PC 69-154RESOLUTIOr N0. P~69-i54 ~
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Anaheim did recelv~ ~ vedfied Petltion for Reclassifica-
tionfrom DAVID S. ~LLINS, 1077 West Ball Roao, Anaheim, California 92802, Owner; RONALD A~
KAROS, 1077 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California 92802, Agent of certain real property situated
in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in fullo
; and
WHEREAS, the City Plannin~ Commieeion ddd hold a public he~dng at the City Htll in the City of An~heim on
July 14, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said pubiic hearin h~vin bem dul
lew and in eccordence with the provisions of the Meheim Atunicipal Code, Ch pter 18.72, to he r ond onsiderevIdence
for and agalnat seid ptapo~ed reclaseification ~nd to investl`ate and m~ke findinQe ~nd recommrndetions in connection
therowith; end
WHEREAS, said Commis~+ion, ~fter due inrpection, investig~tion, ~nd atudy made 6y itself and in ita behaiE, end
after due coneideration oE all evidence md reports offered at said heerinQ, does find and determine ttie following fecta:
1. Thet the petitioner propoaes e reclesaifir,'tion of the above deacribed property from the R-A, Agri~ultural,
Zone to the R-3, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone to establish a 100-unit apartment complex.
2. That the scope of the proposed reclassification, if approved, does not war:ant an
amendment to the General Plan at the present time; however, its relationship to the General Plan
symbol will be considered at the next annual review.
3. That the propoaed reclaasification of subject property is necess~ry nnd/or desirable for the otderly end pro-
per development oE the community.
4. That the propoeed reclaeelHcation of subfect property does properly relote to the zones and their permitted
uses locelly eateblished in close proximity to aubject prope~ty and to the zones and their permittcd uses generelly esteb-
llehed throughout the community.
5. ?hat two letters were received in opposition~
1~. 2~L Bro~m
DILVID S. COLLINS 3 2~IRIOft GRMF COLLTr*3~ huaoan, nd sriPe~ es to gn undivide~q
one-half intere~t eacn, os teimnts in eot~non.
SU3,TECT'N: ` -T-. _ _ _
. ~' »
- - =_.~ ~:L I ~ „ i ~'+
I. General nnd Sneo3al Taxea for the fiscal ycar 1969-1970, a 2ien rtot yct~,gqyg.blc.
2. ihe Rc~;i-+ra.tion for road.~, railroa.cis asul ditches o~ u a~ip of land
30 ::ae'~ ~~i~e, a2o.z,,, ad,joinin~ cnd cach ~ide of the Town:,lsfp and Section lines~
+~:c2 ~he rc~c:~~~~on of tl~e u^o and contr~l oY c3enc~n an3 netural otrcams of -
.~~er., i~ z:r.;f, na'tura.lly upon, floWin~ acrass, into or by naid tract, und th;,+ ''~
ri~t:~ of ~~~;,r ~or c.~ci to construct irri~.tion or c2roi.naF,e di'tches tlurough ~aid
t: act ~Co irri~ate or druin the ud,~uceni: land~ tzs contained in tlie ciced fro:~
.;. :,obi~acn, Tru~tce, recorded in Book 20, zm,ge ~95 oP Deeda, reeorda of Loa
~'x.relca County, Cal3foz nia.
:"~id r3~ht3 nre now veated in i:he County of Orangc.
3. An Pnaemcnt :.1on~ the ~Corth linc of' aaid land for a pipe line or
~: y~:.h Yor the con•re;rJ.nce oY t~.ter for irxi~tion purpocca, as (~ented 'Eo W. G.
i::xbenon and othcrs by deed recarded in~ Book 189, ~e '205 oS Deeds.
~'. Iln tn.scra:stt fcr ro~sl und public utility purpo~es ovcr tha,t pc~rtion of said.
la.nd iacludcd ~rli;h~n Peatl Strec~, u~ conveycd t,~ the City o~ Anuheim, a r,aznicipal.
~ corporation~ reccrded 2•~rct~ 1],, 1965 in B~ok 741+2~ ~,,ne 824 oP OPPici.al Reco: c:n.
All that .certain land aituated in tt-e State of California, County af Orange, City of
Anaheim, described as follows:
Pax~cel 1.
The North 250 feet of that portion of Lot 35 of Anaheim Extension as shown on a
Map of survey made by William Hamel in 1868 and filed for record in Los .4.ngeles
County, California, a copy of which is filed in the office of the County Recorder of
Orange County, California, on page 163 and following of Book 3 er.titled "Los Angeles
County Maps" and of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 9.
Township 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. , and as the Southeast quarter of the
' Southwest quarter of said Section 9 is indicated onAecord of Survey Map filed in
Book 20, page 22 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of Orange
County, California described as follows:
Beginning at a 4 x 4 redwood stake on flie South line of said Section, 44. 68 chains
East of the Suuthwest corner of said Section; thence North 846. 20 feet to the South
line of the Anaheim Fiomestead Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 2E, page
10 of Miscellaneous Recorda of Los Angeles County. California; thence West 616.02
feet along said South line of the Anaheim Iiomestead Tract; thence South 851. 59 feet
to ttie South line of said Section; thence East 618. 82~ feet to the point of beginning.
Parcel 2.
The V:~esterly 30 feet of that portion of Lot 35 of Anaheim Extension, as shown on a
Map of survey made by William Hamel in 1868 and filed for record in Los Angeles
County. California, a copy of which is filed inthe office of the County Recorder of
rJrange County, California, on page 163 and following of Book 3 entitled "Los Angelea
County Maps" and of the Southeast quarter of the Southwes± quarter of Section 9,
Tovmship 4 South, Range 10 West, S. B. B. & M. , and as the Southeast quarter of the
Southwest quarter of said Section 9 is indicated on Record of Survey Map filed in
Book 20, page 22 of Record of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder of Orange
County, California des~ribed as follows:
Beginning at a 4 x 4 redwood stake on the South line of said Section, 44. 68 chains
East of the Southwest corner of §aid Section; thence North 846. 20 feet to the South
line of the Anaheim Homestead Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in IIook 2&, page •
10 of Miscellaneous Recorda of Los Angeles County, California; thence Weat 616.02
feet along said South line of the Anaheim Homeatead Tract; thence South 851. 58 feet
to the South line of said Section; thence East 618.82 feet to the point of beginning.
~XCEPTING THEREFROM any portion thereof lying Southerly of the Northerly line
ot Wilshire Avenue as now ahown of record~
ALSO ~XCEPTING the Northerly 250 feet thereof. '
AB~I:ram v /
Plnts and 4cc~a of Document enclosed ~~ ~~ ~
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ;SOLVED that th~ Aa~heim City Pl~ut ropiaiaslo~ doos htreby tecommend
to the City Council of the City ot Maheim that subject Petltion (or INclyai8eatioa b~ ap~rov~d and, Sy so doing,
that Title 1&ZoninQ of thr Aeaheim Municlp~l Code be amend~d to ~sclu~ the aLove d~scribed pcoperty feom the
R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to 3ncorporate said desr,ribed p.roperty into the R-3, Multiple-•
Family Residential, Zone, upon the following conditions wh3ch are hereby found to be a nec-
essary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety
and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
io I'hat the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the surn of $2.U0
per front foot along Wilshire Avenue and Pearl Street, for street lighting purposes.
2. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per
front foot along Pea.rl Street, for tree qlanting purposes.
3. That a Parcel Map to record the approved division of subject property be submitted to
the City of Anaheim for approval and then be recorded in the office of the Orange County
4. That ihe sidewalks and driveways shall be installed along Pearl Street and drivev~ays
shall be installed along Wilshire Avenue as required ny the City Erigineer and in accordance witi~
standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer.
5. That trast~ storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file
with the office of the Director of Public Works.
6. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the
Chief of the Fire Department.
7. I'hat a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the r,orth property line.
S. That this development sh~llbe served by underground utilities.
9. That any air•-conditioning faciiities proposed shall be properly shielded from viev,~, and
the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes.
10. That the owner of subj?ct property shall pay to the City of Anaheim park and recreation
fees of $75 per dwelling unit as required by City Council Resolution, which shall be used for
park and recreation purposes, eaid amount to be paid at the time the Building Permit is issued.
11. That Condition Nos. 1 and ?_, above mentioned, shali be complied with v~ithin a period of
180 days from the date hereof, or suci~ further time as the City Council may grant.
12. That Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, ~bove mentioned, shall be complied with
prior to final building znd zoning inspections.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed ond approved~ y me thle 4ti day of~ uly, 11969.
~~ \~~ , ~
~ '
,~ ~
_~'~7 L72_%' i_lG'~/
I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plenning Commission oE the Clty of M~haim, do hereby ceRify thet
the foregoing resolution wes passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Pl~nnin~ Commis~ion ot the City of Anaheim,
held on Ju ly 14, 19699 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the followinQ vote of th+ members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Camp, Gauer, Farano, Rowland, Thom.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve heteunto set my hend this 2~th day of July, 1969.
~ ~
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