PC 69-82RESOLUTION NO. PC69-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETTTION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2066 gg APPIYJVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon of the City of Anoheim did receive a verified Petition for Varience from DE~N CORPORATION, 1833 ~ast 17th Street, Santa Ana, California 92701, Ov,ner of certain real property Situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full. ~ f `;,~ ; end ;,~ ~ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hell in the City af Anaheim on April 21, 1969 et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hesrin havin been dul lew and in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter g8,68, to hear and c o s der evidence or and against said proposed variance end to investigate end make findings e~d recommendations in connection therewith; end '!`I WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, end study made by itself and in its behalf, , ~~ I end after due cansideration of ell evidence and reports offeced at seid hearing, does find and determine the following ~ facts: : ,~ ~ 1. That the petitioner requests e variance from the Aneheim Municipel Code as tollows, to establish a "~ one and two-story apartment complex on subject property: ~J (a) SECTION 18.28.050(7-a) - Minimum distance between buildings and minimum dis+ance :.1~ ? between parallel walls of the same buildinq. (Several instances). ;" ~b; SEG:ION 18.28,050(9~ - Livinq units locatec; within 200 feet of a standard - street. (Maximum distance of 200 feet from a standard - - street permitted; two units at 225 t=eet from a standard street proposed). ~,.i ~~) SE_GTION 18.26,050(10-a) - Number of recauired covered parkina soaces (153 covered [~~ ~ parking spaces required; 123 covered parking spaces and ~~ 50 uncovered spaces provided). ,~ (dj SECTION 18.28,020(1) - Permitted number of main structures on a site. (Maxirnum ~.j ef two main structures permitted; 18 main structures ,, ~ propos ed . ~. , '~'~ . ~e) SEGTION 18.28.050(10-b) - Parkinq space location. (Parking spaces located within '`' j 200 feet of a dwelling unit requiredg several instancea of more than ~00 feet proposed). ~'' ~ (f) SEGTION 18.28.050(6-e-4) - Structurai setback from a local street. ~- ~ (15 f eet re- ~ quired; several instances at 11 feet proposed . ;= ~g) SECTION 18.28.050(2) - Buildina site area oer dwellina unit (P,-2 Zone). . 2400 s uare feet required; 1797 square feet per dwell- i ; ing unit proposed). ~'~ ,: 2. That waiver of !(g) above is deemed necessary in order to permit the development of `, ~ the proposed apartment complex within the existing R-2, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone. 3. That waivers ot 1(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) above are cons~dered to be minor ;• ~ deviations from code and have been granted to other multiple family residential developments ' ~ in the ast and the p p p g ~:••. P ~ pro osed develo ment is within the maximum ermitted covera e of 45%. ~ 4. That there are exceptional or extraordina*y circumstances or conditions applicable to ~,• the property involved or to the intended use ef the property that do not apply generally to the ~, property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. ; 5. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a r.~ tobthentroleptopinty right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied p p y question. ;,',~ 6. Thzt the requested variance will not be materially detrime:ntal to the public welfare or .~ injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is ;y{ located. 7I 7. That 8 persons appeared in opposition, representing 16 persons presen•c in the Council ~'+ ` inaQber; and that a petition signed by 25 persons in the R-1 development to the west was received ',.a ~ pposition to granting development with the site development standards permitted in the R•-3 ;~ Zone. ~ 7 :, i ~ i ~ ,tY,7:. , • _ . ~',', .... , .~ ~' • S ~I ' ~ ~ ~~ ~\ i~: ` ~~.'~ i~ / r \'. _~:l~b'. .....~/~:i.'~;/: . .: ., i:.~l:l::i'i::~~.-~ ... :~/~:C.`.'1 l~0/I:`i.'.~!'[f \., ' 'l' ~~ 'ti ~~1 \Ji,TH b~niti STR~cT . S:.NTn l.N:.. CALIFOR\IA . 547-6692 l:1~"~ d` !i.:i.v:i Ci.i?v~::`~1G:i =~~3 ."'.'r..~~.`' ? 7 ~7 S`~ ::l s~~~;^~: .^ ; a, c.r;r.L c~:~ ~~, . ~_.t . 'r.~_.~ ~.l~~i .... .ci:.'.~/.'T_.'~.c. - Your Nc. Our Ordcr No. C3~1G~7iOJ 6~Ob ~/ ' ~ Tne follcv~ing is a repo;t of the ti;lc ~o the land described in your application rar a?olicy or 7itle Insurance and is made . withou! linhilirv ~ ~r+ . rhn~~r n~ltn.,T~,~1rn ~vc~~e e~ ~.. ..~.r.~„ i.. ,.7.+: ,..., .. ...,. .. _ . .L,.,~.,~ hnrnfn anri nnt rleArP.d. ~ ` i~JL~l_ _1~:•~ ~ ~1 '?J m,a~----_'.-.-..-...____-_'_._._....~.._." __",_.. i,' ~ : •~~_. . . , . . _. __.._.__... _ _. _..... - ' ..__ ~.....~ CG: w1'.^. Z.:;~.C :._~L..~t,G lri Z..~ S-G~..~ O:, l,'w.-_O_ri COL ,/ G- O "'~-. - _•~..a '~' _ ' :'.:]u2~•-, :.~SC: _O~G ~.S ~011.G:.~. ~ r.,.- _ ' ' • .. ~ __... , uC. LlU?: O~ LO v.°. `2O °.L":G `Z' C= "G.i@ J. L_i'..'~':.G." l: ~.C i.~ _!'f 1:: 'L1:C C2i.;J ~ ' _ '^'G _ o= .:_zo_:~i::, -reeo_c:c3 i:: boo':: j, t~~e lo c: i•::se~liaz,eous :'~~s, r:co:cs o~ ..:.1Q GiA.1:~yC CCL']:'~f~ 2::~ 'i,:::. ~G:-~0:: O:: "i.::i: SG'u'':.i: ~'::'.!.= Oi C~@Il r:Vc~RUi: :Q~pl:1- _ ~wic io ~ 20 oy z: :or•'c~ .,...:fic•: e3 oJ fi~~o= ~•_on oi ~::e Eo~.^d 0= SL'~2Y'- VipO'lS O_' ..G1G C'_F::^~::`CGI::.~~~`Gi:.°.C.~OC.'~., i:5 I~0~1.v~:::: R °c~i:.._r.~ a~ -o-:..- i_z ^e c~_. _.:e c_' ..~_c ~'_~:: l:vcrue, nis;.:...•n-;•. ~,tio::~ ..~':.C: C~::i.~.: ~:27~ .1G'..^L". ~7~ GV~ 7J~~ ._....iT. ~G~,~.-'/ ~~t:~'v _:G~: G.^.~ Cc:::.~C'~" ~1'"`C.' OI~ JC_:~.:^:G'f. S'L_CC'i.~ .~~-.'_a TO1.Yi DC'1:•;; G.^.G IiG=.,...._o...,_ ..v_...._ O: Lfi.°. Z:riG G~.S- c•r.~ocd us ? ce1 1 ~r. &e~d -co c'.,e ° cw:,e o_' C~=__c•_r.~-~~, : ecc•rc~d ,"•'yy 25, 1~01 i:: bcc. 7737 _;:;;e " 9 oz" G:'_-.._.:... ~ ,. .. ~, • r.; ~ ~7 = (:CO_G5~ 'G1 ..Cc . 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TA 7.::C' ~l.ly ~l /LV Hr~yJ ~f.C~:~ 1i1: ~~~. .G~ C~~ ~.: l.: u~V ~~~ ~lil~ i ~ J~::~-'~ :..~~ VG~ ~ f ~~. ~lii1C~ 1'?C'S Vl:~~ ~ l~.~C' 0.~.^ ~titil: !:S:CL CO:VcycG 'iA ~.^.~ S'i.;:~C- Oi' C?~1iG'_'712 O'/ d2c3 reccrced Au,~S'G `22~ ?9v8 =?: GOG:i uGJ~7~ j2,~@ jOi:• 0. Qii1C1c.L t'i@CC:^G5. ~ ~. ~ M1 NOW, THEREEURE, BE IT R~90LVED that the Anaheim City Planniny Commissior, does I'~ereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon Lhe following conditions a~hich.are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order tc preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the owner of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim an easement for road and public utility purposes over the easterly 54 feet of subject pronerty for the extension of Santa Ana Canyon Road. 2. That street improvement plans shall be prepared and all engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim along Santa Ana Canyon Road, such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be com- pleted as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and speci- fications on file :in the office of the City Engineer; and t'hat a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shal~ be po=ted with the City to guarantee the install- ~; ation of said engineering requirements. ?•. That the alignment of the easterly line of subject property, where adjacent to the Newport and Rivercide Freeways, siall be approved by the State Division of Highwayc. 4. That street lighting facilities shall be installed along Santa Ana Canyon Road in accordance with the requirements of the Director of Public Utilities. 5. That reasonable landscaping, including irrigatien facilities, shall be installed on the east side of Santa Ana Canyon Road. Plans for said landscaping to be submitted to and subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Parkway Maintenance. Foliowing installation and acceptance, the City of Anaheim sk~all assume the responsibility for maintenance of said landscaping. 6. That Santa Ana Canyon Road shall be developed as a 40-foot roadway a~ith a 7-foot ? concrete sidewalk on the west side, and a 7-foot landscaped parkway on the east side. 'i 7. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed or in a manner that is satis- factory to the City Engineer. ; 8. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the offica of the Director of Public Works. 9. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department. ~ 10. That a 6-foot masonry wall shal.l be constructed alor.g the west property line adjacent to the existing single-family residential tract, and along the north property line, except ~:i at the terminus of the proposed street; said wall shall be a maximum of 42 inches in height ~ within the front setback. . I" 11. That any air-conditioning facilities pro osed shall be p properly shielded from vie.v, and the sound shall be buffered from adjacent residential homes. . 12. That any parking area lighting shall be lighted with down-lighting a maximum 6-feet in height and shall be directed away from the property lines to protect the residential integrity of the area. 13. That C-;^,-litiun Nos. :, 2, and 3, above mentioned, shall be complied with within a period of 180 days from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 14. That Condition N~is. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, above mentioned~ shall be complied with prior to !inal building and zoning inspections. 15. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim park and recreation fees of $75 per each dwelling unit, as required by City Council resolution, which shall be used for park and recreation purposes, said amount to be paid at the time the Building Permit is issued. 16. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim~ marked Exhibit No. l, Revision No. 1; 2, 3, and 4. THE FUREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this lst day of May, 1969. ~ ,: ;~.~~ ~~,~- ~~l ~~~~~ CHAIRMAN NAHEIM CITY PLANNING OJMMISSION Res. No. 82 ~ ~ r _ ;~. ~.: ~ •y,` ; } ~; 'z ~'` ATTEST: j'` G%Z~ir~~` ~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM ITY PLANNING ~MMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) j ~UNTY OF ~2RANGE ) ss. I CITY OF A~JAHEIM ) ~ I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of F,naheim, do """~--~ heraby certify that the fore oin resolution was :-~• 4 9 9 passed and adopted at a maeting of the ;; ~ ,..y~ City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 21, 1969, at 2:00 0'clock ; P,M., by the following vote of the members thereof: ~. ,~ ' ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Rowland. ,1 _ ;~ NOES: CONN4ISSIONERS: None. ~~ '~;'~ ABSL•PdT: CAMMISSIONERS: Camp, Herbst, 1'hom. ,'-,~ ~ ,,,j ;~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lst day of May, 1969. ,:Y ~ /' ~ ~~ ~~(~YJ~iI ;~ .~ ~. / i -- I SECRETF,RY ANAHEIM ~CITY PLANNING OJNJAISSION Res. No. 82 ~ ~ ~