PC 69-135% RESOL~!1'IOh N0. FCt_-+_; j_i A RESOLUTION OF THE C1TY PLAN\IivG COMMlS5:0!~ Gi~ T. F;E ^.I ~~ ~F A^;AiiEIA1 RECOMMENDING TO ':HE CITY CG'vNCIL Oc TFt't :,IT'z •~F ANA;i£I~~ "!1iAT A STREEI' NAME CHANGE BE MADE DES:GWATiP:G 0?CI AR~ J~I JL' WITHIP] THE ,TURISD?CTIOP.' OF :'F[ CiTY Gr AtuAHEI1J A:' KELLOGCi DRIVE WHEREAS, although the Anaheim Ci*_y Pl.anning Cornmission ar.d ::ity Councii r~commendeo that the name of Orchard Drive be retained for '.he strEet tsave~=ino the iuzisdirtions of the Cities of Yorba Linda and Anaheim and th? Co~~nty of O:anae; the Oracge Co;:nty Board of Supervisors elected to rename that po:tion of Orct,ar~ Drive v,~ithin ~he jurisdiction of the County of Orange and the City of Yorba Lindc to Kelloag Drive; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did ho:o a public he~=ing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on ,]une 18, 1~16° at 2 00 ~J'c~osk F,M., noti~.e of said public heariny having been duly given as required by l~~r~ and in ~ccordarce •,vith the provisions of the Anaheim h1unicipal Code, to hea* and ,:onsider evidence for and ~qainst said proposed street name change and to investiyatF and make findinys an7 *ecommend~tions in connection there~~ith; and i j' I ~' i ri ;'~; ~i i 'I - ~ *i ~' i .*x I P~HEREAS, said Cornmission, after due inspect?cn, investigation, and study made by itselE and in its behalf and after due consideiation af di: evidenc.e and =epo~t=_ offered at said hearing, does find and determine the io:la,vina fa:;ts: 1. That .he County of Orange has a]seady chanypd the =_t=eet signs :vithin its jurisdiction. 2. That said thoroughfare is no,~• posted vo.th r.iue: names, r,am~;y Orchard llr~ve ;or that portion within the jurisdiction of the City of Anaheim extendino from Imperial Ffianway to Woodwind Lane; and Kelloyy Uriv? rrom Wood„~ind Lane to Orangethorpe Ave~ue. 3. That in order to avoid any further confusioe wiiF; street ano free:,a~~ sian- ~ ing, and to rnaintain the continuity of street names throuah the various jurisdictions involved, that portion of Orcha.rd Drive erisiing and propcsed, within the city limits of Anaheim should be renamed Kellogg Drive. ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planniny Commission does hereby rec.ommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim a sCreet, na~,,e cl,anye for Orcharc~ Drive withir~ the jurisdiction of the City of Ar.ah?im to Kelloyg Crive, on the basis of the foregoing findings. TI-IE FORECOING RESOiUTIO;d is siqr,ed artd approved by ~? this 26th dny of ,7une, ]969. ~~r .~" ,~Qii-¢~~ HAIRN~A AiJAREIM CITY PLAPJNING CON~M,ISSIOfJ ATTES T: /~~9~. 1-r~ 7, 1.~.~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIN CITY PLAPJNIt9G COMMISSIOf~ S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNT'f OF ORANCE ) s;, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ?. Ann Krebs, Secr?tary of the City Planning Commission of the Ci±y of Anaheim, do hereby ce~tify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adcpted at a meeting of ; City Planninq Commission Of the City of Anaheim, he;d on Jun~ ;P, 1459, at ~:CC ~J'clo~k P.M,, by the following vote of the m?mb?rs tn?r?oi: A'fES: COMN~ISSIO?1ERS: Allred, Farano, C,auu~, fierbst, 12o~vl.and, Thorn. f•10~;: COMMISS101dERS: fJone. ABS~P!T: CAMN~ISSiO'dERSt Camp. IN WIT~~!ESS WHERF.OF~ I have hereur,to s~t my hand thi~ ~6Lii day of June, lyhu, 27.yLf~~ j~c, > ~ ~ / ~`: ;L = __' . `_- ---'-- - .. Gr;li~--n~;- ~riAiiFlAt !~i!"f ~LAF:F,I`?G c~h'Aii5510f;