PC 69-250RESOLUTION N0. PC6°-250 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~i4-7~7$_ BE APPROVED ~ c- ~ ~ ~ ~~ WHEREAS, the City Plenning ~ommission of the City of Aneheim did recelvr. e verified Petition for Reclassifice- tlon from SHERRILL J. POHLI~tANN, 9162 E1 i2ito Drive, Villa Park, California 9266i, Owner of certain real properCy situated i;1 the Cit~ of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stace of California, described as Parcel 1; The South 266 feet of the East 1/2 uf the So,~th 1/2 of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 4 Sourh, Range 10 West of S.B.B. & M.; EXCEPTING THEREFROM Parcel 2: The West 60 feet of the Easc i95 feet of the North 226 feet oF the South 266 feet of the East 1/2 oi tlie South i/2 of ilie West 1/2 of the Southwest ii4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range LO West of S.B.B. &~1 ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commiasfon did hold e public heering et the City Hall in the Cfty of Aneheim on December 15, 1969 at 2:00 o'cloek P.M. notice of seid public hearing heving been duly Qiven ~s required by la~r ~nd in ~ccordence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipe] Code, Chapter 1b.72, to hear end caisider evidence for ~nd a~~inst seid proposed reclasaificatior. and t~ investigate and make Undings end recommmdaFions in connect{on tl~~with; and WHEREAS, cnid Commisalon, ~fter due inspection, investigatlon, ~nd study mode by itsel[ snd in ita beholf, ~nd ~Iter due conaideration oE all evldence ~nd reports of[er~~d ot said hearin6, does find and determine the tollowing tpcts; 1. That the petitioner proposes a recloasificetion o[ the ebove described property from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone to the C-1, General Commercial, 7.one. 2. That the proposed reclassifica[ion is in contormance wi~h [he Ceneral. Plan-1969 ' and Land uses established along Lincoln Avenue in this genernl arra. 3. That the proposed recles~ificrtlon of subject property is necesaery and/or desireble (or the orderly end pro- per development of the commurtity. 4. Thet the proposed recl~sslEic~tton of subject propecty does properly celate to the zones and their permitted us~~ locally established in cloae proximity to aubJect property ~nd to the zones end their permitted uses Lenerslly !'SIAb- llsh~d throu¢hout the community. 5. That tl~e proposed reclassification of subject properry does not req~ire t}ie decllcacion but does require improvement of abutting s[reets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in tratfic which wiil be generated by the intensification of land use. ~ ~1( .~1x ~1 R~~ -1- N~'~'~ THEitESORE, BE IT ..L9pLVED thet the An~heim City Pl~nnii.~ Commission doe: haeby recommend to the City Council of the Clty e! A~y~m ~~t subjsct Petition for Reclaesiflcation be aporov~d and, by ao doing, t6at TiUe 1&Zonia~ of th~ An~hya Wpiclp~l Code be aoendd to exclude the ~bove described p:opeety from the R-A, Agricultural, Zone and to incorporate said described prope:ty i_n~o the C-1, Gerieral Commercial, Zone upon the following conditions whicli are l~ereby found co be a nacessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safecy anci general welfare of the Citizens of tlle City of Anaheim. 1. That all engineering requirements of che Ci[y of Anai~eim alonb I.incolr. Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans and inscallation of all imp:ovements, such as curb~. and gutter~, sidewalks, street grading and paving, dcainage faciii[ies, ur other appurtenant work shall be complied with as required Uy [he City Engineer and ir, ecc.or~ance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer; chat street lighei.ng facilities along Lincoln Avenue shall be installed as required by the Uirec[or oI Publi.c lJtilities and in accordance with standard plans and specifica~ions on f:ile in the oflice uf '^~„~~ tne Mrector of Public Utilities; that a t,ond in an amount ar.d form satisPa~i.orv :~~ the ;:ic•i i of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the installeticn of t~~E ah~~.e ;nentioned ~t , requirements. f 2. That the owner of subject property shall pay tu the Ci[~~ of ,lnahei,n the sum of. 15c i' per frunt foot along Lincoln Avenue for tree plan[ing nurposes. 3. ThaC trash storage areas shall be provided i.n accurdance wi[n appr~~aed pl.ans un (ile with the office o£ the Director of Public Works. ' 4. That fire hydrants shall be inslalled us required and detezr,~ined ~u he rece;sarv h~~ the Chief of the rire Department. ~ - 5. ThaL• a 6-foot masonry wall shall be cunstructed Along ~hE nor~h prupert;~ iin-~. 6. Tha[ a parcel map to record the anproved division ot suL~ec~ ocoperty he suomit~:~.i tc and approved by the City of Anaheim and [hen be recorded ln the officF of ~he !~rany,e County Recorder. 7. That subject property shall be serveu by under.ground utilities, 8. That all air-conditioning facilities shall Ue properly shielded f:cnn vLew, an8 Che sound buff.er.ed from adjacent residential liomes. 9. That any parking area lighting proposed shall be down-light~ny a m:,ximum hciFht- o! 6 feet, which lighting sl~aLl be directed away from the proper~y lines co pru~er.~ the rest~ic-n- tial integrity of the area. 10. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject prr,per~y, Condir~o^ ;Jrs. 1 and 2, aUove mentioned, shall be completed. 7'he pro~l;iuns or rigi~~, ~,rantecl uy r.his resolu- tion shall become null snd void by action of the the City Council ~~nless said conditions are complied wiL•h within 180 days from the date hereof or such further ~uue as che City Council. may grant. . 11. That Condition Nns. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, above men[ion d, shall be complicd wi~li ~ prior to final building and zoning inspections. -_ 'lHE FORGGOING RESOLUTIOP7 is signed and appr ved1 by nelthis 24 ~I~ day ut:jUccember, 1969. !,~ /I I ~ ~ ~ ~~ CHA RMAN ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~~~.. - ~ ~c'. % !.,/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNJNQ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~~, CITY OF ANAfILIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secret~ry of the City plonning Commia~ion o( the City o( Anoheim, do hereby certify thE~t the foregoing resolution was pase~d ~na ~dOpted ~t a meetins of the City pl~nning Commi3sion of the City o( •~nohEim~ held on D~ecember 15, 1969, af 4;pp o'clock P.M., by the tollowing vote ot the m~mbers therrro(; AYES: COhSM1SS10NBR8: Allred, CnmQ, Parano, Gaucr, fterbst, 'I'hom, f<uwland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIORERS: None. IN WITNGSS WHGRIiOr, T have hereimto se[ nry hanU this 24[h da; of Uecr_mber, 1969. i , ~ '~:~ - i . RESOLUTION NO. 250 ~ ~ q R2-A SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMLSSION -2-