PC 68-228i ..,._ ..~-- _ w ~ ~ ;: . : i . .. : . .. i . .. . . ~ ..~....,.~rw..o~.e.~~ -- - ~ U 1tESOWTION N0. - PC68-228 A 1lLSOLUTION 0~' THE CiTY PI.ANMII~IG COWlSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEq( REC0101ENL~fG TO THe C11'X COUNClL 0~' TNB CITY OR ANAHE01 THAT PETITlON l~pR RLCLASSIFICATION N0. ~2$-.S~~-LBE 1!PpR01l~D MFlEREAS, the City Pl~nnla~ Co~~irsioa ot t6e City ot Aa~heim did initiate a verified Fetition for Reclaseification an certain real property aituated itt the City of A,naheim, County of Orange~"State of ~alifornia, described as Lot Nos. 6, 7, 8 attd 9 of Tract No. 1843 i Pronerts Ownera: Harold S.wanson Robert Downey 21'19'E. I,incoln Avemte 2107 E. Lincoln Ave~ue :Anaheim, Ce.lifornia 92g06 Anaheim, California 92g06 Rusaell Goddard Orville Tallant 21ll E. 'Lincoln Avenue 2103 E. Lincoln Avenue Anaheim, Ca]iforni.a 92g06 Anaheim, California 92806 ; m8 ^11EREAS, the City Ptanin~ Coeslr~iaa did hold a public heorin~ et tha City Hdl in the City o( An~heim oe July 29, 1968.e 2:op o~ctoee~ p•Y. aotie~ oE sdd pubiic headn~ h~vin~ be~n duly `iven u ceq~;rad yy law rd in accordartae wfth t6e pmvida~~ o[ tlea M~oi~ Yanicipd Cod~, Ch~pter 18.72, to hear ~nd consider evid~nc~ Ior and K~iest ~~id peopo~ed stclydtic~tloa rd W investig~t~ ~nd ~e~ke fiadip~~ ~nd cecom4eod~tloea tn connectioa ih~nwith; ~nd R~HEREAS, srid Commis~la-, ~~r ~~ I[I/~tlOa~ lave~ti~~tion, ~nd ~tudy s~ade by it~elt and in it~ ba 6dt, ~ad dter dw cousideration of dl evld~nc~ wd npwt~ oHec~d et eaid hwde~, doN find ~ed d~br~iee th~ &-Ilowie~ t~cts: l. That the Commisaion propoaes a reclassification of the above described property from the R-1, One-Family Reaidential, Zone to the C-0, Co~ercial-Office, Zone. 2. That the propoaed reclasaification is in conformance with the Getteral Plan, 3. That the propoaed reclaseification of aub~ect property is necessary and~or deairable for the~orderly and proper development of the commur3ty. Q. That the propoaed reclesaification of sub~ect property doea properly relats to the zones and their permitted uses locally establiahed in close proximity to aub~ect property and to the zones and their permitted uaes getterally establiahed throughout the co~unity. 5, That the~proposed reclasaification of sub~ect property requirea the dedication and improvement~of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the inteneification of land uae. 6. That a letter rre.s received in oppoaition, and one person appeared 3n favor of i aub~ect petition. , ,'Sy' :> w~ . .. . ~ .. ~ ~ ~ . ~~ i ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ' ~ . ~1 i _`_°_^---~---%--^~-,.-~-,_.:...:._....__.-- --~- - ~ ~~ ~" ~~ NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commiaslon does hereby tecommend to the Clty CouncIl of the City of Anaheim thet subjccf,Petitlon for Reclassiffcetion be approved and, by eo doIng, that Title I6-2oning of the Aaaheim Municip~l Code be emended to exclude the ebove deacribed prop~rty from thA R-1, One-Family Reaidential, Zone, and to'iricorporate eaid deacribed property into the C-0, Commerciel-Office, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a neceseary prerequisite to the proposed uae of aub3ect property in order to preserve the safety and gPneral welfare of the Citizena of the City of Anaheim; 1. That the ownere•of aub~ect~property aha11 deed to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width from the centerline of ~he atreet along Lincoln Avenue, including a 15-foot radiua corner return at Olatta Way, for atreet widenir.g p~poaes. 2. Tha~;, traeh atorage nreae shall be provided in accordattce with approved plans ott file with the office of the Director of Public Workae • 3. Tliat any air-conditioning facilitiea propoaed shall be properly ahielded from view, and the sound si7all be.buff.ered from ad~acent reaidential homea. 4• That pax~king~areas ehall be lighted with down-lighting a ma~dmu~ of 6_feet in .height and ehall be directed away from the property linea to protect the residential integrity"of the area. 5.'That any etructur:a which are propoaed for converaion from residentiel to commer- cial uaea aha],1 be brought up to the minim~ atandards of the Uniform Building, plumbing, attd Flectrical Codea~ as adopted by the City of Anahe3m~ 6e That Condition No. 1, above mentioned~ shall be complied with prior to reclassify- ing the property to the C-0 Zone. ' 7: That Conditiott Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned~ shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning lnepections. ~ THE: FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and ATTEST: / i!~~is?~%~J ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Kreba, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that ~ the foregoing resolution was passed mtd adopted.at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim; held on 3uly 29~ 1968~ at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof; , AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp~ Farano~ Herbst~ Mungall~ Rowlande I ~f j ~ y cna7xnrnlv nNAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION PRO TEM me this~~ aay~ o~ Auguet~ 1968, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMTSSIONERS: A]1red, Gauer. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this $th day of Auguat, 1 6g~ ~ 9 ~!2/hix~ ~~J~~.t~L~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -- RESOLUTION N0. z~g R2-A -2_ ...._ ,.. , '~ ~;j ~'' ~ „ms.:..: .... . 3 -> u,~t~ .,~ , ~r,~y Y , ; ~" ` ~ !_; ;;, ?. °: l .~ ' .. , ~ , ~` 'l F '~' ~. ; .: ~.; ~ ... .~. - .' ,,. ti . .: ~ . ,_ ~.- . ~Y<.. c-` r. .: .... r~ , ..... ,. . ~..;~. ., _. . ~. : . . : t . ~~ _ . - . : ^m. . . ..~.~ . . . ~~:. _ H