PC 69-17~,U ty::~ ' ~ ~;~ RESOLUTIi ~NO, p~69-17 t' ~f A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ; RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT =' PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 68-69-65 HE APPROVED ~; f ~. WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commissioa of the City of Anaheim dld recelve a vedfied Petition for ReclaeaifIca- r tlonfrom ANN PR~NTICE, 547 South Helena Street, Anaheim, California 92805, BERNICE MEIER, 3041 !,' Mira Loma Avenue, and FRED MEIER, 2500 East Lincoln AvenuA A j ROBERT F. WALDRON, 2020 ~~orth Broadway, Suite 201, Santa Ana,nCalifornia192706a p9806, Ownexs; k certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim County of Orange, State of California, ~ described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred~to herei.^, as though set forth in full _..~ ';; ;x ;~, `r ,! 5 :.~ _ n '{ ,;, <t ':~ ~ r` , ind ~ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiasion did hold a public hearing et the Clty Holl in the City of A~~he1m on January 27, 1969~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public hearinQ havin~ been duly given as re~uited by ,i 1Rw ond in accordence with the provIsions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence •! for and egatnet said ptoposed reclassificetion end to investigate end meke findings ond recommmdetfons in connectIon ; ~ therewiih; end ~~~ WHEREAS, snid Commission, after due inapactlon, investigation, and study made by itself end in its behalf, end ~iter due coneideration of ell evidence and reporCs offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following fects; ~3 1. That the pe4ltioner proposes e reclesaification of the above described pmperty from the R-A, Agricultural, =i Zone, to the C-1, General Commercial, Zone for Portion A; R-3, Multiple-Pamily Residential, ':i Zone for Portions B and C. ,' 2. That the proposed reclassification is in con:orm;nce with the 1969 Preliminary General Plan. ~.~: 3. That the Commission deems it necessary to recommenu disa R-3 Zoning on Portion "C" on the basis that recent action by thepCommissiontandrCqtySCou~cil ~ required R-2-5000 Zonin whe:e fore, recommends to thegCity Councilrthat Portionv'eC~Pba r.eclassifinedYto the~Re2~5000, Onere Family, Zone so that no further reclassification v~ill be•necessary, in the event the property is not developed for a branch library site. 4. Thet the proposed reclessificetion of eubject property !s necessery end/or destrable for the orderly end pra par development of thr community. 5.. That the proposed recleasiflcetIon ef eubject property doea properly relete to the zones and their permitted ~ uses locelly esteblished in cloae proximity to subject property and to the zonea end their permitted use~ generall esteb- liehed throughout the communit . Y Y 6. That the petitioner is advised that, by Resolution, the City Council has determined buildine followiny park and recreation fee; sha11 be applicable and payable at the time a g permit is issueds 1) Issuance of a buil9ing permit on or prior to May 1, 1969 -$25 per dwelling unit for either single or multiple-family dwelling units; or 2) Issuance of a building permit svbsequent to May 1, 1969~ a) Single-family dwelling units - 5125.00 per dwelling unit, and b) Multiple-family dwelling units ~75 per dwelling unit. 7. That two persons appeared, representing five persons present in the Council Chamber, expressing opposition to permitting apartments immediately adjacent to R-1 homes instead of requiring buffer.ing of less intense use such as R-2-5000 homes, in the event the branch library is nat developed on that portion immediately adjacent to the R-1 homes. Furthermore, require increasing the heighi: of the masonry wall separating the open parking area of Portion '~7" from the R-1 horr~es to the south and east, where no carports are proposed to be constructed, in order to insure the privacy of these exi=ting residences. .~x : ~-- . , ;' ` ~ ~ ,. ., ~ ~ `~~~ ' } ~ ~.~~ ~, . ~ •!~ i ~ _ .., ~ , .. . ~ ~,j' °i~",;y . \~~ ,y ~~ i~ . _i '~ K ....._/ ' First ArreericaR Title Insurance & Trust Conrpar:y ~~,, 421 NORTN MAIN STREET • SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA • 547•6892 `' \: ! ~ ~R~dY CEHTIFY 'CHIS TO IIE 'r •ACACIA F.SCRO{d A TRUE AND CORREGT COPY. ~ P. O. Eox 10034 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE -'' SAPITA AF1A~ CALIFORI4IA INeURA Cfi s TRU6T COMPANY ~ ~ ARTN: JO RICHAFtDSON , ± ~' .~ • ) ;~ ~ ~I, ~' ~' ~ YourNo. / ~• - _ I - Eccrov 3921 . . • b Our Order No, pR 1065190 The following is a report of the title to the lend described in your application for a Policy of Title Inauronce and is made without liabilfty and without obligation to issue sUCh policy. In aildifion to any excepfions sh~wn herein, and nof cleared, the policy, if issued, will contain conditions end stipulations and elso excepttons from its coverege as mey be embodied by the particuler form of policy issued. ' Deted as f at 7:30 a.m. November 8~ 1968 ~~ ' ~c.(.L~4~ : ~ Williaa R. N,cCampbell~ne FFICER I ~' VESTEE: ~,+q p~~I~~ Conaervator of tku3 peruon cinQ e~tate of IT2ED MEIF~i, Conservutee~ ~ Ca:.e No. A-43487, S~erior Court, County o:C Oxr.n ;e, e~ to a LSie E~tote; nnd BI•~tNIECE N~IER cmd At7~ PFtIIVTICE, eacY- an imdivided one-2n72 inte:mat aa to tho rp,^„i*+a~r. :; . All that certain land situeted in the State of Californla, County oP Orange, • City of Anaheim~ described as follows: • ~" , Thet portion of the Northwest querter of the Soatheast quarter oP Section 12~ I~F~ Township 4 South~ Range 10 West~ in the Rancho Sen Juan Ca~on de Sante Ana, es ~ sho~+n on a Map :ecordec~, ;,.r•. '~,'~- 51~ pege l~ of N!iscellaneous Meps, records oP ~ ~~~ Orange, County, Californ:~.:. . . %' Beginning at the Southwesterly corner of the lend described in Final Order of Condemnation to the State of. California, filed Septembe: 1, 1964 and recorded • ~~ in Book 7203, page 704 of Official Records of ~aid County; thence Southeriy ~;;:~ alona the Westerly line oF said SouthEast quarter~ 121t.00 feet; thence Eesterly~ `` at right engles tn said Westerly line, 171.00 feet; thence Northeasterly in a `,~ direct line~ 132.Q0 feet, to a point in the Southvester~y line oF the lenci deacribed in said Final Order of Condemnation~ said Southwesterly line cited ~ _ , as "South 68° 41' 38" East i41.88 feet°~ seid point being diatant Southeesterly *~~ thereon~ 67.00 feet,from the Northwestex~i.y terminus therec+f; thence North- westerly~ elong said Southwesterly line~ 67.00 feet; thence continuing North- ~"~ ~+eaterly, SouthWesterl,y end Wesberly along said 3outhvesterly line to the point ; .~,~ of beginning. ~~ i;.~ ' . _ ; ; ~;. ; ~~ ~ .y~ ~ . ~oRTOe~ ~ ~ C- / .'t iN/iV b ~ , ~.,° - - - - n..~~,.". ~ • , •• ^~ ~Y:~ . +. ~ . . _ ' ..-__' _~ _' . ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~^ ~ 3~ j I 1 .f _ . DESCRIPTION ~ ~A11 that certain land sicuated in the State of California,, County of Orange, City oP Aneheim, described as follows; Farcel l: The North 7 acres of the SouthWest quarter of the Northvest quaz-ter'~ of the Southeast querter of Section 12, Tounship 4 South, Range 10 West~ in the Rencho San Jaen Ca~on de Senta Ane, es ahovn on e Map recorded in Boek 51~ page 10 of Miace].laneous N,aps, records oP Orange County, Celifornia. ~ Parcel 2: That portion of the Northuest quarter of the Southeest quarter oP Section 12~ Tounship 4 South, Range 10 West, in the Rancho Sen Juen Ca~on de Santn qne~ aa sho:+n on e pfap recorded in Book 51~ paSe 10 of Miscelleneous Meps~ records of Orange County, California~ described as commencing et the Southwest corner of the North hal° of the Northxest querter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 12; thence East 681.75 feet; thence North 78° 45~ , West along the center line of Anaheim and Olive Road~ 60 feet wide~ a distance oP 695 feet; thence South 135•3 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting Prom saxd Parcels 1 and 2 those~portions thereof lying Northerly , and NortheasterJ,y of the 9outherly and Southxesterly lines of the land described in Finel Order of Condemnetion to the Stat~ of Celifornie, filed September 1, 1964 and recorded ia Book 7203, page 704 of Officiel Records of said County, Also exceptinc~ therefrom the Southerly 120•feet of the westerly 382 f eet thereof. i Also excepting from said parcels 1 and 2 those portians thereof described as follows; Beginning at the Southuesterly corner of the lend described in Final Order of Condemnation to the State of Californin,filed September 1, 196b and recorded 'in Book 72pj, page 704 of Official Records of said County; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Southeast querter, 124.00 Feet; thence Easterly~ at riQht angles to said Westerly line, 171.00 feet; thence Northeasterly in e direct line, 132.00 feet~ to a point in the Southwesterly line of the lend described in said Final Order of Condemnetion~ snid Southwesterly line cited as "South 68° 41' 38" East 141.88 feet"~ said poiat being disLant SoutSeasterly thereon,, 67.00 feet from the NorthWesterly terminus ihereof; thence North- vesterly~ elong said Southvesterly line, 67.00 feet; thence continuing North- xesterly, Southxesterly and Westerly along ~aid Southxesterly line to the point of ~eginning. , ~oQT~o./ . ~ - ~- 3 L~G!L L~E.°CSt "1'::;':s :r?RTi! • . T'1ii , . : :}' ~.v f ~... 'i. 1.~'~C p95~Cr:'~' . . : CEi. .i.. ."i'~. ~:(,. , , c . . ~ . . i. C~ i.I':.~ . . !I:C '^Tt~!HiC~!'t ~' t~7iU2' 0~ . L[iC.^LF ..~ .~: ~: ` .... , a _ . ';ati+m~h:;: ~ Eo•.th. I:2nnc lU es~. :n tho . _ ~~ '".n ~ ~r.n '~n C'~~ ~c^i;L:' . . .a St301'~fl ~?Jl ~ ~ 'v'~ S:'C(1IG~(.~G .°TS i%r?O: `>1~ `~E"1C ~~' Of ~•~,CCI1~f1M~ ` a-~s. =cti ~., ~~f t,rr.n<te ~~ nty, ~=slif~~rn_a. ~ NOW, 'p(iEREFORE, HE iT };SOLVED thet th~ Anshe'm City pl~nn(. ~;,omrolealun does herob; reoocuoa~~! to the Clty Councll ot the Clty oE ~An~helm lh~t ^ubject Petltlon for Recla~ilUc~tion b~ ~pproved snd, by ~o doln;, th~t Tide 1&Zoning oE the Aa~h~im Munlclp~l Code be amended to ~zcluds th~ ~bove dsscrlbed propeety trom the R-A, A9ricultural, Zone and to incorporate said described oro art !~ ~ommercial, on Portion "A" and R-3, Multiple-Family Residentia?, Z~~z,~onhPortionse~igral upon tF~e following conditions which arehereby found to be a necessary pre~r,qu~~4t:a t~ thed "C", Ritizeis ofethe Cityeof Anah imY in order to preserve the safety and generrl ;~•::a_e of ~he 1. That the owners of sub,ject propErty shall deed to the City of AnaheiR v strip of land 64 feet wide for Powhatan Avenue as proposed on the development plar,s, and 45 zeet in wid±ti . fxom the ultimate alignment centerline of Sunkist Street for street r;idening purp « es. 9 c~ rquirem~~~i~, of thr_ , ~ity of AnaheimralongmLincolnr~Avenues SunkisteStreetrandaPowhatannAven eqnsuch as curk-s and yutters, sidp,valks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, 3~ atr~~r ~,~,u~.t~na;it work shall be completed as required by the City ~ngineer and in accordancn .~itr~ s~ar:~~rd ria~s and speoifications on file in the office of the C9ty Engineer; and that a bon,i in aa ^~nount and form satisfactory to tne City of Anaheim shall be posted with the C;ty t•~ •r~uaz•ar.tee the in~ stallation of said engineeZ•ing requirements. 3. That the ovmers ot' sub~ect property shail pay to the City of Ar,ot,ei,, thr~ suro of $2,OU pE~• frunt foot along Lincoln Avenue, Sunkist Street and Powhatan A~enue, tioi street liyhtfna purposes. d. That the owners of subject property st~all pay t.o the Cit of Anaheim the sum ~,f 7~. front foot along Lincoln Avenue~ Sunkist Street and Powhatan Avenue, '~ vf 5. That a Parcel Map to record the approved division of sub'ect for tree plantir:;~ p~;r,,, thu City of Anaheim for approval and then be record~,d in the office ofrthe Or,~ngeSCounty~~ ~~ Recortier. : ti. That Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3~ 4, and 5, above mention?d~ shall be comelied with wit;~~,; a period of 160 days from the date hereof~ oz such further time as the City ~ouncil may qt,-, ~. That the owners of sub ect recz•eation f ees for each d~Nelling unitP asYrequiredabytCityeCouncilfr esolutioneSw~ict shall be us~d for paz•k and recreation purposee, said amount to be paid at the time the Building Permit is issued. 8. That ordinances reclassifying the property shall be adopted as each parcel is ready to romply with conditions pertaining to such parcel; provided, however, that the n~ord shall mean presently er,isting parcels of record and n ~~parcel" Cii:y Council fer lot split. ~ Y parcel or parcels approved by the THE FOREf30ING RESOLUTION ie oigned and epproved by me thie 6th day of February, 1969. ATTEST: - ~ ~~_ ~-- ; ~, ,~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) / _~ `1.~: ~~,.~ , t / ~i' GO c,~' CHAIRMAN A~II:HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION [, Ann N,rebs, Secretery of the Clty Plann;n~ Con~mteslon of the Clty of Mahelm, do hereby certity thet the forcgotng ree~olutlan was pes~ed a~d ~dopte~ et e meeting of the Clty p;~~~ng Commissloe ot :he City of Anaheim, hold on .~anuary 27~ 1969~ ot 2:pp o'clock P.M., by the followln~ vote ot the mamben thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred~ Csmp, Far2no, Geuer, Herbst• ~,owland, Thom. N4ES: COMMiSSlONERS: Non e. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand this 6th day of Februbry, 1969. i ~:lL-~4/'~~/~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY P'LANNING COMMISSION a , RESOLUTION N0. 17 ~ I R2-A •2-