PC 70-1511 RESOLUTION NO..,_ p~~~-i51 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY pI,pNNIN~ CO RECOMMENDIIVG TO THE CITy Cp MMISSION OF T PETITION FOR REC:,ASSIFICATIONjL ~~ HE CITY OF ANqHEIM THE CITY OF ANqHEIM THAT N0. 6 -70-50 k'HEREAS, the BE AppROVED tion pr~m qLqNgON ~i~y Planning Commission of the WIDE INVESTORS ~D HA~EL h1. Lp~~D~ p, p City of Anaheim did recelve a of cer ~ INCORPpRqTED Box ~039, pomona Verified Petition for Reclassifica- tain real propert ' 443 East Wardlow ' ~alifornia California, described i~ Eltuated in Road, Lon 91166, Owners• forth the City of Anaheimg Beach, California ' STATE- in full, xhibit 'A" attached ~ ~ount 90807~ Agent hereto and referretl~to0range, State of herein as though set k'NEREAS, tha City Plannin Au9ust 24, 1970 g COmRission did hold a 1eW and jn a ' a~ 2~00 a'clock P. P°b~'~ hearing st !he % end ccordance with the M• notice of seid City Hall in the for and egainst seid Provisions of the Public hearin C~~Y of qnaheim on therewith; and PtOposed reclessification and to~i~ eS gatePandCode, g heV1°g been dul Chapter 18,72~ y g1°P•"• as required by make findin ~O hear a.,r} considet evidence gs and recommendations in connection ~yHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, inves ' after due consideration of a11 evidence and ~eports offered et said at,~n~ end study made by itself and in its behalf, and 1• That the hearing, does find and determine Commercial Petitioner proPoses a reclassijication of the followin ~ Zone to the R-3, Multi the above described B facts: 2• That the scope of the ple Famil • property from the C-1 an amendment to the General plaprat°sed reclassification, ~fna~ ~ General General Plan symbol will be consi ~h~ present time; however,pProved, does r.ot warrant dered at the next annuai its relationshi review, P to the 3• That the proposed reclassification per development of the community, °f subject propert 4• That the proposed reclessification y 15 necessary and/or desirabie uses locelly established of subject propert tor the orderly and pro- lished throu in close proximity to subject propert Y does p~operl ghout the community. Y and to the Z y relate to the zones a 5• That the ones and their ermitted uses ~heir permitted of grass and Petitioner stipulated to P Benerally estab- buildin S trees on the Edison ease Providin 9 an~ court ment - Portiongga~ditional landscapin ment. yards in order to impr~ve the ad g 1~ the form environme~ta~~t to ihe proposed apartment qualities of the develop- R-q -1- ~~*.r,~+ ~ ----- --~...~,~ . . , , .. ._ , . ~ . _~ i " PC70-151 RESOLUTION N0. A RESOLUTiON OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM I RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT ~ PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 69-70-50 gE qppROVEA ~ WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclassifica- tion from ALANSON AND HAZEL M. LOUD, P. 0. Box 203S, ?omone, Calirornia 91166, Owners; STATE- WIDE INVESTORS, INCORPORATED, 443 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach, California 90807, Agent of certain real prop?rty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and refer•red to herein as though set forth in full. ?j ~ ~~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hnld a public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on August 24, 1970~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing having been duly given as required by lew and in eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,72, to hear and consider evidence for end ageinst seid proposed reclessification and to investigate and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; end ~VHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behalE, and efter due consideration of all evidence and reports oEfered at seid hearing, does find and determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassifica~::~a of the above described property from the G1, Gene*al Commercial, Zone to the R-3, htultiple Family Residential, Zone. 2. That the scope of the proposed reclassification, if approved, does not warrant an amendment to the General Plan at the present time; however, its relationship to the General Plan symbol will be considered at the next annual review. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desireble for the orderly and pro- per development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- lislted throughout the community. 5. That the petitioner stipulated to providing additional landscaping in thc form of arass and trees on the Edison easement - Portion B- adjacent to the proposed apartment 6uildings and court yards in order to improve the environmental qualities of the develop- ment. R-A -1- c • . f ~14:~"aT~ ~ i ~ '~ . `{' ?, ALANSON R. LOUD and HF~L bi. LOIID, husbznd and wi ;. I ,~ i i ~_~ ~ F~~ ~-~-, `t A ~, ' 1'hc ]and referrcd to in this report is situated in t}ie State of Calafornia, County of Oran~e and i~ desc ' icd a~ follo~ti•s: ~~~?C~ ~. ~ : ;`` ~~=v~-u-1: The Easterly i32.50 feet or the %orz;least quart~r of t~e i;orth;•:est qu2rttr of tiie Nor~neast qt:arter cP Sectioi~ 13, To~:•r:ship 4 Souti~, R~r,~;e 11 ?;'esY., in L'nc Rancno Los CoS~otes, ir zhe City of An~2:ei^:, ; as uai~ sectior, is :,..ot•rn o.1 a~ap :~cord4d in book 51, ;~a~e 11, A;iscel- !:~ ianeous i•:ans, records of sald O.rar.ge County; ~'i EXCEPl ti~e Nortn 66.00 ~eet th~reo;'; ALSO LYCP.PT ~,n undivici2ci 35/40ths intereGt ir. a wa~er i•rcll ~..~d ~~ur~pin~; plant locaz~fl ?79.4g ieet Sou:.~h and 25,00 Peet 6fest of ~he Nortiieast , CiOi~riP:~ NIZC "'POT• ~ .~% r ~I ~~ ~ • ;'` :'~A1?C~`L-2: T'r.e P;orth i~alf. of tna PJorfh~a~t c;u».r~ar o~' the ;•;o.rtheasL- _ quar•ter of ~ection 13, Tovnship 4 5c~,tt-h, Run~;e 11 ~9es~, ~n thc~ Rancno Los Cc~~o~cs, in L•he Citl~ of Ana;~eirn, Rs ~aid section is shovrn on a,~.ao the.eof. recorced ir. bool~ 51, ea;e 11, t•ilscellan~ous f+Iaps, rscords cz s4ic: Or~nge Count,y; M ~ EXC~PT the Dlortn 66,00 iEet thereof; - ALSO ~XCEPT ti,e Eas~ 1198,00 feet ~heraaf; ALSO EXC~PTII•ic: TfiEREFRObI Parcels 1 anfl 2 tn2t portion that is included ~•rithin <. strio o;' land 70. UO feet in v;idth, lyin~ 30, 00 f. eet ;•;ortherly and I1ort:,rresterly, and 110, 00 Feet Sou~herly and Southeasterly of the ' fo~loicin3 3escribed lirie: • - - j /.-.~,7 f`?' ~-'.~~~:,. I Comrsencin~; at the center line interaecLior. of Lincoln Avenue .ind f•ia~nolia Street; _a,s sMid intersectj.oa is si~ol;n in Cour,ty Sw~ve,yor's Tr~nuit l;ook ' iUf3, paRe y9 on Jun~ 1~1, 1957 on fi].e in the Count,y Surv<~;~or'.^, Office I of Oran~;e Count,y; tt~ence Soiith 8y° ?_~' 10" l•iesr, ~,lan~; ~aici center line of Lincoln 1',venuE bf3G.95 feet to the true noint o° be;;innin~; tl:ence South 13° 25' 10" l•lest 11G.fi0 fe_•t to the bt~;inn:in« cf n eurve L-anr;ent concave tlortli+resterl,y and 'navini; a radius ot' 7a~, p0 i'eet; ti~e~nce :?outh- vre~terly ~lon~ s~ id curve• throu~;h a central 2n;;le of 63° 21{- 20" ~n arc distance o£ LG3,18 feet to a line tannent; thence South 76° 49~ ~p~~ t•,est alonm said tan;^;ent' line 237.50 feet to the be~;innin~ of a curvc L•anr;ent, concave Northarl,y and }iavin~; a radius of. ].000.00 f.eet; Lhence ,~lesterly ~:lonm ~aid curve throumh a~cen~ral anr;le of 12° 3~{' 1Q" an arc di~t-ance of' 219.39 i'eet to a line tan,:,e~zt; thance South ~39° 23' i{0" West alonP; s2ic; ~an;ent line 907.87 feet ~o a point on ttie center line of. Dule Stree:t, r,lst~nt L-hereon South 0° 2S' 20" I:ast 761.90 feet fron the inter- s~~ction ivith s~icl center ].ine of Lincoln l:venue ~s shown on s2iti County ' Surv~yor's Transit Boo;c 108, p2~;~ i{~, ~ iu01~ "i: Said l~uid is describe@ on ~he Cou~atv Tax Assessment Roll for tne fiscal ye~,r 1969,70 as A. P, No. 126_022-20; CA 1-029. i ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ! I`' '`y'r • '~' ~ ~c ~ ~` ' , \ . J /% . c' 0 ~ v„ . . ~ ~ P-11G.C fQS.) n~n~ ~ n, Nr ~ ~~ 1 ~ \, ~~ ~ CL1'A Proliminary Ropot~ Form Of {1~V1 ~SJS. ~tY( {. ~~ ~cri% t.-. .. -2,~r ' ~ .~ ..~......:c ~:J ~; ~ , ._ _...._ . ~. . _ _.-_.~..,, - _ . , . . _ ` ~, F, , ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'I :iSOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planni ~ommission does hereby recommend ` to tKe City Council of the City of qneheim thet subject PetitIon for Reclessifica~ion be eppmved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipel Code be emended to exclude the above described ptopecty from the C-1, General Commercial, Zone and to incorporate said described prope*_•ty into the R-3, . Multiple-Family Residential, Zone, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to ~reserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 1. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of ~2.00 per front foot along Lincoln Avenue for the easterly 132 feet for street ligtiting pur oses. , EngineerTand ineaccordance withlstandardap).ansaa~d~specificationseonsfileuinetheYofficeloy the City Engineer. f 3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accardance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Work~. 4. That fire hydrants shall be installed as required and determined to be necessary by T~T~ the Chief of the Fire Department. 5. That a11 ai*-conditioning facilities shall be properly sliielded from view. i ~{; 5. That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. ~ ~'-y %. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner that is satis- factory to the ~;ty Engineer. ~'` ~. That the owners of sub'ect ~` ~ property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of $75 per multipl.e-family unit to be used for park and recreation purposee, said amount to be paid ~'' at the time the building permit is issued. 9. That a 6-foot masonry wall shall be constructed along the east and south property lines. 10. That additional landscaping in the form of grass and trees shall be installed cn the Edison easement - Portion B- adjacent to the proposed apartment buildin9s and court yards. 11. prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoninc~ subject oroperty, Condition IJo. 1, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or ri hts shall become null and void by action of the City Council urless sagdaconditiorslareecomplied with within 180 days from the date hereof, or such further time as the ~ity Council may grant. 12. That Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, above mentioned, shall be complied witfi prior to final building and zoninq inspections. ; THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 3rd day of September, 19i0. i ' J \ ~'~ ~ ~ _- _ , , ` ~' CHAI MRN ANA'f-[EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AT.TEST: L/vy/~1--L-/ `~,~~, / SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was ppssed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on Augus t 24, 1970~ at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour, Herbst. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None. ABSENT: COMMIS$IONERS: Allz•ed. IN WITNESS A'HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of September, 1970. RESOLUTION NO. 151 R2-A _/_='~~L~c ~~,~~ SE,CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- 5 C