PC 68-67RESOLUTION NO. P~8-67__
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive e verified Petition for Variance from
RICHARD K., EL~AtQOR, ALFRFA AND MATILDA BOAS, i234 Wilshire Boulevard, Santa Monica, California
90401, Owners of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State
of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached 'nereto and ref erred to herein as though set
,~;~,-~ forth in full
~~ , and
_ ~+
;~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on
°-1 MarCh 11~ 1968~ at 2:00 o'c(ock P,M., notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es required by
~ ]aw and in acrnrdence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for
and against said proposed variance snd to investigate end make findings and recammendations in connection therewith;
WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behelf,
and after due consideration of all evidence and repoRs offered at said hcaring, does Eind and determine the following
' 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the Aneheim Municipel Code as .`ollows~ to permit the
; establishment of a warehouse on C-1, General Commercial, Zoned property to be ooerated in
% conjunction with an existing furniture store:
~ SECTION 18.40.070(2-5-a) - Minimum reauired setbacks adiacent to a residential zone.
!~ (10 reet required; o teet oroposed).
3 SECTION 18.40.070(3) - Buildina and structural heioht limitations. (The Code re-
- quires that the height of any building within 150 feet of
'! any single-family residential zone boundary shall not exceed
; one-half the distance from said building to said zone boundary;
i petitioner proposes to develop a 14-foot high building six
:' feet from the easterly property line which is adjacent to a
'~ large R-A parcel).
SECTION 18.40.070(6-a) - Walls reauired. (A 6-foot masonry wall is required where
` C-1 zoned property abuts a residential zone; a 5-foot high
•'s chain link fence exists along the northerly portion of the
ii:,a east boundary of subject property, and a 3-foot high masonry
i;; wall with a 53 foot high chain link fence on top of the wall
~~` exists along the southerly portion of the easterly boundary;
petitioner proposes no additional walls along the east
boundary of subject property).
'-' 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable
~' to the property involved or to the intended use of the oroperty that do not apply generally
to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone.
~' 3. That the reauested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a
~',E substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and
I ° denied to the property in question.
i~'~~ 4. That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare
,~S or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property
~r: is located.
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Title Insurance ar~d Trust Company
PHONE 547.3333
.7ant~~ry 2, 1!?GR
' ~-~n}: of Ar,:crica f~T t SA
' +'. t>. Bnx 32S
' Sn;:t•:: :',na, C;cli iu,.'u:i.i
Attn: ttarion 12. Lcl;us
~~'hcn n•plying ndcr to I
OurNo. a(1%Sti-f!.'I I
• ' I
YourNo. gp_gS17 I
Thc follo~ving is n rr.port o( thc titlc lo thc land dcncrihed in pour applicnlion for a I'olicy of 7'illc Innur:incc. :~nd ia
madc N•it6out liabilit}' anrl without ohligation to is:uc ciicl~ pulicy. In nddilion to any excrptions cho~rn hrri•in, and
not clcared, thc policy, if i.csucd, will conlain condi~ions a~id ,rtipulntions and aLo exccptions from its covrngc as may.
bc rcquircd by the pnrticular form of policy iseucd, •
Dated as of_(1CCCfahnr 97 1 Q67 at 7:30 a.m. ~i ~~ ~~O,"'
v~c~~: , ti: ~~~ori~`• r~a~on~~~
llcirs or devis•ces or L,vdia llavis, r,cccnserl, suhject zo
adninistration of tlic csta~c of ,aid Jcccdent, nrvillc
I:cIw,ird liuntcr, bcing tiic .cluly a.~pnintcd and qu~lificci
executor, C~se A'o. A.5~lG7S, suUjeet to an order Uecernber 18~
~:~r,~~yi~,h~9GT confirmin~ sale for $1',6QO,q(1 casli to ~lfred i3oas and
Riehard K. Iioas, as tensnts in connor.,
Parccl 1: ~"~ ) • ~
1'he souti~ 1?5.0p fect of ;;ic c~st 1QS.U0 {cet o~.that portio;l o: thi:
v:est :iali of thc ticest half o{ thc soutnwest nuarter of ~hc so:it'n;est
nc,;:tcr of Scetion i3 '1'o;:~nsiii~ ~~ South, Ranc;c Z1 ttest, in tiic 2sncho
Les Cuyo~es, eity of ~.na'yeim, cour.ty oF Ur;ir,ge, state of Califcrnia,
as per ;~ap recordecl in book ;1, nan,r. 11 of ,iiscellaneous ~;a~~s, in
the office of the countv :eco:cle: oC suid ceunty, lyinr northerlv aF
a:inc i~caring south o9' il' 45" Iiast i'ro;~ a point on ~;~c i:~est
s~id Sectioii, \ortli 0° 1~' 15" l~'est 7u5.00 fcut from ti~e soi:thi,•estc ~r
corTicr of. saici seetion.
Parcel 2:
Aii cascin~iit Eor drivcti•ray rtir~oscs ovc: tilc South 15.U0 fcet or ti~;it
porticn of thc ti~~cst !i~1P or thc ~.,~ns:: hai£ of thc southi.•cst quartcr of
t}ie sou~hi•:est qu,irter ef Sectioa 12 i'oi;nsi~i,i 4 S
ir ti~e ::ar.c'r,o Los Co•-otes, cit . outii, ,?.;i:re 11 A'est,
oC Calitoraia, as j,er,map recarded in1boo;c~Siouaty oi 0:.~:n~,e, st::te
D1aps, ir the office o~ tiie county r~corder of~ssidccounty,`~1ycn~11ne°1:~
rortiici•ly ~:L- a linc bcai•in; Soutlz G~° 31' 45" East fro;;i a,oint o~
tY.c tc~st iinc of said Section, ~'crth 0° 12' 15" i•iest 7GS.OU fcet ;ro;i
t!ic southxest corncr of saici scction.
Cxcept ti~c East 1O5.0U fc:et tiicrcof.
Alsa c~ccnt ti~at nortion thcl'cof Iv;n~ ~r~crrrt~.
__ ~f r.hc castcrly linc
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• Pl~~CLL 1: Thc nortli 155.43 fc~ - ^
~°i `~"'t ?0=~-~~^ or Cic wese iinlt of ~hc wesC i~ali o: the
southwest quarCe, of the souehcvest qu::tar o: Sec~io;i
ir. the Rancno Los Coyotes, county o5 O:an~c, st~~~ o~ C~lifor-.niia,Pas saidhSection is shown
01 1~ap recorded in book 51 page 11 of ,iiscelianeous i•iaps, in tl~e office oi thc county
. recordcr of said county, lying souti~crly of a liae wnicli bears Sout•h 890 31' 45" Past ~rom
a po:nc on the west line oP said Section uiiicii is north 0~ 12' 15" West 765.00 feec from
thc southcaesC corncr of said Section.
? LXCEPT that portion thereoE descri~ed in d~ed co the Scate of California recorded
': ~~~Y 28, 1941 in book 1093 page 534, Official Records.
; '.1F.CEL ~: ~,^ ~asement ior drivewa
;~1 south 15 .-'eet of tnat ortioa o~ t1:ePacstshalf~ofc used in co:rJnon with others over the
°'• thc southwest ~ ~ ~he west hal£ of the southwdst quarCCr of
,~ quarter of Section 12, lOLJilSjlliJ i SOl3C~1~ nange 11 Sdest, in the Rancho Los
_ Coyotes, counCy of Orange, state of Califoraia, as said Section is shown on a map recorded
`f; in oook SI page 11 of ,fiscellaneous ~;aps, in t:~ o~fice oi the counCy recorder of said
~S counCy, lying northerly of a linc wi~ich Scars Soutii ~9a 31' 45" Easc from a point on ~hr.
', *.dest line of said Seceion wtiich i~ Aurch 0~ 12' 15" Wusc %G5.OU Lcec 1'rom ciic ;;uucD ww;c
~.; corner of said section,
BXCEpT tnat portion thereof described ;n deed to ttie Staee oi California recorded
~ .faY 2S, 1941 in book 1093 page 534, Official Records.
RESERVI\G L'\10 GRAA'TOR THE EASE:~\'TS lying ovcr and across thc said parcal 1 for driveway
purposes to be used in common witn others, descrioed as follows:
~ EASE:~tiT 1: Beginning at a point on the soutlicaasterly corner'of said Pareel 2, ehence
~ eastcrly along the southerly_ linc of said Parcei 2 ~or a distance oE 276,91 fcet, tlicncc
souCiicriy 15 ieet along a straight iine ex;cr.sion of tne easterly line of said Parcel 2,
~ tnenc~ westerly parallel to tne soucheriy iine oE said Parcel 2 to a point distant 15 feeC
, southcrly from the true poinC of Ucginniag on a s[raighC line exter~sion of the wesCCrly
line of szid Parcel 2, theace 15 feet nor~nc:ly along said lasC-mentioned 1:ne to che true
point of beginning,
enSi:i~~i•T 2: Begimting at a point o:, tite souChwesterly corne: ot said Parcel 2, thence
souCnerly 15 Eeet along tne straight line esL•ension of tiie taesterly line of said Parccl 2,
thence easterly parallci to the sou[herly liac oi said Parcel 2 to a point distant 44 feel'
westerly rrom the ineersection of said lasc-mentioned line with the straight line exten-
sion soutiierly oE the eastcrly Iine oi said Parcel 2, said point being thc truc point of
beginning, thence easterly parallel .o the scutherly line of said Parcel 2 a distance oE
24 fect, thence southerly parallcl eo thc serai~h~ li.nc extension aoutherly of ~hc castcrly
line of said Parcel 2 to t11~ southerly line of said Parccl 1, chence wes~crly 2~~ Leet•
along said southerly line oE said Parccl 1, tl~ence norL•herly parallel ~o ~he strait;h~
line extension souL•ncrly of thc ca~te;.y lir.c oP sai~ Purccl 2 L•u L•hc cruc poinl• ot begin-
; EASL•'~~\T 3: Ecginning at a point on tne soul-nwescerly corner o[ said Parcel 2, thence
southerly 15 fceL• along thc strai~nt iine e::tc:ision of che westcrly line of said Parcel
2, thence easterly parallel to the soutiierly line of said Parcel 2 a distance 20 feee
to the true point of beginning, Chence c~s~e:ly 24 fecc along said last-mentioned line,
thence southerly to a point on tne southeriy line of said Pa.cel 1 disl•ant 44 feet from
chc soutliwesterly corner ef said Pa:ce1 1, chence westcrly 24 fcet along said along said
last-men~ioned line, ehence northeriy co eha truc poinc of beginning.
• ------------•-................_ .._._. ._.. _.. _
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_ . ~
NOW, 'FHERElORLr, BE IT RESOLVID tlat 6D~ As~MiA City Planain~ CaeAiselon does h~ceby gronl subject
Petition for V~rience, upon !he tollowia~ o~a~[tlsos v6ldi q~ !~~ fosad to be a nseo~sary prcrequislte to ~he pro-
i, poaed uae ot the aubj~et prep~rty In ordet M ptweno tha ~a(~tf ~nd ~~snenl w~ll~ta of the CltIzena of the City of
'r,, Anaheim:
1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file
with the office of the Director of Public Works.
2. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the
Chief of the Fire Department.
3. That any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shielded from view
`~ and the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes.
~, 4. That all external lighting facilities shall be directed downward and away from abutting
• property lines.
~_ 5. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above mentioned, shall be complieo with prior to
'~ final building and zoning inspections.
;`,;~ 6. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and
~ spe::ifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provided, however,
''~ that the 6-foot easement shall be surfaced to eliminate weeds, prior to final building inspection
T}!~ F'O~QOd1O A'SlOLPI70M i~ ~lpod ~a! ~-y w~ dais~ 21st day of N~arch, 1968.
i ':`
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/~~~%~" /iiu-G ~/
I, Ann Krebs~ Secretary oE tha City Planata~ Commission of the City oE Anaheim, do hereby certify that
the foregoing resolution wae pnased md 4dopt~d at e w~tk~~ of t3ue City Planning Commission ot the City of Anaheim,
held on March 11, 1968~ at 2:00 o'elock P.M., by the Eollowing votA of the members thezeof:
AYES: COblMlS910tiERS: P.llred, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall, Rowland, Camp.
IN WITNESS NHEREOF, I h~ve h~ow,MO ~et sr h~nd tld~ 21st day of March, 1968.
L/(i~ G J! i ~~,~~~/
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