PC 69-44r'~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission rf +j-: f;:~ty oE AnahQim did receive a verifiea ?etitian for Variance from EVA PULICH~ % LEONARD SMITH REAL L~ ATc, `~ U SQUth :'.a~~dina, Ar~ahri~r, ~_;':iiorr.~y ?.;g,~-, LEONARD SMITH, 125-D South Ciaudina, Anah~_i~~, Gal;toinia 9~d0;,, .qc~;nt :; cr.ctair, r=;i ccoc~o^y~~. ~ situated in the City of Anahein~, Count~~ r;i Orange, St.at~ o ;aiifo.-;;,.7~:~-.r:.~~~ - of Tract No. 787. =s Lo~ ilo., i9 A RESOLUTION OF THE f~ITY PLANNING CCEIMIS.'°,10N OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 'iHAT PE,iIT1'JN FOR VARIPNCE NO. ~C~~ BE '•~'°~ ~~~ :~. 1'A'' 'ti ~ ~ `. i - :i ~ ,:? ,~x ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a pvi:dic h~:aring -• the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on March 109 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.hi., notice of sai~;a 1aw end in accordence with the provisions of the Anaheim i:iunic?pe! ~~od~'~Ch;3pter 18.68, to hear nd cons der evidence for end against said proposed variance and to investigate end make fit~din~s e~d recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, aEter due inspection, inve~tigat~a~, and study mede by itselE and in its behelf, end a:ter due consideration of ell evidence and reports of~ered ~: seid hearing, does f.ind end detertnine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner requests a verience from the Aneheim Municipel Code as ,` o, i o;~s , to Fs t 3t,; ; s h j two-•story 22-unit apartment deveiopment~ `+h ,. j RESOLUTTON NO..__ ~~a-~~ ~ SECfION_18e28.050~b-a-•i •• Minim~m s*..ru:tural setba:k from an arte:ial hi ~1`~_ ~Y - (20 _eet req~ire~; 15 .`ee_ prooos?d aiong Baii ~o.i~~, SEGTION 18 e 28. 050 6-•b-•2 ~_~ ~_~+_ ~ ~,. - Minimum reauired side drd v~est sidu~„ ,.t ~E~« : r quired~ lO _?Pt r~roposed). -~ SEGTION 18,28.050~7_a1 - Minimum distan;e between buildinas. ;i6 fe•=t ` :UU1: P;j• 10 f eFt p: opos ed j. ' SECTIOPI 1f3,28,050(10-c) - tilinimum_v~idth of parkina speYec, (~O ~foot i•ai~:;; ~= ~ r qu:rNd. ~t ~vidt~ proposeci~., SEC?'ION i8~28o05D( i0-•ai -• Re uir~d rn~m~er ofro•,~e: <Md arkinq spaces. ~ 2P, :o ~ 1 - . _ er :~ parking spaces require;i; 26 covered and i_un_ov_.r_~ ;ropo=Fd; SECTION 18~28,050(6~~ - Ninimum structu:al setback fi•om a locai strF+t. (15 ~- required; 12.8 feet proposed alon 1'Jeb t A ~ g e: s vc; ,u~, ; SECTIOIJ 18.28.050(10-e) - Screeninq of oarkino facilities from adiac~rt strFet. (Adeau_ate screoeinp required; ina~leauate screeninc propo~ed aiona Webster Avenve;, ?_. That althouqh the petitioner originaily requcsted :.aiJer of *.he :equired ;~r,ds_spinG ~n the front setbac'r, area, minimum p~~estrian oassage;nay widths, adequa*_e ac:,ess for City s~:vicr: vehicles, and maximum permissible stru:tural coverag?, revised plans submitted ~:av~ r;iminate~ these waivers, and theresore thA petitioner has requ•.sted withdra,nal of thr-_m. 3. That under the authority of =;ection i8.68~C60, ,~3iver of the s=zeening oi Ga:~iny , facilities ~rom an adjacer.t stieet is hereoy grantFd, on the basis that the petitio:~, s?ip,,;d;~;d to providing electric garage doors which then wou:d elimina±e the unsinhtliness of op~r g~:;~•a~,s facing Webster ~.~~ cu~. 4. That aithouoh :evis.'r:lans provided ±h? required numb?r of :.over~9 r;;r'rirg spa,_;s, tnis c:eated another waiver pf minimum structurai setb3ck from a local street, ar,d the Commissior. the: ~tore, deems it ~ c:• : appropriate tr~ ermit o-,e o en ~arport bays, thus plac;.ng the carports but~ir.d the raquiredk159.ootcsetba~};ea:ong Vlebst..i~q~,nu~ thereby mai~taining the uni.ormity of setba~ks for szid strue?, and thFre.ore, ?he a!oi~,men±ioned w~i~~er created by the revised olans is hereby granted on the Lasi; that the devF;upment ~,vii: no.~ ; be in conformance with Code requir~ments. ~ AE ,y 5. That there are exceptional ox a>:traordinary ciz ,m;r.~n..ss u: ~.Gno,'.i:io-.s ~p~::; ;,~,.P to the property involved or to the in~Ende~ u,e oi the p_op~r_y t~:a^. do r~o~ ap,.;,, c,:;:3!'.y to the property cr class of use in the sam? vi;ini.ty ar~ -.on<_.. 6. T:iat the requested variance is neccssary io: thF ~r,-;~i,•,tion ar.d ~:r.;~y;i...:~ o: ; substantial property right possessed by other p:operty ir. the s3m<_ ~i_ir.it,y •,;,~ ~~o~;~~ ~;r.•~ denied to the property in question. 7. That the requested variance will not he material:y u~'rimenta:, to th~ puo;i. ::~.;ijr~ or injurious to ;.he property or improvements in such vicinit~.• ar,.1 co;~~ ~.;; ~~^;,.h th:: p:o,~~:-ty is located. ~ 8. That t;ie petitioner stipulated to ar~hi~ectural eleva;ionc a~ th_ ;;~:t~~:,: a~,,~..,,,,_ side of the p::oposed development to be similar in design as cha,. proFos~;i 'u.- ~r~< c;l: aodd frontage, and that additional screen type landscaping wouid te• p1an+_4d ;.'~;ng th=; ~ti~ts~.=,. Avenue front3ge adjacent to the open parking area. i. That a letter was received in opposition to thr- num~zou; ~,v~iv~=zs ::iny ~:-,•;.-;~~;a, NOW, TI-~RE~RE, BE IT P.E~LVED that the Anaheim City Pi:~nr.in9 Comn,is~io:~ :io=,; ~::-r~.c.•~ g:ant in part cubjFct Petition for 'Jari:~n~e, upor the fo:lo~nir.g cor.ditions t:r,i:.t; ;:; F,-: t;v found to be a nececsary prer~quisite to the propo=r-d use of the sutjec± p:c~e_~~ ir ~.,~,.: ,~ preserve the safety and generai ~n~elfarF of ttie Citizenc of the City o: AnanFim. 1. That this variance is granted subject to the completion of Re:iassi•i.~tiun ;;o. 68-69-73. - 2. That subject property shall be d~veloped substanti~lly in accorianc~, with p',:s and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim, marked Exhibit 'los. :, 2, 3, ar,d : provided, however, tnat the elevations of t,he V7ebster Avenue side sf:sl: br: r,pmPy_d~,E to that of the Ball Road frontage; that electrir. doors shall be provided for the fou: qara?•.s facing Webster Avenue and that sczeen-type landscaping sha11 be oro~:ided aojoce.rt to .hr: two o~en parking spaces to the east of the ca:port bays, as sti}.ulated to ny the c~;it.ions:, THE FOREGOING RENLUTI01! is signed o;id approve~ by ~ne this 2^th d3y o: '~b.srr.h, :?r,?. ATTESTs ; _~ ~~•~~::., _ SEC.REI'AP,Y ANAHEIM CI ; Y PLAtdfJI MG COMN~I SSION SI'ATE OF CALIf~RNlA ) OJUIJTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) C,:,G~ru~. 7~. /'/D CHAIRhSAN AblAHEIh'~, CI'-i~Y p-LAIJN-- 1~~Ct~N;!J,i' :0;~; ~ ? Ann Krebs, Secretary of th? C?ty Planning Commission of th~ City oP ,^•.n;heim, do heri~by c~:rtify that the r'oreyoing resolution •~as pz;r~: ; and aoopted ot a mc~:~-tin~~ o.` th~. City Planning Commission of the City of Ar,aheirn, he1C cn h1arch 10, 19h9, a: 2:J^ C'.;o..~.; p„r;;~, by the folloNing vote o.< the membFrs thereof: AYGS: COh4J~I5SI0NERS: Allred, Camp, Gauer~ Herr.~~t, ko~riland, Thom. .lOES: CO~J,MISS10IdERSs Farano. ABSEfJTs OJNdJ;ISSI0NER5: ~Jone. TN YJITNESS WHEREOF, I hav? hereunto set my h~nJ this 20th •iay of Marc.h, :;~09. Res. tdo. .~4 ~l Z ~' • A ij ~ ~~ ~ - ,. .- ./~~.~ C c_i SECRE'ARY A;1A!~~IM CITY PLP.'C~Ji~~G N~l,IJ,I55i0~~ ~