PC 69-138} ~
RESOLUTION NO. ~'~69•-1~6
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e verified Petition for Conditional '
Use Permitfrom WALT DISPIEY PRODUCTIONS, 500 S. Buena Vist~ Street, Burbank, Califoznia 91505,
O~^mer; WkATHER HO?EIa, INCORPORATED, 270 N. Canon Drive, Bever:y 'riills, Clrlifornia 90210, Aoent
o; certain real ro *~
. F P°~-Y situated in the City of Anaheim, County of O:ange~ State of California,
~~~ described as Lots ~ and 3 in Bioc~ 14 of Fairview Coiony I:act as shown od a tdap recorded in
,~ BooF: 1, page 33 of Niscelian?ous ~1aps, records of Orange County. Excepting from said Lot 3 the
y ~ following: Commencing aL the point of intersection of the centerline of the 60-foot :oad as
( ; shown on saio Map, adjoi~ina Bloc'r.s 14 and 15 of said Fairvi~•,~~ Colony ?ract on the East, ~vith
i ' th? Easterly extension o. t..e iine cornmon to said Blocks 14 and 15; thence South 8?~ 45' 29"
, VJest along said extended line ar.d aiong the lin? con:mon to said Blocks la r:nd 15. 6~0.29 ieet
~ I to the true poir,t. of beai~ning ot this ~~scription, said point being hereby designated as
; Point A; the~ce fro!r; said t:ue ~oint o.' beginnint~ I!orth 0~ 05' ,0° l'lest, :6.50 .'eet; thence
~ S~uth 8~O 45' 28" West 60.0 ieet; thence South 0° G5 ?0" East, ?_6.50 :eet to the line common
~ to saidfBlocl;s 14 and i5s thence 'la th 89° 45` 28" East along said line o0.0 feet to the true
poin~ ~. beainning.
; end
WHEREAS, the City P~anning Commis,ion did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City o( Aneheim on
June 3U~ i969~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., n~tice o( seid public heating havin bem dul
6 y given as required by
law and in .accorde.lce with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel code, ~hapter 18.64, to hear end consider evidence
for and agair.st said propose~ conditionel use and to investigete and meke findings end recommendetions in connection
therewidh; and
WHEREAS, seid Commission, aftQr due inspectian, investigatfon, end study mede by itselt end in itr bchalf, and
after dua consid~eretion of alt evidence and reports of(ered at seid hearing, does find and detennine the following fects:
1. That the proposed asr is propedy one fot w;tich e Conditionel Use Pertnit is euthorized by CoJe:
SecLion 18.64,020(3••j), to wit: or~struct a recreational facility includ;nq 56,OC~i~ square
feet of ia~es, pc;uis, a restaurant, fountains and a marine stadiun~ on subject prope:ty.
~ Q 2. Thet the pr.oposed use wiit ;ct edversely atfect the edjoining land uses end the growth end development of
the aTee in which it is proyosed to be located.
3. Thet khe size :end shepe of the site proposed (or the usc is adequate to allow the fuU development of thc
F pcoposed usc in a munner nrt detrimentul to the particuler area nor to the peace, heelth, se[ety, end qeneral wel(are of
') the Citizens of the Citi~ of Aneheim.
~ 4. 7'het the grenting o( the Conditional Use Pertnit under the cqnditions imposed, if any, will not be ~etrimentel
~ to the peace, health, sefety, and general wel[are ot the Citizens of the City of Anuheim.
I ~. That the pet.itioner stipul3ted ;u cor.tinu~-ru =on`orrn:,nre v~ith all ;uture parkinn
~ reyuireme~ts by praviding sv;fi~ient parHing at the time the e:~~ibit hall, banyuet roori,
rest:,urant, coffee shop, etc,., areronstructed.
Cl-G _ 1 _
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the AneheIm City Plenning CommIasion does hereby grent subject
Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions whlch ere hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite
to the proposed use of the subJect property in order to preserve ~the safety and generel welfare of the Citizens of the
City of Anehelm:
1~ That the sidewalks shall be instalied along Wainut Street, a; required by the City
Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on fiie in thr office of
ti~e City Engineer~
2o That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance ~.vith ~;p~~roved pians on file
with the office of the Director of Public VJorks.
3. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the
Chief of the Fire Department.
4. That st~eet lighting facilities along Wainut Street sha11 be instalied as required by
the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on
file in the office of the Directpr of Public Uti:ities; and tnat a bond in an amount and fa^m
satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with ihe City to guarantee the installation
of the above mentioned requirement.
5. ?hat the owner or subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum oF 1~¢ per
front ioot alona Wainut St_eety for tree pianting p~rp03~5„
6~ That any air-cund~tioning fac:litie= proposed shall h? properly shi~id?d from vie~r,, and
the sound shail be bufFered rrom adjacer.~ residential homes..
7„ That the fina: park;ng plan be aporoved by Development Review, and any lrndsrape9 ;reas
in the parking area shall b~ protected tivith b-ir.ch hi~h concrete curbs,
6, That any perking ~+sea liahtir,g shali be lighted ~,vith down-•lighting a maximurn b fe??: in
height and sha11 be directed :~way from the property ;ines to protect :ne *esidential inteqr;ty
of the area~
°. That Condition PJos. i, 2, 3, n, 5, 6, 7, and 8, above mentioned, shall he complied
with prior to firai t;uiic~ing ar~d zoning ~nspections.
l0o That subjer,t preperty shal: be developed substantially in ocrord,~nc? ~.a~ith plans and
specifications on i`ile with the City oi Anaheirn., m~rked Exhibi,t `Jos, ], " 3, 4y 5, b, 7, and E.,
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this lOth day of Juiy,
- ~/ ~ ri~-t ~= `~~~(' ~fi ~
~cw~ ~ ~j !~/.~QZe~
I~ Ann fCrebs , Secretary of the City ~Plenning Comrission oF the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that
the fotegoing resolution was passed end ndopted at a meeting oE the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim,
held on ~une 30~ :969~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof:
Campy Gauer, H~rbst,
IN WITNESS 1VHF:REOF, I have heceunto set my hand this iCth day of Juiy, 1969~
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