PC 69-203RESOLUTION N0. ~'C69-203 A RESOLUTION OP THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2130 gg GRAUT~~ IN PART ' . ~ i~ i WHEREAS, the City plannin~ Commission oE the City of Anaheim did receive e verified PetitIon for V~ riance from PAUL I'REAT, P. 0. Box 7, Fullerton, California 9?632, C~vner of rc~.ta?.n rcal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referr~d to herein as though set forth in fu1). WfiEREAS, the City Plnnning Commission dld hold a publIc hearing at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on October 6, 1969 et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice ot seid public hearing having been duly given es required by 18W end 1n ecoordence wlth the provislons of the Anaheim MunIcipel Code, Chepter 18.68, to hear nnd consider evidence for and ageinst snid propoaed vortence end to inve~ti~ate end make findings end recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commieslon, after due inepectlon, investlgation, and study mede by itself end in lta behelf, and aEter due consideratlon of ell evidence and reports offered at seld hearing, does flnd end detertnine the following facta; , 1. Thet the petittonec requeats e veriance from the Anehelm Municipel Code, as fol lo~tis, to establ ish a 117-unit one and two-story apartment complex on subject property. a. SECTION 18.28,050( 7-a) - Minimum distance between bt~ildinqs. (25 feet requi:ed; two cases at 11 feet proposeu). b. _S ECTION 18,28.020( 1) - Maximum number of main buildin s on a site. (2 permitted; 4 proposed . - c. S[CTION 18.32.050( ?) - Minimum buildinq site area oer dwellinq ~nit. (1?QO square feet required; 1188 square feet proposed) d. SECTION 18.28.050( 3-a) - ~dinirnum livino unit floor area. (700 square feet required; 437 square feet proposed). 2. That there are exceptional ar extraordinary cirr.urristances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property ihat do not apply generally to the property oi• class uf use' in the same vicinity and zone~ 3. 7'hat the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and ?njoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity ,.-,nd zone, and denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested variance will not be materially detrf~n?ntal to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the pro;~erty is located. 5. That the buildings, as proposed, are onnected with covared passaqeways; therefore, there are only two main buildings, and as such, PJaiver 1-b, above mentioned, is unnecessary. 6. Th~t the minor deviation in the required building site area per dwelling unit is so minimal that the Planning Commission dee~,is the proposal. to be substantially in conformance with Code renT~irements • ~ } ,j ~ ~ Loan No. I _ 1y - .• Jt , PIACE iNTEn"NAL R.VcVUt STA G ~:;Cv a DC ~~ i; ~ P ~ ~ O • ~ r' ~ ~ ~ i i~ , ;i r ; c i~ ~ i: FOR A VALUABLE GONSIDcRATION, reccipt of which is hen „ARY JANE PFEIL, a married woman, , _ ........,~ GRANTto PaUL B. 1REAT, an unmarried man, tho real proper!y in tho City of Anaheim ' Ccuniy c~ Orang~ State of Califomia, described as: pe: sheet attached hereCO and made a part i~ereof. ~ Q r~•-_~. _.'T'~'__ . . ... __ . ... --~"-. -- I / g I ~ ~ ...... n ~,," , -/ ' , ?ii that cc: ta.n lnn~ :;iCUatcd :n [i~c S:atc o: C~li:o~:c, Cou;ic,~r_. ,`•:• o: Ur:cn~e, City of .'.nane.~, desc:ibcG as iollcus: +~~+ ulat ,o:Cion oi Clic lde:;t h;:li oi ld~„ h.. o:; :do: tL.~c , C qu:.: Cer of t:+e .:o: tiic:,s t qw: ter o~ 'Sectic:~ i-- ...~- 4 South i:.:. e 11 !1 ~ , '+. .:•t:.:~h:; ~ :~ ' •C.^.L~ C1C}7 OL .'L~~RCic, +11 ::: ji:.;-i:(10 ..G::,,CJJD~i:,~'i~ ..n shc:n on a Sap reco.ded in 3ook 52~ pa li~o: v_,;c;;.~~..~~~~ `,.;s .ecord.: of G:an,~ Coun~y, Cali;orn:•a, dc~c-i~cd ,.., :o1,c:.,,. ~ ~ lic~ina=a~ at ~ pr,int i~ thc hest , ; ;, 1_ :e o i:cc: :a. ~Z~G -iZ • - being Sourh 00° 16' OS" E~st, 779.54 fect ~ro~ ti~e ~o~C:~,;;,,;;;,:_~~ ~~ corncr of said Tract !:o. 4230, as sl~own oa a*wp :cco_ded ia :,co:; 243, Pages 43 and 44 of :iiscc:l2aneous `fLp~, reco:Zs oi c;.:~l p_~Z•~ (:ounty, said ~>oint beiu~ tiic incersec:ion o: ~;.id I1acC 1_:;e ;.. ~;,~ ~estcrly prolong:.tion of ciic ceateriinc o= D=: p:outc D._v~ ~ y on sai~ :~.,: eaid _ .. :;:•.c~,.~ P, poinC be.n~ ci~e beoinnin~ o: a.^.c. ;,. „..~ cL.v~ concave Northerly ~:d havin~ a r:.diu:, of 2C0.~0 :c~,, „•~~1~_ tt~:ougli scid point bc.:rs Soutii f1° 16' GII" ~3as-. , _ ""y alonE caid curvc tl~rou~h a central ;:~lc of 21° 40' .ij"~,~y~~~~~ distance of 162.9b feet to a point in ~: .-eve:ce cu.v;: ec:c~v~ Soutt~erly anJ having a radius of 800.On fceC, c.cdicl iiac t:~.oc~;; said poinc bears ~orCh 11° 24' 07" 7:a~t; thcacc I,'cc~c:Zy cioa~ c::iu curvc tlirougn a central anglc of 11° 40' 47" :.a src d~.;;i•c;;;,~ - o~ 1h3.0' feeC to a Laarent linc; tl;ence along scid L•~a~~:it ::ze Soc::. 31° 43' 20" ~c:st, ti.56 te~t to tlie ::est line or cid k'c~ty;i,.; o. ~;,,; West lialf of tY,e :to:ttie~st qu~rtcr of tne 2:ct~t~ga; C o~;,;~~,-~ ~;~;:~~` alon,^, saiJ 4J¢,~t line :Cor[ii QQ° i8' US" ~.es~ ~}-7 .cet; C::er.c~ , ~ .aid ti~es; line, ::o.th °9° 4;1' S3" East :.lor.g a line para11~1 u Y- ~ t~orth line of 'ie ~cor~as~~rtc~~ c„~' ; ~ '~i~~~~ ~~~~ -_c: Sec~ic,~ L ;~~~; thcnce Xorc;i ° " - L~• `r'-r .. .. .. .~ ~ 1 • I ~ , . ~..r~ ~1~r in r " _ : ~ ,~ ~~~~ [o tac 5outh line of tiie \cr[ii 6u zeeC o: s~id l:c,.: nalf oL thc b'est half of CIie ;~ortiicast qucrtcr of [i:e \ort.:!:ecct ~ccr,:c: conveycd [o the State of California by der_d reco:ded Pc:b:-•,~._~ j, :9~7 in L'oo~ 3792, Page 344, n~~icial F.ecords of - ~ sa~~0~~.; Co•~:i~y; .a~ace alun~, said Soutli linc, \ortii S9° 47' S3" E;.~t ~ -~ a L\.:l'~~ ~U ..~U ::ortii~;esterly corner of caid :'racC :co. /~230• , thc:.cc Sout'i~ CO°/lu' ~;i" liast, 7'9,54 feet to tiie ;oinC o: ue~inninF. r.~r ~=~i~i''i i//e-~y-T c^ii~ ~%G ,~.~f'Jf/l-..~LY"" 2C0 ' ._„•°--.-;.._•^-,.~-•.: _~-- , ~~~ .~ .~.JP!'r~ ~~ i { I 7. That with iE ~: nerous petitions to ~vaive the m~nimurn ]iving unit floor ~~rua, in order to provide bachelor units, the Commission dee~rs that until Title 18 of the Anah~im Municipal Code can be amanded to reflect a provision for hachelor ~~nits in the R-3 Zpne, said uni~s may be a minimum of 425 square feet and a marimum of ?5~' of the units o; a rn~,elop- ment may be so developed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planring Commission does hereby grant in part subject Petition for Variance, upon the follovrir~. ~or-iitions ~vhirh are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of t~,e subject property ir. order to preserve the safety and ger.eral welfare of the Citizen=_ ~r th? City of P.naheim. 1. That this variance is granted subject to the comp~~;~;on of Kec]assi{9cat;on IJo. 69-70-~. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in a~rdanr.e with anpioved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. 3. That fir~ hydrants shall be installed as requi• d ancl determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. 4. That all air-~onditioning facilities shal] be ,~rop?rly shielded froT: visv:. 5. That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. 6. That Cor.dition PdOS. 1~ 2, 3, 4, and 5, above mentioned, shall be complied v;ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. 7. That the owner of subjac2 property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $75 per multipYe-family unit, to be used for park and recreatio~ purposes, said amount to be paid at tFie tir,ie the buiiding permit is issued. B. That subject pr.operty shall be developed substantially in accordance with ulans and specifications on file v~ith the City of Anaheim. marl~ed Exhil~it fJos. 1, 2, and 3. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO(i is si~ned and appr,~veci by me, his 16 h day o October, L 69. ~~ ~ \l ~~1~~ CHAIkMA, riEIM CITY PLAIJ~JIhIG CUIJ,idISS IO~J ATTES T: „ ~ ,~~`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ . , SECRETARY ANAHEIM ITY PLM1NIPdG CONd.1I5,5I0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) (:OUNTY OF ORAA~G[ ) ss. CI TY OF ,ANAHEIM ) I. Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Ylanning Commission of the C;,ty of Anaheirn, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pas,ed and adopted at a meecir.o of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held Un Octobe- 6, l~by, at 2:U0 0'clock P.M., by the following vate of the members thereof: AYFS: COPJ!h1ISSI0NEF'S: Gauer, iierbst, Thom, fiowla~d, Carno. NOES: COh'WISSIONERS: Farano. ABSENT: COMfdISSIGNL•R5: Allred. IN WITtJESS WHFR[OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of Urtober, 19~~~. ~ r ,~ : ; c - ? ',~"~, SECRETAHy ql~jq~iFIM CITy pLA,'JNIiVG C061h1ISSIG'; 1 ,~ Rcs. No. 203 ~j ; . M ,~ ~ E~ !~ ~r' -- ., ~ d