HESOL"()II'ION' 1:70. 7lR-25
\A1tIEREAS, ti.1E: City Planning Commission of the City of
Anaheim has heretofore duly passed and adopted a resolution
recommending denial of a change in -the boundaries of the zone
or zones hereinafter mentioned and described, after having
fixed a time and ~,?lace for tne J.1oldi:'1.g of a puolic hearing
tnereon in tile ITlanner and as prf~scrii~)ed in Title 18 of the
Anaheim !vlunicipal Code, and after llaving duly held and conducted
such pUJ')lic ~laCtrillg to consi<.ier said ;)ro~?osed change of zone
or zones, ant). af-cGr :~laving recGiv:=c~ r3vidence and report.s from
persons interestea. tllerein; and
\AJHERE.;AS, wit.i1in a perioJ. of forty (40) days folloT}7ing
t;1e nearing ther8on, .t~le P lan~lillg Commissioll did duly announc'=
by fornLal resolution i"ts finoings of facts and declare its
opinions and reasons for recon~ending denial of said proposed
change in the boulldaries of t;.le zone or zonas hereil1aftar
mentioned and described; and
:,oJI-iEREAS.~ tl:.~ Ci'cy Council llad ~~r2viously adopted its
Resolution Ho. 7'JP.-573 findinq and d€:termining that a c:lange
of zone should not De granted as the area of the city herein-
after Q:9scrilJed, upon r(~cci!.~)t of the peti.t:.ioner I s request, the
Cit\l Council granted a rE~'-'l1earing and ciid. fix the 19th day of
Januar,", 1971 as t..i.1.e tirac ana. t.he City Council Chambers in t!1e
Ci ty Hall in the Ci t~.T of "!-~l1ahei~!l as the :;:>lace for said puhlic
rC."':learil1.g U:;:)Ol'1 saia. pro::?03€U am.2ii.c1rcicn-c. -co Title 13 of the
A.:"':1al'leim :lunici~,--Jal Code t' a::ld .t~"1C exclusion of said yroperty,
hereinafter 6.escr i~'JeC:, froln .t.~1e ?~onE: in viilich it is rlO~,'l si tuatec1
and the incorporatior::. ther(~of in ,the ZOl'leS hereinaf.ter set forth i
and did. give notic,:; tiler~of iI:" tile rnanner a11d form as provided
in saici Ti tla 18 of said 2-\na:"h~ir:1 \~u:'1ici'.)al Code; and
WHE~EAS, at t~e time anci ~lace fixed for said public
re-llearing ti1C Ci"ty Council did hold. and conduct such public
re-'~l1earing and did give all persons int'.3rested therein an o:;?por-
tunity to be heard and did receive evidence and reports and"
did thcreu='Jon consider "tile SUllunar-,"l" of evidence nresented at
said pUjJlic re".'hearing before ti18'" Plal1ning Commission, its report
of findings and reco~~endations~ and
vftlEREAS: the City Council does find and determine that
t:1.8 amendment to fl'itle 18 of the Anaheim I"luniciDal Code should
be adopted and that the property ~ersinaftcr described should be
excluded from the zone or zones ij:1 '/vhic:1 it. is nO"l situated,
ana incor:?orated in th~ zone ,:>r zon~s as :lcrcinafter set forth.
::IO~"'J ,r Jrhi'~REFORE, 3E IT ~'tESOLVED by the City Council of
t~1.2 City of I~iaileim tilat its !~asolution :,jo. 70R-573 be, and the
~ . .......~- ..----......... ~.. .~-~'... ..~........ ..............:- .................._.~
same is hereby rescinded and that Title 18 of the Anaheim
iv!unicipal Code be, and t:18 same in hereby, amended and that
t11e follo\..J'ing descri::J8u ~~?roperty', si.tuated in the City of lillaheim,
County of Orange, State of California, to ~it~
A portion of Tract 936 per Book 30, Pages 1 and 2,
~:iiscellaneous lvia:?s in t~ne Cit:-! of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, nore particularly described
as follo\'lS:
Beginning at tne sQutneast corner of said Tract 936,
thence along the southerly line of said Tract 936, North
8~0 121 4Sa ~~estr 1944.66 feet to the southeast corner of
Lot 3 of saia. ~rract 935; thence along the easterly line
of said Lot 3, ;Jort~l 00 3(; l5i~ East, 250.00 feet; thence
North 380 04; ~d'; gast, 3L8.69 feet; t.hence Nor.th 00 361
15:i Eas'c 1 815.06 feet; tl1.ence North 890 23; lIS" East,
236 . 86 feet 'to a poiL t all a tangent curve, concaVj~ to
t:ne nortilr having a radius of 5')0.uO feet; thence easterly
and northerly albng said curve, through a central angle .'
of 360 53' 45fi, an arc lengti1 of 321.98 feet to a point
on a tangcn-t lir~e ~ tnerlce along sai.l line, ~lorth 520 301
OO.i East, 80. OC fer;;t t.o a ~?Oi!1t 011 a tangent curve, concave
norti'n.r9sterl::,', having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence easterly
and nor.til..:.:rl:! along said. curV8, ti1roug~1. a central angle of
310 24; 4:; L!, an arc lenqtn of ~43. Go feet to a 'Qoin'c on a
non-tangent' line ~'lhic::'1 iE t:'le easterly line of Lot 5 of
said trac"t, said point 0ei:':lg SOU'C.:l 10 05' 15u ~~est, 170.~)O
fc=et from tl-~-2 sou.t~'l'.~rl\'P line of saicl Santa Ana Canvon Road~
t:"',":lonc::~ alrH1C.... sa.j ("I eaC't'~'~.rJ..": ",'1' 1.J.': :.-,~ o-F T o'r:~ Sou.:-1., lOP ('\~,
.:,..."'.- -... "'-""- .:j ___"to __ --.. 't_~.. _.&.'- _ ~ _ ..J, ......tI. 'ffJ J
Ij'~ T.'~Ia3st, 113.34 feet; t~,'l~~:'1ce along said easterly line and
i'cs sout:1(:rly prolonga't:ioI.i., Sou,t.h 20 10 I 45': Ea~.:)t, li57.G3
fe;3t 'tc a 90int or!. 3 nOYlr'-ta,~'l.qsnt curv.?, concave to "the
sout:l; ~lavin1 a raci.lus o:E ~;:5:i.:::") fe0t, a radial tnrougb. said
point bears :\for.t:~l 2dO 3:5 I l~)~i ~~:rest; .t~~113nce easterl~}' and
soutj~lerl~~T alonq sai':':'~ Cl1r-"'_.~, .t.~1.roug~.'_ e~ central angle of 710
04' 3d;; all arc 1..::l1gt:l'~. of 328.73 feet to a point on a tangent
line; thence along said line, South 470 30' 40" East, 182.64
feet to a point on a tangent curve, concave northerly with
a radius of 33~.aO feet; t~snce Gout~erly and easterly
along sai(i CiJ.rv.,~ throug~.~ c'- ~;':-~l1tral angle of 120 33 I 3:) tI
ajl arc }_9n~rt,.1 of 73. :111: fr-~c-t to c. ~qoint on a non--ta.ngcnt
line, sai~ lin~ ~eing t~e eastarly lins of Lot 6 of said
tract, a ra0.ial .throug:~ said :t)cint ::,)cars Sou.th 290 55 I 41 u
~est; thence along s~id easterly line of Lot 6, South 00
54' 15:1 y.'J;;;s"t: r 17 :~:. 34 feet to a ::?oint on a line "\vilic:J. is
~)arallel to and 1224. :J:] feet fr.::,rn t~:l(': southerl\-,:" line of
;;::t-i.':; '~'~r;.'c-:- ~.13t: -, +.l';::l'nc~':' alr...;~i"'" r::"ai ':"1 -.....arall,~l 1; ,,'eh so,,-I-~ QQO
i;:) '-~..a.. \,.,0. - ,A. '.... .~ \,,'. .....- _.. c: r,;. .J.... ,'J r:.J ... '- '"::'. '-.. .4.. I : w. \....L u./
12 1 ,~5 II ::1~s'~, ..1 S :.~. . 3~ Ecc;t. to "c..a;;? z;asterl v line of said ~:ract
;~)3":::. ....;il~.~l'......~' '.:'\1.- O~'l-r -~.; .,:) ~::t,-.tc""'l'~:- J.- -: '1~:'\ Sou'-' th 10 (09 I 28iJ
-' ... I ~~,- -.. ..... _.;;A, .L ':~ .-:>> Ci.....I.~. - -~ _.L..r.: .J..J. 1.::_, _..
"t'7est, 122':5.00 feet t.O th'~ Point of Beginning.
A ~7)ortion of r~Cract 936 :~-'er 300:1: 30, Pages 1 and 2,
I:iscellaneous 1.1.a'!.:s in the Ci"t::::" of 1':~.nahGim, County of
Orange! Stat3 of California, mor2 ?articularly described
as follo":<"is:.
................. ....~. ~.................~IA................ ...... ..........._.______ _._...... :..:......a...... ._~....~.
CO:"-ClL'11cncin9- ::it t:l~ southea:3t corner of said Tract 936;
thence along the southerly line of said Tract 936,
i10rth :390 12' 45t1 ~1est, 1944.66 feet to the southeast
corner of Lot 3 of said. Trac-t 936, \.Ji1icI1 corner is the
Point of Beginning of 'this description; thence continuing
along said. sout::crl~\:"' line 1 North 390 12' 45" v.lest,
1323.13 feet to tll.e south\.';'est corner of said Tract 936 i
-t.;J.8ncc alon? t~le ~'11esterly line of said Tract 936 North
00 3G' IS:' East, 1963.4S feet: t.o tlle southerly line of
Santa 1\..na Canyon Road as said road is shown on a map
filed in 13001.: 71:; Page :2 of ~:~ccor6.s of Survey in the Ci-ty
of A.naheim, COUl1t:~7 of Oran~f(~, State of California; thence
along said southerly line, :Jort~-l 880 2l' 28" East, 445.97
feet to the easterly line of Lot 1 of said Tract 936;
t~hence along sai::1 eas.l:erly line, Sou.i:h 00 36 I 1511 tvest,
740.00 feet; tr:el1ce North 810 55' 37h East 446.07 feet to
t~e easterly line of Lot 2 of said Tract; distant thereon
North 00 .36' lS'~ East,r 1311.11 feet from the southeast
corner of said lot; thence :Nortil 390231 45" East, 636.63
feet ; t~1e:nce Sout.ll 00 3 G' 15.1 .~ves t l' a 15 . 06 feet. i thence
Sout11. 380 ;]4; 28<4 lvest, 328.6::} feet to a point on the
easterly li~~ of sai~ Lot 3, said ?oint bearing North 00
3t~ IS~: Bast, 250.00 feet fronl the Point of Beginning;
thence South 00 3Gr lst~ ~ve3t, 250.00 feet to the Point
of Begi:ll1ing.
be e2;;cluded from It-ll, l\GHICU"LTURAL ZONE, and incorporated in
the follov:ing zon.:_:~s, upon tile conditions hereillafter set forth:
That Portion A, Ilcrei~~efor2 described be changed to and
incor~9orated in r~-2, jVIULTIPLE-F.l-lIJ!ILY ::.1ESIDEI'1TIAL ZO~~E.
That Portion H, hereinbefore described be changed to and
incorporated in ~.-l, SII:IGLr;'.-FA1:-~ILY RESIDEl\1TIAL ZONE.
That tile saic:;. c~~lange of zones s:nall ~Je :nade upon the folloi.-ling
'1:hat a final tract rila~ for each :?hase of development
shall ~e submitted to and ap~Jrovcd bv the City
Couj,1cil an2 then be recorded" in tile 'Office of-- the
Orange Lounty~ R8corder, and. covenants, conditions
and restrictions shall be submi.tted .to and approved
by tl:c .:.Jev81o!?m!::;nt Services Department and the City
Attorney:s offic8 prior ~o City Council approval of
sai~i. final tract rlla~~~.c:i; and furt.:1er that the approved
covenants, co:naitions and restrictions sllall be recorded
concurr.:ntly ,.vi t~l t2-1e final tract map; and further that
venicular access rigilts 'CO Santa Ana Canyon Road sIl.all
be dedicated to the City of A~aileim.
'Iinat street n~"11eS shall ;.)e ap~?roved by tl:e City of
l-lnaheim ;Jrior "CO approval of a. final tract map.
DrainagE:.~ of su.:_~~j ect i?rop'~rt:l shall be dis?osed of
in a 7nan~.ler that is sa"tisfactory to the Cit:-! Engineer.
'i'flat su~-;,j ect. propert~l' s~nall ;)(~ served :'JY underground
utili.:.if~;:-> .
I'~.lat any use 1 su~.:)(livi;::iorll S~ te d:~sign or tile con-
struction of any bUildiag, fence, sign or structure,
or t:.:1":::' r~:~moval or deposi t of natural material for each
~ ,_o,a;;,......... . ~~ ..,...............
phase of development: sJ.1all be SUfjJect to revie~tV by the
Develo?ment Services 0e?artment. Plans shall be SUD-
mi t.ted in~icatii1g front, siu;(-:, and rear elevations,
plan view ana a cross section through the proposal and
through sufficient adjacent pro?erties to indicate the
relationshi~ of th2 nro~osal to those properti~s. Plans
or drawings should aiso's~ow proposed ~uiiding or
stru~ture locations, and in reasonable detail walls,
-:'~"al~.c3, to:~~}o0'ra~:)jlY:- ~xistin.g veg,~tation, proposed park-
ing layout and location, landscape and irrigation pro-
posals, buildinq materials and color schemes.
Tile .JeV(:;lOj)lnc~n't Servic:::::s Department shall consider the
re.~uest to.' insure tha't t:he pro~9osed improvements t\}'il1
meet thl~ ~9ur:~-;os2 and inten-'c of t:1e proposed Scenic
Corricor, no.t ~:-)r2s8nt an ullsig.:-ttly a?:~earance, limi t
th2! ?::?l:;ort':-ll~ ty to ootai.il the. opt~mum. use al~d ~~l';1e
of tne lanCi. ~m;.;trovenLl~nts, or ~rnpaJ.r tne desJ.raj.:J~l~ t~1'
of livi:1g conditions in .th~ Sa'l11€: or adjacent areas.
It sl1all be t~le res;..Jo~lsibili t:! of the Development
Services D:3partment to TIlaintain the objective of t:le
.P.0.1ah,~inl Cit:7 Council to retain t:~le natural topograpl:y
and. ~;c(;;:tlic bcau-c.v of t.l"J..:;-; Sal1 ta Ana CanV'on Scenic
Corridor. '::0 ac.~i.i(~v-:. th~s,~ ends, the Development
Service~3 D:s~pa.rt.l1l.ent shall require such changes as
arc cleenled necessar"::T .CO accomplisl1 tlle purpose of this
section. 'i:1e Develo];)lnent Services Department shall
not grant approval until satisfied that the purpose
set out herein shall ~Je accon::~lishec1 and no Building
:>erI?i t or fi:i.1a1. ?)ui~din9' inSj?8ctioll shall be issued
unt11 a~?roval 15 g1vcn.
~vhere a question arises as to the administration of
these conditions or where there is a difference of
opinion as to whetber the intent and purpose of these
conditions for the pro~osed Scenic Corridor is beina
ilCt, t.;le Planning COlfu"11ission s11all, upon receipt of - a
~'lritt~l1 rcc.:uest outlining in detail reasons for said
request 1 hear t~1e matter at a public hearing. Appeal from
dl:!cision of tl1e City Planning COIrlInisson shall be to
the City Council in written form stating in detail the
r~asons for said apCleal f and said appeal shall also be
nad.t:: 3.t a }?u~)lic hearii1.g.
o. rl'he maximum overall neight of any building shall be
t\venty."five feet measured from "t:be roof ridgeline to
the hIghest finished grade level at the foundation.
~~oof-mOU.i.1tec1 equi:Jment including exterior mounted radio
and television anntcnnas shall not be permitted in
order to preserve the vic~v from above as well as from
the horizOll"tal.
7. Lan6scaping and screening:
That a com~Dren8nsive landscaoe "plan shall be submitted
to t:1~~ D:~velo-omel1t ServiC!2S De")art:ment for revie,\'.l and
a~;jproval for each pJ.1as'3 of develo~?ment.
The entire required setback area adjacent to the Santa
ilna Canvon }toad and Im-:;erial Eiqln"lav shall be land-
3ca?ed. _.. Landscaping silall consist. of la\vn, trees,
. ~....._..._--~................ - .......~...._.~~ ......... -"'" ........... ...~-"'f-"~ ~..".
shru..~:;s 1 anG ground. COV8r. 1::.11 landscaped areas sho.l!
be permanently maintained in a ~cat and orderly manner
as a cOlidition of use and shall be orovided with hose
bibbs, sprinklers, or similar perma~ent irrigation
When a ?rospective building site and/or subdivision
contains a Eucaly?tus tree windbreak the developer
shall either: 1) leave the trees in their natural
state, 2) prune the tr2es to a 11eigl1t not less than
20 feet, or 3) ra.~ove t.11C existing trees and replace
t~1.em, one tree for eac.i.l thrc3 (:;xisting trees at an
appropriate location, with trees from the list of
~'.Jind~)rca};. sU0stitute "tr-3es on file ,\,qith the Development
Services :Je!?artment. ~(Irccs shall be 8 feet in height
at t~e time of planting.
All areas remaining in a natural state (no cut or
fill) shall ~e plant8d with adc?uate native plant
material sui:;ject to approval of the Development
Services Department. Said natural areas shall be
permanontl7 maintaiueci and provisions for such
rnail1.tenance shall be included in the covenants, con-
ditio!1~~, and restrictions. 2\..1": irrigation system
ma7 be provided but shall not ~e required.
All CU"t or fill sloDes shall be planted with adeaua-te
plant ~aterial and irrigated with an irrigation syste~
to protect tIle slo:.?es agains'c erosion. Plant material
shall ::;;d su})j ect to t:~ie a]?proval of the Development
Servic;~~s 0c~?ar"i::in8nt. Saj.0.. :Jlanting shall consist of
at least 1 tree per 300 square feet and I shrub per
150 squar.e feet of actual bank slope area and a ground
cover to co~n;:)l.~tel "=.,' COV8r ths: :Jan~);, \\li thin 2 years :r:ro:m
t~e time of ~lanti~g. -
A fU:ilctional test of the sprinkler system shall be per-
formed by the installer in the presellce of a City
Inspector prior to ap~?r::>val ;)y t~le Park\vay !~Iaintenal1ce
SU~jerii"l te:nd2il.t.
8. T~at prior to the introduction of an ora1nance rezoning
suj')j ect property, Candi tion No.1, above mentioned,
shall ~De completed. The provisions or rights granted
by this resolution shall become null and void by
action of t~c City Council unless said conditions are
complied. \yi t:1 ~.,i tJ.1in one year.
9. II'ilat Conditions Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, above
mentioned, shall be com--;;18id \vi tll prior to final building
and ~o~ing ins~ections.
It. 'l'hat tilis reclassification is granted subject to t:~e
com}?l~~t:io!1 of Conc1i'cional Use Permit No. 1202, and an~l
;?Ian.s (~i.~vslo~,)c(~ and ap9rov8d under said conditional
us'~ p8rmi"L:.
11. l)j:la:t ordi.na.ncc:s reclassif~!ing the property shall b9
adoFt.ea. as ,c~ac~.'1 parcel is ready to comply with con-
di tion ':,} per't.ai:n.ing to SUC:l parcel, providecl, hO\tvever..
ti.lat t>:.c ,.vora ~'~?arc ~~l;; s~1all lneaJl presently existing
~?arc-.:~ls of recorci and ail~' ?arcel or parcels approved
by the City Cow1cil for a lot split.
.. ..~""............,,",..~...... ............._ .....-... .Jl.._...~.... ..:il-4I.'....:l'... ...........-......'"
Prior to the issuance of a buildina oermit for the first
phase of tl1e planned corrununi ty, a standard. shall be
established by tIle Planning Cormnission and City Council
for "t:l1e tot:al HQ"'1lber of uni ts to ):)e develoned wi thin the
entire ;?rojt:ctf' and tho c;.cvelo:.?er shall comit himself
to a maXirnllil1 llUlnber of uni.ts that vlill be developed on
each building pad. ~~e total of all the units to be
built on all of -the '.:Jads shall :aot exceed the total
number of units establisned for the entire project.
fFi.1(':: O":tTn3:r of su:)ject ~?roJ?ert~t silall pay to the Cit~T
I ... ,,: .". -...~.~ '- ....,~- ....... ," -'- .... .r:..~.:':)..... _r- '.....l. ...."1 d '!.- tt.. ~C'. · .
:'::>I :-.~,' .:GL!J ..:;,.~Jn a_::.--:...,Iro.:-,r .La l-i,:; J._~r:,:"i;j as es l..a,;".l ~SL.e rJy He J:C.::!
Council for ~ar}: al1u. recreation purposes, said amount
-to :")8 nai6. at the til'ne tn.€: buildino 1)ermit is issu(~d
for eac.~l pllase of develo?mant. ... .,
BE IT FURTHZR RESOLVED t:lat the City Attorney be, and
ha is hereby authorized and directed to ~')rapare and submit to
tbe City Council an ordinance amcndinq Title 18 of tne k~aheim
:.!unicipal Code to accomplish t.he objects herein found and
determined to ~e necessary and yro?er.
l'liE FOlillGOI~'lG filiSOLU'l'IOI,j is approved and signed bv me
this 19th day of January, 1971.
~~:f J. A j -}.. ~
i R OF' THh-wY.' OF .mt1'--"-'.~
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I, DENE ~. WILLIN1S, City Clerk of the Citv of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No~ 7l~-25 was
~~)assed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held
on t.ae 19th da~ of January , 1971 1 by the follo~/linq
vote of tne members thereof;----.-.-- -~ .~
AYES: COUNCIL~lliN: Roth, Stephenson, Pebley, Thorn rold
P...BSENT : COm\ICIL!~1EN: None
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of
l~naneim approved and signed said resolution on the 19th day of
Januarv ; 19 71 .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I have nereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this 19th day of
January 19 71 .
!' ~
. / k.~ ·
. . ~. 7t___.LL L~~
( S Eli.G )
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-25
duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on January 19,. 1971.
JJ~ M. ?~it~
City Clerk
. ~-.,"III.-. .I&J..~~:.-...,:.......,..". .. .Po...... :.......-. .... ......... ._...................... ...._IIIo_--................,;_........_..._...........___n......~........~.....