PC 69-3z. ~" RESOLUTION N0. p~b9-3 .~: .~ A RESOLUTIOI~ OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITI~r': FOR CONUITIONAL USE PERM13' N0. 1084 gE GPANTED WFiEREAS, the City Planning Conmission of the City of ,knaheim did receive e verified Petition for Conditionel Use Permit from SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON ~MPANY, 1241 South Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, California cert~ainOrea ~propRertyHsiBUatedLin 8he~CitytofeAnaheimaYCountyeof~Orange~rState ofl~alifornia, described as the Southerly 175 feet of the Southwest quarter of the vorthwest quarter of the ,. Southeast quarter of Section 22, TownShio 4 South, Ranc~e 10 West, S,B. M. A parcel of land 1ying within the north half of the southeast quarter of 5ection 23, Township 4 South, Range 10 West, 5, `.( B. M, Cemmencing at the soufhwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of :. said southeast quarter; thence, North 89°54'30" East a distance of 204.48 feet to the TRUE FOINT '~j OF BF~3INNING of this description; thence, continuiiig North 89°54'30" East along the northerly ~.i line of Freedman Way, as now established, a distance of 516.23 f eet• thence North 0°13'22" West a distance of 175.OC feet; ihence South 89°54'30" West a distance of 660.71 feet to a point on ,~ the easterly line of Harbor Boulevard, as now pstablished; thence South 0°13'22" East a distance ? of 142.80 feet; thence, South 77°27'S8" East a distance of 147.92 feet to sa,id TRUE FOINT OF '~; beginning. :~ :~ Y ; and WHEREAS, the City Planr.ing Commission did hold e public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on JanuaTy 13~ 1969~ at 4:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heorin8 having been duly given as required by law and in eccordence with the ,provi~sions of the Maheim Municipal codt, Chopter 1~.64, to hear and consider evidence for end egeir.st said proposed conditioaal use end to investiQote ond molce findinQ¢ and recommmdations in connection therewith; ai d WHI;REAS, soid Commission, aEter due inspection, investi¢ation, and study mode ~ry itself and in its behalE, and efter due co~~sideration of ell evidence and reports oEfered at aoid heerine, does find aa~ i~te~mine the following facts: ; 1. Thet the proposed use is properly cne for which a Conditional Use Pecmit is authorized by Code • Section lb 37.020(c-10) to wit:: establish a miniature g.nlf course with waiver of: SEGTION 18.37.030(3) - Permitted_ landscaoinp features ~screP~ fencina) in front setback area. 2. That under the authority of Code: Section 18.64.070, waiver of the permitted landscaping in the front setback area is hereby granted, on the basis that the proposed use will provide considerably more landscaping than uses already established in the area. due to the fact that the use is an outdoor use, and very little area is devoted to a structu.re. 3. That the proposed use will nct odvers:ly affect the adjoinin¢ lond use~ and the ~rowth ond development of the aree in which itis proposed to be loceted. I 4. That the size and shepe oE the site propossd for the ¢ae Ia ade~u~te to ellow the full development of the proposed use :: a manner not detcimental to che particula: area nor to the perce, hcalth, soiety, and Qenerol welfare oE the Citizenc of the City of Aneheim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Pecmlt under the condtdona imposed, if ony, will not be detrimentel to the peace, health, safety, end generel welfare of the Citlzans of the City oE M~haim. ,~ ` I :; ~ ' ..~ R ' Cl-G -1_ 4 ~ ~ ` r ~: . ~ ~ < i' t i i' ~ :'rL: 3i ~ 'f ( fY ~ `~ ~ `~ ~ ;; i~ ;~ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _i. . _ ,` ? NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RdlO[.VED th~t tAt 4~ia C81f ~ C,~~a„~., ~. y.~~~y ~,.c ~~bj.ee Petitlon for Condition~l Use Permit, upaa the f~IlowIn~ oo~itiwa wiicp ~w 1ova~y bw1 M y~ ~ ~ac~~~ory, Pj~Kq~y~lte to the propo~ed u~~ of the srbj~ct 'ryerty In ord~r to pM~rw tw ~y, eed p~sai ~~14K of !he Citi:~ns of the City of An~heim: 1. That this conditional use permit i.s granted subject to the completion of Reclassi- fication No. 66-07-61(21). , 2. Th.at the owner of subject pr.o ert shall ~ P y pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00` per front foot along Harbor Boulevard, for street lighting purposes. 3. That the owner of subj,ect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15~ per front foot along Harbor Boulevard, ior tree planting purposes. 4. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the offica of the Director of Public Works. 5. That any air-conditioning farilities proposed shall he properly shielde~ from view. 6. That Cor.dition Nos. 2 and 3, above mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the time that the Building Permit is issued or within a period of 180 days from date hereof, which- ever occurs first, or such further time as the Commission or City Council may grant. 7. That Condition P~os. 4 and 5, above men~ioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zonina inspections. 8. That subject property shall be developed subsianti in accordance with plans and specificatiors on fil~ with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhif_ L Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. THE FO1tEGOING RE90LU'f.fON i~ ~ip~i ~d ~Prov~d ~y ~~ ~~ 23rd dav of January, 1969. ATTEST: ~~:~ , ~ %it ~'.~ i SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNtI'fG COMlIISSiON SfATE OF CALIFORHIA ) COUNTY OF ORA2(GL ) ~~, CTfY OF ANAHEAf ) ~ ~ ~~ CHA~ A/A~i~ qTy pLA!(NiNG COMMISSION I, Ann Krebs, See:~t~cy of fl~a City'Pl~wi~~ Cw;s~iw ~( tlie C;ly of A~e{~, io hereby certify thot the fo~a~oinQ rewl~tion w~s paesad aai ~dapt~d ~t ~~»~ oE ~ Cj~. ~i~ L+~~YMiM ~f the City of Anoheim, held on January ].3, 1969, .t4;Op o cloak P.M. ~~ ~ .~Y ~ t~i3~~1~~ vote ~t I~e n~nL~rs lhereof: AYES: COMMISSfONERS: Ailred, Camp, Farano, Gauer, I~lerbst, Rowland. NOES: C1D~(ilISSIONERS: Non e. ABSENT: COMhtISSIONERS: Non e. ~: ~ ~~~ ~a E. : ~,l ',,~ i :E - ~ ti __ ._ IN WITNESS W~IEIFEOF, i heve hertunto s~t my haai tiis 23rd day of January~ 1969. RESOLUTION NO. 3 C2G -~~ ? ~,~, - _~~(_ ~'-~ ~R~TA~1' A~fAMi1tl C['[Y TLANNIHG COMA[ISSION - Z- ~ _ ~