PC 70-195RESOLUTION N0. °C70-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSI~N OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOAIMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF gCITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~~71-17 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planning Cort:mission of the City of Aneheim did recelve n verified Petition for Reclassifica- tionfrom fiUGHES MARKETS, INCORFORATED, 2716 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, California 90065, Owner; LEROY ROSE, 1711 Westmont Drive, Anaheim, California 92901, Agent of certain :eal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as the North 859.96 feet measured along the west line of the west half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 4 South, Range 17 West, in the Ranctio Los Coyotes, as per map recorded in Book 51 page 11 of hiiscellaneous maps, in the office of ihe County Recorder of said county. ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Cnmmission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on November 2, 1970, st 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given es required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18,72, to hear and consider evidence for end egainst seid proposed reclessi4icaSion end to investigete and make findings and recommendetions in connection therewith; nnd 15'HEREAS, said Commissiea, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself and in its behelf, and aEter due consideretion o( all evidence and reports of(ered at seid hearing, does find and determine the (ollowing fects: 1. That the petitioner prop cses a reclessification of the ebove described property from the C-1~ Gtneral Cormnercial, Zone to the R-.:i, htuitiple-Family Residential, Zcne. 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformancc with Lhe land use de~ictrd on th~ Anaheim General Plan. ~ 3. Thet the proposed reclnssification ot subject property is necessary end/or desireble for the orderly end pro- per development of the community. 4. The! the ptoposed reclassification of subjecl ptoperty does properly relale to the zones and their permitted uses locally esteblished in close proximity to ~ubject property nnd to the zones end their permitted uses Penereily estab- lished throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property rr.quires the dediraLion and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulation Element of the Gene~~ai Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by the inCensi- ficatior of land use. 6. That the petitioner stipulated to providing a 20-foot v~ide plantina sirip along the east boundary line of subject property, said planting strip to be densely landscapF•d wii:h trees plented on 10-foot centers to buffer noises emanating from i:he parking arca of i:he proposed developmer,t. 7. That the petitioner stipulated to removal of a minimum oP G dwelling unit;; in order to provi~~e adequate emergency vehiculax circulation to the carports at th<. nort.hwest corner of the project. 8. That four persons appeared zepresenting 25 persons present in t7c Ccunc~l ChamUer, and that 5 letters and a petition vritl~ 69 signatures wcre received, all in cpposition to subject petition. NOw', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission dces he.rby recommend to the City Council cf the City of Anaheim that subject Peti±ion so: R=classific;ition be appzoved and, by so doing, ttiat Title i8-Zoning of the Ansr,eim Munici~aZ Code be smended to exclude the above described p.roperty from the C-1, Ganeral Commercial, Zone and ±o i.ncoroorate said described property into the R-3, Multiple Family ResiBential, Zone, apon Lhe followin9 conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to ±I,e proposed use of subject oroperty in order to preserve the safety and genez•al vlelfare of' ~F~e Citizens of the City of .4naheim. 1. That thu owner of subject property shall deed to the City of An;h~in~ a~5-foot radi.:s pi•operty~ line r~turn at Beach Boutevard and Orange Avenue, for s±reet widcning purposes. ?. That al1 engineering requirements of the City of Anaheim ;long B•=arh Boulevar~ and Orange Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans and instailatio~i of ail improvenr•_nt.s, sGCh as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading and paving, drainaa~ facilities, or othc•r appurtenant work shail be complied with as required by the City Enyineez and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the effice o: the City Enyineer; tha± street lighting facilities shall be installed as required by the llirector cf Public Utiliti2s alony Beach IIoulevard and Orange Avenue, and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the cffice of tf~~e Director of Public Utilities; and tha± a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City cf Anaheim shall be posted wiCh the City te guarantec the in- stallation of the above mentioned requirements. 3. T!~at the vehicular access ri9hts, except at approved access points, to 0.•ange Avenuc, sha11 be dedicated to the City oi' Anat~eim: and that vehic~lar access to Beach Boulevard stiall be as approved by the California Division of Highways. 4. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 15q per front foot along Beach Boulevard and Orange Avenue for tree plantir.g p~:rposes~ 5. That trash sturage areas shall be provided in accordance wiLh approved plans on file with the oftice of the Director of Fublic VJorks. 6. That fire hydrants shall be i.nstalled as required and deterrnin~d t.o be necessary by the Ci~ief of the Fire Department. 7. That a 6-fooi: masonry wall shall be constxucted along the east prop~rty line. 8. That all air-conditioning facilities shall be properly shiclded from vi~v~, and the sound buffered from adjacent r~sidential areas. 9. That subject property shall be served by underground util.ities. 10. That the owner of subject. property shall pay to the City of Anahu~m appropriate fc~s, as established by the City Council, for park and recreation puz•posus, said [~-.s lo be paio at the time the building permit is issued. 11. Tt~at drainage of subject property shall be provi.ded in a manner satis:actory to the City Engineer. 12. Tt:at any parking area lighting proposed shall be dcwmlighting of a maximum height of 6-feet, which lightir.g shall b~ directed away from the property lines te urotect the resi- dential integrity of the area. 13• Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subje.± prop~,ty, Condition Idos. i and 2, shall be completed. 'Pl~e provisions or rights granted 'oy t;iis r.-selution sl~ail becomc null and void by aciion of the City Ceo;uil unless said conditions are cun~plied with witliin 180 days. 14. That a 20-foot wide planting ,ti•ip sha'1 be provided a~onq thE• cas?~rly boundary of subject property, and said planting strip shall be densely l~ndscapcd with livc plant matr,rials incl~~ding 15-gallon trees planted on 10-foot cc-nters adjacent to tiic required G- ;'oot masonry v~all along the ~ast property line; plans fo7 said :andscaping tu be submitt.c-d !o and approv~d by the Development Services Department. 15. Ttiat in order to provid~ for adequate emergency vehicular. circulation to carports located near i.he northv~est ser_tion of t:he proposed development, a minimum of f dwelling uniCs sf~a]1 be dc~iet,ed from t:lie project and an adequa*_e vehicular cir;ul~tien sysf.om, acceptab]e to Liie~ : ire Chi~if, shall he provided. ]u. Tliat. thr_~ completion of i.;,~,f reciassification proceedings is contingcnt upon ihe grant,ing ~nd completion of Variance tdo. 2215, 17. 'I'IiaL Condition ~Jos. 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, g, 11, ]2, 14, 1~, and iG, above mentionc~d, si~al] ku-~ comp;i~~d v~itl~ piior to final building and zoning inspection;~ Res, No. 195 ,~tx ~ THF ~OREGOING RESOLUII01•1 :s signed and approved hy me this 12th day of' No~embei, 1970. ! -= " / ~ ~ % - 7~ ~ G--C o 1! f'~i` G? .. ^ ? , ~IA~IRMAtd ANAHEIPA CITY PLAPdtr'It~ ~OPJfFAISSIOi~ ' I ATTEST: ~ i ~~2 /'L ~~ /~ iz/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAIdNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPJTY OF ORAPJGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of thc City of Anaheim, dc !.r-r~~ry certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and aaopted at a meet.ing of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on November 7_, 1970, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by thc following vote of tlie members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Allred, Farano, Gauer, Kaywood, Row]and, SPyniour. PJOES: COMMISSIONERS: Herbst. A3SEt~T: COMMISSIONERS: None. IN VJITIJESS WfIEREOF, I have hereuni:o set my hand this 12th day of November, 1970. % ' r,• ' / •L-2~ .~- , ~ ~'Z-, Lv-' SL-CRETARY ANAI~ rM C1TY PLANIJING COMMTSSIOh; i~~ ~+ - t. 4'~j ~ , ~ r1x Res, rlo. 195 `-- .T. . _...,.,, .. . ~ r,