PC 70-116. ' ~ ~ , .i RESOL.UTION NO. PC70-11G A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THA; PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2183 _ BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Verience from DOIdINIC E. ETCHANDY, 570 North Dwyer Place, Anaheim, California 92801, Owner; AI4ACAL ENGINEERING, P. 0. Box 3668, Anaheim, CalifoTnia 42503, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described ir. Exhibit "A" attar.hed hereto and referred to herein as thougli set forth in full. ; end WHEREAS, tha City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing et the City Hall in the City ot Aneheim on June 2y, 1y70, at2 :00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public heering having been duly given es required by law and in eccordanc~ with the p:ovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,68,to hear end consider evidence for and against s~id proposed variance end to investigate and make findings and recommendntions in connec- tion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissinn, a(ter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itselE and in ifs behelf, and after due consideretion of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find ar.d dete:mine the folle•wing [ects; 1. Thet the petitione~ requests a varionce from the Aneheim Glunicipal Code, to develop subject property with 75 R-2-5000 lots wi.th waiver of: S ECTI01~ 18.26.050(1-b1 - Min~mum buildinq site width. (50 feet required; 45 and 49 feet proposed on 8 lots. 2. Thet there are exceptional or extraordinery circumstances or conditions epplicable to the property involved or to the intended use of thc property that do not apply generelly to the property or cless of use in the same vicinity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is necessery for the preservation end enjoyment of a suostential property right possessed by olher pcoperty in the seme vicini:y and zone, and denied to the ptoperty in question. 4. That the requested variance will not be moterially detrim~ntal to the public welfare or injurious to the pmp- erty or improvements ~n such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. ~ _ ~7 ~ V1-G ~I ~ -1- _._.._,. , ~-~- .. ..~-,. . _`--,-~T-~.-..~.----- _ .. . . _ -- . ~ _ ~ 1~'.at~^,aret 021ces~ Title Oificer Vestee: flLEERT J. ETCIJS;JY nnd LOIS ALTA ETCI1At~I'iY~ huaba^~ end ~:ifa. as ~oint teaenta. •as to aa uadiv3ded 1/3 :araat; F:OBLY,T D. E:CIIAtiDY uud 3tC1~tL'i GtY ~Ctit:,'DY, husb:sd snd wifc. cw ~oini teanaEs ue to ett vndivtdad I/3 intcroat; IIO:IZA'IC C. EiQiA:;DY nad I.:.'i2T .7~i1 ~TC1JS~ll1'~ liuzbund ead viPa. as ~oiat toucnta~ 4a to aa mdiv:dad 1J3 iatcar¢st. Title to be vesied in • 0~6.~GE COC2~TY DEVEIAPHI'.N'P CORpOTtATTO~T The tand relerred to in this rcr.ort is described as. d21 that certaia laad situnted ia tho Stata of f,zlifornia~ County of Orr.ngo, ' describnd as fol2cvss xf-c P;arti~weat qun:tcr of tha Southunct quartor of °action 14p Tovno~aip 4 SoutI~, ~ ~ RangQ 11 k'ast. Saa Bnrnardino Baeo cnd :icric:ian, ia th~ Rancho T.oa Coy~t~s. City ' of dna:~aim, in Lhe ogPico of thc Couutq Recordor of eaid Couatq. '' ~~ : E.XC~'TI-tiC 1I~1~1'ROt; that portioa dn~cribeed ao folloas: BoEianin~ at tto Southweut coraar of said norCtn7est quarter of Chc Soutiicust quarLQr oP eaid Section, runni.ng thanca :lortli aZoag e~a TJeat lino of saiu P;orthvest quartcr of tha Southaast quarCer of su3d Sactfon 50Z fuQt to t}ia trun poinC of bc~iaiytng; thencu Sortb along anid Wnse liae 14S fauC; t~ienco East pnrallcsl to Cho Sout~ line of aoid 2lorehvnut quartor of tha Southuant quartor of said Scction 143 faot; thcaca 5outh purallel to said Wnat lino I4S fuct; thance Kcat pa:ailel'23`:~~ to said South lina 146 :eat to tha point o! begianissg. ~.,F~ , \ ss ~U ~C , y!/ ~ :-i.SO F.~;CI~fING TfiHREFf~OM tbat pottion deocribad aa folloirss ~' Gl~c~~~~j~ U 80 ~v ~~,c•~'%pr~ ° gtanina at a poiat o~s thn Woot liao of tho horthvnat quartor of Lho SouT.h~ac'~~ ~~~ e.ii Vi~~~,..1:~.'vL ~\v. ~ Ig,~ v~s8L35t qusrtcr of Scction 14~ Townoliip 4 South~ F,un~c 11 Wnnt~ San IIornardino IIase and :Icridian~ ::niJ poiat bci~F loczted Soutli 0•1G~25" L'oot 98G.25 fcet from t2ic :iortliucct cornor of tlie tior[l~wa~t qunrter of thn Southeaot quarter of Section 14~ 1o~.~nahip 4 Sou:ti~ P.aa;,c 11 Wcat~ San IIcritoidino Danc nnd tfcridiun; thenca North 89'43~35" Taat 1325.13 fcat rroro or lcoa to the ~nat liae oY naid 2:orthWest quarter of the Southnnnt quarter; thence South 0'20'25" ract~ along t}ie Ennt lino of eaid NorCli::cet quartar 360.40 fcet to tl~o Southcaet cornar of eaid t;orth- west qunrtcr; trnncn Soutti 89•3G'SO" Weot nlon{~ tlie Soutli lina of enid Northwaet quartor 1325.57 feot to tha Southunot cornar of onid tiorthveet quartar; thanca No•rth 0•16'25" West 363.00 fecst to tho point of boginning. ALSO EXCEPTTNC TIi~REFROtt that portic~ doecribed ne followat Beginning,qt tlie Yortheaat corner of thc North~acot quartor of the Southclat qunrter of anid Section 14; thencc Soutti along the Eant line of uuid 17orth- ~.csC quartor of tha SouthenaC quarter to thn point of intcraaction with tY,e North Iine of thnt parcal o! land conwnyed bq DeQd No. a9142~ recorded Dtay 19~ 1960. and filed in book 5251~ puge 305 of Otficinl Accordn~ in tl~n ofPian of thn County P,ecordor oP oaid Orunga County; tt~ancc West nlong thc lnat s~cniionad Torth liac 533 fent; thence :Iorth parnllol with snid Eust line of thn Northwoet qunrter oP zho Soi-~hctast quarter o! Section 14~ to thcs point o! intnranction ~:ith thcs tiorth lino of said NorthWUet qunrtcr of tha Southnaat quartor; thnnca Enst along thn 2nat mentionad Nortl~ lino to ~ha point of baginning. ALSO EXCEPTIN~ TIiEREpROM that portion dcacribnd na follovas ~ BogizninE at n poiat oa tho vaut lina of tlic hortt~GCat quartor of thc SoutY:caat qunrter of eaid ~ection 14. auid point Uniu~ located ;;orth 0°16':5" 4:e~t 503.00 fcet fron Che SouC}iwaot corncr of tho :iozChWCyt quarter of tho Southeaet qunrtor of said Sactioa 14. caid point boinE tha Southwoatcrly corner of th~ land deACribed ir.'n dced to ito5crt D. Btchandy and vifc, recorded oa ::ay 11~ 1954. ia boor; 2725. paga 9 of Official P.ecorda of Dnid County; thence :;oreh 89°3G'S9" c.aat 1324.36 fc~t along tha Southerly liae and ~asterly ~a].ongution thcrcof of aaid land o£ Etchandy~ to t:~e EnRt linc of thcs 2:ort:~ircet quarter of thn South- eaet qunrter of caid Section 1{o thencc Soutti 0°16~SG" LaaL 142.61 fcot to thn 21ort2:casterly corner of the lnnd doacribed in a doed to Don Shozi, et aI. recorded on Marcti 2. 1950, in book 1977, pa~e 391 of Officiul Recorda of Orange County, C:lifornia; thnnccs South E9•43~35" 41esL 1324.33 feet along tho .~ortherly liae of said land of Snozi to the lTcat line of tho Northtreat quartar of the Southeast quartor of eaid Section 14; Chencn North 0•I6'25^. West 240.~7 fcet to thn Crue polnt oP bc+ginning. ALSO ~CBPTI\G all that portioa of said iiOrC:1HC8t quartcr of the Soutl~ucst quurtur of Section 14. Tovnahip 4 Soutl~. Rna~o 11 41eot. lyin~ rorthFasi.erly of tiic Soutr~encterly lino pf the proparty convoyod to tha Oznn~e County Plood Control Diottlct hy final order of condc~maation rer_.orde!1 :Sarcli 1. 1962~ in book 6025, _.._~?o0 2~a2 of Official Eecordc~ Oraa~n County. ;diifornia. _ " " ~_. ~ :-~- ~+rR~l~ll- '_ . auu.w~...i'.~ . _.. . _ ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneneim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Varience, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be e necessary prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. i. That this variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 69-70-65. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and ATTEST: this ~t1~ day of Ju~ y, 1 ANAHEIML'~ITY PLANNING COh1MISSlON ~~vi r/ 2. (~~,% SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, C;TY OF ANAHEIM ~ I~ Ann Krebs, Secretery o( the City Planning Commission o[ the City of Anaheim, do hereby crrtit`y that the (ore- going resolution wns pnssed ond adoptefi at a mecting o( the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on June 29, 19 ~Q, nt 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the (ollowing vute of the memners thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Herbst, Kaywood, Seymour, Rowland. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Pdone. IN WI;;,r,•,' WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my nand this 9th day of July, 1y70. ?'~ i RESOLUTION NO. 116 , .j ~ - V2-G ~ M ~; ~i ~+ ~ I i + ~ ~ ~ .,1 ~,T~'^' --• ~ - '-- C`" ~ l l ~ '~~~ ~ `: ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COMMISSION .2.