PC 70-1941
RE50LUTION N0. PC70-194
WHEREAS, as a result of recommending amendments to Title 18, Ch.apter 18.68 of the
Anaheim Municipal Code as set forth in Resolution No. ?C70-193, it became necessary to
reflect these amendments in the Variance Petition and Suppl.~~ment Petition Forms which are
made available to prospective petitio~ers of variances; and
~ WHEREAS, said amendments were considered in conjunction with the public hearing to
>'s ar~end Title 18, Chapter 18.68 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investi~ation, and s±udy made by
`:' itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered,
dozs find and determine the following facts.
1. That Page 2 of the zoning variance petition should be amended to reflect the
necessary showings as required in the amendment as set forth in Resolution
No. PC70-193.
2. That the first page of tt~ Supplement to Petition for Vai•iance should be
amended to reflect necessary showings as required in the amendment as set
forth in Resolution No. PC70-193.
NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th=.t the AnahPim City Plannirg Commission does hereby
' recommend to the Cit;• Council of the City of Anaheim adoption of amendments to Variance
Petition and Supplemer; to Petition for Variance Forms as depicted on Exhibits "A" and "B"
; attached hereto and referred to herein as thou h set forth in f
9 ull.
THE FOREGOING RE5 OLUTION is signed and approved by me this 29th day of October, 1970.
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' I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certiFy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning
; Commission of the City of Anaheim held on October 19, 1970, at 2:00 o'clock P,M., by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Rowland, Seymour, Herbst.
IN WI7NESS VJ!iQ3E0F, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of October, 1970.
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ree: $75.00 Variance No.:
I. Petitioner
A. Petition is hereby made to the Anaheim City Planning Commission, pursuant to
the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code No. 774 as amended, Title 18-Zoning, for
a Variance from the terms of the established zone of the property herein described.
B. Read carefully, sign, and aL•tach the "Supplement to Petition".
C. Supply the requested informatiott. Anyone filing, other than the recorded
owner, is considered as the authorized agent of the recorded owner. If you are filing
as an authorized agent of the recorded owner supply the information for both the
recorded owner and yourself.
Recorded Owner Authorized Aeent
Name: Name•
Mailing Address: Mailing Address:
Phone Number: Phone Number:
II. Prope:ty
A. Street address of subject property is:
Property is situated on the side of the street between
B. If the subject property is a lot of record in a recorded subdivision, indicate
the Tract No. lot No. Block No. M.M. Bk.
Pg. records of County.
If th~ subject property is not a lot of record in a recorded subdivision,
attach two copiea of a Prelic~inary Title Report of the subject property each of which
includes a certified legal vesting, a certified legal description, and a certified map.
C. Indicate all deed or tract restrictions, together with their expiration dates,
which are pertinent to this petition;
D. Indicate present use of proper±~ and/or buildings:
E. Indicate preaent ciassification of property:
I'. Indicate all Pianning Commission or City Council actions pending on this
III. Proposed use
A. IndicaYe the subsection of Title 18-Zoning from which you propose a variance:
SecCion 18.
B. Outline in concise wording the proposed variance from the present terms of the
Zoning Code listed in Section III A:
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C. Outline in concise orording why L-his adjustment is necessary:
D. Attach one complete plot plan.
E. Attach pertinent floor plans or indication of unit ~ize and layout.
F. Attach elevation pians, renderings, or photographs of the building with the
building height indicated.
''` IV. Showings
i _?;
_ A. Are there any special circumstances applicable to this property (including
size, shape, topography, lo^ation or surroundings) which do not apply to other property
under identical zoning claasification in the vicinity? If so, indicate the
special circumstar~ces.
A. Does the strict application of the zoning code (because of the special
circumstances indicated above) deprive the property oF privileges enjoyed by nther
property under identical zoning classification in the vicinity? if sn,
indicate the privileges.
C. I?hat use or activity is reRuested?
1". Limitation
A. A resolution of intention by the Planning Commission or the City c'ouncil to
Frant your petition does not tecome effective until you have complied with the require-
ments sCated in the resolution.
13. Sixty days shall be allowed for the recordi~E of deeds for any property
required by the City of Anaheim. If th:s is not done, the ~:etition for Variance shall
become null and void.
C. One hundred eighty days shall be allowed for the exercising of the rign~~
granted in this petition. If this is not done, the Petition for Variance shall become
null and void.
VI. Endorsees
A. ~here may be offered in evidence, on this petition, signatures and location
of property of owners of affected property and of owners of property situated within
300 feet of the external boundaries of the subject property who support this petition.
Such signatures are desirable, but are not required, and they shall in no case infringe
upon the free exer~ise of the powers vested in the City of Anaheim.
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B. We, the undef"signed recorded property owners of the affected property,
herewith endorse this petition:
Signature Location of Property (Address)
VII. Certification
firet being duly sworn, daposes and says: That
he is the petitioner for the Variance in this petition, that he has read the foregoing
petition and the attached "Supplement to Petition" and ather required legal documents,
and knows that contents thereof to be true and accurate to his own knowledge and assumes
ail responsibility for their accuracy except as to the matters therein stated on
information or belie£ and that as to those matters and things he beliaves them to be
Recorded Owner
Authorized Agent
Application must bear the signature of the
recorded owner. If an authorized agent
signs in the owner's behalf, he shall sign
the owner's name, sign his own name, and
attach his written authorization to this
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
day of 19-
Notarv Public in and for said County of Orange,
~ State of California
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim
VIII. Office lise
A. This petition is complete with the follawing documents:
~1. Supplement to Petition ~ 3. One complete plot plan
~ 2, 'Itao copies of a Preliminary Title ^ 4. ~ndicationfoflunitpaize~and
Report each of which includes a
vesting, description, and map or layout.
lot ownership verified.
~ 5. One copy of elevations
~ 6. Authorization of agent
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B. This is to cert ~ that the foregoing petition h.,~been i.nspected by me
and has been found to be acceptable for filing with the City Planning Commission.
Conditions of acceptance are as follows:
Department of Pianniug and Zoning
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Adopted by Planning Cotmnission Resolution No. Date
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S U P P L E M E N T T 0 P E T I T I 0 N
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A Variance from specific sections of the Zoning Code may be granted if it is shown
that because of special cir~umstances inherent in the property (such as size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings) the strict application of the code is found to
deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and
under identical zone classification (Section 18.68 Zoning Code).
This petition will be your requeat to the Planning Cormnission and the City Council
for speciai consideration. Any necessar~~ accompanying documents should clearly and
concisely state and ahow what you are •~;u_sting. The Zoning Division of the Develop-
ment Services Department has prepared ~ iollowing inforrnation to assist you in prepar-
ing your petition and understanding the procedure your case will follow, If you h~ve
any questions after reading Chis, please ask them of the Zoning Representative. Your
signature in the designated space below will indicate you have read and understand the
document and it will then become a Supplement to PeL•ition, an official part of your
case file.
Before your Petitton for Variance will be considered, you must show the following:
1. That there are special circumstances applicable to the pr~Nerty (including size,
shape, topography, location or surroundings) which do not apply to other property
under identical zoning classification in the vicinity.
Z. That the strict application of the zoning code (because of the special circumstances
required above} depri~~es the property of privileges enjoyed by other property under
identical zoning classification in the vicinity.
PROCEDURE: Your petition will be diven a public heari.ng by the Planning Commission
within forty days after filing. The Cotmnission will send you a copy of its decision.
Whether your petition is approved or denied, the City Council reviews the action of the
Planning Commission on all petitions. 1~enty-two days following the resolution of the
Commission, its decision will become final and effective unless, during that time, you
or an opponent file an appeal to the Council in writing or the Council elects to hold
an additional public hearing ~a the petition. All appeals must be filed in writing
with the City Clerk. Within forty days following the receipt of an appeal, a date for
public hearing before the Council will be set by the City Clerk and an advertised public
hearing will be held. The decision of the Council, approving or disapproving the
decision of the Commission, will be forwarded to you and your opponent within ten days.
An appruval does not become effective until you have complied with all. conditions
attached to the resolution.
DOCUMENTATIUN: The documents required to accompany the petition are:
ltao copies of a document indicatinQ the folluwinR:
(A) The current ownership of the subiect propertY,
~B) A leAal descriptioe of the property to be considered. The description shall
contain no reference to other legal documents unless the copies of rhe documents
referred to are supplied.
V/!};IAfJCi: P10.
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Where two or. more parcels are required for consideration on a single petition, there
i must be a clear description of each parcel, and said parcels shall be designated
Parcel 1, Parcel 2, etc.
(C) A map of the property to be considered. The maps shall be clear, complete,
and accurately dimensioned at a uniform scale. The specific parcel or parcels to be
,,,.:i~4`'.~~ considered shall be heavily outlined and if more than one, shall be designated Parcel 1,
! Parcel 2, etc. If the subject property is a lot in a subdivision of record and a single
~4 ' request for the entire parcel is made, L•he tract and lot number may be accepted. In
~~ such a case, the vesting will be checked by phone with the County Assessor's office.
' 2. One complete plot plan submitted in map form. This map should be a minimum size
i ' of eight and one-half by eleven inches, or large enough to contain the following
~ information, accurately dimenaioned to a uniform, indicated scale, and presented in a
, manner which will give the Planning Commission a clear picture of existing and propased
~ ~ conditions:
~ I ' (A) North point;
(B) The names, addresse~ and telephone numbers of the owner or owners of subject
property, of the petitioner if different from the owner, and of the person preparing
the plan, together with tt.e date of preparation;
(C) All existing permanent or temporary structures and their present uses on and
within thirty feet of subject propertyi
(D) Name, location, width, monumented centerline, future highway right-of-way
line, and improvementa of any adjacent streets or easements on or in close proxi.mity
to the sub,ject property;
_ I (E) Property lines and all improvements fully dimensioned and tied in with tlie
monumented centerline of any adjacent streets and intersections;
(F) Layout of proposed structures indicating required setbacks from the monumented
highway centerline and planned'highway right-of-way line in addition to setbacks from
the ether property lines, off-atreet parking facilities, vehicle and pedestrian circula-
tion ways, landscaping and fencing, street paving, curbs and gutters, illumination of
parking iots, drivea, pedestrian walks, and the property in general, and present and
preposed zoning of sub,ject and adjacent properties;
(G) Written statements from the petitioner giving any pertinent analytical or
market research data or other data which will clarify end support the proposed use
cif the subject property.
3. Pertinent £loor plans or indication of unit size and layout.
4. One aet of elevation plana or a rendering or photograph of the building or buildings
with the building height clearly indicated.
5. A notarized letter or letters of authorization to the petitioner from the. owner(s)
of subject properCy. The petitioner may be an owner, lessee, or agent of either the
owner or the lessee. In any case, the petitioner must have the legal aut}iorization of
the owner so that the City of Anaheim can charge the basic responsibility ~f any petition
to the owner of subject property.
(3) }
CONDITIONS: If your petition is granted, some t ical conditions that may be required
(1) The dedication of right-of-way for atreet and/or utility easements. (The deed
for any required dedication will be mailed to you.) (2) The installation of street
improvements such as curbs, gutters, aidewaiks, paving, and drainage faciYities.
(These requirements will usually necessitate obtainir.g the services of a private
registered civil engineer to prepare the plans and profiles needed for the improve-
ments.) (3) The posting of a bond to guarantee the installation of any required
street improvements. (4) The payment of a front foot street Iighting and street
tree charge.
PLANNING CODII~IISSION MEETINGS: The Planning Commission normally meets every other
Monday at 2:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.
FILING llATE DEADLINE: Your petition, complete with all required supporting documents
must be filed twenty-ty~o to twenty-nine days before the scheduled Planning Commission
meeting date at which it will be considered. The Zoning Representative will give you
the exact date of the laet day it may be f£led. It is stronQlv advised the petition
be filed b a ointment with a Zonin Re resentative at least a da or two rior to
that closinR date.
I have read and understood my obligations
regarding the filing and procESSing of
the attached petition:
Adopted by Planning C~mnission Reaolution
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