PC 69-153~. ~A ;' RESOLUTION N0, pC69-153 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF T1rF ~ITy OF ANAHE[M THAT PETITION FOR COliDIT10NAL USE PERMIT NO, i 124 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City P~pnning Comm:ation oi the City of Maheim did receive a vedfied Petftion for Conditional Use Permitfrom GRACE BIBLE CHURCY,.. 2550 West Orange Avenue, l,naheim~ C~lifornia 97804, Owner of : certain rea? prope:ty situated ~n the City of Anaheim, County of Urange, State of California, described as The East half of ;r,e West half of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of 5ection 18, in Township 4"c,~th, Range 10 U~est, in thE Rancho Los Coyotes, as shov.~n on a Map thereof recorded in boo4 ~1, paqe 7, et sey., PJ,iscellaneous hiaps, records of said Orange County. EXCEPTING THEREFP'~~" the South 1074.29 feet ther~of. ; and WHEREAS, the City Pl~nnin~ Commisslon did hold a public hearing et thc City Hell in the City o( Aneheim on July 14, ;969, ~t 2;00 o'clock P.M., notice of se:d public hearing havin been dul le~. end in ecwrdance with the provl~ions of tLe Maheim Municipol code, Chepter 18.64, to hear a ro„5 a~~~;a nce (or end egefr.st sald proposad condltlon~l u~e ~nd to invettle~te ond mnke findfngs nnd recommendatlons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, s~td Commirsion, a[ter due lnpectlon, lnvestt~atlon, and atudy made by itaet( and in its behelf, end after dut ~-a;neideration o[ ~II widence and reports otfe;ed at sald heariny does Eind and determine the following (octe: L That the propos~d u~e is pruperly one for whlch o Condltion~l Use Per.nlt is euthorized by Coci~~ Section 18,64.020(1-f) to wit: establish a private educational ir.stitution in an eristino church ~tructure with vaaiver of: SECTION 18.04.090(?-a) - Minimum required irterioi setba F~. (15 feet reuuir~d• ..;, feet proposed). ' 2. That the ~roposed uce will not ~dvenely aPfect the adjoining l~nd u~e^ and the ~rowth and dcvtlopmsnt o( Ihe ars~ in rrhich it is proposed to be locr.ed. ~ 3. That tMe slze and ahope ot the site proposed tor the uer is edequate to a11ow the (uJl dev~lopment o[ the peoposed use in a m~nner not detrimentol W the p~eticular areo nor to the pe~ce, health, ~atety, and generrl wel(e;~ o[ tbe Citisens o[ the City ot Anoheim. i 4. That tha ~tontin~ of the Condltion~l Uae Pe~mit under the condltlona impoced, i( aey, w~~~ not be detrimental ~I to the pr~ce, health, safety, snd i~neral welfore of the Gtlsens o[ the City ot Mohslm. 5. ?hat three persons appeared, representinq five nersons ~resent in c`:e Cour.cil i Chamber, in opposition; and that a petition signed by 24 perspns v~as received also in opposi~ion to ,ubject petition. ~ i * ~ Cl-G -i- ~x I ~ - , __._ _ ., ' _ ;.. - ;r:~ ' - . -,~~.,,,,- .4,: 1 ?: NOW, Y'HEREFORE, HE 1T 1tE9pLVED th~t th~ An~heim City Plannin~ Commitslon does hereby ~r~nt subJec! i Petltion tor Condltion~l U~e Permit, upoe the followIng conditIons which are hereby found to be a necessury prerequi~ite ~ to the proposed u~e of the aub'~ct 1 /ropsrty in order to preserve the safety ond emnera! welf~ce of the Citizens of the ~ City of Aneheim: 1. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Orange Avenue and ~alaru Street,for street lighting ourposes. ~ ; 2. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per I front foot along Orange Avenue and Velare Street, for tree planting purposes. F I 3. That trash storage areas shall be provided ir. accordance with approved plans on file ; ! with the office of the Director of Public Work~. ! ~ 4. That any air-conditioning facilities proposed shall be properly shielded from view. ~ ~, ~ 5. That the structure shall be brought up to the minimum standards or the Uniform Building, ~':-=~;~ Plumbing, and Electri:;al Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheirn. ;'~ ''~~'y; 6. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shall be com leted ::, ~ ~;,:< commencement of the use a P prior to the pproved urider this conditional use permit. " y ' 7. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and ~,~ specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked _°xhibit No. 1. ;~ 8. That the maximum enrollment shall be 100 students. ~ ;:a :J -~. ~f~" I i ~`ti I 4; 1 ~.; j THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ned and approved.by me this 24th,day of Jul y, 1969. ~~ ~ ~ ,i / V - CH AHEIM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION ATTEST: PRO-TEM t-'~~~ , : ~~~i~ % ,; "?.C~L?~ 1,,~ ~~ ? SECRETARY ANAHEIM C[Ty pLpNNIPJG CONMISSION ;;. i ,. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ; : COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. <; CITY OF ANAHEtM ) t £~ I, Ann Krebs, ~ Secretary of the City ~Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that ';i the fore¢oing r~solution was possed and ~dopted at s meetinQ of the City Planning Commission oE thz City of Anaheim, held on July 14~ 1969~ at 2:00 o'clodc p,M., by the followin~ vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ~amp, Farano, Gauer, Rowland, Thom. I : 1 ' i : ?70ES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ~; ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Herbst. i ; +. ' ~:;' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havc h~reunto set my hend this 24th day o: 7uly, 1969. `~ ~2~L.~ ~-~~_l, , ',~ ; SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMtAISSION ~ • RESOLUTION NO. 152 p : C2G ~ ~ 2- :I I i; :~.,_.~ ~~~~^ -._. ...,..__.... .. _..,._.. ----• .. ' ~. . -- - ~ pc ~