PC 69-53` ~ RESOLUTION NO PC69-53 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI61 THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2~5 ~ S£ GRANTED WHEREAS; the Clty Plenninq CommisaIon of the City of Anaheim did receive e verif:ed Petition for Verience from EL VEE, IN~RPORATF~, 2U0 West IJ~idway Drive~ Anaheim, California 92805, Owner; C,. L,. RANDOLPH, 200 West ~didway Drive, Anaheim, Ca:ifornia 92A05, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County ot Orange, State of Ca:ifornia, desc:ibed as Lot 2, Block 3, Lot 26, Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 2 of Tract 419.. I ; end I WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at ithe City Hall in the City of Aneheim on March 10, 1969~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., noUce of seid public hearing hevi~g been duly given es required by !ew end in acrnrdence with the provisions of the Meheim Municipel Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evi• _ dence tor end against said proposed variance and to investlgete and make findings end recommendations in connection therewlth; and WHEREAS, seid Commisslon, after due inspection, invcstigatiou, nnd study made by itself end in its behalf, and after due conslderetion of all eaidence and reports offered at seid hearing, does [ind and deteanine the following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner requests a verience trom the Aneheim Municipal Code: Section i8~;4,0iQ - Per- mitted uses in the R-1 Zone, to expand an existing trailer park on three parcels whi.:h comprise subject property es, !oiiows: Parcel No. 1- 5 overnight trailer ,paces Pj:cel No. 2- 4 overnight trailer spaces, and 2 mobile home spaces Parcel tJo, 3- 9 employee parking spaces and 4 spac~s to be uti;ized either as overnight parking spaces or minor trai:er repair spaces. 2. Thnt there are exceptionel or extraordinAry circumstences or conditlons appliceble to the propeRy involved or to the intm~led use of the property thet do not apply generelly to the property or cless of use in the seme vicinity and zone. 3. 7het the requested varlence is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of o subs:antial property right , posseace<I by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 4. Thet the requested verience will not be meterielly detrimental to the public welfare or 3njurious to the prop- erty or lmprovements in such vicinity and mne in which the property is loceted. 5. That the proposed conversion of threP R-? lots is in r_on:ormance to the master plan of ~eve:opment for ths No~ile hom~ ..« r r parK approved as a pa. ,, of Variance tdo. 200C. 6. ?hat the petitiar,er is advised that. by :esolution, the City Councii determir.ed ~ that the foi10~•iny park and re=reation ier-; shal'. be appiicable ~nd pay~able at the timr- a , building permit is issueds aj Issuance of a building permit prior to May 1, 1969 - 9~25,00 • ~ per trailer space; b) lssuancF pf a building permit subsequent to April 30, 1~69 -$50~00 '~ ~:.r 2railer space; or c) S~:~juct .`ees wi:: r:ot b~. applicable to ovFrnight t:aiier spaces iJ ~ as prooosed in this request, as interpreted by the City Attorney`s ot:ice. ~•3 r ..,. _ .. _. _ .. . ~ 1 ~_..-.~.......ti., ~~. ~ ..... J ~ . ~ . ~ ... .... . . _ _ ~ ,+ , [ NOk', 7'HEF2EFORE, BE IT RESOLJED that the Anaheim City Planning C,immission does hereby grant subject Petition Eor V~rienr.e, upon the following ronditions which are hereby found to be a necessa posed use of the sub,ject property in order to preserve the sa(et and ~Y Prerequisite to the pro- Anaheim. Y genetal w~;(are of thc: Citizens of the City of 1• I'hat the owner of ~ubject property shali pay to the City of Anah_im th~ ~um o~ g2.GG per front foot along L~non ar,d Zeyn 5tr?ets and Nidway Drive, .'or stre~-t iiohtin 2. That the ovm er of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim th9 g Fu7~~s``s. sum o~ 5 front foot along Lemon and Zeyr. Streets and Midway Drive, for tree planting ourpos~-, ~ a P`~ 3- That the driveways shall be removed and r?const:ucted on hlidway Driv~ and the sid?•• walks and curbs shall be sepaired and a drivev~ay installed on LEmon Strest, ~. That trash storage areas shall be pro~ided in accordanr.e with approvEd alans on :il~ with the office of ttie Direcxor of Pubiic Work.s. ' 5. That tire ,yydrsnts shall be installed as required and determir,ed co b~ n=.~.._5~,;_y ~,y $-~ the Chief of thP Fire Department. , 6• That She proposed devuiopment shall be in acco:dance with the requir enents o: the Stete Trailer Act, and that plumbiny shall be provided i~ order that the mohi.e F,omu r,<,:.: tvi~l acr,o~odate all tTailers and nor he restricted to "Calitornia approve~ t::i;F:s" on.y, ~• ?hat Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, dnd ~;, abo;-r_ mention~d, shall he comp~:,:~ .,:!t; pzi:or to final building and zonir~g inspc~tions. . ~. That the owner of subjFct proparty shal'. pay to thu City of Anaheim parr, ~r,; : creation r'ees for ear_h trailer spa<<,, as required by City Coun~ii resolution, s;h.,}; ~r.,;, t,: _ usa.9 for pa:!< and recreation purpos~s, said amount to be paid at the tirie th4~ Bui:dir.a F~rn;it is .iss~ed. 9. That subject property shall be deveioped substant:ally in accord~~ce ,;t,~, p;;;;s ~nd sp~cifications on fi.le with the City of Anaheim, marked c,:hibit 110. 1. THE FO'REG7ING RESOLU7'!ON is signed and opproved by me this 10th day of 1Jarch, 1969. ~I ~ ~p ~-Z c.~u, ~i> ~~i' s CfiA1Rh1A`N ANAHEIAf CITY PLANNING COMA11SS10N ~1 ATTEST: ~ ~ t-~~~ ~~~~ / SECRETARY ANANEIM C1TY PLA~NING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C1TY OF ANAfIElM11 ~ I~ Ann K,rebs, Secmrery af the ~)t~ plnnni~R Commission o( the City ot Anoheim, do hereby certify that the fore- goinq reso~ution was passr.~d ond udopted at a m~eting of the City Pinnning Cummission of the City of Anaheim, held on ~'~~r~f~ 10, 1969~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., bl~ the following vote o( the members thereo(: AYES: COMhiISSIJNERS: All:ed, Camp, Farano, Gauer, N.erbst, RoNland, Thom. NOES: COhyMtSSiONERS: .done. ABSENT: COh1MI5SIONERS: tJone. IN WlTNESS k'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day of Ma: ;h, 1969. ll~~ - '~-~:f~ r , ~~: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLU7'ION N0. 53 V2-G ~ +~x .2. ~