PC 69-102_ . RESOLUTIO,~;.O. PC69-102 ~; ; A RESOLU710N OF THE CI'IY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMiT 1112 HE DENIED , WFIEREAS, the City Plenning Comml~aion of the Ciry of MahPim did receive a vetitied Petition tor Con- , ditiunal Use Pecmit Erom LA SALLE DOWNEY INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES, 9350 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hiils, California 90?,12, Owner; ALLAN I. NEMIROFF, 9538 Brighton Way, 6everly Hills, California 90210, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of l;alifor:~ia, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set foxth in full. ,..-~i-~ ; rnd IYHEREAS, the Clty P1~nn1nQ Commisslon did hold ~ public heartng ~t the City Hell in the City of Maheim on May 19, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oE sald public hearing having been duly given u required by l~w ~nd in ~ecordance with the provislone of the Mahelm Municipal code, Chopter 18.64, to heer ~d conaider evldsnee tor ~nd ~~ainst sdd propoaed condldonal use end to investigate end make findings end ~~oanmendations in connection thereaith; and WH£REAS, sdd Commi~sion, ~(ter due inspection, investigotion, ~nd atudy made by itselE end in its br hdf, wd ~ftet due capdd~ntip~ oE tll evidence and reports ot(ered at said hearing, does ffnd and determine the tollowia~ hcta: 1. Th~t the proposed us~ is peoperly one for which e Condidonel Use Permit fs authorized by Co~lc: Section 18.64.020(?_-d) to wit: establish a 257-space trai! r psrk, with waiv~r of: Sf_CTION 18.52.060(?-a-1) - Setback from an arterial hiqhway. (?0-feet reyuired; 0-feet proposed). %'. That the proposed use wo~ld adversely aife~ct the adjoininr, land uses and the orowth and developmr•nt of the industrial area ?.c which it i~ oropa;ed to be located. 3. That the granting of the proposed use woi~ld set an undesirable precedent by permitting encroachn~ent of residential uses intr,i areas set aside for industrial development. 4. That industrial uses already established in close proximity, due to the amount of traffic generated on a 74-hour work schedule, noises, odors, etc., would create an atmosphere not conducive to rrasidential living, and could result in nuisance complaints against established industries, thereby creatinu unnecessary problems which could induce these industrie~ to relocate to an area where they woul~l be assured of no residential encroachment. 5. That any industrial devel~pments which have ti~ke:i place, or are contemplated to take place in industria'. areas, should be afforded the same pi•otaction from in- compatihle uses such as the City gra,^.ts to residential areas; thus. a r~sidential encrnachment lnto the industrial areas ~hould be discouraged. 6. That a mobile home park cannot be considered as an interim use of property, based on the fact that a minimum of ?_0 years ieasing is necessary to guarante~ a ret.urn for the improvenents to service this type of use. ~. That two persor.s apoeared in opposition, and seven letters from surrounding industries and industrial developer, were received, al.so in ooposition to the proposed mobile home park. CI-D _ I . ~`~~ ~ , '~ .~. _ . ... ... . . __.____ . _ _ _. _. ,. ,,~ `~ :,I1 SALLE - DOWNEY I1JD,v~RIAL PROP~RTII:S, a co-pa:_~nership. ~~ . . . ~I'.,~~.~ ' `~..`-\4~/~ . . } ~TM~ ... ~ s repor :s in ne s ~ „, , y t~ ~' Tho~e portion~ of' Lo~s 20 And 21 in I31~ck K of' the Kraer~er R'1'SC ~~ -~,~ '' - ~ in the Count~i o!' Oranf*e, St~:tc af California, as ncr map recorded - in book 12, nar.es P7 and •~i$ o!' *1lscell~neoiis Records, in the of!'ice ~ of the countv recorder of Los Anaele:> Count~~, California, described a~ ,^olloors: ~:; Rcr,innint* at the mor,t 4lesterl,y corner oP said Lot 21 and runninr; , I therce .'orth 2P° 5?' 31j" rast nlont* the i~orthrrestcrl7 lir.e of' :~aid ~.,~ ~ot, 7;~~.5~t 1'eet to the centerline ~i' La Palm1 Avenu?, bei.nA ~~Q.QO ~. feet in ~;icith, as conveved to thc Countv of Oranae, bp deed recorded E, April 2, 1~13 in took 2;1, P~~e 232 af Deecis o!' said Oranpe Countv; ~=i thence ?iorth 7j° OS' 00" East, alonr, said centerline~ 1~t3.92 fect E to thc ;~o,t ,:Jester.l;~ corner of ;~i<t Lot ?.0; thence alon~ th~ T~orth- ~~ rrester2v 11ne ~of ~ai'cl~ LoL 20 Fit~rt-i1 73° 02' 00" I;ast ll~a3.~~ feet ~' ~' to i:t:e :1o~thc~te~t.. corner of' the 1&nd conveved'~to Texzco Inc. ~ a ~ I Dc:;,ware -c.or.~orat'ion,•;b;~ dee~ recordcd y~y? lv 17, 1963, in boo1: 6633, E,`~ Par,e ~~35 of OfJ'ic1a1 Records; thence 3dafy~i(~.6~55.5' 30" Fa;t 25?.00 feet . ~% '~ ~.;~'• ;~~ f C,~l;~~,' ]~ l;;n ' ~ . ' . .. C y ' _ .. .... ;- i to the South;vAc~ cor:;cr Lhcrr.of; Lhr,nce alor.r, Lhe :~out;hcriv linc of e ~ S1IC: ~12'1i:~ ~'b"th 73° ~,7~ (}n~~ .,~ ;~ tcj~.~p ri~t ~:O a noint ?fl tl':C r` i j'~CS1'.E.':'.L~~ CQL:1?G1I'V Oi ~}i(' ~Ftfi(?,,Cnh\rn•!!?Ci tn ~`.}lP. .~'it:Si:C Or C1lifornid~ bV deed r~corded Jul~ ~9, n'3~ ,, Pa~* 31~ of Of,lcial '~~I ~ / . 1 b J f'i O00~: t~~~~ n r ~~' o ~~ I Record~; ;11d iioi:,L- hein~• the he,,~nninr, o^ a non-tanrr~nt curve concave ?do2'thr;~l:,tcr1~~ ~,.nd havinr, a ra<iiu~ of 2,?.O1,F3~ 1'eet and a rad111 bearint*, ~I 2t s<zid roint o; 1lorth 70° 31' Oq" [;1;;L; thence alon~ ~aid ?9e,terl;i ~`j `.ounciar~~ of' said lact nentioned deed Lhc fbllorrinr*, cour~es ar.d distances• ~ thence fiouthea:,terlv alcmr* ~aid curve Lhrou~*;~ fl central zn?~le o^ 5° 0~+ ~ ~' 4~~" an arc d1.~tance of 1~£3.3q J'eet to the ~nd of slid curve; thence `" ~nllth ~° 2~~ c!~° 'r.a5~t 15~,'if~~~fPet; tnence :iOUth 1° 30~ ).3° l'lest 125.3~ ~•~ fe~t; ti~ence .~ouLh 3 1~ 114 41e ;t 2a7. 0~ feet • t:~ance Soiith ~ ~'~; l~ler,t 72.25 feet to a noint in the 1Jorthwesterlv bounclarv ol' thc~l~ncl 13'~ ~.i ~;rlnteri to the State oi' C<~liforni~; bv deed, r~corded Julv 19, 19G6 in book 7~Q3, na~te ?95 of Of^ic'.al Record>; thence alon~* said tlorthi•resterly `~ ~ hour.dar~~ the folloi,~ins coixrses lncl dJ.st~lnces; thence South 42° ?0' 20" ,;~ ~ ~~,est 141.93 feet; thence South (3° 04' 32" ldest lOQ,68 feet• Lhence ;~ ~ South 7~° Q2' 2~i" ,Jest 305.00 fcet to a point in the Sout.r:nrlv line oP ~a ::tiiri I.oL 21; L-hence alonr*, said Southerlv line South 81° ~10' S~I" ~.'est ? 75~.65 ,^eet to an an~*le noint therein; Lhence Jlorth 61° 3~' 37" 1:'est alon~ ti;e Southvresterl;~ li•ne of said Lot 21, 73~.~~~ f.eet to the pr.~int ', o.^ be~inninF. t _. -------- _y c 5' • ;, 1 ~ r' l~ ~:I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Conditionel Use Petmit on the basis of the eforementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me.this 29th day of May, 1969. ' .~l,. ~ 1~,/~ G/~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: /,/G-~7 27~[/ ~{.~L~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Sectetary of the City Plenaing Commission of the City of Ananeim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was pessed and edopted et a meeting of the City Planning Commission ofthe City of qnaheim, held on May 19, 1969~ , at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote oF the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Rowland, Thom, Allred. NOES: COMMISSiONLRS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Camp. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 29th day of May, 1969. -1 -~ c~ 7'L'?-7 i/ I C-C ~~.z/ SECRETARY ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. lU2 C2-D -Z- ~; ~ ~ : ~ - 't ~ *~ ~ l ~ I; •n..~;;;;.,.~: .. r, ' ~