PC 69-251.
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WFiEREAS, the City Planning Crnamission of the City of MahRim dld iiiitiatc a verified Petition
for Reclassifi.cation on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Caunty
of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
referred to herein as though set fortlt in full
Property Owners:
William Fukuda, e; ai Ralph Deatty
17647 Peralta Hills Drive 15122 Pliraloma Avenue
Anaheim, i:alifornia 92806 Anaheim, California 92806
Arvel Collinc Jesse 4lack
1246 Eastwoc:i Drive 15071 Coronado Street
Anaheim, Cnlifornia 92805 Anaheim, California 92806
Itichard Shimada
15131 East Orange Str~ .C
Anaheim, California 92805
Raymond liazard
15111 Coronadu Street
Anaheim, California 92806
WHEREAS, the City Plannin6 Commicsion did hold ~ public he~rin` et the Clty Hdl in the City ot Anaheim
on Dec, 15, 1969, at 2:pp o'clxk P.M. aotice of ~sid public hearinQ having been duly given es required by
I~w ~nd in accordanc~ with the provisions o( the Mah~i^ Mnnlclpal l;.ode, Cheptur 18.~2, 1~ hear and consider
evfdeaee Eor and egainit aoid proposed recl~ssitic~tion end to inw~stig~te and meke findinas and recommendrtlonr
in connectlon therewith; and
WNERF.A~, said Commission, after due in~pectioe, investigstxon, end study meAe by itself and in ite br
hd(, end atter due consideretion ot all evidcnce and reports of(ered at said heering, does tind and detetmine the
bllowin` facts:
1. ThaC the Commission proposes a reclassification of che above described property
from the County of Orange M1, Light Industrial, DisCrict Co the City of Analieim R-A,
Agricul[ural, Zone to establish a holding zone for subject properCy upon annexation
into the City of Anaheim.
2. That the proposed reclassification of subject property establishes a City oC
Anaheim holding zone pending ultimnte zoning to City of Anaheim M-1.
3. That the proposed reclassification of s~~Uject properly is nccessary and/or
desirable for the orderly and proper developme~t of the community.
4. That the propoaed reclassificc~tion of subject property does properly relaCe
to the zones and their permitted uses iocally eetablished in close proximity lo subject
property and to Che zones and their pennilced uses generally established throughout the
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existing City Limit line of the City of Anat~im, as established by the .
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. PRf}POSED .°"/N•IL i1'~`.y,~9 ~:1 r •~.\
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~ MIRIILOMA - CORONADO A2dNEii~T20N 1;' •, '
TO . ~, ,
That parcel of land locatad in the County of Orange, State of Califcrnia~,~J/
described as follows:
~ Beginning at a point in the existing City limit line of the City of
`' Anaheim, as established by the Blue Gum - Coronado Annexation to the City of
Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 2309, filed with the Secretary of State
liugust 15, 1966, said point 31so being a point in the existing City limit line
of the City of Anaheim, as established by the La Palma - Miraloma Annexation,
passed by Ordinance No. 2580, filed with the Secreta:y of State November 8,
1968, said point being distant from the centerline intersection of Blue Gum
~ Street and Coronado Street, North 73° 43' 00" East 216.00 feet, North 16° 18'
; 52" West ?2 feet, said point of begir.ning being a point in the West line of
` the Essr_ 48 feet of Lot 100 of the Eucalyptus Forest Tract, as shown on a Map
~. recorded in Bock 5, pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County, California; thence
Leaving the existing City limit line as established by said La Palma -
Miraloma Annexation, and fo].lowing along a portion of the existing City lir~it
line of the City of Anaheim, a~ established by said Blue Gum - Coronado Annexa-
tion, North 16° 18' 52" West 298 feet, more or less, along a portion o£ the
West line of the East 48 feet of Lot 100 of said Eucalyptus borest Tract, to
an intersection with the South line of Lot 53 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract;
'~ thence
; North 73° 43' 00" East 48 feet along a portion of the South line of said
~ Lot 53 to tha Southeast corner thereof; thence
! North 16° 18' S2" West 310 fPet, more or less, along the East line of
i` said Lot 53 to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet Southerly,
i as measured at right angles from the cent•erline of. Orange Street (40 feet wide),
s' as shAwn on the Map of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
~ South 73° ~3' 00" West 244 feet, more or less, along the last mentionea.
parallel line to ar.~ intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet Easterly
as measured at zigh.t angles from the centerline of Blue Gum Street, as shown
on the Map of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
North 16° 18' S2" West 660 feet, more or less, along the last mentioned
'. parallel line to an inter:cection with a line parallel with and 20 feet South-
erly, as measured at right angles from the centerline of Miraloma Avenue
(formerly known as ,Anaheim Road) said point of intersection being in the
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- Proposed - ~~
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Mi~aloma - Coronado Annexation' ~
To ..• ~:,
.\ _,. :
The City of Anaheim •~ " ' •
(Continued) ~• '~~~. ,
~ -.
Northeast Annexation No. 2-A to the City of Anaheim, passed~~by'O'rdinance No.
1269, August 12, 1958, filed with the Secretary of State September 12, 1958
and recorded September 17, 1958 in the office of the County Recorder of
Orange County, California; thence
Leaving the existing City limi~ line of the City of Anaheim a~ estab-
lished by said Blue Gum - Coronado Annexation and following along a portion of
the existing City of Anaheim City limit line as established by the last men-
tioned Northeast Annexation No. 2-A, being the last tm ntioned parallel line,
North 73° 43' 00" East 1036 feet-to an intersectibn with the Easterly line of
Lot 13 of the Eucalyptus For-st Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5,
pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, Cal.ifornia;
Leaving the last mentioned existing City of Anaheim City limit line and
following along the Easterly line of said Lot 13, South 16° 18' 52" East 310
feet to the Southeast corner of said lot; thence •
South 73° 43' 00" West 264 feet following along the Southerly line of
said Lot 13 and the Westerly prolongation thereof to the Northeast corner of
Lot 34 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
South 16° 18' 52" East 350 fee~, following along the Easterly line of said
Lot 34 and the Southerly prolongation thereof to an intersection with a line
parallel with and 20 feet Southerly of the centerline of Orange Street, as
said Orange Street is shown on the Msp oP said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; therice
South 73° 43' 00" West 396 feet, following along the last mentioned paral-
lel line to an intersection with the West line of Lot 55 of said Eucalyptus
Forest Tract; thence
South 16° 18' S2" East 310 feet along the Westerly lipe of said Lot 55 '
to the Southwest corner thereof; thence
North 73° 43' 00" East 72 feet aiong a portion of the Southerly line of~,
said Lot 55 to an intersection with the East line of the Westerly 72 feet o£
Lot 98 of the aforementioned Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence ,
Sou~th ].6° 18' S2" East 310 feet along the East line of the Wasterly ~72
feet of said Lot 98 to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Northerly of the centerline of Coronado Street, said paint Qf interaection
being a point in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as
established by the T,a Palma - Miraloma Annexation to the City of Anaheim,~
passed by Ordinance No. 2580, filed with the Secretary of State November 8,
1968; thence
Following along a portion of the last taentioned existing City limit line
of the City of Anaheim, being a portion of t:he last mentioned parallel line
South 73° 43'~Weat 252 feet to an intersection with the Westerly line of the
Easterly 48 feet of Lot 100 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
Continuing along a portion of the last mentioned City limit line, bein•g
a portion of the West line of the East 48 feet of said Lot 100, North 16° 18'
52" West 12 feet to the point of beginning.
r~~ '' ~ NOW, ~EREI'ORE, HE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann' ' ~ Commiss;on doea heteby recommmd
~, to the City Council of the City ~,__)An~heim that aubject petitloe for Recld .i;cetion be epproved and, by ao doing,
:~ thaQ Ttfle 1&Zoning of the Am~heim 6(unicipel Code be emended to exciude the ebuye deacr36ed propetty from the
i, County of Orange M1, Light Industrial, District to the City of Anaheim R-A, Agricultural,
~ Zone unconditionally,
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is eigned and approved by e this ~~th da}~ f December, 1969.
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I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Plannin Co
. g mmission of
the Cit
the fote oin r Y Af Anaheim do h
B g esoluGon was peased ppd edopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission,of the City of Anaheim,
held on December 15, I969, Rt 2:Q0 o'clock P.M., by th~ following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIO!iERS: Allred, ~_:amp, Farano, Gauer, lterbst, T.hom, Rowland,
' Iti WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 24th day of December, 1969.
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