PC 68-231 ;~ ~ . . . ~ _ __ ----------- _ - ~; ~ _, , RESOLUTION N0. PC68-2 1 A RESOLUTION OF Tf~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHF.TM RECO1~'A~[GD2NG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT A~!EA DEVELOPME~IT PLAN N0. 98 BE DISAPPROVED WFIEREAS, as ~ result of the City Council'a adoption of '~A Stuc'~y of the Problem of Raeidential Homea Fronting ott Arterial Highways", the Planning Commiaeion initiated General Plan Amen3menta, Reclasaification petitiona, and Area Development Platta to ,.,' implement converaion of the 17 areas designated in the front-on atuc~y from reaidential ;: to office and profesaional or general commercial uae; and i;~' WHEREAS, Area Developmettt Plans are deaigned to asaiat in providing secondary or additional circulation to thoee properties fronting on arterial streeta which have been conaidered appropriste f'or converaion to commercial uaee; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion did hold a public hearing i;7 the City Hall in the City of Anaheim oxt July 29, 19b8, at 2:00 o~clock P.M., notice cf said public hearing been duly given ~~a required by law and in accordattce with the provisiona of the Attaheim Mutticipal Code, ~to hear and consider evidence for and againat eaid proposed Area Development Platt, and to ittvestigate and make findings and recommendatione~in conttection therewith; an~. WI~REAS, said Commission, after due ittspection, inveatigation and a+,udy made by itaelf and in its behalf attd after due conaideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heering, does find and determine the following facte: ' 1. That aub~ect propsrty ia compriaed of eleven parcels, four on South Street and aeven on State College Boulevard, all developed as low-denaity eingle-family reeidential homea. _i' 2• ~t That ad~oining land uaes include low-deneity aingle-family reaidential homea to the north attd weet; two aervice atatione and two ain le-fa il !~ - I g m y homea on acreage parcels to the east; and a coffee shop, church, and eingle-family homea to the south. 3. That the Traffic Iligineer has indicated that the preeent dails vehicular traffic count on State College Bouleva d i 1 i ~ r e 3 ,700 vehiclea and ia profected to carry Q0,300 vehicles per day; and that South Street a , collector 6treet, is preeently carrying 3,000 vehicles per da,y and ia projected to carry 3 800 vehi l ;i , c es per day in ten years. 'i> 4• ~, That all four residential lots on South Street have primazy vehicular accese, but do not have an alley to the north; and, that homea fronting on State College Boulevard have acceee only to the alley to the weat. 5. That all propertiea have exiating curbe, guttera, and aidewalka; however, there ia onl.y a 50-foot half_yridth t e reet declication for the lota frottt- ing an State College Boulevard, while 53 feet would be required for a ; . Primary street; and that South Street, a collector etrAet, is an exception and hae a dedicated 30-£oot half-width. I,' 6. ~ That the aeven lote fronting on State College Boulevard will have the lot deptha reduced t~ approximatel 96 5 f t f ~' I' y . ee a ter ultimate dedication; and that the lots £ronting on South Street will be reduced to a depth of 77.5 feet after a 20-foot alley is dedi at d `: , c e , which will provide aecondary circulation as required in the C-0 Zone. 7• `^ That the front structural aetbacka along South Street would not be affected by atreet dedication h ;, owever, the rear yard deptha are vary ahallow attd all structures would have to be removed in order to provide ~, rear parking and the alley; and that the front atructural aetbacka along State College Boulevard would n t b ~ o e affectdd by ultimate street dedica- tion; however, the accesaory structurea at th e rear would have to be removed to provide parking to the rear of the atructurea. ~.i .. . ~°3.' ~'~4,iJ ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ,. . . . . . . ~_. . .. . . . ~ ~~ . ~ . ~ ._. ~ i - ^; ' ;e ~ L ~ ~ .. '~ . .,;~ ~ . TI . ' ~"KL. ~: ~~ . --,~ ,. .•y~.;..~ - "_. . ~ t // i _.. _.._ _..~.~~ _ . ~ . ~ ___ __ __ -----=1- ~ . 8. That although conaiderable neighborhhod shopping facilitiea and a co~unity ahbppirig center eacist both to the north and aouth of aub~ect property along State College Boulevard, there are very few commercial- profesaional uees in the nicinity, and theae are primarily real eatate offices. 9. That the Commisaion finda that after conaiderable teatimony and dis- cusaion, together with the fact that the aize and ahape of the lots would be reduced to auch a degree that only removal of the exiating atructurea would allow development of the property w3th commercial office usea for South Street. 10. That three peraona appeared representing twelve peraone pres~ent in the Council Chamber, and a petition aigned by sixty-aeven peraona was receined, all in opposition; and that one letter was received in favor of aub~ect petition. NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commisaion does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that Area Development Plan No. 98 be diaspproved on the basis that the propoaed increase in land uee for four of the percels necesaitates secondary circulation for utiliaation; that the requeat ia at thie time somewhat premature baeed on the foregoing findinga. 1968.~ FOREGOING RFSOLUTION is aigned and~oved ~~ me thi~ Sth day f Auguat, PRO TII~I .J ~ ATTEST: _ ; ~~~~~ ~l~ =' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION 'i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ae. CITY OF ANAF~I2•i ) CONIIdISSION 2, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing reaolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commiasion of the City of Anaheim, held on Suly 29, 1968, at 2:00 o~clock P.M., by the following vote of the membera thereof: AYFS: COt~'ASISSIONFRS: Camp, Farano, Herbet, Mungall, Rowland. NOFS: COhII~ffSSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COh1~ffSSIONERS: Allred, Gauer. IN WITNESS WI~REOF, I have hereunto aet my hand thia 8th day of Auguat, 1968. L~iYVr~/ /~'zt~l~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION - RF50LUTION N0. 231 ;' : :^ - - .:~,.«.~; _ ~ __ _ .. ' '._b ' .~ . . . . ,