PC 69-213RESOLUTIG,,='NO,. PC69-•213 A REODLUTIOl1 O! TN~ Q1'Y M.MIf010 Ct~SSON OF 'iliB CITY O!' ANAHEIM nAT pE'~7T~!( 1~OR 00110f!'iONAI. lJ~ ltii~flT 1140 ~ APPROVED IN PART ~ 7. .r~ ;; 11'HERBAS, tAe Ciry Pla~mio~ Com~lsslo~ o! 1~s (~, a( koh~~ ~d rsc~ive a v~rifl~d Petition for Com diHonal Use Permlt Goa NJ6TERh AVENUe SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 0~ ANANEINi, 219 South UJestern Avenue, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner; DONALD FEARS, A.I.A., 1477 South Manchestor, Suite 360, Ansheim, Califo:nia 92802, Agent cf certain reai propert/ situated 'n th,~ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as the Ido:therly 7E feet of the following described property: The North 165 feet of 'the south 285 feet of the oouth ~- o.` the East ~ of the Northeast ~ of the Northwest 4 of ~ection 14, Torrnship d South, itange il west, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as sho,~an on a map thereof recorded in Book 51, page 7 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. The Sou±h 120.00 feet of the East h::lf of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Sect3on 14, Towr.ship µ Sou*_h, Range 11 VJesC, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map r?corded in book 5i Page ii of Miscellaneous Maps, records oi Orange County. The ~orth 87,00 feet of the South 207.OC fee~ of the East- half of the Idortheast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 14, Tovrnship ; South, Range 11 W?st, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a map recorded in book 5i page 11 of hliscellaneous Maps, records of Oranae County. ; ~nd ~'NLREAS, Hie Clty P1~nniq CorfKy~ ~y ~sl/ ~~ilc ~ei~ ~~ Cltr Hall io tbs Clty of An~hdm oa Ortober 2C, :~69, d 2:0~ o'ci~ak P.Y., sWa ot ~W wNie M+N~~ ~win~ ba~a Enly ~iv~n ~r requjeod bY l~w rd in ~ccerM~c~ with t!~ pw1~MM sQ 1!~ A~de ~lciMl eoM~ Ch~pter 1s.6~, to he~r ~ caMl~c ~vidwc~ fa ~N q~irt sdd /wN~N a~tMwl wt ~N 1e i~~wtl~at~ ~ed wk~ [ladl~p ~nd ~oo~~~otbas !a cow~ctla~ ti~wwlm; w~ ~~~, ~~~ ~O~°~~~, ~ ~ ~, ~~~ ~ ~t~f' ~M~ by ltwl[ ~ad In ite be. Ydt, ~ed ~[tK Aw ewNMntlaa oI dl wMlrw ~e~i ~erto ~s[h~~ ~t ~ bNdn~, 8w fl~d ~rd d~termine the lollowin~ t~cta: 1. '!'h~t tM propoMd w~ i~ pp~~r ~ L•K wYicM ~ CarHtioul UM P~lt i~ ~t`orls~d by : ode: Sections 18,64.020(1-c) and 18.64,020(1-e), to wit: permit the expansion of an existing church on Portion A; establish an apartment development for the elderly with a corr~murat eatir.g facility on Portion B, with waivers ofs a. S ECTION 18.28.050(3~a) - 1J~inimum dwellino unit Pioor area. (700 and 825 ~~ sguare feet required; 372 to 624 square feet proposed). b. SEOTION 18.28.050(10-a) - Mir,imum number of of~-street oarkinq staiis.(278 required; i04 proposed). c. S ECTIG:, I8,32,050~2) - Minimum_buildina site area oer dv~ellina unit. (1200 sauare feet r2quired; 490 square feet proposed). d. SEGTION 1d.28.050 JO-d ~~ - Minimum storaae area per caroort. (100 ~ubic reet requi:ed; 0 cubic feet proposed). e. S EC7'ION 18.28.050 5-•a - Maximum buildina heiqh*, (Tv:o-stories permitted; five stories proposed). f. SECTION 18.26.050(1-b) - Minimum buildinca site width. (70 feet required; 36 feet proposed). 2. That under the authority of Section 18.64,070, waiver 1-a, above mentiored, is hereby aranted in part on the basis tl~ t the proposed units are to be occupied by el'c.ez~ly people who require less living area, and that the unit sizes as proposed by the petitioner are deemed adeouate in size for their intended purpose, provided that the area of the bachelor units shall be a minimum of 425 square feet as stipulated to by~the petitione~. ~ ~ . ,, CI-D i :i ;. ~ ;j .~ ---.._, i •1- 3. That waiver 1••b, above mentioned, is hereby g:ar.t?d ur.de, the authori~~~ of Section 18~64,070 on the basis that statistical data from the Dep~rtmer.t of Hous:r.g and Urban Development covering 103 housing projects for elderly persons in six reoior:, has revealed tha ~n average of 19.6yb of the residents livir.g in tnese faciiities or~r, automobiles and an average of 22.9;G oi the units have automobiles; ar.d ~hat t~,e petitioners are proposing to provide 56.2% of the units with parking. Furthermore; the ' petitioners have stipulated to providing a small private bus service for the eider~y residents. 4. That under the authority of Sectior. i9.o4~070, ~;;iver 1•-c, above mer;tioned, requestino a reduction in the minimum required build+_rg site a^ea oar dv,eiiing ur,it ::om 1200 squaxe feet to 490 9quar.e faet, is hereby granted on the basis that :9ue to the type of tenant that nill occupy these units and the general rnaracter of tfie overall development, the p*oposed 1ar,d ax•ea_per 9~,ti~eliing unit apwQars to be adequate, 5. That waiver i-d, abo.ve mention~dy fo: minimum st0~aoe orea per -,:arpo:t. is he:eby denied on the basis that the petitioner stip~~lated to provi~llg a mirimum of lOC cubic _ feet of storage space p?r unit within the apartment d.evelopment cr carpo.rts.. 6: Thet undzr the authority of Se~t+on 18.6».070, ~vaiver 1•-e, above mFntion?d, re- questino waiver of the two••sto=y maximum he:ght 1!mitatior. to cermit a f.ve-•=tory structure, is hereby g:ar,ted on the basia that it ie becoming more apoa_ent that con-• sideration shouid be aiven to the utilization of air space, due to the increasino srarcity oi undevelop?d land and the accompanying incr?ase in iard prices. 7. That unde: the authority of SeCtion 18.6~.070, waiver 1•-f, above mentioned, requesting a reduction in the minimum rbq~i:ed bu+_ldino site width from 70 feet to 36 feet, is hereby granted on the basis that the 36~-foot wide portion o: the panhand:e- shaped Portion "B" is deemed adequate to serve as a vehicular accessx~ay to both Portions ^A" and "B". 8. That the petitioner atipulate~d both verbally and by lette: that they would er.ter into an agreement acceptable to the City Attorney, to pay their ~air st~re of taxes fo: the City uf Anaheim services, such as fire, police, trash, and street maintenance, 9. That the proposed use, as app:oved, will not adversely aff~~t the adjoining iand uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be iocated. 10, That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full devel.opmer~t of ±he propoeed use in a r,.dnner not detrimental to the particuisr area nor to the peace, health, saiety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the Cit}~ of Anaheim. 11. That the aranting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions irr,posed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare o: the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 12. That one person appeared in opposition, and that one person appeared and one letter ~Nas received in favor of subject petition. ~JCw, T:?rREF~!?E, Be IT R6 OLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does nereby grant sut,jert Petition for Ca,tdi.tiona~ Use Permit, upon the follo~~ino conditions which are he:eby found to be a necessary prereqiqis`.te to t!:? proposed use of the sub,jert property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Cit~~ of Anaheimi 1. That this condit?onal use permit ia granted subjclct to the cornp:etion of Reclassifir.a±:or. No. 69-7U-•2~, 2. Ti1at subject propezty snall be developed substantially in acco-dance ~vith plans and sp~cificatione on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit t~os. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, provided, however, that all bachelor units shall be a minimum of 425 square feet, and further provided that each unit shall be p:ovided with 100 cuUic feet of storagr space ei±her within the apartment develop:rent or carports, as stip~:lated to in both instances by the petitioner. 3. That two gates, wide enough for emergency fire vehicles, be provided in the 6-foot high chain link fence proposed to be erected adjacent to the existino alley along i:he west property line of subject property, said gates specifications to be approved by the Fire Department. Res. No. 21.3 .ax i ~'° i; f ' _ / / THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and a 19G9. ~pp\oved b me th 30th day,of Octoo=r, I G l ~ (,~ CHA RMAN"ANAHEIbi CITY PLANNING COPA67ISSI0'Q ATTES T: / /~ .~, ~~{/.~~ SECRETARY ANAHE M CITY PLANNING COMMIggIpN ~" STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) [. COUWTY OF ORANGE ) 5;, f- CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secr?tary of the City P1anning Commission of the City of Ar,aheim, do ~, hereby certify that the foregoing ^esolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, heid on October 20, 1969, at 2;00 0' _ clock P.M., by the follow~ing vote of the members thereof~ AYES: COMA7ISSIONERS: Allred, Camp, Nerbst, Thom, Rowland. NOES; COMNISSIONERS; Farano. ABSENT: COh1MISSIONERS: Gauer. IN WITPJESS Wy[REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 30th day of October, 1969. iL?~ijL ~ , '~~ l.~~ _ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COh1~JISSION _ :11: ~i ~' Res. No. 213 ~ ` ~ ~~ w i '~ ~ I i ~i ;! 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