PC 69-150~ __ _ _ __. • . ~ , ~ RESOLUTIQN NO. PC69~150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ THAT 1'ETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 2099 gg APPROV£D WHEREqS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Ar.eheim did receive a verified Petition for Veriance from ROYAL COACH MOTOR HOTEL OF ANAHEIM~ INCORPORATED, P, 0. Box 2970, Anaheim, California 92803, Owner; FEUERAL SIGN AND SIGNAL CqRPORATION, FP.ANK S. BRIDGES, 3036 South Oak Street, Santa Ana, California 92707, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of ~naheim, County of Orange, State of Calirornia, described in Extiibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein ~ as though set forth in ;ull. , ; end _, :~ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on ~i July 14, 1969~ at 2:00 o'clock P,M., notice of said public heering heving been duly given es required by f law :md in accordaace with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposr.d variance and to investigete end meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; j~ and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself end in its beaalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following Eacts: 1. That the petitioner requests e varience from the Aneheim Municipel Code as fol? ok5, to permit the establishment of tv~o free-standing signs for a proposed motor :notel on subject property: SIGN N0. 1 a. S ECTION 18.37.040(B-2-b) •- Maximum aermitted heiqht of a free-standina siqn. (40 feet permitted; 58 feet proposed). J' b. SECTIO~] 18.37.040(B-3-a) - Maximum permitted sion area. (350 square feet _ permitted; 440 square feet proposed). SIGN Np, 2 c. SECTION 18.37.040(B-2-c) - Mininium heiqnt o:` free-standinq siqn from the qround. (8 feet required; 6 feet proposed). '~ 2. That there a:e exceptional o* extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to ~•~ the property involved or to the intended use of thc property that do not apply generaliy to the ..l property or class of use in the same viciriity and zone. i 3. That the requested variance ;s necessary ;or the ~reservation and enjoyment of a ~ substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and ~ denied to th~e property in question. 4. 1'hat the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such viciriity and zone in which the property is located. ~ 5. That waiver of 1-c, above mentioned, minimum height of free-standir~g signs from the I ground, was withdrawr, by the petitioner and the petitioner stipulated to complying with the ~ sign ordinance as it pertains to Sign No. 2. I I ~ ~ . ~ Vl'D• -1- a°, ` , ~ [. - ; ~, A , r' 1 .l-t . . ~^ ~; ~~ ~ ~~.' . ~. ~ ; ~ i ~ ; . ; ' •~ ~ .j. '~ , r- ../ -- ROYAL, COACH MOTOR HOTEI ~ TD. ~ IN i a~xae oorpo. ;iLion. ,. . . ~ ~. ~~~i'~r ~ ~' ; ,~,.ti . • '' ~: . , Thc Innd refcrrc~ to this policy is itunted in the Stnte of Cali[ornia, County o[ OI`BIIg@ ~~ ~`/ * and is described ns tol . ~ PARCEL 1: That por~ion of Lot 29 of Anaheim ExLension~ in tl~e CiLy of Anaheim, aa shown on a map oT aurvey mado b,q Hilliam i{umel and filed in ~he offiae of the County Recorder dt Loa An6eles County~ a copy of xhich is ahaMr- in book 3, paqes 163~ et aeq.~ entitled ^Los Anqolea County Mapa"~ reeorda of 8aid Orange Countq. deearibed as S~OILONA S Ba~inriing at the DlorthwesL corner of said Lot 2~~ asid corner bein~; thQ interaection of the aenterline of IIroad Street, now Vermont Streets xith the cent~erline of HQet Street na nhoxn on eaid•map; thence North 74° 29~ ~6!~"~~~ist~ along~the Northerly line of aaid Lot 29, 563.T8 feet to an ~~i~;~e•poirit~ n the 9outhxestQrly line of the 3and conveyed to the 3t te ot'~~lit'~nia by deed recorded AuPUat 7, 1950, in book 2052, paP,e ~, C~,.~la 1~~eordst thenoe alon~; said Southreaterl~ line and the k e~ter~~-`~es^,~bf the lands deocribed in the deeds bo the SLatie of i ti0~\t~0y ti., . ~`O~G2st7f.Z`~Z~~~ (aontinued) ,VARiANCE NC~. ~ ~~/ ~ 0 ~..J~3T i i r. I ~ ~-~,,..-=...... . . .. ~ ,~ SClftsDULE A (continu~:d) J __ _.--- ~-- ~-- --.-._.~._. , Cnliforniu recorded APril 1, 195>~ in•book 301G 't . 3024~ pa~e 1~#6, both in oaid OffiGinl Reeordo~ thoA,fr~11ow3nc~ri~ouragaolt and diatances; South 40° 49' 41n Eaat 4fi~,3p reet t~ ~ p~1n~ in ~,non- tanc;ent curve ooncave Westerly havin~- a ra~diua of 2z0.C~ 8'e~~~ ~ ng~j~1 to said point beara Nor~;h 83° 11~ n aurve throuqh a centrnl nn~!le of y0° 20r~~;p~hr.nce Sauthd:r~.~ ~~,,~~,~• ~$~.~ feet to the Southerl,y line of e~1d land deecribodrind~headeer~~~~~~.~r~p~ in book 3016, pago 48g, ~Pficial Records; thenoe yar~h 7.~~0 ~~~ ~;~ s:,aat : nlon? r,aid 5outherly li.ne~ 2.11 feRt to r•~n~ ~ WQ3terly~ as deacribed in said doed reoor~ed a~~*, ~oo~ 3o24e conaxva . Offioinl Reaords~ havin~ a radiua of 22p~ r p~~~ lu~'~, beara South 8q° 58~ 18^ Ensti thence Sout•hOrle~alonr;rBa~Q~~,yrvoathrough~ a centrRl nnr,le of 0~0 09~ 53"~an aro niEtance of 35.19 f:;ret; ~henoe tanPont to oaid ourve South lq 11 35 Weat 178.05 1'eet to the North-. eanterly Qorner of the innd desoribed in the deed to An,ahoim tiotel Recorda;ethenoe~leavinge~aidnWeaterly611nen9outh ~4~9Z p~~e ~Ar~ O~ficiel the Northerly line oP Paid last montioned land~ 651.31vfeetn~pethe along , Westerly line of oald Loti 2g3 ~hence rlorth 15°• 40~ 04" W@at~ Qlong eaid Westerl,y line, 6q7.4p peQt to bhe true paint of baginning. ~ PARCE:L 2t Tho tiwo leasQhold eatates creatod by thoae oertain loaarsn dated Pday 13, 1964 exenuted by l4ilma L. Miller., $e lsaeor, and Anaheim Hotel Associateo~ Ltd.~ a limited pArtnerahip~ ae leaaee~ memorandums oP said leasea xero reeordQd i4ay 14, 1gGq in book 704q, paQe G21, ; Offiolal Reoords, anC ir~ bnok ~d4q~ pap,e ~26, Offialal Recorda~ in and to that eer~ain real property deacribed ae followas Tl~ut portion of Lo~ 29 ot' Anaheim Gatonnion, in the Cit,y of Anaheim~ ae , shown on a map mado by Wm. 2iamel and filed for record in the offiae of the County Reuorder o~' Loe pngelos County, Callfornia~ deacribed ae folloar~= Be~inning at the SouthHeo~ cornor oP oaid LoC 29, oaid 9outhxeet oorner being the interasction of the ac~nter 11ne of Bnll Road Mith the cenLor• line of 'Jont Strcet~ And runnin.a, thence tl~rth 15° h5' 06" Yie9t, along oaid center line of We~ti Streot 122.45 feet to a point Hhich is dintant thereon 3outh 15° 45' 0~" Enst 64~~p0 i'eet h•om the tlorthxe~: corner ot AaSd I.ot 29, aaid PiorthMeat corner aleo bein~, tho Snter- aec~ion of the center line of Weat Street with bhe center line of : Yernont Avenue (formorly IIrond 3treeb) as sa~c~ atreetrc are shoxrt on nr,id man of Annhoim Extepsionf thenoe Narth 74~ 26~ q5" F.r~tst~ nnrallel boundnr,y ortrLhorlnnd3oonvo,yod~toLtho2Statn1•35 f~et to the WostQrly eorded Auril r of California by deod re- South lq• 08~529M9WenL~nalonP aaid~Westerlqp~ ~~riolal Reoordej Lhenae ttorth boun~lsr~of Lhe lend eon~evedl to theyStatodofyCallforni~,tby~deed '~henase~oa~~sa~~' 1955~ in book 3279~ pa o 4g5, Otfiolal Reoordet ~ ~6 ~~S~ orth botu~dmry 3quth 45• 2~~ 13" ~1so! 25.63 t'~etf thence South 76° 47~ t~0^ Weat 1(?_.G9 fret to the beninnin~, of a tanpent eurve, concave Northerly nnd h~vin~ n rncliu~ of 450 feet thonce Weotorly f110I1r; nnid curve Lhrou~h 1n flnrle of 13° 0(3~ 02~' r~ dlatnncc or ,~03.15 1'eet to a line tanr,ent•y t;ticnoe South (39° 55' S0" YtQIIt 19.69 feet to the 1Jeet boundar,y of the l~nd~ponve,yed by said ~iced roaorded in book 3279~ pa~;e 4g5~ Official Rocord8t thence 9outh 0° 04~ 10" East, nlong ~aid Weat boundary nnd tihe Southcrly exbension thQreoi', 50 feeb to the 9outh linc ot' ~aid Lot a9~ eaid 9ou~h lir~e alao beinA the center line of Bnil ROa~Qa thenoe 9ouLh 8g• 55~ 50" keet ttlonq gaid 8ou~h line 251•66 fset to Zhe point of be~inning. . .~-...__.~_.~.....:..._..:..,_._ _:..._.:..._._.. ...-,--=--,~-- _________~-=r ~ •._.~ ~~:,r:. - s - -_ .. . . .. . _...~_~...._._.-------- _ _ _ . . .,.. _._ ~s. ;~. ~~` . ~ ~ t } NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Plenning Cammission does hereby grant subject ~ Petition for Variance, upon the following condition~ which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the sefety and generel welface of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. j 1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance v,~ith plan8 ~ and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit PJos. 1, ? and 3. ~ ~.~~ ~ ,~ THE FOREGO[NG RESO'WTION is signed and approve by me this 24t day of July, ~1969. 1 I i CH MAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTHST: PRO-7'EM (~ v'?-Z. -l-f ~ ~ ~~ ~~ SECRETARY AtiAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFCRNIA ) k, COUN'fY UF ORANGE ) ss. ' CITY OF ANANEIM ) ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretery of the City Plnnning Commission of the City o( Anaheim, do hereby certify that the fore- going resolution was possed and adopted at a meeling o[ the City Plonning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 14~ 1969~ at 2:00 o'c!ock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereo(: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Farano, Gauer, Rowland, Thom. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, lierbst. IN WITNESS Wi~EREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hend this 24tih day of J~~ly, 1969. y - ~-~.t •, ~_ _ ~ ~'~~ :'.,_- + S~CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ ' _' RESOLUTION 210. 150 ~ ` w V2~ ~ _? ~ 1 .L:t . .Y ._-.^~-----~ "~.: T7""""°-'-_"-~~ ~---'"='~~.r . ~ - . . . ... .. ......._... .... _._ _ _ - ~ ~" . _ ~ -- ~~, __ ~