PC 69-252RE3dLUTtON 1~. PC69-252
WFiEREA5, the City Planning Commisaion of the City of Aaaheim did initiate a verified Petition
for Reclassification on certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" atta~~hed hereco and
~ referred to herein as though set forth in full
: Property Owners:
`"~~ L William Fukuda, et al Ralph Beatty Richard Shimada
,:) ~,,~ 17647 Peralta Hills Drive 15122 Miraloma Avenue 15131 ~ast Orsnge Street
Anaheim, California 92806 Anaheim, California 92806 Anaheim, Ca~ifornia 92805
~`~ '`~
Arvel Collins Jesse Blaclc Raymond Hazard
;} 1246 Eastwood Drive 1~071 Coronado Street 1511I Coronado Streec
~ Anaheim, California 92805 Anaheim, California 92806 Anaheim, California 92806
,~ ,~.
, I'~
; ~1 i +~od
j ~FIBRICAS, tM City AI~ Co~aisol~a d!6 bld ~~~ik ~~t tM Citp li~ll ia tMe Cif~ ot ~abeia
ao Dec . 15 , 19 G 9, at 2:q1 e'~k ~.1~. souc. o~ ~u p.buc ~.er~,~ ~ e..s aatr d... .s e.~t~ by
;` !rr ai in ~cc~rdsMC~ .it6 W~viW~~ d tlm Ar~6els ffiaieiMl C.e~, Ch~pter 18.72, Om hwt osd eosaida
evidMCe ~or ~ui ~das't wid ~si e~d~ssiHe~tla~ ~ed W IetMtlgW aade~ko findiap esdwosamwMtio~n
' ir cowrNCuon tDuewlti; ~sd
~~' y NFitREAS, asai! C.~dwlwb dqt dre iw~ctjo~~ ioaMtiptiaa, ~eed ~tady ~~ b~ itait m/ in !b `-
i'<~ `dE, ~ui ~1br dw oa~vid~r~ ot atl wNwoo r/ rop~ts aHard ~1 MId le~ada~, bea f~sd ~wl ~ioe tbe
' MUo~!laa tsels:
k` ~ 1. That tne Commission proposes a reclassification oE the above described property
' from the R-A, Agri.cul[ural, Zone to the P1-1, Light Industrial, 2one.
A' ~ 2. That the proposed reclassific:ation is in conformance wi[h the General Plan-1969.
; j 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject propeLty is necessary and/or
i desirable for the orderly and proper development of the communi~y.
~.,~) j 4. That the proposed reclassification of subjecr property does properly relate to
{ k the zones and their permitted uses local~y established in close proximity to subject
j,? property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally es[ablished thLOUghour the
-~ co~mnunity.
s~' S. That [he proposed reclttssification of subject praperty requires [he dedication
and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the
. General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in [raffic which will be generated by the
~ , intensification of land use.
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_ ' Proposec .~ .
+',l~,~loma - Coronado ~
Annexation ~
10 •
i'h e C i t ~ .•~; ~~9
y of Anaheim ~;" , ~
(Con tinued)
Northeast rlr:nexation ~,To. 2_ ••' , ~;~:'
A to the City of Anaheim, passed b~ ,J, ''":':
1269, Augusc 12, 1958, ~iled with the Secretar y Oralnance No.
and recoracd September i7 Y of State September 12~ 7,g58
, 1958 in the office of the County Re~order of
Orange Cou~ty, California; thence
Leaving tne eaisting ~itY limit line of the City of Anaheim as estab-
lished by said IIlue Gum - Coronado
the existing City of Anaheim Cit Annexation and following aiong a portion of
y limit line as established by the last men-
tioned \*ortneast Annexation No. 2-A, being the last m~ntioned para11e1 line,
North 73° 43' 00" East 1036 feet=to an intersection with the Easterly line of
Lot 13 of the Eucalyptus Fo~t Tract, as shown on a Map recorded in Book 5,
pages 29 and 30 0£ .Kiscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California;
Leaviny the last mentioned existinc~ City of Anaheim City limit line and
following along the Easterly line of sai.d Lot 13 0 ,
feet to the Southeast corner o~ ~ South 16 18 52" East 310
said lot; thence
South 73° 43' 00" t9est 264 feet following along the Southerly line of
said Lot 13 and the Westerly prolongation thereof to the Northeast corner of
Lot 34 of said ~ucalyptus Fcrest Tract; thence
Sout~ 16° 18' S2" East 350 feet, following along the Easterly line of said
Lot 34 and the Soutnerly prolongation thereof to an intersection with a line
parallei with and 20 feet Souther~.y of the centerline of Orange Street, as
said Orange Street is shown on the Map oP said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; therice
South 73° 43~ 00" West 396 feet, follo;aing along the last mentioned paral-
lel line to an intersection with the West line oE Lot 55 of said 'Eucalyptus
Forest Tract; thence
South 16° 18' S2" East 310 feet along the Westerly line of said Lot 55
to the Soutnwest corner thereof; thence
North ?~° 43' 00" East 72 feet along a portion of the Southerly line of•.
said Lot SS to an intersection with the East line of the Westerly 72 fee't of
Lot 98 0: the aforementioned ~ucalyptus Forest Tract; ther.ce
South 16° 18' S2" East 310 feet along the East line of the Westerly :72
feet o~ said Lot 98 to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet
Northerly of the centerline of Coronado Street, s~id aoint of intersection
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' ~ ' , - , .'/iiF211LG~i71 - CORGNADO AN'~i~XI~TIUN /' ~~og ,
- TO i: ,
~; , '~
Thac parcel of land located in the County of Orange, State of Caliiornia,'~
described ~.~ rollows: . ~~ ~
Beginni,^.g at a point in the existing City limit line of the City of
Ananeim, as establisned by the Blue Gum - Coronado Annexation to the City of
Anaheim, passed by Ordinance No. 2309, filed with the Secretary of State
August.l5, 19G6, said point also being a point in Lhe existing City limit line
of the City of T,~~«hein, as established by the La Palma - Miraloma Annexation,
passed by Ordinar.ce No. 2580, filed with the Secretary of State November 8,
1966, said point bcing disL•~;it from the centerline intersection of Blue Gum
Street and Coronado Street, North 73° 43' 00" East 216.00 feet, North 16° 18'
52" West ?7. feet, said point of beginning being a point in the West line of
the East 48 reet of Lot 100 of the Eucalyptus I'orest Tract, as shown on a Map
recorded in Boo~c 5, pages 29 and 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County, California; thence
Leavir.g the ehisting City limit line as esta~lished by said La Palma -
Miraloma Annexation, and following along a portion of the existing City 1i;~it
line of the City or Anaheim, as establishe3 by said Blue Gw~n - Coronado Annexa-
tion, Nortn 16° 18' S2" West 292 feet, more or less, along a portion of the
West line o~ the East 48 feet of Lot 100 of said Euaalyptus Forest Tract, to
an intersectiori with the South line of Lot 53 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract;
North 73° ~3' 00" East 48 feet along a portion of the South line of said
Lot 53 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence
North 1G° 18' S2" 4dest 310 feet, more or less, along the East line of
said Lot 53 to an intersecta.on with a line parallel with and 20 feet Southerly,
as measured at right angles from the centerline of Orange Street (40 feet wide),
as ~h4wn on the N.ap of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
South 73° 43' 00" West 244 feet, more or less, along the last mentioned
parallcl line to an intersection with a line parallel with and 20 feet Easterly
as measured at :ight angles from the centerline of Blue Gum Street, as shown
on rhe :;ar, o~ said Eucalyptus r^orest Tract; tY~~nce
horC: 1G° 18' S2" West 660 feet, m~re or less, along the ].ast mentioned
. parallcl lir.e to an intersectian with a line parallel with and 20 feet South-
erly, ~s measured at right angles fron 'the centerline of Miraloma Avenue
(formcrly known as Anaheim Road) said point of intersection being in the
existing City Limit line of the Gity of Anat~eim, as established'by the
being a point in the existing City limit line of the City of Anaheim, as
established by the La Palma - biiraloma Annexation to the City of Anaheim,•
passed by O:dinance No. 2580, filed with the Secretary of State November 8,
Following along a portion of the last mentioned existing City limit line
of the City of Anaheim, being a portion of the last mentione3 parallel line
South 73° 43' West 252 feek to an intersection with the Westerly line of the
Easterly 48 feet ot Lot 100 of said Eucalyptus Forest Tract; thence
Continuing along a portion of the la.st mentioned City limit iine, being
a portion of the 47est line of the East 4S feet r~f said Lot 100, North 16° 18'
52" West 12 feet to the point of beginninq.
. ~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT aESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plan~+ Commiasion does hereby rernmmend
to the Ctty Council of the City Anaheim that subject Prtitlon for Recle. _Fication be epproved end, by so doing,
that Title 1&Zoning of the Meheim Municipel Code be Qmended to exclude the above descri},ed prope:ty from the
R-A, Agricultural, Zone to the Pi-1, Light Industrial, Zone upon Lhe follo;aing conditions
which are hereby found to be a necessary prPrequisite to Che p*oposed use of subject prr~perty
in order to preserve the safety and gener.al weifare of ~he Citizens of ~he City of Anaheim.
1. That dedication shall be made to the Cicy uf Anaheim on all streets wi~hin the area,
according to the Circulation Eiement of Che General Pl.an - liighway Rights-of-Way, prior to
the adoption of ordinances rezoning the property.
2. That all engineering requitements of the Ci[y of Anaheim, such as curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenanc work shall
- be complied with as required by rhe City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and
~ specifications on file in the office of che Cit~~ Engineer, at the time the property is
~ 3. That the o~•mers of suUject property shall install street lighting on all streets
,`f- ,~ within the ar.ea, as required by the Director of :~ublic Utili~ies and in accordance with
~~ standard plans and specifieations on iile in :he of'fice of the Director of I'ublic Ucilities,
~ ~ at the time the property is developed.
4. That a preliminary title reporL• shall be furnished prior to the adoption of an
ordinance rezoning the property, showing 1ega1 vesCing oE ti[le, legal descrip[ion, and
containing a map of the proper[y.
5. That ordinances reclassifying the propercy shall be adopted as each parcel is ready
i to comply with condi[ions per[aining to s~ch parcel, provided, however, that che r~ord "parcel"
^i shali mean presently ex:sting parcels of record and any parcel or parcels approved by che
,;.j City Council for a Iot split.
j 6. That plans for the devetopment oF subje.~ pre s'hall be s~bmit[ed to and approved
by the Development Review Committee of ~he Developmen_ rvi.ces Departmenc on the basis of
j~ compatibility of developmentY both structurally and arcuLtect~rallv.
f.,' ~
~j ~~~.,,.~ ~~.<_:~~.:~
~ I, Ann KreUs, Secretary of the City pianning
. the foregoing resolutian was passed end adopted at a m eetir,
held on December 15, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.M.,
;j ~ AyES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Camp,
,.~ i .
`• IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve I~ereunto set my hend
~~ `
' ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. 252
~ *
;i ~x ~2-A _
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, --~ /.
oved b me this `4tn da ~ f Dec~mber, 1969.
Commission of the City o[ Aneheim, do hereby certi(y that
g of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim,
by the following vote of the members thereof:
Parano, Gauer, Hecbs[, 1'hom, Rowland
this 24th day of pecember, 1969.
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