PC 69-256RFSOLUTICh~ 1~70. ?C69-256 kF50iUTI0ii OF THE CITY PLAt1NIidG COI~SMISSIOtd OF THE CITY OF AfJAHEIM kECAN,~lENDING TO T4E CITY COGNCIL OF THE CITY OF F.NAHEIN~ THAT F8d P.1JiEHDP1EiJT BE MADE TO AREA DEVEL- pPh1EN1' PLAtJ N0. 94, DELETIP;G THE REQUIREN.E.'~T OF fUv EA.~,T-WEST STREET BE7VJEEiJ BELHAVEN STREET ON THE EAST AND STATE COLLEGE BOULEVHRD OId THE WEST BY THE ADOPTIOPI OF ADJ EXH?BIT N,ARKED "ALTc"RNATE 2" TNERETO 3 .-.-~~ WHEREAS, the City Council un Iday 21, 1968, approved Area Development Plan No. 94, Alternate "B" establishing a circulation system for properties located on the south side of Ball Road for a depth of approximately 660 feet, extendina between Sunhist Street on the east and State Coliege Boulevard on the v;est; and VJHEREAS, said exhibit depicted an east-r:es'. street, 50 feet in width and located aporoximately 660 feet south of the centerline t° Ball Road, er.tendina westerly from the proposed alignment of Sunkist Street and cul•de-sarino at Ss_ate College Boulevard; and ~9HEREAS, the Planning Commission, upon considerinq at oublic hearina a reclassi- fication request for an 8.6 acre parcel in the area designated as being appropriate for - mediur~ density reyidential uses, wherein the oetitioner was not pronosing to inciude the extension of the east-west street vaester;y of Belhaveii Street as r~quired '_n Area Development P1an No. 94, dire~ted that the area develon:~ent nlan be readvertised for ; a public hearing, and the staff prepare and present r~ossible a]ternatives and rec- ommendations; and WHEkEAS, the City Planning Commission did i~old a public hearino in the City Hall in the City of Ananeim on December 29, 1969 at 2:00 0'clock P.;~;., notice of said public nearino havinn been duly aiven as required 'oy lav, ano ir. accoroance eaith the provisions of the Anaheim P:lunicipal Code, to neai and consider evioence for and aoainst said proposed Area Development Plan, ano to investiaate and rnaE:e findings and recommenda- tions in connection therev~ith; and i WHEREAS, sa,id Commissior., after due insoection, investioa:ion~ and study made by itself and in its~ behalf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered ~, said hearing, does find and determine the follo~ainq facts: 1. That Alternate "I" would be essentially the same desiqn as that orioinally adonted and };novan as Al±ernate "B" in Area Development Plan No. 94, except that the east-~vest street (Omeoa Avenue) would extend through to and inter- ser.t t•iith State Colleoe Boulevard, rather than terminating in a cul-dE-sac, thereby offering more direct access to State Colleae Houlevard instead of diverting all internal traffic to Ball Road or SunE:ist Street. 2. That the Traffic Engineer had indicated a straet intersectina State Colleoe Boulevard midway betv~een Ball and Winston Roads - a distance of approxi- mately 660 feet from either street -~vould not be undesirable from a traffic standpoint; however, left turns from Omeqa Avenue onto State Col'leqe Boulevard could create minor traffic conflicts zt that point, although a divider design could be incorporated to alleviate these traffic conflicts. 3. That Alternate "1" would provide the same wailed and landscaped buffer and transition strin between all the parcels fronting on Ball Road and industrial uses to the south as required by Alternate "fi", previously adopted by the City Council. 4. That Alternate "2" proposes to delete tf~e east-west street (Omega Avenue) west of Belhaven Street and nermit private drives instead of a public street to accomrnodate ingress and egress for the b.6 acre parcel located immediately west of Belhaven Street. Belha~~en Street and Ball qoad WOllld then collect the traffic 4enerated by the develooment of the 8.6 acre site immedia~ely west of E3elhaven Street, and Ball Road and State Coll.ege Aoulevard vrould collect traffic generated 'oy the development of the larae parce] at the southeast corner of Ball Road and State Colleo? Baulevard. .~x -- . . ~ ---~ 5. That Alternate "2" could acr.o~modate the same v~alled ar.d landscaped buffer and transition strip bett~aeen residential and industria] uses as reouired by Alternate "B", previousiy adonted by the Cit~ Council, and as proposed in P.lternate "1". ...:dl~..~ e ;; ~ ~, ' ~ , ; ~ ~. iI 6. That zlthough the Traffic Engineer ind',cated that it would not be undesirable from a traf:ic standpoint for the orooosed east- tivest street (Ornega Avenue) to fnterseri ~a~ith State Colleqe Boulevard, the Planniiio Corr;mission was of tn~ opinion that such an intersection ~.vould create a severe traffic hazard, since the traffic volumes alono State Colleoe Boulevard, even after the Orange Freev~ay is in ops:atioa, m~ill ir. all lil:elihood exceed tne present va,lum?s . . That the original purpose of the east-v;es± street (On;eqa l~venue) ~vas not only to pxc~v:de for internal vehicular cizcu]ation for tnose prooerties fronti~g on 9a11 Road, but also intenoed L~ ac:t as an open and landscaped buffer and tran~ition area between t%,e multiple-family residential uses to the nortn and inrlus'.:ial uses to the sooth, thereby minimizinq the en~~ironmental conflicts betsa~een these t•r~o areas. ~ 8. 7hat it ie the Plar~ninr. Cor~mi5sion's determination that a system of private vahicular ar.ressways combined ~;~ith the traffic hanolino capabilities of 5tate Coll~ege Bo~~levard, Ball Road, and Belhaven Street. can adequately serve the traffic damar.ds generated by the ultimate developm?nt of tno=_e parcels lyino i•,esterly .of Be:siaven Street. `~. That i~t ?~ the rurt,her determination of the P1ann~nq Comr.iission that there is a definite neeo t0 retain the same nhysi~:a~ separation and buffering ?echnique, betvreen all the parcels frontina on Ball Road and the inoustrial prorwrties to thA s,auth as cvas reyuired by F.lternate "B", a~~opted by the City Coun~il, even thouqh a public street is not necessary ~,~~est of Belhaven Street. i0. That thF• Con:n~ission has also deter,cined that Cknega Avenue should still be exter.ded easterl}~ from i'~s nresent terminus to connect vaith Sunkist Street, in order to ~r,ovide a;ocal circulatioi~ system for all the parcels to the e~st of 8elh;a~e~z Stieet, and that the same masoniy wall and :andscaping treaLmPr,t originally .rea~.fr~d by hltcrnate "B" should be employed as each oarcel deve!oos. Pi0'N, iHEHEFORi_, Bc IT iti[SOLVrD. 'that the City ?lannina Comrnission does herebv recomrr.end to tl~e Ci ~y Cpar.ci 1 ~f the Ci ty of Anaheirr,, on the bas is of the : oreooing findinas, that .Azea Development Plan :lo. 94 be amended by the adoption of Alternate "2", 5u'r.rr~itted hereevith, v;hSch reflects ?he deletior, of th? reyuirement of a 50-foot v~ide, ezst-w!:st street vresterly of 9elhaven Street, ar,d oerrnittinq in lieu thereof, developm~;:nt of t}:e properties westerly of Belhaven S;reet i•~ith private drives. BE IT FURTfiEk R:SvLVED, ;nat n 50-footv~ide, east-w~st street shall be required adjacent to tne southerly uo~ndary of the area covrred by Area Developmer.t Plar, tJo. 94 for those parcels lying easterly of Belnaven 5treet, as depicted on Alternate "2", and that a ~-foot masonzy wall shall ce constructed alono the south property line of the street bour~dary, and that a 10-foot v,ide plante: strip v~ith irriqation facilities and reasonable landscapin~, includinq 15-c_~ai;on trees on 20-foot centers, shall be installed ard permanently maintalned for the full distance of the required wa:l, as depicted on Alterr.ate "~"; and that .^lans for suc;~ ]andscaniny shal] be submitted to and be SUp~nCt to the aporoval or the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance, and that the ov;ners o.` the narcels Il~in~ northerly oi said street shai] enter into an aqreement witi~ the City of P.naheir,; to i~e•rpetu~lly rnaintain the obove-mentioned ]andscaped area~ v~ith the aqreement beino a r.overiant to run vaith said nroperty. R?s. tJo. 256 .~ AND BE 3T FURTHER RESOLVED, that in addition to the site de~,elopment standards applicable to whatever zoning may be established on the parcels located between State College Boulevard and E;elhaven Street, and Ball Road and the southeriy boundary of the area included in Area L~evelopment Plan No. 94, and in keeping with the principle of maintaining a sufficient buffer or transition area between the parcels fronting on Ball Road and the industrial properties to the south, that all parcels within the study area between Belhaven Street and State Coilege Boulevard shall be developed with a 65-foot buildinc setb~ck from the south property line, that a 6-foot masonry wall shall be erected along the southerly boundary of said parcels, and that a 10- foot wide planter strip witii irrigation facilities and reasonable landscaping, in- cluding 15-gallon trees on 20-foot centers, shall be installed and permanently maintained for the full distance oF the required wall, as depicted on Alternate "2"; and that plans for such landscaping shall bN submitted to and be subject to the approv~l of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance. THE FOREGOING RESO':UT.T.ON is signed and approved by me this 8t day of Jan ary, 1970. ~~~ , ATTE5T: CITY PLANi~`!NG COMMISSION -~i^%'f~z~c/ ~c-~ / SECRETARY AIJAHEIM CITY PL,4NNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) OJUNTY OF ORANGE ) 5~;, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, SecrE~tary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahei~*~, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Ci±y Planniny Cn;:;mission cf the City of Anaheim held on December 29, i969, at 2:00 ~' clock P,M., by the follav~ing vote of the members thereof: AY~~ COh1MISSION?:RS: A11red, Camp, Gauer, Thom, Ro~:vland. NOES: CON~dISSIOK~RS: Herbst. ABSENT: COMNISSIONi:RS: Farano. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of January, 1970. ~ Res. No. 256 ~~~ i~ L/!/12~2~~~- li~/ SECRETARf ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI~iG COMN~ISSION ~