Works.
8. That any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall be oroperly shielded from vie~v and
the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes.
°. That all exterior liohtina shall be directed downward and away from abuttino :~arcels.
10. That Condition :dos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be comolied ~rith within a
period o' 180 days from the date hereof, ~r such further time as the City Council may grant.
11. Thzt Condition idos. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, abova mentioned, shall be complieo ~.vith orior
to final building and zoning inspections.
12. That ordinances reclassi:ying subject property shall be adooted as and vahen each parce~
is readY to conply with conditions oertainino to such oarcel; orovided, however, that the word
~~parcel' sha11 mean oresently existing oarcels of record and any oarcel or parcels anUroved by
the City Counci.l for a lot solit.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end aoproved by me this 13th day o; June, 1908,
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I~ Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the Cit}~ of Anaheim,
held on Jun2 3, 1968, at ': 3(b'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Fierbs~, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
II~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 13th day of June, 1°08.
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