PC 68-92RESOLUTION N0, PC68-92
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from
ADVENTURE INN, INCORPORATED, 1010 N. Main Street, Santa Ana, California 92701, Owner; HEATH AD1D
OOMPANY, 3225 Lacy Street, Los Angeles, California 90031, Agent of certain real property situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in E:chibit "A" attached
hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full
; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on
Apr il 8~ 1968~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., noticP of said public hearin havin been dul
law and in acrnrdance with the provisions of the Ana!;~i,-„ Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and cons der evidence for
and against said proposed variance and !~ investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith;
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behalf,
and after due consideration of ali evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine fhe following
1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the Anaheim Municipel Code, as ~ ollows, to permit the
installation of two (2) free-standing signs:
SECTION 18.37.040(2-a) - b1aximum heiaht of a free-standina sion (29 feet pez•mitted
since R-3 property is located 340 feet from the Manchester
Avenue sign; '~ ree~ r:opos~,ii.
SECTIOf! 18.37.040(3-a) - I.iaximum area of iree-standinq sicans (Siqn i~o. i: Narbor
Boulevard, 204 sauare feet permitteo; 000 square feet
proposeo. Sign Ido. 2: hianchester Avenue, 350 souare feet
oermitted; 600 scauare feet proposed).
SECTION 18.37.040(-1) - Location of a`ree-standino sian (Sign ~o. 2: N~anchester Avenue
Sign is required to be located in the center 20% of the property
or 120 feet ,`rom the abutting oroperty line; 0 feet :rom the
easterly property line orooosed).
2. That the requested max.imum area o£ free-standing signs along Harbor Boulevard - Sig~~ Cdo.
1, is hereby denied on the basis that yranti.ng a sign twice as large as permitted by the sign
ordinance would be 9ranting a pi•ivilege not enjoyed by other properties that have developed
since the adoption of the sign ordinance.
3. That the requested waiver of the maximum height of the sign proposed on Manchester
Avenue - Sign iJo. 2, was withdrawn by the petitioner because due to the existence o: overhead
zlecti•ical lines, the ma~:imum permissible height of the sign was limited to less than what the
sign ordinance permits (Trie height of the sign is 28 :eet and 29 feEt is permitted).
4. That due to the height limitatior, of the Nianchester AvenuP sign, the area of the =iyn ti~~a
reduced to aporoximately 3?5 square feet, ~Nhich the Planning Commission determined was close
enough toithe maximum permittecV area that the waiver could be aoproved.
5. T,,at the requested location of the Manchester Avenue sign - Sign No. 2 is granted on
the basis that the sign would not affect signing on adjacent properties.
o. That the requested variance, as approved, will not be materially detrimental to the
public welfare o•r injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in tvhich
the p7operty is located.
quested toaredesignrthepresigns~rhavenbeenbablehto submitnsignsamoregnearlylinsconformance with
the Sign Ordinance, therefore, the petitioners should also be required to more nearly conform
with this ordinance.
8. That the requested signs have received temporary approval from the City Council thereby
negating any consideration by the Planning Commission for anproval or disapproval.
9. That one person appeared in opposition.
. _7'hc land refrrrc~l tu in Ilii; }i~ `'" : i, ~~~:.criLc~1 :~s fu;lu~~;ti; i ~
'.- . i ~
--- -~~
Pzi'cel i: ~
That portion o: thc SO11t11P:CSt onc:-qu::r~cr of: thc tio: ~i~east ,'~~''~,
onc-quartc: oi section 2?, 'Ib~•:nsh.ip ~} South, Ran~~c lU Cicst, ',,°)
in ~h~ I:anciio San JUan Cajon d~ S~ nt : ~lna, city o.E ~lnahcir.i, '~~y
coLm~y of Orc:n~;c, state ol C.:li io~•rlin, as sho.~n on a m•a~~ r,
I'CCOI'CICCl lil bUO~~ 51 p~i~ C IQ OL i~:1SCt:111I?Cpll5 i~i2~1S ~ lIl i:RC ~.~
officc of tl~c county rccorder of saicl county, dcscribcd as ''~
follo~•rs :
i •~
, ;
,~, .1 ~
' l
Co:i1PICI1C111~ at t}ic Sotitii~~.est COiI1CT oE land describcd i~i Toi•rc:is
Titlc ccrtificatc \o. 47 on filc in thc otfice of t}~c f:c;;istrar
' of Titles of Or~n~c Coun~y, Califor~iia, said point bcin~, on tiic
North ancl Sou~}i one-quarter sectioti line of Secti.on 2Z a~.d dist~nt
North 0° 16' 25" k~est ~t2.95 fcet f:ci~i thc int~~rscct~o;; of. said
litie ~titli tile cent~r line of Cci•i•itcs rlvcnue as d~scribed in ceed
to the cotinty of Orange, reco:dec: Jttl; 15, 1J'LG iri bocl: GGZ p~oe
29.~. ~ Oi I~c.CCjS ; t~1Ci1C8 ~~UI'1:~1 U~ IG ~~5~~ ~iC5 i d10II~, 581U ~0~ i.lt ~ Ril
$OUi.h o;~c-auartcr SCC'C10Il line F1 d15L"111CC Oj tilli.%J iuC4~ tI1CT1Cv'
A'ortii S1° 57' 00" Last 60.OU feet to ,: point on the ::~st~:i~• ?.iT:a
of tiaruor Illvcl., as dcscriocd i:i a dcc.:i to thc eity of ~.;aheir;,
recorcieu Uece~lbe: ;0, 1955, ir~ boo':: 3i33 pas,e 1.i.S of Of: ici;:l
~CCOT4~ ~ 5~1~ poin~ TJC171'; i.fl^_ L1'U? }701i:i. 0( UC~;lIllllil~ ~• ~+~.:i1C° ~0:i.~1
39° 57' 00" Eas~. 2~10.G0 i:~e•t; thence i~or~l; 0° lb' ZS" l;e~ ~ 1G2.11 '
fCCt~ 't}]c,ilCC SOI~~}i sn~ 5~~ ~~~~ 1'~CSL 2~~.~~ iC~i, t0 a~cint Oil t~1C
eastcrly lin~ u£ Elaruor fil~•d. , as cescribca in s«id dec~ to tl;c
Cli.}' OL Analiei;~t; i.I1C11CC $OUt~I ~~ 16~ ZS~~ t:3ST. 1101:~ 5~11<t E15i.C:1.)'
line of Flari~ur i;l~:d., a dis~ance of 102.i~. fc~t to the true poir:t
of bc~inni,tg.
Pa:cel ?:
All that cert:.in lar.~l situ::tecl in the city of A7anei~:, s*.at~ of
CdI1jOT'll].1~ Ciii:;~i.j Oi ~T~1i1~;~•~ uES~.I'1UCd SS :U110:';S:
Z~h~li: 70T~10i'. Ci il1~SOU~:~7NCS~ O:1C-C~Liu2'~CT 0~ i~1C i~OI'C}leSS~ OriC-GOAt'CCT
Oi SCCi.l0:1 ~~~ 10;~~1?ti~llp ~ SOUi.11 ~ f.anbe 1~I j';C$ ~~ lIl t~lE R111C110 S: R
Juar~ Cajon c:~ Sa;~:a .•'.r.a, as shor,n on 2 r,iap recorded i~l bool: 51 t>;.;,~c
1~ Of i~115CC1:ci1c0115 :~1~5~ TCCO1'C15 Of ~T1i~~;C CO1lI1~;'~ CRZ].i01':ild~
describec'_ as Iollo~.s:
COIi1P.lCiiC1Il~? c1L t~1C SOUi:}14:C$ ~ COYI?CT Of 11P.C1 G~CSCTIDEC~ 111 Z~OI'1'C, S Z~l ~1C
certi.fica~.c ~io. ~:7 on filc in ~hc o~'fice of t!ie Pc;i.s_rar of Tities
oL- Ox;:n,c Coutity, Califorrii~~, ~; id point bcir.~ on t1« i;ortli and Sc~u~1~
one-c~uarter s~ction line of ~ection ?2 and U15Yd71'C `orth 0° 16' ?5"
1~'est ~12.93 feet from thc in*_ersectio~.i of said lin~ 1~,-ith t~.he center l~ine
of Cerritos Avcr.ue as descri~c: in decu to tho county oC Oran;e,
recorded July 15, 1~26 in boo:; 652 pa~e 292 of Uccds; tiicncc: \orth
0° 16' 25" Piest alon~ said \ortl~ and South one-quarter section iine a
distance of 41U.73 feet; thence \orth S9° 57' 00" East 5Q0 fcet to t}1r
,,, .;~;. l~:~l•-----~_~"~ ,
'tT1lC ])Ollli. OL b:_'5;111R1i1!;~ tl1::i1Ci. CUIlt111U1111? i~~OTi.ll v9~ 5~~ ~~~~ Ea~t
Jb~ .~~ 1CC i t0 t:1C ti: S i: 1.lIlC 0 L' ;;21C1 1.^.it~l ~1C5C1'li)CG i ll ~1~0~ :CI1S
Z~lt~l: CCI'~1i1C1I:C i~0. ~37~ i,f1Vi1CC i'~O1'~}1 ~~ 1(~~ ~5~~ ti'~CS~ ?,',~.~)1 rCCC
t0 i:}1C GiJSt SUlli:ilC1'1.~' COT;1Ci' Oi ~.~lil:l Cii;;iCI'1L~::Cl lil C~CCIl t0 tf:3 St;.'.l:C
o~ CaliEornia, filcil ;:u~•c;:;bei• 1, 1J50, as docu;i;crit ;;o. 2lubi in tii~~
Ofj].CL OT i.~1C ~~CC,r1.5i:1'1I' O1 ~11i:iC'. Of ~1'CtI1~TC COUIlt}'~ CAI.IL02'~7iil~ 1:}1C;1CC
~:orLli 6G° 00' 15" licst 25,2J Foct Lo a lin~ p; rallcl ~•:ith a•td ui.stant
3~.00 Ie,~~ Sau~ii:;rlv r,;c~,:u:•eci a~ rJ;lit an;~es fror,i the ivortiicrl - lin~
oL• 1, na acscribc~l in Torrc;is Ti~lc ccr~.ifi.c, tc ;;o. 1091~1 on fzlc in
tI1C OiT1CC: OI t~1C I:c~,istrar Oi T]i,IC O1 ~T111~C. COllili}'~ C~Z1i0Ti11.^.~
tiicticc alon~ said pa:allcl line Soutii o9° 57' UO" l';est 305.~}S ~ect
to the beginning of a tance, t curve conca~~e ivortherl~~ having a radius
oF 295.00 feet; thcnce l~csterly along said curvc, th:ou~,h a centr;~l
angle of S° 44' 27" 4n arc distance of 2J..'sG fec~ to a line tliat bears
North 0° 16' Z5" titics~ fro~ tlie truc point oc beginninc, a radial line
throuoli said point bears Soutii 5° 41' 27" l~;cst; tlicncc Sou~li U° 1G'
25" ~ast 1~6.4u feet; ti~ence S~utii S9° 57' 00" i7est 2,00 feet thence
South 0° 1G' 25" East 102.11 feet to the true point of beninnino.
EXCEPTING thercfrom the Eastcrly 1.00 feet.
~I ~
NOW, THEREFORH, BE IT RESOLVHD that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby
grant subject Petition for Variance in part, permitting the sign along Manchester Avenue at
its proposed location, and in accordance with the revised plans.
BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED that the waiver of the area of a free-standing sign for the
Harbor Boulevard frontage is hereby denied, and the sign is required to comply with the
Sign Ordinance namely a maximum area o_° 350 square feet.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 18th day o` April, 1968.
~/ ~~
~ / .~
C~ ~~'L J-L ~ ~rLL C~ai
I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adooted at a meeting of the
City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 8, 1968, at 2:00 0'clock P.A7.,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Mungall. .
I~1 WITNESS WHFJ3EOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of April, 1968.
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L ~ Z~J' (. ~ / .~A':~'~~~~.
Res. No. 92
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